Authors: Patricia Cori
Something far greater was waiting for them, in the deep.
Once again, Jamie swam alongside the great whale, bathed in the music, coming home. Fin caught up to her, and the mighty being scooped them both up in her huge fin, propelling them into a tunnel—the same one she’d journeyed through in her death, racing towards the light.
There was no struggle. They passed gracefully through the darkness of the vortex, through the depths of the great ocean, and then into the light, where the illuminated city awaited them. Everywhere around them, formless light beings swirled and swayed in the currents, dancers to the symphonic rhythms of the whales’ song.
A gateway opened, they floated through it, and then it disappeared behind them.
Doc and Jimbo stood frozen, unbelieving witnesses to what had just transpired. They ran to the edge, to find a stream of whales swimming into the center of the sanctuary. Dolphins, too. The whales’ song was so immense they could hear it from the deck, as Jamie had.
Jimbo looked out on the water and there he saw the humpback whale, dancing around in the moonlight. She kept breaching from the deep waters, leaping over and over again in the waves. In the abstraction of all that had taken place, as surreal as it all had been, Jimbo was convinced she was thanking him.
Or was the mighty whale the embodiment of Jamie’s spirit, waving goodbye?
Around the oceans of the world, the great whales were in chorus, singing the primordial sounds of the Earth. Uninterrupted by the numbing, deafening sounds of the great drums, they raised the volume of the ocean song to such an all-encompassing intensity that
the network of underwater towers began to disintegrate. One by one, they toppled and fell to the ocean floor.
As the frequencies of the whales’ song reverberated across the oceans of this great planet, the Alaskan towers and their sister structures around the world—the “great weapon”—ceased emissions. In one mighty, symphonic crescendo, the entire field of antennae started to vibrate, clashing with the song of Earth’s own high-intensity fields, bringing the entire network of destruction crashing to the ground, in pieces.
The light-filled vessels of Earth’s underwater colonies emerged from the underwater cities in key positions around the world’s oceans, sailing along next to the whales. They were free to come out of hiding at last, materializing form in the new harmonics of Earth’s oceans.
In the middle of the sanctuary, with no one at the helm, Jimbo and Doc were swept up in the bittersweet wonder that Jamie had left behind, but the sadness lingered. They were in it, so very much a part of what was transpiring, a very important part of the awakening of the new Earth.
As they stood there, in communion, Jimbo was the first to notice a strange luminescence in the water, just off a ways in front of the bow of the ship, closer in than the Orcas still holding position there. He called Doc’s attention to it, and they rushed up to the ship’s bow to investigate. The light became brighter and they could see an enormous displacement of water ahead of the ship. As in a dream, they saw a mammoth craft rise to the surface of the water. It was pure light, illuminating the ocean for miles.
While two humble human beings watched in utter awe, it shot like a rocket right out of the waves. It hovered over the ship for what seemed like a moment and felt like forever, and then it flew up into the star-studded sky. In an instant, it was gone, as if it had never been and never happened.
Alberto and Philippe rushed out from the lounge. “Did you see that? Oh my god, something shot right out of the ocean!” shouted Alberto.
Doc looked at Jimbo, bewildered and amazed, and so tired. “Do I get to wake up from this dream soon?”
“This is the most awake I’ve ever been, my friend.”
Jimbo reached into his pocket and pulled out his cigar case, which contained the half of a Cohiba that Jamie had never finished, and lit it up. “I’d like to think that whatever that was, wherever it’s headed—she’s in it.”
“Where else would she be?” Doc replied, looking up in sheer wonder. “You delivered her to her destiny.”
“With Fin?” Jimbo asked, hoping.
“With Fin, Jimbo.” He patted him on the back.
“Huh?” said Philippe. “Where is Jamie?”
“Jamie?” Alberto said, completely perplexed. “You mean she missed that?”
Bobby ran out. “You saw it?”
Everybody nodded.
“God only knows what we are going to find when we go home,” Philippe said.
A bright light flickered in the star-studded sky and went out.
Jimbo took a long hit from Jamie’s cigar as he searched the stars. “We
home, boy. We’re home … and we are not alone.”
Some perceive Earth, and all the life it sustains, as a great conscious being: one mind, one body and soul. Others are so disconnected, they cannot feel the very heart of her, nor hear the song of Mother Nature, which lives somewhere deep within us all, but which, for them, lies buried in silence.
There are those who realize how infinitely small we are in the great expanse of the universe, and how this universe is just as infinitely small in the vastness of the Cosmos of Soul. And there are others, who live in separation, a sensate, physical experience into which they believe they appeared from nothingness, passing through this earthly plane for just this one, brief journey … to then disappear back to nowhere.
Whether ours is the only celestial life-bearing station in the Cosmos is yet another conundrum seeking resolution, bouncing us back and forth between the poles that define that ambiguous expanse of possible realities we call “human consciousness.” More and more of us embrace the idea that we are far from alone in this universe, yet still others deny with vehemence that life, or at least intelligent life, could possibly spring from the same elements that surely exist on countless other spinning wheels, in the great beyond.
Such is the duality of our earthly experience.
Here, on this little blue dot in space, a great drama is playing out for all humanity: the struggle of darkness and light. We have faced it before, and we will surely pass this way again—for, as long as the Earth is plagued with the misfortune of possessing an overabundance of mineral resources, there will be those who insist on destroying every living thing to exploit and possess those resources. There will be infinite wars fought for the most insignificant reasons,
but always there will be healing—a return to harmony. There will be beings of darkness and beings of light, from the Earth and from beyond, drawn into the drama to help reestablish the balance, and right the scales. As there are now.
This dynamic tension is forever threatening to tilt the world to either side, to the dark side or to the light, and there may never be a time of final resolution but, rather, a perpetual, infinite field of opportunity where each of us will choose to build or to destroy, to love or to hate, to give birth or to kill.
The questions of our existence are endless. The answers—for those who cannot see beyond, those who dare not think outside the confines of limitation—lie waiting to be discovered:
the Hidden
. At the bottom of the great oceans, through the eye of a mighty whale, in one’s own subconscious, spinning somewhere out in space—the treasure chest lies waiting to be discovered, unlocked, and revealed.
We hold the keys.
If only we will free our minds, and open our hearts.
And listen … to the music of the Earth.
Often called a “real-life Indiana Jones” by fans and readers around the world, Patricia Cori is an inspiring icon of truth and a living model of the adventurous spirit within us all. An internationally acclaimed author with several best-selling publications to her credit, she is one of the most well-known and established authorities on the realms of the mystic: views of the world and multidimensional reality that challenge the status quo.
She has been interviewed on hundreds of talk-radio and TV programs, including CNN, Coast to Coast FM syndicated radio, the Urban Journal Radio, KJAC Radio Montreal, and 21st Century Radio.
In 2012, she founded the global nonprofit association Save Earth’s Oceans, Inc., dedicated to restoring the balance of our fragile ocean ecosystems and saving the whales and dolphins from whaling, slaughter, and exploitation. As president and CEO of the organization, she is determined to raise the consciousness of human beings around the globe to the potential of the human spirit, in order to alter the course of our destruction of the environment and to reestablish the harmony of Earth in balance.
To learn more about Cori’s global workshops, events, and appearances, contact her at
[email protected]
or visit her website at
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Personal, spiritual, and planetary transformation |
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