The Everything Guide to Herbal Remedies (42 page)

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Authors: Martha Schindler Connors

BOOK: The Everything Guide to Herbal Remedies
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Licorice, 15, 282; as adaptogen, 20; allergic reactions to, 238; children and, 231; colds and flu, 27, 81, 170; diet and, 217; digestion, 25, 26; hair care, 198; immune system, 157, 166; infections, 161; interactions, 235, 237; skin, 175; ulcers, 144

Liver diseases, 95–97, 237, 272

Maca, 282; diet and, 216; men and, 51; sunscreen, 172

Macular degeneration, 63, 64

Maitake, 12

Mangosteen, 21

Maritime pine, 282, 283; asthma, 126; attention disorders, 80, 136; cardiovascular health, 62; diet and, 213, 214; facial care, 206; immune system, 236; men and, 51; pain relief, 42; vision, 64; women and, 37

Marshmallow, 282; as antimicrobial, 187; colds and flu, 27; digestion, 25, 26; hair care, 197; ulcers, 144

Mate, 255, 282; avoiding in pregnancy, 42, 230; diet and, 216, 218; interactions, 234; nausea, 25; as stimulant, 28


Menopause, 43–45, 272

Men’s issues, 46–55, 268, 271, 273

Menstruation, 36–37

Migraines, 31, 112–13, 129–30

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 68

Milk thistle, 226, 242, 282; allergic reactions to, 238; chemistry of, 6; diabetes, 95; liver, 97

Mood, 29, 128, 132–33

Morphine, 20

Oral care

Mushrooms, medicinal, 12–13

Naturopathic doctors, 247–48

Nausea, 25, 149–50, 184–85, 272

Neem, 282; fertility, 40; immune system, 236; as insect repellant, 190; lice, 83; oral care, 176; ulcers, 144

Nettle, 282; colds and flu, 119; hair care, 197, 200, 202; interactions, 234, 237; men and, 53; osteoarthritis, 67; urinary tract, 26

NSAIDS, 20, 106

Nutmeg, 217

Oats, 283; digestion, 143; interactions, 236; skin, 82, 122

Oils and ointments, 262–64

Olive, 255, 283; cardiovascular health, 62; digestion, 147; hair care, 194; interactions, 237; sunscreen, 172

Onion, 13–14, 283; diet and, 218; interactions, 234, 235

Opium poppies, 20

Oral care, 175–76, 272

Oregano, 23, 184

Osteoarthritis, 65, 66–67

Osteoporosis, 65–66, 272

Pain relief, 20, 103–13, 168–69, 268, 272

Parsley, 176

Passionflower, 283; addictions, 29, 138; anxiety, 79, 133; children and, 231; interactions, 233; mood, 29; as nervine, 18; sleep, 28, 174

Peanuts, 219

Peppermint, 15, 151, 243, 283; allergic reactions to, 238; allergies, 124; avoiding in pregnancy, 231; children and, 231; colds and flu, 27, 170; digestion, 25, 78, 151, 171; hair care, 198; nausea, 42; oral care, 176; pain relief, 111

Phyllanthus, 21

Phytochemicals, 4–5, 9–10, 105–6

Pineapple, 276, 283; diet and, 214; digestion, 25, 152, 171; facial care, 206; interactions, 235; pain relief, 108, 111, 188

Polyphenols, 5–6, 24

Pomegranate, 283; as antioxidant, 24; cardiovascular health, 62, 92; diet and, 213; facial care, 206; infections, 165; interactions, 237

Pregnancy, 41–42, 230–31, 273

Prickly pear, 95, 170

Prostate health, 48, 52–54

Psychological and emotional issues, 127–

38; anxiety, 79, 128, 129, 132–33, 267; attention difficulties, 79–80, 128, 135–36, 268; children and, 78–80; mood disorders, 128, 132–33; stress, 19, 36, 129, 131–

32, 273; substance abuse, 128, 136–38

Psyllium, 283; avoiding in pregnancy, 231; cardiovascular health, 92; children and, 231; diabetes, 95; diarrhea, 148; diet and, 219; digestion, 25, 26, 78, 147, 171; hair care, 197; interactions, 236; nausea, 42, 185

Puberty, 85

Pumpkin, 53

Pygeum, 53

Red clover, 283; avoiding for children, 73, 231; avoiding in pregnancy, 42, 230; hangovers, 170; interactions, 235, 236; men and, 48; osteoporosis, 66; women and, 32, 35, 45

Reishi, 12, 18, 284; cancer, 100; immune system, 157, 236; interactions, 235, 237; nausea, 186; as nervine, 18

Rhinitis, 157–59

Rhodiola, 15, 284; as adaptogen, 20; diet and, 217; fertility, 41; mood, 29, 135

Rice bran, 284; cardiovascular health, 92; children and, 75, 231; skin, 76

Ringworm, 163, 273

Ritha, 194

Rooibos, 255, 284; allergies, 124; digestion, 151; memory, 69

Rose, 284; facial care, 206, 265

Rose hip, 108

Rosemary, 243, 284; as anti-inflammatory, 21; as antimicrobial, 23; as antioxidant, 9; colds and flu, 27; diarrhea, 184; digestion, 25; hair care, 200; immune system, 158

Rye grass, 53

Safety and efficacy issues, 220–39; allergic reactions to, 238; interactions, 226, 232–37; medical conditions, 228–32; regulation/labeling/testing, 221–28

Sage, 243, 284; allergic reactions to, 238; as anti-inflammatory, 21; avoiding in pregnancy, 230; body odor, 86; infections, 161; interactions, 233, 234, 237; memory, 69

Saint John’s wort, 15, 227, 229–30, 242, 284; addictions, 29, 138; avoiding in pregnancy, 42, 230; burns, 183; infections, 77, 85, 163; interactions, 59, 231; mood, 29,

Saint John’s wort—

135; as nervine, 18; pain relief, 111; skin, 122, 175; stress, 132; women and, 37, 45

Sangre de grado, 285; diarrhea, 149; digestion, 25; skin, 189

Saw palmetto, 242, 285; cancer, 100; hair care, 202; interactions, 236; men and, 53

Scars, 273

Schisandra, 285; as adaptogen, 20; liver, 97; men and, 48; stress, 132

Sciatica, 109

Sedatives, natural, 16–17, 28, 232–33.

Anxiety; Sleep

Self-care and beauty, 191–206, 264–66

Seniors’ issues, 56–69, 231

Senna, avoiding for children, 73

Sesame, 255; fertility, 41; sunscreen, 172

Sexual health and fertility: in men, 48, 50–

52, 271; in women, 40–41, 271

Shatavari, 41

Shea, 172

Shiitake, 12

Shikakai, 195

Skin, 267, 270, 271, 272; allergies and, 119–

22; infections of, 162; inflammation of, 174–75; irritation of, 188–90.
See also


Skullcap, 18

Sleep, 173–74, 258, 271; diet and, 208–9; in men, 54–55; sedatives, 28

Slippery elm, 285; children and, 74, 231; colds and flu, 81, 170

Soy, 13, 285; cardiovascular health, 92; chemistry of, 6; facial care, 205; hair care, 199, 202; interactions, 236; men and, 48; osteoporosis, 66; women and, 32, 45

Spearmint, 27, 176

Spinach, 172

Sprains and strains, 110–11, 187–88, 273

Stimulants, 28, 233–34

Strep infections, 158–59

Stress, 19, 36, 129, 131–32, 273

Substance abuse, 128, 136–38

Sunburn, 171–73, 182–83, 273

Sunflowers, 172

Surgery, 229

Swimmer’s ear, 83–84

Syrups, 259–60

Taxol, 4

Tea, 15, 255, 285; as anti-inflammatory, 21; as antioxidant, 9; avoiding in pregnancy, 42; cancer, 100; cardiovascular health, 92; diarrhea, 149; diet and, 213, 216, 219; digestion, 25; facial care, 206; hair care, 194, 196, 198, 202; interactions, 234; nausea, 25; oral care, 176; osteoporosis, 66; skin, 122; as stimulant, 28; sunscreen, 172; urinary tract, 26

Teas, making therapeutic, 255–58

Tea tree, 169, 180–81, 285; acne, 204; as antimicrobial, 23; children and, 84; hair care, 199; immune system, 166; infections, 165; lice, 83; skin, 189; teenagers and, 85; urinary tract, 39

Teething, 73–74, 273

Tendinitis, 107–8

Terpenoids, 5–6

Thermogenesis (TEF), 211, 218–19

Thyme: as antimicrobial, 23; diarrhea, 184; hair care, 200

Tinctures, 243, 250–51, 260–61

Tinea infections, 163–65

Tinospora, 285; colds and flu, 119; immune system, 236; interactions, 234

Toenail fungus, 164–65

Tomato: diet and, 218; facial care, 205; sunscreen, 172

Tonics, 17, 19–20, 156

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 3, 18, 248

Tulsi, 18, 285; as adaptogen, 20; diabetes, 95

Turkey tail, 100

Turmeric, 286; allergic reactions to, 238; as anti-inflammatory, 21; as antioxidant, 9, 24; Ayurvedic medicine and, 18; bruises, 182; cardiovascular health, 62; diet and, 218; digestion, 142, 171; interactions, 235; memory, 69; pain relief, 108; surgery and, 229

Ulcers, 142–44, 274

Urinary tract infections, 37–38, 39, 274

Urticaria, 120, 121–22

Vaginal infections, 38–39

Valerian, 243, 286; anxiety, 133; interactions, 233, 237; sleep, 28, 55, 174

Varicose veins, 274

Viral infections, 156, 159–61, 274

Vision issues, 62–64, 267, 274

Vitamin B, 199

Vitamin C, 24, 217

Vitamin E, 24

Vitex, 286; acne, 204; avoiding in pregnancy, 42, 230; fertility, 41; interactions, 236; women and, 35, 37

Warts, 159–61, 274

Water retention, 268

Weight management, 207–19, 274

Wheat, 143

Willow, 286; allergic reactions to, 238; headaches, 113; interactions, 235; pain relief, 20, 110

Witch hazel, 286; allergies, 124; avoiding in pregnancy, 231; burns, 183; infections, 85, 163; pain relief, 42; skin, 189

Women’s issues, 30–45, 129, 268, 271, 272, 273, 274

Wounds, 161–63, 186–87, 269, 272

Yarrow, 286; allergic reactions to, 115, 238; as anti-inflammatory, 21; as antimicrobial, 187; body odor, 86; pain relief, 111

Yeast infection, 274

Yohimbe, 286; fertility, 41; interactions, 237; men and, 51

Yucca, 195

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