The Emperor: Secrets Bared (11 page)

BOOK: The Emperor: Secrets Bared
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Gideon rubbed his forehead and sighed. “Love, you’ve talked to her for thousands of hours on the phone. Christ, you email each other every single day. What’s there to be nervous about?”

He just didn’t get it. Of course, he was a man. What did she expect? Lori unsnapped the seatbelt and inhaled hoping to calm her jitters, but it would take way more than a deep breath to quell her fears and reservations. Today was the big day she would finally come face-to-face with Gideon’s larger than life agent.

What’s there to be nervous about?” she shouted, nearly hysterical with the mere thought of getting out of the car. “I am about to meet the woman who single-handedly made you a sensation in the art world. She’s smart, savvy, elegant, and I’m not.” Gideon tried to interject, but she was well beyond soothing. “And, to top it off I look like a beached-whale!”

Gideon grinned. The dolt. She smacked him in the chest, and his grin grew. He grabbed her hand when she tried to hit him again and even managed to twine their fingers together. She had to admit, the gesture went a long way to calming her nerves.

“Baby, you are prettier and smarter than any woman on earth. If anyone should be nervous, it should be me because all the men in there are going to be eyeing you.” He bent toward her and kissed her cheek. He moved a little lower, sweeping his lips over hers. Her head swam. When he leaned back, his eyes were intense and hot with passion.

Gideon’s voice was hoarse and edgy when he placed his palm over her belly and stared at its roundness. “And you do not look like a beached-whale. You’re barely showing, love.”

She gave him her patented skeptical arched-brow, but he ignored her, as usual.

“You look like the beautiful mother of my child. It’s enough to make me want to tear out of this parking lot and find the nearest hotel room.”

She smiled as she reached up and laid her fingers against Gideon’s unshaven cheek.

Suddenly she felt euphoric with marital bliss. “I only want to make you proud. This is a big part of your life, Gideon.”

“True, but have a little faith.” He winked, and said, “I swear everyone in that room will love you, including Marie.”

Lori’s lips quirked up sideways. She was still unconvinced, but she did feel slightly less insecure. “Thank you, Gideon.”

His smile was outrageous as he opened the car door on their new, and much more 58


sensible, four-door sedan. The instant she’d announced she was pregnant Gideon had started baby proofing everything. Which included buying a safer car. Now they only took the Jag on slow Sunday drives. Since she was at the end of her first trimester, it sat collecting dust in their garage most of the time. It just wasn’t worth trying to get in and out of it at this stage.

“Come on, we’d better get a move on. The sooner we get in there, the sooner I can get you back to the hotel.”

“Don’t even start, Gideon.”

He laughed, slammed the car door, and jogged over to her side. He helped her out, ever mindful of her pregnancy. Lori batted his hands away and admonished, “Stop that, they’ll think I’m some silly fragile thing who has to be coddled.”

“You are fragile, and I love coddling you,” he whispered then placed a quick peck on the top of her head. She wanted to scoff, but she was too busy swooning at his attentiveness. Then, as she preceded him up to the large building where Gideon’s agent had booked his latest showing, she could have sworn she felt him watching her. His next words confirmed it.

“I swear your hair’s grown another foot since you found out about the baby.”

“Prenatal vitamins. They work wonders.”

As she approached the double doors, she felt his lips against her ear and his breath coming in pants. “That’s not the only thing that’s grown, baby.”

Immediately she felt her breasts tingle, as if his voice had so much power over her body. Just as she was about to tell him to behave, the door was flung open, and a woman stood on the other side, grinning from ear to ear.

“Gideon, for heaven’s sake let the girl breathe.”

Lori immediately recognized Marie Gleason from all the photos she’d received in emails. She was in her sixties but could easily pass for much younger. With her petite, toned figure and straight, proud shoulders and vibrant blue eyes, Lori felt herself forgetting she’d had numerous conversations with the woman. She was the only other woman in Gideon’s life, and Lori desperately wanted to impress her.

It didn’t take Marie a second to pull Lori into a tight hug. When she finally let her up for air, she exclaimed, “Lori, I’ve been absolutely dying to meet you in person. Even though I feel I already know you since we’ve talked so much on the phone.” She directed her watery eyes to Gideon and then back at her, saying, “Ever since Gideon told me he’d found the one, I knew you’d be special.” She looked her up and down, and her eyes grew mistier. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t come for the wedding.”

Lori found her voice when Marie’s last words sank in. “Oh, nonsense. I’m just glad your ankle is better.”

It had given them both a terrible scare when Marie had fallen off her bicycle and broken her ankle. As a result, she’d been wheelchair bound for weeks afterwards, then on crutches for several more weeks. Marie had been crushed when she couldn’t attend their very impromptu wedding.



Lori had wanted the whole white dress and huge guest list type wedding when she’d imagined herself marrying Rick. This time around she only wanted Gideon. They’d kept it a simple affair with just their closest friends and family. Lori’s mom and sister, Gregory, and a handful of Gideon’s art pals had attended. Gideon had won over her mother in a heartbeat.

As they walked into the huge room which displayed Gideon’s sculptures, one face leaped out at her. Rick. What on earth was he doing at an art showing?

As if sensing her, his head swung around, and their gazes locked. Lori felt Gideon stiffen and pull her in close. She looked up at him and smiled. “He’s old news, Gideon.

We don’t have to worry about him.”

A muscle in Gideon’s jaw twitched. “I should kill him for the way he treated you.”

“No. He’s not worth the trouble.”

“He’s right,” another voice interjected. When she swung her head around, Rick was standing in front of her, eyes full of remorse.

“What did you say?”

“Your husband is right. I was a jerk, Lori, and I’m sorry.”

She couldn’t believe her ears. Rick had never apologized. Only accused. “Why so humble all of a sudden, Rick?”

“I’m curious about that myself,” Gideon ground out.

“I had a run in with an eighteen wheeler. Made me see things a little differently.”

Lori could see the change in him. He was thinner and walked with a slight limp, and his arrogance was gone. Still, there was one thing left unexplained. “I never would have taken you for an art lover.”

Rick shrugged. “I’m trying new things. I’m here with a friend.” He turned and motioned a handsome African American man forward. When their fingers intertwined, Lori’s jaw nearly dropped. “I’d like you to meet, Paul.”

By rote, Lori held out her hand, surprised when Paul smiled and took it. “I’ve heard wonderful things about you, Lori.”

“Uh, it’s nice to meet you too.”

Rick smiled up at Paul then winked at Lori. “Paul was my nurse in the hospital after the accident. We’ve been together since.”

“I see,” she said, even though she really didn’t. After all, what was a woman supposed to say when she finds out her ex has turned to the other side?

As they walked away, she heard Gideon snicker. She glared up at him. “Don’t even say it.”

“Sorry, love, it’s just sort of funny.”

“What is?”

“The effect you have on men.”

It took all her willpower not to laugh. “I’m actually happy for him. And a lot of things make more sense now.”

Gideon stroked a hand over her lower back, immediately easing the aches and pains.



“What things?”

“He was never happy with me. As I think back, I’m convinced he was denying his true feelings.”

They both watched as Paul leaned down and whispered something into Rick’s ear.

Rick smiled. “Well, he’s not anymore.”

“No, he’s not. Seems everyone got what they wanted out of the deal.”

“Yeah, it does,” Gideon murmured.

When their gazes locked, Lori’s heart soared. She owed Margaret big time for insisting she go to that party. Tomorrow she’d send her a box of chocolates. Tonight, she had other plans.

Lori opened her mind and brought up an image of washing Gideon very thoroughly from head to toe.

Gideon’s eyes narrowed as he leaned close to whisper, “You’re playing with fire.”

She licked her lips and said, “Too much caution is boring.”

“Mmm, I couldn’t agree more, baby.”

They lasted two hours before managing to slip out a backdoor.




About the Author


Anne lives in a small town way out in the middle of nowhere-ville. She is a gorgeous blonde with wonderful curves and a money tree in the backyard. She never wants for anything and she always loves everyone. Of course, she wasn't always this way.


It all started on one Rainey day, as she was sitting on her comfy couch, reading a romance novel and sipping a hot chocolate. She realized the book she was reading seemed to lack a certain 'vavavoom!' Thus, the talented, beautiful, and rich Anne Rainey was born.


Clearly, Anne is a mere figment. A ghostly figure that pops in and out of my head like a drive-by author. Nevertheless, I do so love it when she's visiting, because her imagination really is wickedly delicious! She'll bring you fantasies and erotic delights that will have you grabbing the ice water!


You can read blurbs and excerpts of all Anne’s stories by visiting her website


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