The Escort (10 page)

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Authors: Ramona Gray

Tags: #first time, #bbw, #twins, #virgin

BOOK: The Escort
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“Julie.” His
low voice had her raising her glance to him.

“Straddle me,

softly-worded demand made her shudder all over and she quickly
straddled him. His cock brushed against her pussy and she arched
her hips, trying to take him inside of her.

“Not yet.” He
growled again and she gave him a look of frustration.

“I want you.”
She’d never heard her voice like that before – breathless and
almost on the verge of an embarrassing whine.

“I know.” He
said and petted her back soothingly. “Soon.”

He pulled her
nightgown off and dropped it to the floor. She felt a moment of
embarrassment as he gazed at her naked body in the bright,
unforgiving lights of the kitchen but it disappeared quickly when
he cupped one heavy breast and lifted it to his hot, wet mouth. He
sucked firmly on her nipple before pulling lightly on it with his
teeth. She arched her back, her hands clutching at his thick hair
as he moved back and forth between her breasts. His mouth was
driving her crazy. The way he used his lips and teeth and tongue to
drive her into a frenzy of need as he pulled and sucked and licked
at her swollen, throbbing nipples made her want to thrust herself
on to his cock.

She reached
between them and grabbed his cock. She rubbed it shamelessly
against her clit, her need driving her embarrassment and
uncertainty from her, as she gasped and moaned. He let her use his
cock as he continued to suck and bite at her nipples, and she was
on the verge of orgasm when he reached between them and pulled her
hand away.

“No!” She cried
out with frustration and tried to yank her hand free.

He grinned and
kissed her deeply on the mouth, shoving his tongue between her lips
and coaxing her tongue into his. He sucked hard on her tongue as he
lifted her and guided his cock into her wet, tight core.

She tore her
mouth free, her fingers digging into his back as she panted
harshly. “Oh God!” She stretched around his hardness, her walls
clinging tightly to his cock as he began to thrust deeply into her.
She clung to his shoulders, her shyness forgotten completely, as
she bounced on his cock. He groaned and slid in and out of her as
she drove her body up and down on his.

He reached
between them and rubbed her clit with the ball of his thumb. She
contracted tightly around him as she screamed hoarsely and he
buried his face in the curve of her neck. Her pussy tightened and
released him in a glorious rhythm as she came and he gave in to the
driving need to come and thrust one final time into her.

She shook and
moaned loudly as he kissed her neck repeatedly before she collapsed
against him. He stroked her warm back and held her tightly as she
burrowed into him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

After a few
minutes, she raised her head and stared at him. “Wow.”

He laughed and
hugged her tightly. “Wow doesn’t even begin to describe it,

She kissed his
neck tentatively and he stared blankly at the kitchen wall as he
shifted her closer. He was already dreading leaving her tomorrow
and he sighed quietly. What had he gotten himself into?

Chapter 8


Julie stared at
the phone in her hand before pacing back and forth in her bedroom.
Court had left yesterday morning and she had resigned herself to
never seeing him again. She had walked him to the door and then
nervously thanked him. He had smiled and kissed her firmly.

“It was my
pleasure, Jules.” He had whispered before leaving.

She had spent
the day in a funk, ignoring Mary’s texts and constantly reminding
herself that Court had only been doing what she had paid him to do.
It didn’t matter that just before he showered and left, he had made
love to her with such sweetness that she’d had to hold back

She had dreamed
about him last night. Dreamed he was back in her bed and his hard
hands and hot mouth were making her nerve endings sing with
anticipation. She had woken from her dream, her body sweating and
her pussy aching, and stared blankly at the ceiling until the sun
crept across the horizon.

Now, she stared
again at her cell phone.

Her mind whispered.
There’s nothing wrong with calling for
another date with Court. You wanted him to teach you how to please
a man in bed and do you really think one night is enough to teach
you what to do? Besides, he spent the night pleasuring you,
remember? You didn’t even go down on him for God’s sake! Do you
really want to go out and find a boyfriend when you don’t even know
how to perform oral sex? Call and make another date with Court.
He’ll be happy to let you practice on him.

Her fingers
trembling, Julie dialed the number.

Escort Agency. How may I help you?” Meagan’s now-familiar voice
answered after the first ring.

“Um, hi Meagan.
It’s uh, Julie Winslow calling?”

“Hello Julie.
How are you?” Meagan said warmly.

“I’m uh, I’m
good, thanks. I was just calling because I wanted to arrange
another um, date with Cou – uh, Cal?” Julie said nervously.


She could hear
the clicking of Meagan’s nails against the keyboard and she took a
deep breath.

“What night
were you looking for, Julie?”

please.” She replied.

“Oh, I’m sorry.
Cal is already booked tonight and tomorrow night. I could book you
for Friday though.”

Julie, her ears
ringing and her heart thudding painfully in her chest, tried
desperately to squeak out a reply.

“Hello? Julie,
are you there?”

“Yes.” She
gasped out. “I’m sorry. I uh, Friday night won’t work for me.”

“What about
Saturday? He’s available Saturday.” Meagan said cheerfully.

“Oh, I um, I’ll
have to check my schedule. Can I call you back?” Julie

“Of course.
Talk to you soon, Julie.”

Julie hit the
end button and then threw her cell phone on the bed. She was
dismayed to realize that tears were starting to flow down her
cheeks and she wiped them away hurriedly as she sank to the floor
of her bedroom. She buried her face in her hands. Court was going
out tonight with a woman who had paid him just like she had. He
would be taking her to bed and giving her the same pleasure that he

A hiccupping
sob escaped her throat and this time she let the hot tears course
down her cheeks. She was an idiot. Court was paid to have sex with
women. Just because he was kind and sweet and made her first time
more wonderful than she could ever have imagined, it didn’t mean he
cared for her. He had been paid to take her virginity and he had
done it. She was crazy if she thought they could have some kind of

* * *


Three hours
later when Mary came storming into the house, Julie was sitting on
the couch in the living room, wrapped in a blanket and eating ice

“Jesus, Julie!”
She gave her an angry look. “You scared the hell out of me!”

“What are you
talking about, Mare?” Julie asked wearily before eating another
spoonful of ice cream.

“You haven’t
responded to any of my texts! I thought that Court guy had tied you
up in your basement and was torturing you!” She snapped.

Julie shook her
head. “I’m fine.”

Mary set her
jacket on the chair and dropped on to the couch next to her. She
took a good look at Julie’s swollen eyelids and pale face. “What
happened? Did he hurt you? I’ll kill the son of a bitch if he

“He didn’t hurt
me, Mary.” Julie stirred her melting ice cream before setting it on
the coffee table. “I had a good time.”

“Did you sleep
with him?”

Julie nodded
and wrapped the blanket more firmly around her.

Mary touched
her shoulder hesitantly. “Jules, sometimes the first time isn’t all
that spectacular, you know? It can be weird and awkward and
painful. It doesn’t mean that – “

“It was good.”
Julie interrupted.

“What does that
mean?” Mary asked.

“It means that
it was good.” Julie said grumpily. “He made it nice.”

“Nice?” Mary
raised her eyebrow at her. “Jules, tell me what really happened

Julie sighed
with irritation. “What do you want me to say, Mary? That it was
magical and special and the most amazing night of my life? It was!
Court made me feel gorgeous and wanted and I had so many orgasms, I
lost count! There! Are you happy now?”

She waited for
Mary to get angry at her, to tell her to kiss her ass and storm
out, and she could feel the tears threatening again when Mary
scooted closer and put her arm around her. She hugged Julie tightly
and kissed the top of her head when Julie rested her cheek against
her shoulder.

“Then why are
you sad? Why are you sitting in your dark house, wrapped in a
blanket and eating ice cream?”

Julie shrugged.
“I don’t know. I just – I guess I thought maybe Court felt
something for me.”

Mary frowned.
“Julie, he was being paid to – “

“I know!” Julie
nearly shouted. “I’m a silly little girl who thought a man paid to
deflower me, wanted something more!”

Mary winced and
held her more tightly. “I’m so sorry, Jules. This is all my fault.”
She whispered.

Julie shook her
head. “It isn’t, Mary. It was a good idea and I’ll get over it. I
will. It was the right thing to do and I’m happy I did it.”

“Are you?” Mary
gave her a searching look.

“Yes.” Julie
said firmly. She wasn’t lying. Despite everything, she couldn’t
regret giving Court her virginity. She might have paid him to do it
but for that brief time, he had made her forget that he was only
doing a job. She would always be grateful to him.

“I just need
some time.” She repeated herself.

“No. What you
need is a distraction.” Mary said firmly. “We’re going out Friday

“What? No, I
can’t.” Julie gave her a horrified look.

“You can and
you will.” Mary replied. “You paid a man to take your virginity so
you didn’t have to worry about it. Now it’s time to find your
happily ever after.”

“Mary – “

Mary shook her
head. “No, Jules. I’m not letting you back out of the plan. You
want to find someone, don’t you? Well, you’re not going to find
them sitting in the dark and eating ice cream. We’re going out
Friday night and that’s final.”

* * *


“What the hell
is wrong with you, man?”

Court glared at
his best friend. “Nothing’s wrong with me, Mark.”

Mark took a sip of his beer and stretched his jean-clad legs out
under the table. “You’ve been moping around for the last three days
at work and you tore a strip off of Jim earlier.”

wrong.” Court took his own swallow of beer and stared moodily
around the bar. He was already regretting letting Mark drag him out
to this meat market after work. He hadn’t wanted to go but he
hadn’t wanted to go back to his empty apartment either. He had done
nothing but think about Julie all week and he had texted Cal twice
to find out if she had set up another date.

She hadn’t and
he was more hurt by that then he had any right to be. Julie had
made it clear what she was looking for and besides, what did he
think was going to happen between them? She thought he was an
escort for God’s sake.

He sighed and
wiped at a smear of dirt on his jeans. They had worked late,
working straight through dinner and into the night, and they had
come straight from the construction site to the bar. He was feeling
remarkably out of place. He had thought they would hit their usual
pub, it was full of blue-collar workers like himself, and he felt
awkward and out of place in this dark and noisy club.

“Why the hell
did you drag me here anyway?” He asked irritably. “What’s wrong
with Flannigan’s?”

Mark rolled his
eyes. “In case you haven’t noticed, the ratio of women to men in
Flannigan’s is horrendous. This place has got plenty of eye

He eyed the
skimpily-dressed women sauntering past their table and tipped his
beer to them. They looked both he and Court up and down, and Court
felt his face burn when one of them whispered to the others and the
lot of them broke into that high-pitched giggling that made his
ears bleed.

“We don’t
belong here, Mark.” He said through gritted teeth. “One, the women
here are all barely over eighteen and two, they don’t want guys
like us. They want pretty boys who can buy them whatever they want
and take them out on daddy’s goddamn sailboat.”

Mark scoffed
loudly. “Whatever, man. The ladies in this place love men like us.
They think they want those boys who wouldn’t know a goddamn hammer
from a screwdriver but I guarantee you that by the end of the
night, they’ll be all over us.”

“Yeah, great.”
Court muttered.

man.” Mark gave him an irritated look. “What the fuck is going on
with you? It’s about time you got over that bitch Janine and got
yourself some young, hot tail. Christ, you’re the only guy I know
who would turn down a woman’s invitation for a night of hot,
meaningless sex.”

“Yes, because
hot, meaningless sex solves everyone’s problems.” Court responded

“Hey, don’t
knock it until you’ve tried it.” Mark shrugged and took another
drink of beer. “Last week I met up with this smoking hot chick. She
took me back to her place and Christ on a pony could that girl
suck. She was like a goddamn Hoover. I’ve never had so – “

He stopped as
Court cursed loudly. The crowd of people had thinned a bit and Mark
followed his gaze to the woman perched nervously on a bar stool at
one of the small tables scattered throughout the room. She was
dressed in jeans and a soft pink blouse and she was smiling faintly
at the blond man leaning casually against the table.

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