The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire) (19 page)

BOOK: The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire)
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"Under these circumstances-"

"No," Jack cuts him off.
"I don't want to hear a memorized statement about privacy laws and all that garbage.
going on here?"

"This doesn't concern you."
Detective Lewis raises an eyebrow.

"Is she in any danger?"

Both detectives glance at each other again, hesitating to give Jack a straight answer.
I feel the dizziness return.

"Well," I add.
"Am I in some kind of danger?"
More silence.
"Would someone please just tell me what's going on?"
More suspicious glances.

"Okay," he sighs.
He lowers his voice before saying anymore.
"Upon entering the doctor's residence . . . things were found that suggest . . ."
He hesitates again, looking around the apartment again like he was searching for some kind of clue.

"Spit it out," Jack demands.

"That he might act aggressively towards

I point at my chest.
"Why me?"
I bury the awful memories that want to regurgitate.

"Ms. Artino we have reason to believe that he may attempt to contact you."
May or will?

"I don't understand," I shake my head.

"He has an obsession with you," Detective Spires adds.
His partner looks a little disappointed with his delivery.
"Several journals, pictures, and shrines were found at his house.
All were centered around you."
I feel Jack's hand on my shoulder.

"So where does that leave us?" Jack asks.
I can't bring myself to respond.
"What are we supposed to do?"

"If anything happens," Detective Lewis answers.
"Contact us."
Would contacting him last week after my nightmare rendezvous have helped?

"That's it?"
Jack raises his voice and starts to breathe heavily.
the protection you can offer?"

"Look, we're doing our best here."
Detective Lewis switches puts the tape recorder in his jacket and opens the door.
"We'll be in touch."
I watch them walk away, still unable to process it all.
Jack shuts the door and hugs me.

"It'll be okay," he says softly.

"Sometimes I'm not so sure," I admit.
My voice is shaky as my legs carry me back to the couch.

Jack sighs.
"I know this is the last thing you want to talk about but that thing that happened."
He pauses to see if I shout an objection.
"I think you should report it."

I stick to breathing slowly to avoid having another freakout.
"It's not like they can do anything about it."

"It'll help them build their case."

I stand up and return to the mindless task of packing.

"But Kat you should at least consider-"

An outburst was the first thing that leapt from my mouth.
"I'm not doing it so drop it."
Sitting in a room explaining every detail of how I was groped by a monster was the last thing I wanted.
I wouldn't do any good.
I'd already convinced myself of that.
Sure, a little voice in the back of my head reminded me it was the right thing to do.
The responsible thing.
I didn't buy it.
For me it would have been nothing more than another embarrassment followed by an "incident" at work.

I start searching again for bathing suits.
I hear Jack return to cooking on the stove.
Forget it Kat.
Forget it all.
The only thing that mattered now was Jack and the crazy stunt we were about to pull.
I wanted to be with him.
I wanted the attention, the laughing, the mushy stuff.
But was I doing the right thing?
The lines of right and wrong seemed more blurry every day.

I tell myself things will work out this time.
Jack will take care of me.
All our moments together will be like last night.
A wave of heat makes me blush just thinking about last night.
We hardly slept at all.
And though, I'd had chemistry with Rex my connection with Jack was different.
The electricity stuck with me.
It was always on my mind now.
I didn't want to admit it out loud but he made me feel deserving.
I didn't have to show up unannounced in sexy underwear to get what I wanted.
That and I was pretty sure Jack would never in a million years lie to me about sleeping with Holly.

The list
keeps itching my brain.
And the trade off is being broke.
Having to work the rest of your life, send the kids off to a sketchy daycare because it's all you can afford.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?"
Jack comes up behind me and wraps his thick arms around my waist.

"I'll be fine," I lie.

"Something else is bugging you."
He plays with a strand of my hair and when he speaks he does it softly into my ear.
"I can tell."
How the hell could he tell that?
I scavenge for an answer that didn't involve money, Rex, or my deranged stalker.

"You think Earl knows?" I whisper.
"About us?
About what we're about to do?"
Jack squeezes me a little tighter.

"Yeah, I think he does.
And he would have loved to be at the wedding."

"Are you sure you're okay with this?
I mean the funeral is next week."

"Pop told me once to stop holding back," Jack answers.
"Don't make excuses Kat.
I still want to marry you.
Plus, we'll be back in time."

"I'm sorry," I mutter at the floor.
"I'm sorry you lost him."

"I'm not."

I turn around, giving him a curious look.

"Ups and downs are a part of life," he continues.
"And if it weren't for Pop, I'd have never met you."
His lips taste the corners of my mouth.
His arms lift me off the ground and I twist my legs around his solid torso.
"I love you," he whispers.
Between fiery kisses we fall on the bed.
"I have for a long time."

My heart burns as I open my mouth.
The words still wouldn't come and I didn't want to force them out.
Jack would know I didn't mean it.
I keep legs around his waist and let Jack's hand pull the fabric of my shirt.
He grins, lightly licking the edges of my collar bones.
I close my eyes, a deeper feeling of bliss with every touch.
This was distraction good enough for now.




Chapter Fifteen


Our suite came with an oversized tub and giant shower with a seat.
Just looking at the slick tiles and lighted jets drove my imagination wild.
Our suite was gorgeous.
It made me nervous when Jack pulled up to the Bellagio and gave the receptionist his card without blinking.
I knew how much a place like this cost.
The last time I'd been to Vegas was just last year for Holly's birthday.
Holly found a way to get our trip completely paid for, though it involved attending a black tie event with a whole lot of boring people.
Not my proudest moment but I was only at the party for an hour.
After that, Holly and I were free to do whatever we wanted all expenses paid.
One of her schemes that had actually turned out right.
I still can't believe you agreed to that!

"You like the room?"
Like it?
It was perfect.

"It's . . ."
I glance at neatly pressed sheets and designer curtains.
"Are you sure this is okay?"
He narrows his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the cost."

"Don't worry about it," he responds.
Then he distracts me with another paralyzing kiss.
He pulls me to the immaculate bathroom and grins as he turns the nozzle on the tub.
He kisses me again, a dazzling kiss that almost knocks away the thoughts buzzing in my head.

"I just," I breathe.
"You don't have to drop major cash to impress me, you know."

You don't like the room?"
His hands are playing with the bottom of my shirt, slowly bringing it up over my head.
I mimic him and rub the ridges on his abdomen.

"I love the room.
I can't believe we're actually here."

"We are."
Jack smiles and tests the running water.

"And getting married," I add.
I take a step back.
"You don't think we're moving too fast here right?"

"Are you having second thoughts?"

"No I just . . ."
I look at the rushing water, like beads of crystal hitting the water's surface.
"I feel like there's still so much about you I don't know."
And there's my difficulty saying the L-word.

"We'll always be finding out new things about each other.
That's part of it."
He sits on the edge of the tub, eyeing my uncomfortable stance.
"Go ahead, ask me."


"Ask me anything," he says.
But I felt like I knew the gist of what made him tick, minus the details.
I sit next to him, staring at his baby blues and letting the warmth of our bodies bind together.

"What was going through your head the first time we met?"

"Don't eff this up," he chuckles.

I let my fingers dance across the tub water.

"That's it," he nods.
"I was thinking Jack, if you let this girl go without a phone number you'll always regret it."

"And then I ditched you."
He shrugs.

"And I regretted it, but I got a second chance."
His grin slowly transitions into another kiss.
His arms encapsulate me, pulling me closer to his fiery skin.
The moment is perfect.
So why was I looking for ways to ruin it?

"Maybe we'll get lucky," I whisper.
"Win a couple mil?"
Chances of that were slim but I'd seen too many movies.
My soap opera week was bound to end with a bang.

"You never know what might happen."
He tests the water one last time.
"But first, I need to wash you off."


*          *          *


The sound of the casino fills my ears as I tug tighter on Jack's arm.
The smile on my face is practically permanent as my mind jumps back to the time we'd spent together in our hotel room.
I feel proud to stroll the hall with our hands intertwined.
The flashing lights and loud laughs only make the moment feel more exciting.
I was getting married.

"So," Jack says, stopping near the bar.
"Should we do it tonight or tomorrow morning?"
Any more time to think and I might change my mind.


Jack nods and squeezes my hand tighter.
It was like we were surrounded by heavenly sparkles with an angelic choir singing in the background.
Stop trying to ruin this, Kat!
Enjoy what's happening here for once.

I needed to finally let go.
Accept that Rex and were done for good, and throw the list out the window for good.
Holly and Rex had their own issues to sort out now.
I wasn't part of it.
For once I'd met someone who didn't care that I was nurse and that I lived in a crappy one bedroom apartment.
Jack could care less if my high heels were Louboutins or department store knockoffs.

"Can I get you a drink?"
A girl dressed in a corset and tights walks up to us.
Her eyes move to Jack's face and freeze. She tosses her bleach blond hair and sizes me up.
Her gaze rests on my dark wash jeans and sandals.
She stands up straighter.
"I never thought I'd see
I look at Jack, waiting for him to introduce me.

"We're fine thanks," he replies.
He hurriedly pulls me past her.

The girl's heels clang on the floor as she jogs to keep up, ditching her tray at a nearby table.

"Keep walking," Jack mutters.

The girl is ruthless.
We speed our pace but it's clear this girl isn't going anywhere without answers.

"What's going on," I manage to ask between breaths.
Jack doesn't answer.
The silence between us makes my stomach boil.
I think of Rex, of Holly, and all the times they'd lied to my face.
I didn't want to be the joke.
The oblivious girl that always got screwed in the end.

"Stop," I say, jerking Jack to a stop.
I see the girl behind us, still running to catch up.
She's tall.
Her slim legs and tiny waist are unworldly.
Her full lips are perfectly painted as is the rest of her makeup.
She was gorgeous . . . and she seemed to be fixated on Jack.

"Trust me," Jack attempts to urge me forward.
"You're better off never meeting her.

"What does she want?"

"How the hell should I know?
She's insane."
The girl stops in front of us, catching her breath.

"Jack," she breathes.
Her stare is immovable.
She can't stop eyeing Jack's body, slightly licking her lips like he was a piece of meat she never got to bite into.
Can I just have five minutes?"

"Can't you see I'm with someone?"
He shakes his head and pulls me closer.

"Right," she replies, seemingly disappointed.
A smile forces its way across her face as she reaches for my hand.
I'm Cindy."

I bite the inside of my cheek.
The girl that gave Jack a sour taste.
The girl he'd closed up at the mere mention of.
Kat, you idiot.

"Kat," she repeats.
"Very badass.
I like it."
Her smile grows warmer, and the charm works.
Suddenly I feel sorry for her rather than jealous.
I mean she was half naked working as a casino cocktail server.

"Look Cindy," Jack continues.
"If I'd have known you worked here I would have never-"

"Don't worry about it," she interrupts.
Her gaze takes in the two of us.
"It's just that . . . well I never got a chance to apologize."
Jack raises an eyebrow.
"I was horrible to you and I just want you to know that I'm sorry."

"Okay," Jack instantly replies, almost speechless.
"I . . . appreciate that?"
He shoots me a bewildered look.

"Yeah," Cindy nods.
Every breath she takes draws attention to her supple breasts.
Her cleavage spilled over her top like the frosting on a jumbo cupcake.
"I've been wanting to say that for a while."
She draws in another breath and finally giggles.
"Wow, it feels good to get that off my chest."
Yes, you're chest is very . . . out there.
"Let me get you guys a dining card or show tickets or something.
On the house."

"Oh no," Jack protests.
"That won't be-"

"I insist," she smiles.
She puts her hands on her hips.
An expert at working the curves of her body to gain attention.
would insist."

Jack pulls my hand again.

Cindy giggles one last time before turning away.
Jack looks as if he might hyperventilate.

"So," I gulp.
was Cindy."
He nods.
"Looks like my description wasn't far off."
He nervously sighs.
"What's wrong?
She just apologized.
We both heard it."

"Cindy doesn't work like that," he replies.
He scratches his head.
"I can't believe this."

Vegas is a big place.
There are plenty more hotel casinos calling our names."

"I guess."
He forces his tense shoulders to soften.
"But promise me something?"

"Of course."

"Don't let her reel you in," he says quietly as if we were being watched.
"She's really good at that."

"Not a problem."
I smile.
"There's nothing she could say to get to me."


*          *          *

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