The Empress' Rapture (18 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio

BOOK: The Empress' Rapture
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She moaned as the bones snapped back into place, her breathing were easier, but her leg still throbbed. Sierra glanced down at the wound and frowned. A whole in her leg with a piece of something stuck out of it. “Why isn’t it healing?” She grabbed her leg as her grandfather glanced down and hissed.

“Damn it. Roman you and Garth are going to have to do this. It’s the only way to reverse the poison in her body. That’s a lance specially made for her and they only way to stop it from killing her is your magic and blood. It’s obvious they believed you would leave, not getting back in time to help her.” He stood and pulled the dart out of her leg.”

“That freaking hurt,” she screamed as Roman and Garth moved on the bed.

“You’ll have to drop some of your blood into her wound the both of you. When you do that pour your magic into her,” Her grandfather ordered as the room started to darken.

“Hurry you don’t have much time she’s fading,” he yelled somewhere in the distance.


* * * *


Roman ripped open his wrist and let the blood drop into her wound as did his brother. The children behind them cried as they held onto her grandfather. Sierra had passed out and her heart was beating too fast. He laid his hand onto her chest at the same time Garth did both of their powers pushed into her making her body arch up, her skin darkened as the poison was forced out of her pores.

“It’s done, she will sleep for a while.” Her grandfather picked up the kids. “I’ll take the children to my quarters while you clean up the mess in here and the living room.” He disappeared from the room as he glanced at his brother.

“I don’t know about you, but I can’t take much more of these threats.” He picked up Sierra and walked into the bathroom. The tub once again filled with warm water as he stepped inside it lowering inside. He slowly washed her body as Garth cleaned up the living room.

“I was thinking about that it might be time to call in our marker with Glenn. We could ask for guards to protect her. Nothing would get past them.” He stepped into the bathroom and held out his hands.

Roman handed Sierra to him and stepped out of the tub. “You might be right, but she’s not going to like it.” He laughed and strolled into the bedroom.

“What am I not going to like?” she murmured in Garth’s chest.

Garth glanced back at him and smiled. “We’re thinking of hiring some add protection, more personal guards for you. They are different and can protect you better than the guards we have here.” He gently laid her down on the bed and curled up next to her as he lay down next to her also.

She glanced at both of them. “Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like these new guards?” She narrowed her gaze on them as he covered her body and sent the call to Glenn.

“Because they are different, our friend Glenn will be here soon. He’s half demon and fey.” He kissed her nose.

She flinched. “You’re going to ask that demons protect me? Aren’t they supposed to be on the evil side?”

“Hey, I take offense to that.” Glenn appeared in their room and smiled down at them. “Is there room in there for me?” He smiled nodding to him.

Roman stood and shook his hand, not caring he was naked. “It’s good to see you and no! She’s our mate and your Queen fool.” He shoved him as Garth greeted him.

Sierra pulled the covers around her and stared at the man. “Sierra I would like you to meet our best friend Glenn.” He held out his hand waiting for her to get up.

“Um, I’m a little weak here and can’t manufacture clothes. Can you clothe me first?” She snarled at him.

Roman laughed and pulled the blanket from her body exposing her to their gazes. “He’s already seen you naked Sierra. Remember our wedding night. Guess who one of the people watching was?” He watched as her face turned a bright red and she tried to cover herself again.

“This isn’t funny, Roman.” She jumped off the bed and ran to the closet grabbing a dress and slipping it on her.

All three of them laughed as she came out of the closet and glared at them. “That wasn’t nice.” She slipped into his arms as she held out her hand to Glenn. “Hello, it’s a pleasure to you meet you I think?” She winked.

Roman swatted her ass. “Behave.” He glanced up at Glenn. “You’ve heard the problems we’ve had. Can you help us?” He grabbed hold of her nipple and pulled on it, smiling as Glenn watched.

“Yes, the one that’s after you is said to be very powerful. His name is Stad Aira. From what we can tell he’s been planning this take over for some time. You might have destroyed a few of his men, but Roman he has thousands following him and I’m afraid he even has some demons in his ranks as personal body guards.” Glenn glanced up and Roman nodded.

Sierra tensed as he slipped the dress down her body. “Let him play while we talk Sierra.” He grabbed her hands and wrapped them around his neck. “Hold them there and don’t move them.”

Glenn kneeled down in front of her and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, moaning. “She is beautiful, so responsive to the touch. I take it you want guards for her?” His hands cupped her breasts and he pushed his face in-between them.

“Roman…” She squeaked and squirmed in his arms.

He reached back and slapped her ass. “Hush, let us play.” Garth kneeled down next to Glenn and pushed the ice dildo into her ass. She jumped, but Roman held her still nibbling on her neck. “Yes, we need guards for her, ones that aren’t afraid to control her when she gets out of hand.”

Glenn kissed down her stomach and separated her pussy lips. He traced his tongue around her clit, while Garth fucked her with the dildo.

Roman rubbed his cock against the side of her leg. “Are you ready for us? See how much Glenn wants you? Glenn how would you like to take control of her body guards and other things?” he whispered in her ear and bit down on her lobe.

She jerked forward right into his mouth. Glenn sucked her clit and slid two fingers into her pussy. Her body tightened ready to exploded when Glenn sat back and smiled.

Garth pulled out the dildo as she moaned. “More please…”

Glenn stood and nodded to the door. “We need to talk.” He walked out of the bedroom and stood in the living room.

Roman glanced at Garth who shrugged and moved away from them. “We’ll be right back. Don’t touch yourself or you’ll be punished.” He laid her down on the bed. “Stay, Sierra, we're not done.” Roman traced his hand down her leg. “You’re beautiful.” He turned and left the room, closing the door.

He leaned against the door. “What is so important you couldn’t talk about it front of Sierra?” He studied Glenn as Garth walked around Glenn.

“You want her, don’t you?” Garth snarled pacing back and forth. “Something has changed in you I can smell it.”

Glenn straightened and sighed. “I’m not going to lie to you Garth ever since I watched the three of you something was there. But I would never betray your friendship.”

Roman stood up and walked around Glenn. He sniffed the air and sure enough his glands were emitting the hormone to attract a mate. They needed her grandfather here.

“You called.” He strolled into the room with the children. They both ran to him and hugged him.

“Why don’t you two go into your room, there is a present on your bed for you both of you. We need to talk to your grandfather.” Roman ruffled their heads and patted their butts pushing them towards their room. They ran laughing. He smiled and turned back to him.

“This is our best friend Glenn. We introduced him to your granddaughter and, well, you can smell the response.”

The former king walked around the man and studied him. “He’s part demon and fey. The fey hormones are the ones you smell, but there is the demon side, which is also seeking its mate. I’ve never heard of a fey having three mates. Demons, shifters, yes, but he is reacting to her. Call her out, Roman, I want to see something.” He stood back and waited as Roman opened the bedroom door and held out his hand.

“Come here, Sierra, we need you for a minute.” Sierra placed her small hand into his and smiled up at him as she saw her grandfather.

“Roman, please can I have some clothes?” She glanced down at the floor as he hugged her from behind.

“Not yet we’re not done. Your grandfather is helping us with something. Go to Glenn, Sierra, let him hold you,” he whispered in her ear as her grandfather nodded.

He watched her hesitate, but slowly entered his arms. He held her rubbing her arms inhaling her scent. He nuzzled her neck when he saw the fangs spring out. Roman sucked in his breath as he glanced up at her grandfather.

“I figured this would happen. Sierra, go into the bedroom we need to talk to Glenn.” Her grandfather pulled her out of Glenn’s arms and pushed her towards her room.

When he closed the door he glanced at Glenn. “Now what are we going to do? How are the people going to take this news their Queen having three husbands?”

Garth sat down and stared at Glenn. “You’ve always been close to us and I have no problems with you being with us, but you’re hiding something else I can feel it.”

Her grandfather laughed and slapped Glenn on the shoulder. “Tell them.” He smiled.

“The demon part of me recognizes you two as my other mates.” Glenn’s eyes glowed red.

Roman smiled as did Garth. “Now this is really interesting, but that still doesn’t answer the question of how are others going to take to the news?” He strolled around Glenn clasped him on the neck and dragged him into his body. Glenn stood two inches taller than him.

Glenn smiled and wrapped his arms around him kissing him. He rubbed his cock against his. He lifted his head and smiled, his fangs poked out.

“Umm, excuse me but we have a female waiting for us and if I’m not mistaking we have company.” Garth sighed and pushed open the bedroom door. “Sierra, come on out our time will have to wait the council is here.” He dressed her in a dress and pulled her into his arms as Glenn and Roman stood beside them as the council of elders came into the room standing before them.

The one that married them stepped forward. “It seems we have another lose end to tie up.” He nodded to Glenn and smiled. “We’ve searched and there is no precedence for this, but that is good. With your demon side it will hopefully give us allies should we need it. There is no need to worry about the people they will accept Glenn as your mate and just see it as a stronger bond.”

Sierra gasped and glanced at Glenn than at Roman. “What is he talking about?” She put her hands on her hips. “Don’t you think you should have told me first?” She snarled at all three of them.

Roman sighed and pulled her into his arms. “We were trying to figure things out Sierra when the council came. Glenn is not only your mate, but ours also so this is new to all of us.” He kissed her nose and turned to the council.

The council member cleared his throat. “We need to make a formal announcement, but Glenn, you’re going to have to bind them to you in the way of your demon form. It’s the stronger of your gene. We’ll leave and give you time to form this bond, while we work on the announcement. I accept to see you four in the morning.” They turned and left the room.

Her grandfather stepped up to Sierra and smiled at her. “I’ll take the little ones to my quarters for the night. It gets lonely at night without your grandmother it will keep me busy. Your strength amazes me, Sierra, you should be passed out from the poison, but you stand here before all of us strong, the glue that will hold your family together. Your grandmother would be proud of you.” He kissed her as the room lit with red fire lights.

Sierra laughed and pulled her grandfather into a hug. “I think Grandmother agrees with you, but I’m afraid the council will have to wait. No one has asked me to join with him. What’s to say he doesn’t have another woman out there somewhere? Plus, I need to spend some time with my children.” She moved to go to the children's room when Glenn stepped in front of her.

His eyes glowed red and he smiled as he lowered to one knee. Roman moaned with his brother. “You just have to show us up, don’t you?”

She laughed and slapped him from behind. “Hush, this is so sweet.”

Glenn grabbed her hands and kissed both of them. “I’m not a purebred like those two behind you, but I will promise to protect you and give you my heart to warm and to cherish if you’ll have me. There are no other women, Sierra, and there will be no other woman, but you.” He held out his hand and a ruby ring sat in the middle of it. “This was my mother’s, she was fey. I want you to have it.” He slipped it onto her finger.

Roman shook his head as he noticed the tears slip down her face. “Thank you Glenn. Wait here.” She ran to the children’s room and pulled them out into the living room carrying their presents. “Elisabeth, Travis, this is Glenn it turns out he is also my soon to be husband. He will also be your father is that okay with you?” She kneeled down and glanced at both of them.

Elisabeth stepped forward and glanced at him. “Do you know anything about chemistry?”

Glenn smiled and nodded looking at the little set in her hands. “I use to have one just like that as a child. Tell you what, tomorrow afternoon we can see if we can blow something up.” He laughed as Sierra gasped.

“You will not be blowing anything up. She could get hurt.”

Elisabeth giggled and hugged Glenn. “He’s going to be a good daddy.” She looked at Travis and he smiled running into his arms.

“Can you blow up those bad men so they’ll leave Mommy alone?” Travis asked staring up at his face.

“We’re going to try and find them, Travis. One day we’ll be at peace, but until then we’ll protect your mom. I have many men that are going to come help us protect her and you two.”

“Good then you can be my Daddy, too.”


Chapter Twenty-Two


Sierra turned to see all three of her men staring at her, theirs eyes flickering with a red tint. “Okay now easy guys we have all night.” She backed up and ran into a chair.

Glenn caught her before she could fall. “Come on, Sierra, it’s time.” He ripped her dress off of her and pushed her up against the wall. “I can’t wait. I need you now, we’ll go slower later,” he growled and pushed her up against the wall as he kissed her and pushed his cock into her.

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