The Exhibitionist (The Submissive #6) (7 page)

BOOK: The Exhibitionist (The Submissive #6)
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I fell back against my seat, and my jaw dropped. It was inconceivable to me that a Dom could possibly do that. I finally asked, “She didn’t say anything to him before he started?”

“From what I gather, he had mentioned collaring her. She’d never been collared and thought it was romantic that they could play without safe words.”

“Holy hell.”

“Right? She wound up in the hospital and dropped out of the group.” Dena’s forehead wrinkled in thought. “She did come to a group meeting shortly after, but she had a panic attack and never came back.”

“That’s horrible.”

Dena nodded. “I recommended a therapist and she’s been seeing her for a while now.”

“Is she better?”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. When I went by her place to ask her to stand with me at the wedding and told her about the baby, she mentioned she was kicking around the idea of rejoining the group.”

I could see both the positive and negative in that. For her to have not only the desire, but the strength and courage to face coming back to the group was amazing. On the other hand, with Peter also around, it would be hard. “I think I see where you’re going.”

“I worry for her.”

I put my hand over hers. “I’m sure you do.”

“I want her to be back in the group, because she’s a submissive and she needs it. But I’m so scared something’s going to happen that will leave her in a worse place than she was before.”

“And since Nathaniel’s going to be working toward restructuring things …” I let the statement hang in the air.

“I know keeping everyone safe is his top priority,” she said. “I just thought it’d be a good idea for you to know in more detail
you’re keeping safe.”

I thought for a few seconds. “Do you think she wants back in the group for social reasons or physical? I mean, do you see her wanting to play?”

“To be honest, for a long time, I thought she’d never want to play again. It seemed like men were the lowest thing on her priority list. And I can’t say I blame her. But recently, she expressed interest in a Dom.”

“Oh, well, that sounds positive.”

“You don’t know who she expressed interest in.”

“Is he a bad Dom? Do we need to kick him out of the group?”

“No, nothing like that. He’s just”—she searched for the right word—“tough. I’m not sure that’s what Sasha needs.”

But tough with a purpose could be beneficial. “Or it might be exactly what she needs.”

“As long as she’s with someone kind.” Dena smiled. “Jeff can be tough, but I’ve never doubted his inherent kindness.”

“Funny, I normally don’t associate kindness with a Dom, but I think you’re right. At least with Nathaniel. He can be a grade-A ass, but I know inside I’m the most important thing to him.”

She nodded. “That’s what I want for Sasha.”

Sasha was a fortunate woman to have such a good friend in Dena. And Julie was fiercely devoted to her as well. Both women would be needed for support, if and when Sasha rejoined the group. “I’d like to spend some more time with Sasha. Get to know her.”

“I know! I was going to go by their shop this weekend. Why don’t I come by here first and pick you up? We can go together.”

“That’s a great idea,” I said. “I just need to make sure Nathaniel can watch the kids.” We really needed to find a sitter in Delaware. I added that to my mental to-do list.

“Sounds great. Just call me.” She looked at her watch. “I better be going. Jeff and I have a date tonight. He’s taking me to a new bistro. They have fish stew on the menu. With calamari. I don’t know, must be the baby.”

I laughed. “I craved peaches.”

I stood to walk her to the door. I’d wanted to ask her for her opinion about Charlene, to see if I was overreacting, but it wasn’t going to happen today. I felt that it was more important to discuss her concerns about pregnancy. And Sasha was important, too. Especially since Nathaniel would be working in the group to hopefully avoid situations like hers. Compared to that, my problem with Charlene seemed very small.

t was fortunate I had the extra week of work done from the previous weekend, because I found that even though the boxes weren’t around for long, there was still plenty to do. The night after Dena stopped by, I collapsed into the couch in our new living room.

“The kids are in bed,” I announced to Nathaniel. “I’m ready to do nothing for about three hours. Scratch that. Make it thirty.”

He slipped his arm around me and kissed my forehead. “You know, I was thinking. We might need to rethink our position on hiring a nanny. Especially when we’re in Delaware. It’s not like we have Linda nearby to take them.”

I nodded. “The thought’s crossed my mind a few times, too. I think it’s a good idea.”

“We need to decide if we want a live-in or not.”

I thought about the bedroom we were in the process of converting to a playroom. It was almost complete. “Off the top of my head, I’m thinking no live-in. It’s not like we need a babysitter every day.”

“True, but if you had a little help, it’d be easier for you to work on the blog and show.”

“That would be nice.” Those benefits of a live-in would be great. “I just don’t think I’m at the point where I want someone unrelated to us in the house twenty-four/seven.”

“Just think about it. Since I’ll be having a driver take me into the city when we’re here, I don’t want you to be without any nearby help.”

I saw his point. “But someone
here, I just don’t know.”

“We could always start with a scheduled time for someone to come by either every day or most days. See how that goes. Then if it works for all of us and we need to, we could look into a live-in situation.”

I nodded. “I like that idea.”

“You want to ask around and see if you can get a few names? Then we can schedule some time for us to interview some people?”

“I know you’ll be at home most days, but I don’t want to set up a time that’s not good for you.”

He stood up and held out a hand to me, and pulled me up to stand in front of him when I took it. “Whatever you set up, I’ll make work,” he said.

Damn, he looked so good. He was wearing soft cotton lounge pants and nothing else. I ran my hands over his chest. “That’s very accommodating of you.”

He gave me a sultry smile and pressed against me. “I pride myself on being extremely accommodating where you’re concerned.”

“Is that right?” I slid my hand down to cup his ass. “Maybe I should return the favor. How can I accommodate you?”

“Why don’t you go upstairs and slip into something more comfortable?”

“Why would I go all the way up to our room? I can be accommodating here.” After nearly two weeks of no sex, if he was hinting what I thought he was, I didn’t want to waste a minute.

“Shh.” He put a finger to my lips. “Upstairs.”

If going upstairs meant I’d get sex, I’d go upstairs. I huffed so he knew I wasn’t thrilled about having to change before we did anything, and started upstairs. He didn’t move.

I looked over my shoulder. “You coming?”

Mischief danced in his eyes. “I’ll be up shortly.”

“Don’t wait too long.”

I walked up the stairs and down the hall to our bedroom, all the while thinking he must have something in mind. Normally, he was all over spontaneous sex. The fact that he wasn’t tonight told me there was something going on.

I walked into the bedroom and my mouth went dry at the sight of my nightstand.

Usually bare except for a lamp, it now also had my black leather collar on top.


After our first trip to Wilmington, we’d decided to make a few changes. Up until then, we’d only been playing about once a month. Compared to how often I wore his collar before the kids, it felt like a rare occurrence and we both agreed we weren’t fully satisfied. Now I wore his collar every weekend, with necessary low-protocol times built in because of the day-to-day routines with the children. With the move and settling in, he hadn’t collared me yet this weekend.

But one of the other things we’d agreed to was the ability for one of us to ask for playtime during the week. Nathaniel’s method for letting me know he wanted to move into our Dominant/submissive roles was to place my collar on my nightstand.

Though I had the ability to turn him down if I wanted, saying no tonight didn’t even cross my mind. Just the sight of my collar on the nightstand had me desperate to kneel before him and sent waves of arousal through my body.

If I decided I wanted his collar, his request that I slip into something more comfortable really meant “get naked.” My fingers trembled with excitement as I unbuttoned my shirt and pushed my jeans down. Once undressed, I knelt in the middle of the room and waited.

He entered minutes later.

“Very nice,” he said. “I see you liked my suggestion.”

“I decided it was much better than staying downstairs.”

He laughed quietly and walked to the nightstand to get my collar. “I thought I might let you come finally, but that it would be on my terms if I did.” He buckled the collar around my neck. “Kiss my feet in thanks.”

I slid forward and brushed my lips across first one foot and then the other. “Thank you, Master,” I said before moving back into my waiting position.

“So polite this evening. Someone must really want to come.”

I didn’t say anything. I believed that was fairly obvious.

“Get on the bed. Face the headboard and hold on to it.”

I moved quickly while still trying to be graceful and seductive. As I settled into position, I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror to the right of the bed. I turned and watched as he got behind me.

It turned me on like nothing else to watch him take me. To observe while at the same time feeling his possession. I groaned just thinking about it.

He pushed down on my shoulders a bit, kicked my knees apart. The entire time I watched him in the mirror. He situated me the way he wanted and then caught my gaze.

“You like seeing me get you into the position I want?” he asked. “Making sure your body is accessible and open for me?”

“The only thing better is watching you actually take me, Master.”

“Mmm,” he hummed. “I think we need mirrors in the playroom.”

“I like that idea, Master.”

“I thought you might, you wicked girl.” He rocked his hips against me but didn’t enter me yet. He cupped my backside and squeezed. “I want you to imagine something with me.”

I was so impatient for him to fuck me, but I knew if I did as he instructed, it would be so much better in the end.

“See yourself in the mirror?” he asked. I lifted my head and took in what I saw. Naked, bent over, and waiting for him to take me. I thought I looked sexy as hell. Of course, that was due in part to him. On his knees behind me with that look in his eyes, he made the very air in the room feel sexy. “See?”

“Yes, Master,” I said.

“Imagine we’re in front of a group of people. That you’re bent over and begging to be fucked in front of a group. Do you see what they would see?” He slapped my ass. “Do you?”

“Yes, Master.” I could easily picture the three men we’d played in front of in Delaware months ago. Simon, Jeff, and a Dom I only knew as Master DeVaan.

He slipped a finger inside me, ensuring that I was ready. “What do they see?”

My eyes locked on our image in the mirror. He moved closer to me, cock in hand, and oh so slowly, pressed forward. Before us, we both watched as he entered me.

“They see you, Master,” I said. “They see you taking me. Ohhh, fuck. Yes.”

“You feel so damn good.” He ran his hands over my back, cupped my breasts, and stroked down to my hips. His fingers dug into my flesh as he held tight to my waist and thrust fully inside.

I couldn’t tear my gaze from the mirror and I watched him pump in and out. In my mind, there were more than the three men watching. There were lots more and many were strangers. Watching Nathaniel move inside me turned them on.

“They can’t keep their eyes off you. How your pussy takes my cock. Spreading to take it all. The men wish they could feel how tight you are.” His hips moved in a slow rhythmic stroke, going deep and retreating. “I’m fucking you slowly to give them more time to picture it. Love watching you stretch so you can take my dick. Next time I’m fucking your ass and I’ll have you watch that.”

My body shivered at the thought. I loved watching him use my body for his pleasure and was certain watching him take me there would be a complete turn-on.

“You like that idea, Abigail?” he asked, and instead of waiting for an answer, he picked up his pace. “But the truth is, no matter how vividly they imagine it, it’ll never compare to the real thing.” He paused, worked himself deeper, and then started again with short strokes.

I arched my back, trying to get more of him inside me. When that didn’t work, I moved my hips in time with his thrusts. But he was still holding back.

“Hold still,” he said. “See how my cock’s claiming you? Do you feel it?”

“Yes, Master.”

He positioned himself for better balance and I knew I was in trouble. His eyes met mine in the mirror. “Hold on.”

I took a tighter grip on the headboard. He pulled out just a bit and then thrust into me hard and deep and it felt so good. I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped my lips.

It was all the encouragement he needed. He withdrew again and pulled my hips to meet his thrusts. “Eyes open and on the mirror. Watch me ride you.”

I shifted my eyes to our reflection, and the sight of him working his hips to get as far inside me as possible, the way his muscles flexed, his entire body moving with one goal, was almost enough to send me over the edge.

He was beyond talking now, his entire being focused on his body and what it wanted. My orgasm continued to build and I looked at where our bodies joined. He was hard and long and the sight of him pounding into me, and the way I opened for him, was quite possibly the most erotic thing I’d ever seen. His hands gripped my hips even harder as he repeatedly drove into me. He held still and shifted his hips again, hitting the spot he knew would set me off. He spoke only one word.

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