The Fabled (28 page)

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Authors: S. L. Gavyn

Tags: #vampires, #urban fantasy, #demon, #paranormal romance, #magic, #werewolves, #witch, #elves, #djinn, #incubus, #pheonix

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She was gaping like a fish. “No, he was…” She
turned to him. “You were bragging about your strength.” He raised a
brow and her cheeks flushed. “Oh. Okay. I get it now.”

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. “Stick
with me kid. I’ll teach you the really important stuff.”

“Like how to make every man want her?”

I looked up to see Roman standing behind

“Something like that.”

He smiled at me before shaking Lucians hand
then he turned to Brennan and bowed for her.

“It is lovely to see you again, Brennan. I
must say, you look stunning tonight.”

She looked self-conscious all of a sudden and
I rolled my eyes.

“Thank you, Roman. You look great too.”

“I thank you.” He turned to me. “The bride
and groom are about to dance the first dance. They would like us to
join in for the next one.”

I looked at Brennan. “Duty calls. Try not to
bust his balls too hard.” I tipped my head toward the Jotunn and
she blushed.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Love/hate relationships”



Roman led me to the dance floor as K and
Marcus started their first dance. They looked wonderful together. I
never really thought K would settle down but I can see why she
would pick Marcus as the one to do it with.

Killian came over as the dance was

“There you are. I was just about to find you
for the next dance.”

I opened my mouth to reply but Roman did it
for me. “She already has a partner I’m afraid.”

Killian eyed him as an opponent. “Does she

“But I would be happy to reserve the next one
for you,” I added to prevent any argument.

They both looked at me at the same time.
Killian with interest and Roman with anger. I smiled nicely at both
of them in turn before allowing my eyes to rest on the beautiful
couple dancing in front of us.

“Wonderful. I cannot wait.” Killian turned to
Roman. “You can warm her up for me. It’s always best to start with
a beginner before moving to a professional.”

“That is odd. I thought you were a womanizing

I pretended to ignore them.

“I suppose that is better than what I have
heard of you, the Roman. I heard you killed so much that finally
you turned that blade on your own sire just for the pleasure of

“You’ve heard much. I would advise you not to
believe everything you here, elf.”

Killian smiled at him while I gaped. “Oh, I
only believe the truth. It’s one of our specialties you know. Being
able to distinguish truth from rumor. Have a nice dance.” He bowed
to me and kissed my hand. “I will see you in a few minutes.” He
winked as he rose and I rolled my eyes but smiled.

After he was gone I covertly looked at Roman
out of the corner of my eye. He was watching Killian walk away with
a look of murder on his face. He turned to me and I knew now wasn’t
the time to ask him about it. The song ended and another began and
Roman held out his hand to me. I took it and he led me to the dance
floor. He was an amazing dancer and I would be lying if I said I
wasn’t doing my best just to keep up. He set me up for a spin and
when I came back to him he held me close.

“I have missed dancing with you, Sunshine.
There are so many things I have missed. Dancing would certainly
make it into the top ten.”

“You have a list?”

“Oh yes, would you like to know what is at
the top?”

He spun me again and brought me back to

I raised a brow. “I could imagine.”

He put his nose to my neck and breathed in.
“I’m sure you could.”

I tried to keep my distance through the rest
of the dance.

As the song ended and another began Killian
was standing at Roman’s side. “May I?”

Roman said nothing as he released me and took
a step back. He bowed once then left the dance floor. Killian took
my hand but I was still watching Roman. He walked to the edge of
the dance floor to where Rebecca stood talking to another man. A
moment later she took his hand and joined him on the dance

I would not watch them dancing. After all, I
have my own dance partner who wasn’t too bad. He didn’t seem to
like to show off as much as Roman and so I didn’t have to work to
keep up.

“You’re very quiet. Did the Vampere put you
in that bad of a mood?”

I smiled at him. “No, though he often puts me
in such a mood he was actually containing himself tonight.”

“That’s refreshing. I hear he’s not one to
make friends easily.”

“It seems you know a lot about Roman. Care
you tell me any of it?”

“I can think of much nicer topics to discuss.
Can’t you?”

“Like you?”

“Well, if you insist. I like quiet walks on
the beach and intimate relationships with brunettes who like to
steal other’s magic. Is that enough information?”

I laughed. “I have to say that criteria seems
rather hard to fill.”

“I think you’re up for it.”

I laughed again. He was just so damn

“I like the way you laugh. It’s sexy as

“You definitely bring it out in me.”

“See I knew I would rub off on you

“I have to admit it’s odd to have a man
hitting on me. Typically they avoid me like the plague. After all,
I am the Thief.”

“Ah, but I have an advantage most of them

“Really? And, what is that?”

“My little sister is your best friend.”

“So that makes you invincible?”

“That means you would never hurt me because
you would be hurting Karen. And we both know you would never hurt

I smiled at him. “Thanks Killian. That’s one
of the nicest things anyone has said to me in a long time.”

The song ended and he bowed to me. “I am
pleased you are happy. So does that mean I get to take you home

I laughed. “Slow your roll, cowboy. The night
is still young.”

He smiled back and escorted me off the dance
floor. “In that case I believe you need a drink.”

“Do you plan to get me drunk and take
advantage of me?”

“Do you think it will work?”

I laughed. “Possibly. It was just the other
night I…” Perhaps telling him about my phone call to Roman isn’t
the best conversation.

“You can’t leave me hanging like that. What
did you do? Kiss a girl? Assault some stranger in the corner of a
bar? Call your ex and rant about his short comings?”

“My, your imagination is quite lucrative.
Nothing like that. I just made a fool out of myself. I’d rather not
talk about it.”

“Aw, come on. You’re not even going to give
me a hint about what you did?”

I shook my head.

“You are a hard woman, Sunny Dubois.” He
leaned closer and whispered in my ear. “Guess it’s a good thing I
like it hard.”

My eyes widened. “And you are a scoundrel,
Killian Delaney.”

He smiled at me. “I think you might just like

I shook my head.

I spent the next hour or so talking with
Killian, visiting with Brennan and trying to avoid Roman. K finally
caught my attention and pointed toward the ladies room. I nodded
and told Killian to excuse me for a moment. As I walked across the
room I saw Roman and Rebecca sitting at a table together. She was
practically shoving her boobs in his face and he seemed quite
interested in them. I rolled my eyes and kept on to the

“What are you doing with my brother?”

I stopped just inside the entryway to the
restroom and looked at K. “Um, talking to him?”

“No, you’re flirting with him and you need to
stop right now.” She had both hands on her hips like a reprimanding

“You don’t want me to flirt with your

“Not when it might get him killed. No, I

I couldn’t believe it. She didn’t trust me?
She thought I would just drain him dry and leave him in a ditch
somewhere or something. How could she think that about me?

“You think I would kill him?” My voice was
small and I hated the vulnerability that was obvious in it.

She came close and took my hands. “Not you. I
know you would never hurt him. It’s Roman.”

“Roman? What does Roman have to do with

“Like I said earlier. You’re really dense
aren’t you? Roman would kill Killian if you were to go home with
him tonight. Or any other night.”

“Roman and I aren’t really a thing. It’s just
a ruse we’ve been using to try to catch this killer.”

“It may be a ruse for you but I can promise
you it is not for Roman. Please, if you love me, leave my brother

“Roman doesn’t care who I date. Hell, right
now he practically has his face in Rebecca’s cleavage. I have a
right to be with whoever I want.”

“I know you do. You should be happy. I want
you to be happy. I just don’t want my brother hurt in the

“I wouldn’t let Roman hurt him.”

“Please Sunny.”

“Fine. Can I at least talk to Killian if I
promise not to go home with him?”

“As long as Roman doesn’t start anything with

“I don’t think Roman cares who I talk to.
Like I said, I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t start
breastfeeding off Rebecca any minute now.”

“Now, that’s just gross. Get out of

“Yes, your highness. Is there anything else
this lowly peasant can do for you?”

“Yeah, just get with Roman already. I know
you both want to.”

I rolled my eyes and left the room. She is

As I walked back into the ballroom I saw
Roman and Rebecca had moved to the dance floor while Killian met me
at the entrance.

“Would you care to dance?”

“No thank you. I think I need another

“Your wish is my command.”

We walked over to the bar and I order a
whiskey. If I was stuck here watching Roman have a good time while
I can’t even really flirt with Killian because K would kill me then
the least I could do is drink. I watched as Brennan stood up from
the table and held her hand out for the Jotunn. He took it and she
led him to the dance floor. Great. Now everyone’s having a good
time but me.

“You seem in an exceptionally bad mood. Did
something happen in the restroom I should know about?”

I looked over at Killian and smiled. “Your
sister thinks I would cause your death if I were to go home with
you tonight.”

“She must either overestimate your skills in
the sack or underestimate mine.”

I laughed. “I don’t think that’s what she

“She really thinks you would kill me? I can’t
believe that. I wasn’t lying when I said she talks about you all
the time. I know she cares about you and part of that is trust. You
can’t not trust someone and still consider them your

“It’s not me she doesn’t trust.”

His eyes widened and he pointed to himself.
“It’s me? She thinks I would somehow cause you to kill me?”

“No, it’s not either of us. It’s…” Roman
walked up to stand beside me. “Roman.”


Killian watched us both and his eyes
narrowed. Rebecca joined Roman at the bar and practically threw
herself on top of him.

“Hey Sunny. Having fun?” She was rubbing her
hand up and down Roman’s chest.

“Loads. It looks like the two of you are
getting on.”

“Not yet but the nights still young.”

I smiled in response. Gods, was it wrong to
want to kill her?

“The two of you seem to be getting along
too,” Rebecca commented.

“Oh, uh, yeah.”

“We were anyway. Excuse me for a moment love.
I need to have a talk with my sister,” Killian said while shooting
Roman the evil eye.

“Killian, don’t. I don’t want anything to
ruin her wedding.”

“I won’t have her telling you what to do

“It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Perhaps not to you.” He smiled and squeezed
my hand before releasing it. “Don’t worry I won’t cause a

“Fine. Just remember this is her big

He nodded once before walking across the

I watched Killian walk over to K who had just
sat after dancing with her husband again. He took the seat beside
her and whispered in her ear.

“It was lucky he did not try to kiss

I turned to look at Roman. He was leaning
against the bar with both elbows resting on it. Rebecca was still
rubbing herself on him but he was looking at me.

“It isn’t any of your damned business what he

“Oh, I think we both know better than

“Why would you care? You seem to be quite
contented with your blonde date.”

“Jealous, Sunshine?”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

He raised a brow.

“Well, contrary to what you believe I don’t
care what or who you do. I hope the two of you will have a great
time tonight because I know I will be.”

He took a step forward effectively causing
Rebecca to take a step back to keep from being pushed over.

“I will kill him if he touches you. You think
I will allow you to be with someone else. I will make the scene
with Tristan on the roof look like child’s play.”

“How dare you threaten him! You’re standing
here with your face practically in her cleavage and you have the
nerve to threaten someone for touching me.”

“You know I care nothing for her.”

“What?!”Rebecca and I said at the same

Roman turned to Rebecca. “Thank you for a
lovely time this evening but I believe this little charade is

Rebecca looked outraged before she turned and
stomped away.

“You’re a real piece of work Roman.”

I turned to walk away from him too but he
wrapped his arm around my waist.

“You will not be getting away so easily.”

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