The Fabric of America (50 page)

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Authors: Andro Linklater

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—“A Letter from Mr. Andrew Ellicott, to Mr. Robert Patterson. A Method of Calculating the Eccentric Anomaly of the Planets.”
4 (1799): 67–69.

—“Miscellaneous Observations Relative to the Western Parts of Pennsylvania, Particularly Those in the Neighbourhood of Lake Erie.”
4 (1799): 224–30.

—“Observations Made on the Old French Landing at Presqu' Isle, to Determine the Latitude of the Town of Erie. In a Letter from Andrew Ellicott, to Robert Patterson, Secretary of the Society.”
4 (1799): 231–32.

—“Astronomical, and Thermometrical Observations, Made at the Confluence of the Mississippi, and Ohio Rivers.”
5 (1802): 162–202.

—“Astronomical, and Thermometrical Observations, Made on the Boundary between the United States and His Catholic Majesty.”
5 (1802): 203–311.

—“A Short and Easy Rule for Finding the Equation for the Change of the Sun's Declination When Equal Altitudes Are Used to Regulate a Clock or Other Time Keeper. Communicated by Andrew Ellicott Esq” (in Part I).
6 (1809): 26–28.

—“Improved Method of Projecting and Measuring Plane Angles by Mr. Robert Patterson Communicated by Mr. Andrew Ellicott” (in Part I). Robert Patterson and Andrew Ellicott.
6 (1809): 29–32.

—“Astronomical Observations Made at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Chiefly with a View to Ascertain the Longitude of That Borough, and as a Test of the Accuracy with Which the Longitude May Be Found by Lunar Observation; In a Letter from Andrew Ellicott to Robert Patterson” (in Part I).
6 (1809): 61–69.

—“Continuation of Astronomical Observations, Made at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. In a Letter from Andrew Ellicott, Esq. to R. Patterson” (in Part I).
6 (1809): 113–19.

—“The Geographical Position of Sundry Places in North America, and in the W. Indies, Calculated by J. J. de Ferrer” (in Part II). Jose Joaquin de Ferrer, Andrew Ellicott, Julian Ortis de Canelas, and M. Mechain.
6 (1809): 221–32.

—“Continuation of the Astronomical Observations Made at Lancaster, in Pennsylvania” (in Part II).
6 (1809): 233–35.

—“Observations of the Eclipse of the Sun, June 16th, 1806; Made at Lancaster” (in Part II).
6 (1809): 255–60.

—“Astronomical Observations, &c. Communicated by Andrew Ellicott, Esq.”
n. s., 1 (1818): 93–101.

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New York: Grafton Press, 1908. This contains many of the letters and personal journals contained in the Papers of Andrew Ellicott.

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Ellicott, and other relatives. It also contains a typescript account of Joseph Ellicott Sr.'s “Journal to England from December 18, 1766, to September 21, 1767.” Microfilm HD/195/H64/H65 /1986a/guide. 25 reels.


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