The Executive’s Affair Trilogy Bundle (Trinity, Desire, Unconditional) (2 page)

BOOK: The Executive’s Affair Trilogy Bundle (Trinity, Desire, Unconditional)
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One Week Later…

Laszlo straightened his tie as he exited the elevator
on the thirty fourth floor of his office building. It had been a full week since the night he'd spent with Trinity. He'd awakened to find his bed empty and her gone. To say he was displeased would've been an understatement. He had been furious. He was Laszlo fucking Cstary; billionaire, philanthropist, playboy, object of desire for women all over. Women didn't sneak out on him. That's not how things worked in his world. What pissed him off even more than Trinity's disappearing act though was just how much it had been bothering him. At first he dismissed it as nothing more than his ego had taken a hit and he didn't like that, but as the days progressed and she continuously ignored his phone calls, he knew it was more than a bruised ego. He had feelings for Trinity, more than he cared to admit. And last minute problems with the contracts had delayed his return home, which had made the situation all that more unbearable. But, he was back now and Trinity wouldn't be able to avoid him any longer.

He cleared his throat as he approached her desk. "Ms. Collins I need to see you in my office." He didn't even bother to stop walking.

"Uh, Mr. Cstary, I was just about to—"

"Now, Ms. Collins!" he bellowed. How dare she question him like that in front of
the other assistants! He stormed into his office and she followed closely behind. "Close the door."

Trinity gently closed the door and then turned to face him. "Look, Mr. Cstary, I'm sorry about—"

"Oh, cut the Mr. Cstary crap. We're way past the formalities, Trinity." He closed the gap between them with a couple long strides and he was in her face. Her stormy gray eyes stared back at him with a mixture of uncertainty, fear, lust, and amusement. How on earth could he want to hate her, love her, and want to fuck her all at the same time? It was infuriating.

"Yes, I believe you're correct, Laszlo. There was nothing formal about the way we carried on was there?"

Despite himself, he smiled and in that instant, all of his anger vanished. "Formal? No. But it sure was a lot of fun." Her unique scent of lavender and vanilla swirled around him, making it impossible for him to think. Her perfect breasts rising and falling with each breath she took distracted him from his objective, which was to find out why she'd run away from him.

She laughed. "Fun? You're my boss.
What happened between us was a mistake. It never should've happened."

A mistake? Oh, hell no. He didn't make mistakes. He was the type of man who always knew what he wanted and he always got
it. It would be no different this time. He took another step toward her and she took a step back. So, she wanted to play hard to get did she? That was fine with him. He never was one to turn down a challenge. And oh, what a delicious challenge she was. "I beg to differ," he said as he continued to stalk toward her despite her constant steps backward.

Her back hit the door and for a moment she looked like a frightened caged animal. Laszlo paused briefly before putting one hand on the door above her head and bringing the other to her face. He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, loving how soft it was, remembering how it'd felt as she'd lain on top of him. She leaned into his touch, her eyelids fluttering closed and he couldn't stop himself. He slanted his mouth over hers and slipped his tongue between her lips, drinking from her sweet little mouth. Her tongue dueled with his in a forbidden erotic dance that had his cock thickening
and his hand straying down her body until if stopped on her breast.

"Laszlo, please." She pushed him away. "Please. That night we spent together was wonderful. I won't deny it, but this can't happen between us again, okay?"

He was so focused on her puffy, kissed swollen lips that he almost missed what she'd said. "Why not?"

She folded her arms across her chest. "Because I don't want it to."

He cocked a brow. "You're a liar."

"What? No I'm not."
Her hands balled into fists and she dropped them to her sides.

"Really? Then why does your gaze keep dropping to my crotch?"

"It's hard to miss."

He smiled. "And why are your nipples hard?"

"It's cold in here."

He laughed. She was running out of excuses. He knew damn well she wanted him again just as much as he wanted her. What he didn't know what why she was so adamant about pushing him away. "I bet you're wet, too."

Trinity's eyes widened and her jaw hung open. "I—I'm…its…"

Laszlo had rendered her speechless. He
smiled triumphantly as he slid his hand up her leg and underneath her skirt. His finger brushed over her silk panties and she inhaled sharply. Oh yeah, she’s wet all right. Having absolutely no self-control where she was concerned, he allowed his finger to sneak into the side of her panties and into her wet hole. She bit on her bottom lip, but kept her gaze locked with his. "So very wet, Trinity. He removed his finger and ran it up the length of her folds before plunging it back inside of her. "I'd say you do want this to happen again," he whispered, his mouth kissing along her jaw.

"Mmm, that feels good."
She moaned.

is dick twitched at the sound of her soft moan. Son of a bitch! At this rate he was going to have to fuck her right here in his office, which was a big no-no for him. That was the one rule he'd set for himself that he'd never broken: no sex in the office. He was seriously considering breaking that rule right now though. Instead, he removed his hand from between her legs and brought his finger to his lips, sucking her juices from his fingertip. It was like a jolt to his system. "God damn you taste good, love."

"Laszlo, please…"

"Please what? You want to continue this little game, do you?" He didn't really need an answer. It was written all over her face. She wanted him. There were no doubts in his mind.

"Yes, but we can't.
I'm begging you, please just let this go." Her voice wavered slightly, but her resolve was firm.

Laszlo contemplated her for a moment. Maybe he'd come on a little too strong. Some women didn't like that. "Okay." He took a step back and raised his hands in a show of surrender.


"Yes." For now, anyway, he thought. He'd back off for a few days, give her a little room to breathe, and then he'd claim her. She wouldn't deny him. No woman ever did. He was Laszlo Cstary—the man who got everything he wanted. And now, he wanted Trinity Collins.

"Thank you." She breathed an audible sigh of relief.

"Tell me, Trinity, why did you run off like you did?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I woke up and realized what we'd done…I guess I just panicked. I mean, I slept with my
for crying out loud."

He walked around behind his desk and sat. "Is that how you see me? As your boss?" It was beginning to irritate him that she saw him as just her boss and not as a man who found her sexy as hell, a man who wanted nothing more than to enjoy the physical pleasures they could give each other.

"Well, yeah, I mean, you are my boss."

Laszlo nodded curtly. "Very well then, that'll be all Ms. Collins."
She stood gaping at him for several moments before she finally turned and left his office. When he heard the door click closed, he smiled. One way or another, he would have that woman.




Present Day…

Since that day two weeks ago when Laszlo returned from his business trip, the one she'd gone on and ended up in his bed, he'd been relentless in his pursuit of her. Calling her all the time, sending her emails,
delivering flowers to her house, declaring he needed to see her in his office just so he could kiss her and touch her and get her so damn worked up she couldn't think about anything other than fucking his brains out. It made for a very long work day.

She'd cashed in every single vacation day, sick day, and personal day that she'd accumulated—which totaled a little over a week. But, her days had literally run out and she now had to return to work. Her stomach was in knots and she'd been sick all morning. It was no doubt her nerves about having to face Laszlo again. If he wasn't so damn irresistible it might be easier to avoid him. But damn…It really was no wonder why women flocked to him like they did.
It wasn't fair. She wanted him. Bad. But she refused to put herself in another bad situation and this situation had “bad” written all over it. No matter how hard it was, it was in her best interest to just keep avoiding him as much as possible.

"Oh god, not again." She cupped her hand over her mouth and rushed to the bathroom, making it with barely enough time to lift the lid and vomit into the toilet. When she was sure she wasn't going to lose it again, she went to the sink, washed her hands and rinsed her mouth with cold water. "Get a grip, Trin," she mumbled to her reflection.

It was exactly nine o'clock. Laszlo arrived in the office at nine fifteen every morning. Trinity composed herself and left the bathroom. She took her seat at her desk and tried to calm her nerves by doing busy work. It didn't help.

"Are you okay? You look pale," Sarah said with a concerned look on her face.

"Yeah, I think I might be coming down with something. My stomach is a little off," Trinity said.

"I have some crackers in my desk. Want some? They really help me when my stomach is off." She dug them out and held them out toward Trinity.

Crackers or food of any sort was the last thing Trinity wanted, but she politely took a small stack and set them on her desk. "Thanks."

"You should get some ginger ale, too. You'd be surprised at how much it helps."

"I will thanks." Just then the elevator doors slid open and out stepped Laszlo. Trinity tried really hard not to stare, but it was nearly impossible. God, did he have to look so damn good? His black pants fit him in all the right places, showcasing his generous endowment in the front and hugging his ass in the back. A white button up shirt was pulled taut across his chest and shoulders. An electric blue tie hung down the front of his torso, the tip of it a small arrow pointing to his crotch as if a map that was meant to direct her gaze down there. Yeah, like she needed help with that.

He strode with confidence down the hallway, past the cubicles and desks, oblivious to the stares of admiration from the female staff, until he reached her desk. Then he stopped. "Hello, Ms. Collins. Good to have you back. Did you enjoy your time off?" He smiled.

Trinity wanted to slap that condescending, know-it-all smile from his face. No, she wanted to kiss it away. No, better yet, she wanted to turn that smile into a gasp of pleasure, like the one she'd seen on his face when he'd been fucking her mouth. "Uh, yes," she said. "Thank you."
Had someone turned up the heat? Christ it was like a sauna in there.

Would you mind coming into my office? There's an urgent matter I need to speak with you about."

She took a calming breath.
And so it begins again.
"Of course, Mr. Cstary." She tried to keep the contempt from her voice but she failed miserably. Trinity followed him into his office and closed the door behind her. She expected him to turn on her, push her up against the wall, kiss her, fondle her, get her so worked up she couldn't think, do all the things he normally did when they were alone like this. But he didn't. She was surprised, and to her dismay, a little disappointed.

"Please, have a seat." He nodded to the chairs opposite from where he sat behind his desk.

Okay, maybe things were finally looking up. Maybe he'd finally gotten the hint and was going to leave her alone. She sat and waited for him to speak.

"As you know, the children's hospital charity ball is this weekend.  Cstary Holdings is the main contributor," he said, leaning back in his chair with a graceful elegance that was so sexy it had her stifling a groan.

"Yes, I'm aware of the charity ball and the importance of it to you and the company." Where was he going with this? And why was he talking to her about it? From what she'd been told, this was a project the he always worked on with Sarah.

"Due to the recent deal that was made a few weeks ago between myself and Peckinsoff Media, there is going
to be national media coverage this year."

"That's great," she said.

"Yes. Now, normally I don't mind attending these events alone, but I don't think the single billionaire playboy is an image that I should be portraying considering the recent acquisition of such a family friendly media outlet."

"Right, that makes sense."

"So, I need a date."

"Sure, of course. Do you have someone specific in mind?" Laszlo had an entire rolodex full of women's names and numbers that he kept for situations just like this, among others. And it wasn't unusual for him to ask one of his assistants to call and line up a date for him. It was the first time he'd ever asked her though and she couldn't help but wonder if it was his way of saying that he was finally going to give up on her.
"I'd be happy to set it up for you."

He leaned forward on the desk, his icy blue gaze landing on her, a slow smile spreading across his luscious lips.

"Oh no," she said, shaking her head. "No way, uh-uh, not going to happen."

"As an employee of Cstary Holdings and my personal assistant, I don't see any reason why you can't attend the ball with me."

Trinity stood and began to pace. This was so unbelievable! "Have you ever taken one of your assistants before?"

Laszlo's chair creaked as he reclined back once again, his hands folded in his lap. "No."

She laughed. "And that's exactly why I'm not going with you."

"Why?" He smoothed his ties through his hands and looked at her innocently.

Christ that look was lethal.
She took a deep breath and focused all of her energy on speaking. "If I go with you, as your date, everyone in the media and everyone in this office will know me as the secretary who's fucking her boss."

a small flaw in your logic, love." He stood and walked around to where she stood. He positioned his mouth next to her ear. "You're not actually fucking me."

His lips tickled her ear as he spoke and she suppressed a shudder.
She glared at him, unable to speak for fear of saying something that would result in them either shouting at each other or naked on the floor in a sweaty sex-induced haze.

He straightened and smiled. "It's not for a lack of trying, of course. Would it be easier for you if I were to fire you first?"

"What? No! You can't do that. I need this job."
The nerve of him! Would he really fire her if she didn't agree to go to the charity ball with him?
"Isn't that sexual harassment?" she asked.

"Don't go putting words in my mouth, Ms. Collins. I didn't say I was going to fire you. I simply asked if that would be easier for you. I'm just trying to give you some options. How about I have you transferred to a different floor? That way you wouldn't have to answer directly to me…" he trailed off with
a smirk that really pissed her off.

"You are unbelievable, you know that?"

"So I've been told." He laughed.

She didn't find it the least bit funny.
She really didn't understand why he was so hell bent on getting her into bed again when there were a slew of women who would spread their legs for him in the blink of an eye, no questions asked.

Laszlo leaned against his desk and folded his arms over his chest.
"It's just a simple work related event. That's all."

It was her turn to laugh. "Yeah, that's what you said about the business trip too." Her stomach rumbled and she suddenly felt very lightheaded. Great. That's all she needed to do was throw up all over his floor. She sat.

He sat in the chair beside her and put his hand on her back. "Are you all right? You don't look so well."

"I'm fine
." She shrugged his hand off and stood. "I'll go with you on one condition."


"This is strictly professional. No funny business, Laszlo, I mean it."

"Okay, deal," he said and she knew he was having a hard time keeping the smile from his face.
Damn him!
"Do you have a dress?"

"Yes, I have plenty of dresses." She rolled her eyes. "Now, if we're done here, I have work to do. My boss is a real tyrant."

He laughed. "Yes, that'll be all, Ms. Collins. Thank you."

She left his office with a smile, reluctant to admit just how excited she was to be attending the charity ball with him. It unsettled her that Laszlo hadn't once tried to touch her or kiss her. Granted, it's what she said she wanted, but it still bothered her a little. It would've been nice to feel his strong body pressed against her, his soft lips on her skin, his skilled hands caressing and fondling her in the most intimate of places.
Man, what is wrong with me?
Ever since she'd had sex with Laszlo it's like she couldn't get enough. She couldn't count the times she'd masturbated while she'd been out of work. It was like she'd gone from a healthy respect of sex to a raging nymphomaniac. Shaking the thoughts from her head, she returned to her desk, sat, and looked at the stacks of work she had to do. Her mind was so preoccupied she knew she was going to be absolutely useless for the rest of the day.


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