The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents) (10 page)

BOOK: The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets (The Cartel Publications Presents)
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Candy screamed the entire time he was walking but he ignored her. He remembered seeing a few cab drivers circling outside of the hotel. If he hurried, he’d be home in time to lick the water off of Tara’s body. And that was all he was thinking about.


In The Room


Candy paged somebody five times with 911 behind the number from the hotel room. She had to tell him that the plan was a bust. She knew that if she didn’t get a hold of him, all hell was going to break loose and she’d be to blame.




Tara Pleasants

Out Of Body Experience


ara was preparing for her shower. Walking over toward the adjustable light switch in her extra large bathroom, she set it to dim. Afterward she placed her silk red nighty on the sink next to her towel. She couldn’t wait for Kavon to come through their doors to make love to her. She already knew he’d be intoxicated and extra horny after dancing up on some skeezer vying for his attention. The thought alone made her smile. Something about drunken sex always turned her on.

She ran her hands over her small belly and smiled inside.
Wait till he finds out he’s gonna be a daddy
. She thought.
He’s gonna love me even more.

God had been so good to her and sometimes she felt undeserving. It frightened her that before meeting Kavon, she’d led the life of a prostitute. It didn’t matter that men and women paid the big bucks to be with her. She knew a hoe by any other name was still the same. And although she didn’t divulge all of her secrets to Kavon, she did hint around to her reasons for being in this country. But in Kavon’s mind, most of the women he dealt with were hoes they just didn’t know it.

Loving music while she showered, she turned on the waterproof radio and stopped when she heard Atlantic Star’s “Always.” It was one of her favorites. She hummed the words and looked for the soap. She moved the soap briskly over her body until it created a thick creamy foam. She contemplated making herself feel good until her baby got home. Playing with her pussy never hurt anybody.

Just like Kavon, she loved the softness of her skin. But when she thought she heard the front door slam downstairs, she decided to let Kavon do all the work. Normally the alarm would sound but they were changing providers and it wouldn’t be reactivated until tomorrow.

She counted down the seconds before he’d enter the shower like he always had after coming home from the club. Like always, the moment he came into the bathroom, he flipped off the light switch and walked toward the shower.

“Home already, huh?” she cooed.

“Mmm Mmmm,” he responded.

“Miss me?” Tara giggled.

“Mmmmm Hmmmm.”

“You gonna do all those things you did to this pussy last night?”


She backed up against the shower curtain so he could reach her. She loved feeling his hands against her body first. On cue he reached in the shower and wrapped his arms around her waist, nothing but the wet shower curtain between them. He placed his hands between her legs and softly touched her breasts. There was something about his touch that felt different. She ignored it.

“Mmmmmmm,” she moaned.

She pushed back further into him so she could feel his thickness grow. Her head dropped backwards and she was anxious. As far as she was concerned the game was over and she was ready to get down to business. But
felt different about his body too. Not quite right.

“Kavon,” she whispered, wanting to hear his voice. “Why don’t you cut on the lights and join me inside here. The water is warm and I miss you.”

Instead of being taken up on her offer, she felt a force rip her out of the shower and throw her onto the cold porcelain floor. The wetness from her body mixed with soap caused her to slide a few feet on her back. For a minute she didn’t know what happened because the wind had been ripped from her body. She tried to reach for the door handle. But without warning, she was dragged by her legs into a wider area within the pitch darkness of the bathroom. She heard the door lock. Her body shivered.

“Kavon!” she cried out for help despite knowing he wouldn’t be home for hours. “Kavon, help me!”

“Shut up, bitch!” The stranger spoke. His voice muffled.

“Who are you?” she sobbed. “And why are you doing this to me?”


“Please don’t hurt me. I’m pregnant.”


The perpetrator said nothing more. He held her down with the force of his large body and she could feel him rustling at his pants. He was getting ready to rape her. All she could think about was her baby and the pain Kavon would feel once he’d learned he lost his unborn child. He wanted nothing more than a beautiful little girl and she prayed everyday that God would bless them with one. It was settled. She had to fight for her life. She had to fight for their lives.

With all the strength she could muster she hit him so hard in the face she hurt her own hand. Whop!

“Ouch!” he responded to the pain as he grabbed her wrist.

This angered her attacker and he viciously took a bite out of her face. She screamed out in agony. A small piece of her skin smacked against the bathroom floor. He pinned her down even harder and pressed all of his weight onto her thin body. He was a monster. She could do nothing but allow him to do what he will. If she fought, she knew things would get worse.

Going against everything she believed in, she widened her legs, turned her head to the side, and let him penetrate her vagina. She wept silently. No fighting. No fussing. No nothing. Her spirit was weak and she was taken back to a moment in Brazil in which a member of her church raped her repeatedly.

For thirty minutes, her assailant went in and out of her body, pushing her into the hard bathroom floor. Although he was obviously someone who didn’t care for her, something about him was startlingly familiar. So familiar it scared her even more. Like the preacher at her church, she felt she trusted this person at one time. But the darkness concealed his identity.

When he bent down to turn her abused body around so that her stomach pressed against the floor, she got a whiff of a familiar scent. It was the same scent she smelled whenever she hugged a long time friend of the family. Irish Spring soap. Although she hadn’t cried since she made up her mind to let him rape her, the moment she knew who it was, her body shook from head to toe.

With her belly against the floor and his pressure still upon her, she prayed to make it out of this alive. She was so frightened she didn’t realize she said his name out loud.


“I really wish you didn’t know it was me.” He told her, flipping her over entering her anus from the front. Instead of being delicate considering her condition, he raped her harder than before. It was as if he was taking out all of his anger on her body. “I know you like it rough. Kavon told me you like to be fucked like a whore sometimes.”

“Why, Shy?
? I loved you,” she sobbed, her chest feeling as if it were caving in.

“Because I’m tired of you teasin’ me.” He moaned in between his words. “You know you been wantin’ me ever since I found yo ass suckin’ dick. All them kisses and havin’ me fight your battles cuz yo man to weak to do it himself. I’m tired of that shit. Mmmmmmm.” He moaned again. “And then what you do? Have this nigga’s seed! Fuck that shit! I’m bout to give you an abortion the old-fashion way. Then you gonna tell his ass you can’t be with him no more. You hear me?!” He pumped her harder and harder.

“Please, Shy. I can’t do that.”

She had never experienced anything so horrific in all her life. The force. The reason. Nothing made sense. Sure, Shy always had come to the rescue when she needed him, but she thought he was family. She thought he loved her.

“What about Kavon? He’s your friend.”

“What about that nigga? I’m sick of that dude.”

This was the worse thing she could’ve experienced. She would’ve preferred being raped by a total stranger than by a man she trusted with all of her heart and soul.

“And if you tell him, I’ma kill you,” Shy growled. “Shiiiiiittt, yo ass feel as good as your pussy. I see why dude bout to put a ring on dat finger.”

She never dreamed confirmation of Kavon’s marriage proposal would come by way of rape. He pounded her over and over again before he ejaculated inside of her. His panting was heavy and she could tell he was intoxicated. Finally he flipped on the lights showing his face. She focused on him best she could, due to being in total darkness for so long.

“Now hear me and hear me good. You will leave that nigga or else I’ma come back and kill him and you. You got one week to be ready to bounce wit’ me.”

He looked like a madman as he ranted. There were wrinkles in his face and he didn’t look the same.

Saying nothing else, he punched her so hard she passed out.



Kirk Bowler Chief of Police

Washington D.C.

Like Taking Candy From A Baby


irk sat back in the large black leather chair in his office and twirled around. He was in full uniform as he glanced down at the four stars, which symbolized his rank. His tanned skin and chiseled bone structure were more fitting of a 29-year-old model than the chief of police.

“Sir…Mr. William Jamison is here to see you.” His young white secretary said.

“Thanks, Jessica, let him in.”

Williams walked in and for a brief second, they exchanged mental glances. They were victorious. They’d been trying to put Kirk in the mayor’s way for a minute and it finally paid off.

“Congrats! So how does it feel to be the Chief?” he asked, sitting in the seat across from his desk.
“You know me. I’ve always been in charge.” He said lighting a cigar. “Now it’s time to prove it.”
“I see modesty is not a quality you possess.”
They laughed.

“You’re right about that…and now that Janice helped expose Gibson’s drug use, things are turning out better than ever. All we have to do is form a plan of attack.”

“I’m already on top of it. My secretary’s bringing me the files of all my top cops. I’ll get rid of most of them to make space for our boys in the KYC. It’s gonna take some time, but after I’m done things will never be the same.”

“It’ll be like taking candy from a nigger.” Williams said as jovial laughter continued to fill the office.



Nyzon Peate

Nightmares When Awake


e was four years old, in the back seat of a car buckled in his seat belt. Rain pounded ferociously against the windows. A woman with beautiful auburn hair talked to him from the front seat of the car as she drove. He couldn’t see her face, but her voice soothed him.         

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