The Elfbitten Trilogy (21 page)

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Authors: Leila Bryce Sin

BOOK: The Elfbitten Trilogy
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     I gathered the edge of my shirt in my hands and pulled it up and over my head, dropping it on the floor, making my hair whip out before cascading down my back. I held his gaze as I reached behind my back and unhooked my bra, letting it slip down my arms and fall to the ground. I had to shimmy my hips to slide out of the skirt, but once it was off I was completely naked except for my boots, but I didn’t worry about those. I lowered myself to the floor, kneeling in front of him and placed my hands on his knees to push his legs apart. He watched me as I moved, wonder on his face. I slipped my fingers into the elastic band of his sweats and tugged. Corbin lifted his hips to help me and I was able to pull them all the way down and off, tossing them behind me with my discarded clothes.

     He wasn’t wearing anything under the sweats and his cock was already hard and anxiously waiting for me, swaying a little from his movement. I tugged on Corbin’s knees, making him slide forward in his chair until he was leaning his shoulders back and was sprawled comfortably in front of me. I placed my hands on his inner thighs, running my nails along the tender flesh. He had stopped me from doing this before, but it seemed now, he had no objections. I leaned forward, reaching with one hand to grip the base of his cock and I heard him sigh in pleasure. I licked my lips before taking the head of his cock into my mouth, my lips sliding over the swollen tip until I was able to swirl my tongue around it. Corbin’s body relaxed almost instantly.

     I sucked on his head until he moaned for me and then slid my mouth down his shaft until it pressed against the back of my throat. Corbin moaned again and I felt a stirring of magic swirl in my belly, making my own shoulders relax into it. I slid up and down his shaft, my hand following my mouth, up and down as I stroked him with lips, tongue and fingers. Gently I grazed my teeth over the tip of his head before sliding my mouth back down his cock. I felt Corbin’s fingers in my hair, tangling and gripping until his pulled just hard enough to make me squirm in pleasure. I began to work his cock faster, slamming my hand into the base, his hips shifted in time with me until he was fucking my mouth and I was trying to take even more of him in. The power built between us as his cock became thicker in my hand, I knew he was close and my magic began to grow, drinking in the lust and heat he offered me.

     Just when I thought he was about to cum, his hands were on my shoulders, pushing me back and he was sliding out of the chair to join me on the kitchen floor. He sat on the cold floor, propping himself against the low cabinets and reached for me. He grabbed me around the hips and pulled me to him. I let him guide me until I was straddling his legs, then I reached between us and gripped his slippery cock and guided it to my opening. When I felt the head of his cock pressing into my pussy I slammed my hips down, sheathing him inside of me, making us both groan in pleasure. I settled myself around him, feeling the titled floor bite into my knees, but with him throbbing inside of me and my magic swirling like a feral creature around us, I barely noticed the discomfort.

     I rocked my hips back and forth, rubbing my clit against him. I dropped my head back, feeling my long blond hair tickling the mound of my ass and Corbin’s hands came up to cup my breasts. His fingers were warm and rough on my skin as he massaged the soft flesh. I arched my back, bracing myself with my hands behind me on his thighs, which pressed my clit harder against him. I felt his cock curve into me as I rocked. I gasped as his mouth latched around one of my nipples and he began to suckle in earnest, feeling me clench around his cock as the orgasm built inside of me, all the quicker for the concentration I was placing on my clit. I felt his tongue flick over the hardened nub as his fingers teased and played with the other. The orgasm was sudden and fierce; crashing through me so that I screamed my pleasure to the ceiling and I came over his cock, rocking my hips frantically to savor every last wave.

     Slowly I lowered my face until I could look at his smiling face. My body was warm with magic, but not yet full, not until I made him cum.

     “Feel better?” he teased, his hands still caressing my breasts.

     “More,” I whispered, making him blink. I shifted my hips again, placing my hands on his shoulders and rose up a few inches before coming back down and began to ride his cock, slamming my body down onto him. Corbin swore in a language I didn’t know, but I recognized the tone of voice and I grinned. His hands fell from my breasts and latched onto my hips, helping to lift me and guide me up and down his shaft until my breasts were bouncing in his face and I was screaming yes, more, faster, to fuck me harder. I felt his legs begin to tremble and his fingers curled into my hips, making the skin run red between them. I felt a second orgasm begin to crest inside of me and just as I felt him explode and he yelled my name I came again, my magic out of control as it lashed at my body, making my pussy clench around him until I was hoarse from screaming.

     We crumpled around each other, spent and my body full and heavy with magic. I felt stronger than I had in weeks. Corbin’s breath was hot against my skin as he panted, trying to catch his breath. I squirmed against him, enjoying the tiny after shocks that raced up my body and he chuckled against me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing me closer to him. I felt his lips on my skin, hot and wet.

     It took a few minutes before we felt sturdy enough to get to our feet and make it to the bedroom. I was more than ready for sleep when I crawled into Corbin’s bed, slipping under the covers and resting my head on his chest. I ran my fingers over his chest where it was tattooed, imagining the intricate lines as my eyes drifted closed.

     “So it really had nothing to do with the bite?” he finally asked, his voice coming out of the dark above me. I felt his muscles tense around me as he waited.

     “It only made me want to have sex more often, it didn’t dictate with whom,” I said, trying to choose my words carefully. “It definitely didn’t have anything to do with wanting to see you again and be there for you when you needed someone.”

     “Hmm,” he said, I thought maybe he nodded his head, but in the dark I couldn’t be sure.

     “I needed you tonight just as much as you needed me earlier and you were there for me,” I said.

     “You did, didn’t you?” he said and I heard his voice change and felt his body relax under me.

     “Yes I did.”



Sneak Peak of the Fourth Installment of The Taryn Malloy Fantasies: Elfmoon



Roxy and I walked towards the park on a crisp June night. It was lit up with thousands of lights and fires, making it as bright as day. Even though we were still a few blocks away, I could see the glow over the buildings and smell foods roasting in the midway. It was the Summer Solstice, and the entire city was celebrating, humans and supernaturals alike. In the couple of months since I managed to get the Hunter’s bite removed from my shoulder, I had been feeling much more like myself. I think I had been with Cillian for so long that I forgot who I was without him. Luckily, Bright Elves live long lives, and a few misspent years with that bastard didn’t steal the flower of my youth. I probably wouldn’t start to look over forty until I was well into my hundreds.

I couldn’t remember the last Solstice I had celebrated outside with other people. As the years went on, Cillian didn’t seem interested in things like this, so we just stayed in and watched the televised celebrations from our couch. Not tonight. Tonight I was going to eat food that was horrible for me; I was going to drink honey mead and dance at the bonfire. And, if things went my way, I was going dance the dance of the Bright Elves with some lucky guy.

“Taryn,” Roxy said, pulling me out of my thoughts, and the way she said it made me think it wasn’t the first time.


“Have you heard a word I’ve been saying?” she asked as we crossed the last street before the park. I could see the entrance now, two tall trees, strung with twinkly lights, with a welcome banner between them. Standing guard in front of the trees were two half trolls, their seven foot frames and brackish skin cutting an intimidating figure. But I knew one of the guards, Baven, from childhood, so I wasn’t the least bit scared. The humans had their police patrolling the grounds so the fae had to have their own security presence as well.

“Sorry, I guess not,” I said as we set foot on the grass of the park.

“Whatever, it wasn’t important,” Roxy said dismissively. “So, what’s the plan?”

“Plan?” I turned a confused face towards her. It always surprised me how much we looked alike, and yet just how opposite so many of our features were. Though we were both just about five feet tall and had the fair skin of the Bright Elves, I had the long, shimmering blonde hair of our tribe and Roxy’s hair was rich and thick and dark, a telltale mark that there was a human hanging around somewhere in her family tree. And of course our eyes were always the same color; normally grey and quicksilver when we raised our power.

“Yeah, what are we doing?” Roxy asked as we approached the entryway. I turned as we neared Baven and walked over to him.

“Heya, B,” I said brightly, laying a hand on his massive forearm as I lifted up on my toes to press a kiss to his cheek.

“Tare,” he said, smiling around the elongated tusks that protruded from his jaw. He nodded towards Roxy, who waved back at him, waiting for me.

“How are you?” I asked, realizing I hadn’t seen him in a while. Baven was a bouncer at the local preternatural club where the non-human community went to unwind and replenish depleted magic stores on the lust-filled dance floor. Roxy and I were regulars there now, but it had been a couple of weeks since I’d been in.

“I’m well, thanks, Taryn,” Baven answered, but before we could say anything else, his partner, the other troll, cleared his throat and shot Baven an angry look. I winked at Baven and he shrugged at me before I led Roxy through the entry and into the park.

“Anyway,” I said, bringing the conversation back to Roxy. “I thought we’d just play it by ear. I mean, it’s a celebration, right?”

“Yeah, but are we going to the bonfire? Do you want to go to The Garden? What?” she pressed. The Garden was the supernaturals only area of the park, designated so that creatures like us could dance freely and perform our magics without harming or influencing humans. If Roxy and I planned to dance to raise magic, The Garden was the only place we could legally do it. When humans talked about dancing, it was a physical expression done to music; when people like me talked about dancing, we meant sex. And though we lived in a tenuous harmony with the human community, they still weren’t comfortable with all of our customs, and our freedom with our bodies was definitely one of the things that still upset a good deal of the humans.

“Yes, to both,” I said as we walked into the fairway and were struck with the noise, heat, and smells of so many foods, fires, and people. It was wonderful. I was happy with the jean skirt and black tights I had worn with my favorite flat leather boots and light sweater. Though the night was cool and I was chilled walking here, it was so warm inside the festival you couldn’t tell.

“Good!” Roxy said with a little clap and jump, making her dark curls bounce behind her. We had both left our hair loose, knowing the chance of keeping our hair pretty and neat in an updo was a longshot, especially if we visited The Garden. Other than our hair, Roxy’s outfit was totally different from mine. She was wearing her gold sandals that laced all the way up her claves and a very short summer dress that tied at the back of her neck; if you pulled that tie loose, the whole thing would fall off. I doubted she was wearing anything under it. I laughed quietly; I knew she was more excited about The Garden than the bonfire, but she’d go to both with me if I wanted. I did want; I wanted to breathe in the smoke, let it wash over and through me to cleanse me and make me feel new.

“But first,” I said, “I am eating something.” I quickened my pace and weaved through the crowd, angling towards a booth that had the most intoxicating smell emanating from it. When I got to the front of the line, I found that they were selling pastry wrapped sausages.

“How many?” the brownie man asked, his pointy, brown fingers clutching a pair of metal tongs.

“Two, please,” I ordered, practically bouncing on the balls of my feet as I took the paper wrapped goodies from him, passing him a few coins before handing one of the sausage rolls to Roxy. We turned and melted back into the crowd as we unwrapped our treats, biting into them and groaning in pleasure as the pastry flaked in our mouths and the hot juices burst to life. By the time we were through the first row of vendors, we were licking our fingers clean and searching for an ale booth.

With our honey mead in hand, we strolled through the vendors selling trinkets, magical amulets, and all manner of things. Roxy snickered behind her cup as we passed a group of human girls inquiring about love potions from a Dark Elf of the North. Dark Elves were so rare in our area, and so mysterious, the guy could have been selling them tadpoles for headaches and the girls would’ve paid double for them. I stopped at a jewelry booth to admire a necklace with a star made of twined ivy as I sipped my mead. The mead was thick and rich, sweet and salty.

“A star of the Shide,” a man said at my shoulder. I turned to look at him, lowering my cup. The man was taller than me by about half a foot and his shirt clung to round shoulders – I always liked a nice pair of shoulders – hanging loose at a narrow waist. His was an easy smile and I noticed one of his incisors was chipped.

“Excuse me?”

“The charm,” he said, nodding towards the necklace I had been eyeing. “You see, the star is made of intertwining ivy and leaves, and there are tiny chips of amethyst braided into the design. It is a star of the Shide.”

“The Shide,” I repeated, pronouncing it
as he did. “You mean the fair folk?”

“Aye, exactly.” His accent slipped, making me quirk an eyebrow at him. He smiled at me again. I noticed the sparkle in his bright green eyes, and I knew the matching green of his shoulder length hair wasn’t a dye job. I could feel the magic coming off of him in waves, calling to the magic swirling inside of me, pulling my body and making my hands itch to touch him. “So,” I said, clearing my throat. “What does it do?”

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