The Everything Guide to Living Off the Grid (46 page)

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Hunting procedures

about: overview of, 141–42

approaching downed game, 146

blinds and stands, 143

calling game, 143–44

driving, 144

field dressing larger game, 148–49.
See also
Processing meat

flushing, 144

post-hunt, 147–49

posting, 143

preparation, 130–32

stalking, 142

still hunting, 142

taking shot, 144–46

trailing wounded game, 146

transporting game, 149

Hydroelectric power, 57–58

Hyssop, 229

Income, 23–32

bartering, dealing and, 26–28

business expenses and, 25

cost of off-grid living and, 24–25

craft sales for, 29–31

generating, 25–26

improving skills for, 25–26

marketing produce for, 28–29, 266–67

online stores for, 31–32

options for, 25–26, 258

Insecticides, natural, 227–29

companion planting, 228–29

diatomaceous earth, 227

herbal options, 228–29

homemade sprays, 228

Interest, debt and, 13–14

Inverters, 54

Japanese beetles, 231–32

Kale, 70, 95, 265

Kerosene heaters, 241

Kidney beans, 178

Kohlrabi, 70, 94

Lady’s mantle, 194


Landslides, 36

Lanterns and oil lamps, 250–51

Lavender, 194

Leeks, harvesting, 70

Legal advice, 49–50

Beans and legumes

Lentils, 178

Lettuce, 65, 71, 102, 265

Lien searches, 50

Light sources, emergency, 248–51

Lima beans, 178

Raising livestock

Local food, 28–29, 265–70

Manure, green and animal, 66

Marigold (calendula), 194, 229

Marjoram, 90, 195, 196

Mass transportation, 6

Meals Ready to Eat (MREs), 244–45

Medicinal herbs, 195–96

Medicines, 247–48

Melons, 63, 67, 71, 72, 260


Microclimates, 35

Milk, nonfat dry, 184

Millet, 173–74

Mink, 223

Mint, 189, 191, 195, 196, 229, 259, 265

Mobile homes, 40

Mortgages, 39

Mountain lions, 225–26

Mounting racks (solar), 54

Mudslides, 36–37

Mulberries, 82

Mung beans, 179

Nasturtium, 228, 229

Natural boundaries, 36

Natural gas wells, 35

Navy beans, 179

Nettle, 194, 229

Nitrogen, 65

Nonfat dry milk, 184

Oats, 174

Off-grid living

adjusting to, 4

considerations for, 5–6

as escape hatch, 20–21

getting started, 7–10

levels of, 4–5

maintaining relationships and, 6–7

meaning of, 1, 4–5

physical preparation, 270–74

planning, 275–78

reasons for, 2–3

trial run, 274

urban homesteading, 254–58

Oil lamps, 250–51

Oils, 185–86

Omega fatty acids, 185–86

Onions, 71, 94, 95, 102, 229

Online stores, 31–32

Opossums, 156–57, 223

Oral hygiene, herbs for, 195

Orchards, 73–83

about: overview of, 73

berry bushes and wild fruit, 79–83

cedar-apple rust and, 74

fruit tree considerations, 77–79

locating, 74

planting trees, 78–79

pruning basics, 76–77

tree sizes (dwarf and semi-dwarf), 74–75

Oregano, 90, 189, 191, 265

Owls, 225

Pantry items, 169–86

about: overview of, 169

cooking supplies, 180–81

equipment, 181–82

grains, 170–76

legumes, 176–79

survival essentials, 182–86

Parsley, 189, 191, 195, 196

Parsnips, 95

Parsnips, harvesting, 71

Peanuts, 179

Peas, 71, 179, 183, 265.
See also
Beans and legumes

Pennyroyal, 229

Pest control and predators, 213–33.
See also

Asian beetles, 230–31

bats, 226

beekeeping and, 112

canine distemper and, 226–27

coyotes, 224–25

dogs for, 214–15

flying pests, 230–33

hawks, eagles, and owls, 225

Japanese beetles, 231–32

large predators, 225–26

learning about local predators, 222–27

mink, 223

natural insecticides, 227–29

opossums, 223

rabies and, 221, 226

raccoons, 224

skunks, 223

wasps, 232–33

weasels, 222–23

Pet emergency toolkit, 239

Phosphorous, 65

pH of soil, 65

Physical preparation, 270–74

Pickling food, 90–91


butchering, 165–67

raising, 124–26

Pinto beans, 179

Gardens; Orchards

Potash or potassium, 65

Potatoes, 71, 94, 262, 264–65

Poultry, processing, 158–65

butchering, 159–61

dressing, 162–64

giblets and, 164–65

picking feathers, 161–62

starving birds before, 158–59

Poultry, raising, 120–23

Powdered milk, 184

Power of attorney, 49–50

Power supplies, 51–59

about: overview of, 51

alternative, 255

biomass options, 58–59

emergency heating preparedness, 240–41

furnace with generator backup, 241

geothermal power, 52–53

hydroelectric power, 57–58

natural gas wells and, 35

solar power, 53–54

urban homesteading and, 255

wind power, 56–57

wood burning, 54–56, 240

Pest control and predators

Preserving food, 85–92.
See also
Root cellars

about: overview of, 85

booklet on, 87

botulism toxin and, 86

canning basics, 86–87

canning supplies, 86–87, 182

drying food, 89–90

freezing food, 91–92

jars/lids for, 86–87

pickling food, 90–91

pressure-cooker canning, 87–88

water-bath canning, 87

Pressure-cooker canning, 87–88

Processing meat, 151–67.
See also
Poultry, processing

about: overview of, 151

butchering large domestic animals, 165–67

dressing small game, 157

field dressing larger game, 148–49

paying for, 118

scent glands and, 157

skinning large game, 152–53

skinning small game, 157

small game, 156–58

tanning hides after, 166

Propane heaters, 240–41

Property, 33–42

about: overview of considerations, 33, 34

acreage and soil considerations, 34

building your shelter, 41–42

cost of off-grid living and, 24–25

geographical perks, 35–36

geographical warning signs, 36–37

lien searches, 50

making room for visitors, 7

natural boundaries, 36

paying for (financing options), 37–39

price of, 24

quartering/cutting large game, 153–56

temporary housing options, 39–41

water rights, 34

Pruning basics, 76–77

Pumpkins, 63, 67, 71, 94, 95, 260

Pumps, for water.
Wells and pumps

Quartering/cutting large game, 153–56

Queen excluders, 107

Rabbit fever, 156

Rabbits, processing, 156–57

Rabbits, raising, 123–24

Rabies, 221, 226

Raccoons, 156–57, 224

Radishes, 72, 94, 265

Raising livestock, 115–28.
See also
Processing meat

about: overview of, 115

animal options, 118–19

animal rights and, 116

chickens and eggs, 121–22

considerations for, 116–20

cows, 126–27

dogs and, 214–15

duck and geese, 123

fences and, 119

goats, 126

kill/slaughter fees, 118

lifestyle considerations, 116–17

location, zoning laws and, 117

pigs, 124–26

poultry, 120–23

processing charges, 118

rabbits, 123–24

reproduction and other husbandry procedures, 120, 255–56

return on investment, 117–18

sheep, 127–28

shelter options, 119

turkeys, 122

Raptors, 225

Raspberries, 80–81, 83


Reading, resources for, 279–81

Reasons, for moving off grid, 2–3

Relationships, maintaining, 6–7

Relaxation, herbs and, 195

Rice, 174–75

Rocky Mountain Oysters, 120

Rod and reel, 137–39


barn cats for, 220–22

controlling, 218–19

dangers of feces and urine, 216

droppings, 217

holes and nests, 216

identifying, 216–18

killing, 219–30

runs, 217

signs of damage from, 218

smears from, 217

Root cellars, 93–104

about: overview of, 93

advantages of, 93

air circulation/ventilation, 97–98

choosing crops for, 94

harvesting/preparing for storage, 94–95

ideal conditions for, 97–98

options for, 95–97

spoilage and, 98

temperature and humidity, 97

Rosemary, 90, 188, 191, 196, 228, 229, 265

Rutabaga, 72, 94

Rye, 176

Sage, 191, 194, 195, 196, 229

Salt, 185

Schooling, 45–46

Search engine optimization (SEO), 31

Security issues, 2–3

Seeds, 99–104

collecting, 101–2

extracting and drying, 102–3

hybrid vs. heirloom, 100–101

reasons for saving, 100

storing, 103

testing, 103–4

value of, 99

Self-sufficient lifestyle

challenges of, 4

creating plan for, 275–78

debt and.

doing work yourself, 257–58

eating out and, 9

exercise and, 9–10, 270–71

food and.
Gardens; Raising livestock

getting started, 7–10

levels of, 4–5

studying about, 10

urban homesteading ideas, 254–58

Seller financing, 38

Septic systems, 207–9, 256

72-hour Kits, 236–39

bedding and clothing, 237

food and water, 236–37

fuel and light, 237–38

miscellaneous equipment, 238

personal documents and money, 239, 251

personal supplies and medication, 238

for pets, 239

updating, 239

Shearing animals, 120

Sheep, raising, 127–28


for livestock, 119

for you.

Shipping-container homes, 39–40

Simplicity of life, 2

Skinning animals.
Processing meat

Skunks, 223

Smokers, 108

Snares and traps, 139–40

Socialization issues, 44, 258

Social networking, 6–7, 31

Soil, preparing, 65–66, 263.
See also

Solar greenhouses, 63–64

Solar power, 53–54

Sorghum, 176

Spinach, 63, 72, 265

Sprouts, 172, 183

Squash, 63, 94, 95, 260

Squash, harvesting, 72

Squirrels, processing, 156–57

Starting off-grid living, 7–10

Sterno fuel, 242–43

Storing food.
Preserving food; Root cellars

Strawberries, 79–80, 265

Studying, about self-sufficiency, 10

Summer savory, 90, 229

Support groups/assistance, 46–47

Survival essentials, 182–86.
See also
Emergency preparedness

Swiss chard, 72, 265

Tarragon, 191

Temporary housing options, 39–41

Tents and yurts, 40–41

Thyme, 90, 192, 195, 196, 228, 265

Tomatoes, 9, 63, 72, 86, 102–3, 229, 254, 265

Trailers, 40

Transportation, 6, 255

Trapping, 139–40

Trial run, 274

Truffles, 125

Tularemia (“rabbit fever”), 156

Turkeys, raising, 122.
See also
Poultry, processing

Turmeric, 196

Turnips, 72, 94

Urban homesteading, 254–58

Vegetables, growing.
Gardens; Seeds

Visitors, making room for, 7

Wasps, 232–33

Waste reduction, 256

See also
Water systems

annual consumption, 200

bottled, 2

for emergencies, 236–37, 245–47

property rights, 34

72-hour kits, 236–37

treating, 247

Water-bath canning, 87

Water systems, 199–211.
See also
Wells and pumps

artesian aquifers, 35

calculating capture, 201–2

catch surfaces, 200–201

earth volume, 200

emergency situations, 247

graywater use, 206–7, 256

harvesting guidelines, 200–203

hydroelectric power and, 57–58

irrigation, 205–6, 207, 262–63

planning, 201–2

preparing site, 202

runoff coefficients, 201

septic systems, 207–9, 256

storage, 203, 209–11, 245–46

urban homesteading and, 256

Weasels, 222–23

Wells and pumps, 203–5

general purpose/intermittent pumping, 203–4

on-demand pumps, 204

solar- or wind-powered pumps, 206

storage systems and, 203, 209–11

submersible/deep well pumps, 205

surface/shallow well pumps, 204–5

water pressure systems, 204

Wheat products, 170–73

Wild fruit, 82–83

Wild herbs, 196–97

Wind power, 56–57

Wolves, 225–26

Wood burning/wood stoves, 54–56, 240

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