The Fading Trilogy: Fading, Freeing, Falling: Includes 2 BONUS short stories: Hoping and Finding Forever (49 page)

BOOK: The Fading Trilogy: Fading, Freeing, Falling: Includes 2 BONUS short stories: Hoping and Finding Forever
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"Well, I can grab some videos at the studio of past performances. They have also recorded some of our studios this year. Would that suffice for you, watching me on video?"

Grabbing me behind my waist and neck, he flips me back onto the couch and just before he buries his head in my neck, he says, "Nothing about you will ever suffice for me. I'm always gonna want more."

So I give him more, right there on the couch. Truth is, I feel the same way. I don't think I'll ever get enough of him. Tonight, he's more playful with me and being able to giggle while we make love, I realize that he's finally giving me pieces of myself that have been missing for a long time. I relish in the closeness we have.

Ryan wraps us up in a blanket as we lie in each others' arms on the floor. Stroking his hand lazily up and down my back, we chat about random nonsense and continue with our fun banter from this morning. But I know I need to be honest and talk to him about what's been on my mind all day.

With hesitation, I say, "Ryan, I ran into Kimber today. She was leaving Jase's when I walked into his building."

"Did you guys talk?"

"She just asked where I've been, and I could tell she was hurt. Jase told me she reached out to him and that she's really upset."

"I'm sorry, babe. I know how much this bothers you. Have you thought anymore about talking to her?"

Ryan and I had discussed Kimber the week before. He felt that maybe she wouldn't react the way I initially thought she would since I'm in a better place now. If she could see that I was happy, she might be less likely to be reckless with her reaction. I agree with him, but I also didn't tell him about Seth being Jack's frat brother. I haven't told Ryan anything about Jack because I know how much he hates him and worry about what he might do if he ever found out.

"I just can't. I don't trust her enough to not do something."

"I don't know what to tell you to do. Just try talking to her and see if you guys can move past this rift."

"I think it would help if I went back home."


"Ryan, I was only supposed to be here for a week or two. I never intended on moving in like this. But, we are about to graduate, and I'd like to see if this is fixable. I can't do that if I'm not there."

"I still want you here."

"And I'll still be here. Just not

He releases a deep breath and says, "Okay. We can go tomorrow and take some of your things back."

Sliding my hand over his cheek, I tell him, "Thanks for understanding," before pressing my lips into his.



The next day, Ryan helped me pack up my things and take them back to my house. He insisted I leave some of my belongings at his place, so I did. It was strange being back home after being away for so long. Kimber was home when we got there, so I introduced her to Ryan, but they really didn't talk.

Ryan wanted to stay here with me that night, but I thought it would be best if he didn't for the first night I was back. If Kimber was uncomfortable, I didn't want to make it worse. He wasn't happy with it, but he understood.

Tonight is the gallery showing at Thinkspace. I wanted to look nice, so I had gone out and bought a dress. Standing in front of my mirror, I smooth down the sheer nude lace of my sleeveless pencil skirt dress. The lace is offset by the black satin underlay and has a bateau neckline. Although the necklace that Ryan gave me doesn't go with the dress, I wear it anyway. I love the quote and that those words make him think of me, something I haven't thought about myself for a while.

When he comes to pick me up, he has an effortless style about him that I find alluring. Ryan often dresses in simple t-shirts and dark jeans. Even though his closet is filled with nice dress clothes, he never wears them. But tonight, he wears dark charcoal slacks, a sports coat, and a white collared dress shirt leaving the first few buttons undone. His clothes are tailored to him perfectly and accentuate his broad shoulders and chest that 'V' down to his narrow hips. Ryan spends a lot of time in the gym, in addition to running, and his frame is near perfection. His dark hair is slightly messy, like he just ran his hands through it, but in a sexy way.

"We need to skip this whole thing tonight," he says as he approaches me and slowly slides his hands from my neck to my shoulders down my arms. He pulls me tight, grazes his nose up my bare neck, and kisses me behind my ear.

Cinching up my shoulders from the ticklish spot he kisses, I laugh. "Ryan, stop."

"I'm serious. Fuck everyone. I just want to stay here with you," he whispers in my ear.

"The deal was, if you got your picture accepted, then I got to go as your date. So, whether you like it or not, I'm dressed and ready to go."

"Okay, but tonight, you're sleeping in my bed. I didn't like not having you next to me last night."


"I know, I get it. I understand the whole Kimber thing, but I'm taking you home with me tonight."

I slip on my knee-length black wool coat before we walk out into the cold misty night. When we arrive at Thinkspace, a chic and contemporary art gallery in the heart of the city, I look over at Ryan and say, "I'm really proud of you, you know?"

"Babe, the only reason that photo is on display is because you're in it. You're perfect."

I don't even try to convince him of his talent because I know he would simply deny it. So, I let it be as we walk through the open doors. I immediately spot Stacy Keets, the woman that originally told me about this showing.


"Stacy, hi," I say as I give her a hug.

"That dress is amazing."

"Thank you."

"And this is...?" she asks as she glances to Ryan.

"Ryan." I say.

"Ahh, 'Nubile.' Beautiful photograph," she says as she shakes his hand. "I'm Stacy Keets. I work at the Henry Gallery."

"Ryan Campbell."

"Well, your piece is great. I saw a couple eying it a minute ago. Do you have more pieces?"

"A few. It wasn't ever something I intended to show anyone or have displayed, but Candace insisted."

"I'm glad she did. I'd love to see more of your work." Looking at me, she asks, "Do you still have my number?"

"Yes, I do."

"Give me a call," she tells Ryan. "We have some wall space opening up soon, so if you're interested, we can discuss the possibility of displaying some of your pieces."

"Will do. I'll have Candace give me your number."

Turning to me, she says, "And I owe you a congratulations. I heard about your audition from Sergej."

Sergej has been dating Stacy since I met her over two years ago. He has instructed my partnering studio since I first came to UW. He's originally from Russia, but moved to the States and danced for a company in New York before retiring and relocating here to teach.

"I hope it was all good."

Lowering her voice, she tells me, "He thinks people will be fighting for you to sign with their companies."

"I can only hope."

"No hoping. I'm looking forward to seeing you perform in May."

"Thank you. I'll be sure Ryan calls you," I say.

"Enjoy your night."

"You too, Stacy," Ryan says as he starts walking us to the bar.

Mark and Jase are already drinking and mingling when we walk over. I knew they would have a good time and they'd know several people here with them being architecture majors and art snobs.

"Hey, man," Mark says when he spots Ryan.

We all stand around and visit. After Gavin and his friend Chris arrive, I excuse myself and take a glass of wine from the bartender. Jase and I separate from the group and start to stroll through the gallery, looking at all the pieces. I know Ryan is here merely for my sake, so I don't mind that he spends the evening with his buddies. When we find ourselves in front of Ryan's photograph, which he'd titled 'Nubile,' Jase says in a quiet voice, "You're beautiful." He speaks to the photograph, not me. I stand there for a moment and only respond when he slightly turns his head to wink at me.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"Because of what he titled it." He turns to look back at the photograph and adds, "It could only be you."

I don't know how I would live without Jase. He's my rock. He's always stuck by my side and has been my strength when I had none left. I step closer to his side and hold his hand, and when he looks over at me, I tell him, "I love you, so much."

"I love you too, sweetie." He squeezes my hand and we continue through the gallery, admiring all the art on display. We don't speak with anyone else; we just spend our time together and enjoy each other's company. Eventually we find a bench and take a seat to give my feet a break in my platform heels.

"There you are," Ryan says from behind me.

Jase takes my empty wine glass and excuses himself to give Ryan and I time together.

Sitting down next to me, he says, "Where have you been?"

"Just walking around with Jase."

"I heard someone bought your photo," he tells me, and I'm so excited for him.


He doesn't respond, he just smiles at me and takes my hand. "Walk with me."

Sliding my hand into his, I follow him through the gallery and down one of the halls to a roped off area.

"What are we doing back here? We're gonna get in trouble."

Laughing at me, he says, "You're so cute."

We turn to go behind a wall, far from everyone else. He turns to me, pressing my back against the wall, hands on either side of me, caging me in. He doesn't even need to say anything when I reach for his face and bring him down to me. He's eager and passionate, and I know if he had it his way, he would take me right here against this wall.

"We should go," I say breathlessly between our lips.

He pushes himself against me as I grasp his shoulders, and I know it's
time to go.


When he finally drags his lips off of me, he takes my hand and walks us out of the back exit, not saying goodbye to anyone.

When we arrive at his place, he opens my door and scoops me out of the car, cradling me with his arm behind my knees. Kicking the door shut, he carries me up the stairs to the front door and once we are inside, straight up to his bed.

He lays me down and runs his hands down the length of my body slowly, down my thighs, wrapping around to the backs of my knees and then slides past my calves. He slips off my heels and I hear them as they clatter onto the floor. Standing by the edge of the bed, Ryan stares down at me as he takes off his shoes and socks and shrugs off his jacket.

My heart is racing as I watch him, and when he lowers himself on top of me, he gently kisses me. The rushed intensity that I felt earlier is gone.

"I love you so fuckin' much."

Brushing my fingers through his hair, I smile and study his face, the way it looks right now in this moment.

"I love you, too."

"Make love to me, babe."

I know what his words mean. I've always let him be in control, not feeling confident enough in myself. But I love this man, and I want to give him what he wants, which is to give myself to him in a way I haven't yet.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I nod as he pulls us up to our knees. I kiss him and caress his tongue with mine. Sliding his hands up my back, he catches the zipper and slowly pulls it down, loosening the lace on my body. One by one, I unbutton his shirt, and when I hit the last one, I run my hands up his cut stomach, over his chest, around his shoulders, and down his arms, sliding the shirt off. He covers my mouth with his, and when he does, I let the lace fall off of my shoulders. I sling my arms back around him and he lays me down, slipping my dress the rest of the way off.

His lips and tongue slowly drag against my heated skin as he makes his way up my legs, dropping kisses here and there along the way. He grabs onto my panties and starts pulling them down, taking his time as I lift my knees to help him. Leaning back over me, he runs his hands over my knees, up my inner thighs, and my breath hitches when he pushes his palm over my sex and up my stomach. I catch his hips with my legs, wrapping them around his waist, pulling him firmly against me.

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