The Faerie Queen (The Faerie Ring #4) (20 page)

BOOK: The Faerie Queen (The Faerie Ring #4)
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Chapter Thirty-Five




The sun had barely stretched its fingers over the tops of the buildings on Lombard Street when Tiki and Rieker stood at one end and surveyed the road.

“The driver in Dunvegan said Mr. MacLeod was a bank clerk here, but the whole bloody street is full of banks,” Tiki said. “How are we possibly going to find him?”

We’re going to visit these banks one by one and ask.” Rieker motioned to the building nearest them. “Starting with that one.”  The gold plate on the side of the building read Alexander, Cunliffes and Co. He held his arm out for Tiki and together they climbed the stones steps and entered the building. They pushed their way through the oversized doors and the first thing that struck Tiki was the silence. It was as if they were inside a stone vault.  Behind a raised counter tellers sat at their windows, scribbling notes with somber faces.

Excuse me,” Rieker stepped up to one of the windows, “is there a Mr. MacLeod in your employ?”

The older man narrowed his eyes, his eyebrows pulling together like two bushy caterpillars.
“MacLeod, you say?  Never heard of him.”

The next bank was
Barclay, Bevan and Co. The teller there had never heard of MacLeod either. Nor had the tellers at Barnett, Hoare and Co., Bosenquet and Co., Fuller and Co., Glyn and Co., Roberts and Co. until the names began to blur together along with the faces. It was when they entered Martin and Co
at number 68 Lombard Street that they found the answer they sought.

The teller didn’t bat an eye. 
“Norman MacLeod? That’s him over there—behind number three. Best hurry, he’s about to take tea I believe.” He flicked his thumb to the right and went back to the pile of paper he was carefully stamping. Tiki gave a hopeful look to Rieker as they hurried through the great expanse of the lobby toward window number three.

As they drew close
r Tiki peered at the man curiously.  He looked to be past middle-age. The top of his head had gone bald, but great grey mutton chop whiskers covered the side of his face.  Bags formed half-circles below his eyes, magnified by the silver-rimmed glasses that perched on the tip of his nose and his shoulders slumped as though he’d been beaten down by life.  He hardly looked like a man who might hold the Fourth Treasure of the faerie world.

Excuse me, sir.” Rieker held his hat in his hands as he approached the window. “We’re looking for Mr. MacLeod of Dunvegan, Scotland?”

The old man raised his head.
“Pray tell why two young people such as ye’selves be seekin’ a poor soul such as he.”

We’ve come on good authority that Mr. MacLeod has—”

Been seeking word of Dunvegan,” Tiki interrupted, fearful that Rieker was going to ask straightaway for the flag. That would never do. Especially with this crusty old gent.   “We have just recently come from Dunvegan.” She nodded toward Rieker. “William’s father visited the castle as a boy and had told such glorious stories of the place we had to see it for ourselves.  Are you Mr. MacLeod?”

The man tilted his head back
to peer through his glasses more closely at the two of them. “What was your father’s name, lad?” he asked Rieker.

Fial Winterbourne,” Tiki said quickly. “Do you remember him, by chance?”

Winterbourne?” The old man shook his head. “Nah. Been gone ‘nigh on twenty years now. The Potato Famine drove us from our home. Don’t remember anyone by the name Winterbourne, though.” He shuffled some papers to the side. “Do you have a deposit you wanted to make today? Banking business I could help you with?”

No,” Rieker said. “We came to talk to you about Dunvegan. I’m with the London News, you see, and we’re running a series of articles about historical sites.”

glanced at him from the corner of her eyes as Rieker kept talking.

Dunvegan was one of the places we’ve chosen to cover. I’ve always been curious about the place. It was quite a disappointment to find the castle had been vacated and we thought maybe you could answer a few questions for us.”

Questions?” The old man said brusquely. “Don’ know what kind of answers I might have.” He slid a little wooden sign that said
in red letters in front of his work area. “I’m off for tea break. You can join me if you care to.”

Yes, we’d like that,” Tiki replied.  They walked along the teller line until Mr. MacLeod emerged at the far end. He was shorter than he’d appeared from his window—barely reaching to Rieker’s shoulder.

It’s just through here, we’ve got a small sitting area for the staff. It’ll be all right if you come in for a few minutes. No one else will be there this time of day.” He led them into a small room that held little more than a round table and four chairs.  One wall had a small counter with a burner and a kettle. He raised the kettle in their direction. “Care for a cup?”

That would be delightful, thank you,” Tiki nodded.

So what is it you want to know of Dunvegan? The current structure was built in 1266—the oldest castle in Northern Scotland.” Pride was evident in his voice as he pulled a chair out, the legs screeching against the floor. His shoulders slumped as he sat down and a sad smile lit his face. “I am the 25
chief of a castle I can’na afford to live in. Not a very glorious or interesting tale to share, I’m afraid.”

But someday you’ll return,” Tiki said gently.

Mr. MacLeod
looked away. “Not in this lifetime.”

Rieker took up the conversation.
“One of the stories we were told was of a great treasure the MacLeod’s have had for centuries now—”

A treasure?” The old man snorted. “If there were a treasure I’d surely still be in Scotland.” The kettle began to sing and MacLeod shuffled from the table.

A flag of sorts—said to be connected to the faeries…”

The man
paused as he reached for the kettle and glanced back over his shoulder. His eyes shifted from Rieker to Tiki and back again with an air of suspicion. “How do you know about
Am Bratach Sith

William’s father told us,” Tiki said. “Said it was one of the clan’s most prized possessions.  Rory Campbell mentioned it too.”

Ah, you met Rory, did you?” He ran his hands over his side whiskers and stared at his feet as though lost in memories.

Did you bring it to London with you?” Rieker looked hopeful. “I know my editor would jump at the chance to run an illustration with the story.”

Bring it to London,” MacLeod snorted. He pulled the kettle from the stove and the teapot immediately ceased its shrill whistling.  “There are some things—sacred things—that are not meant to be put within the reach of the pickpockets and thieves that populate every corner in this god-forsaken city.”  He returned to the table and placed the steaming cup in front of Tiki.

Thank you.” She wrapped her fingers around the cup, enjoying the warmth. “You’ve left
Am Bratach Sith
at Dunvegan then?” She tried to speak as naturally as she could—as if the topic wasn’t of paramount importance.

London is not the place for something as precious as
Am Bratach Sith
but that’s not to say I left it unprotected in Dunvegan either.”

Sounds like quite a mystery. Can you tell us the story of how the flag arrived there?” Rieker asked.  “I suspect the truth of the tale is one that only the MacLeod’s know.”

took a cautious sip of his tea, then settled back in his chair. He gazed at Rieker for a long moment and Tiki wondered if he was going to answer.

I’m sure Rory told you the story as it is a favorite tale of his. But regardless, it was a gift.”

Even though she had heard the caretaker’s version
Tiki was quite curious and she had to bite her tongue to stay still and let the man tell the tale how he would.

It was my ancestor—one of the first chiefs of the Clan MacLeod. He fell in love with a lass who couldn’t stay with him. When she left she gave him a gift.”

She was a faerie?” Tiki asked.

Instead of answering, MacLeod lifted his cup again. When he finished he
let out a long satisfied sigh and nodded. “Aye, that’s right, little lass. They say she was a faerie.” He peered at Tiki over the rims of his silver glasses. “Do you believe in faeries?”

Tiki nodded.

“Hmmmm an’ I see that you do.” He smoothed his whiskers again. “The gift she left behind was a flag meant to protect the bearer. On two separate occasions we have unfurled her gift and been given the strength to prevail against our enemies. Legend says the flag will save us one more time.”

But you’ve kept the location of the flag a secret?” Rieker asked.  “For over twenty years?”

The flag is safe and those within our Clan who need to know, are aware of its location—that’s all that matters.” The older man spoke with confidence. “I will tell you this—the silk lies within an iron chest below the sign of MacLeod and awaits our return.
Am Bratach Sith
is in a place protected by those who gave us the flag in the first place. Only those who know where to look could find our treasure.”


Chapter Thirty-Six




A small woman hurried along the shadowed corridors of Buckingham Palace, her white hair bright in the dim light.
The heels of her shoes tapped intermittently against the marble floors when not muffled by the lush rugs spread along the corridor. She slowed as she approached a tall pair of doors and grabbed one of the ornate golden handles with both hands to tug the door open.

Light spilled out into the hallway
along with the low murmur of conversation as the doorway slowly swung outward. The voices paused as the occupants of the room turned to see who had joined them.

Mamie!”  Both young men rose from their chairs at the same time. The dark-haired one came around his seat with his arms extended. “You never cease to amaze me. I’ve only returned in the last thirty minutes and already you know I’m here.”

Arthur,” Mamie said, lifting her face for the young prince to kiss her cheek. “I’m so glad you’ve returned safely from your trip.” She squeezed his fingers. “We need you here—now more than ever.”

Mamie?” Leo stepped nearer, concern etched on his face. “What is it?”

It’s Donegal—the Winter King,” she whispered. Her bright blue eyes were wide with fear.

What of him? Is there news? Has he been seen in London?”

Worse, I’m afraid—he’s been seen here—at the palace. Looking for the little girl—the one named Clara.”


Chapter Thirty-Seven




But I don’t want to go to bed yet,” Clara said in a petulant voice. She crossed her arms and frowned at their housekeeper. “Why do I always have to go first?”

Because it’s your bedtime, little darlin’, and you’re still growin’.” Mrs. Bosworth replied as she lowered the light on the gas lamps in the parlor. “Can you be a big girl and go up on your own?”

I don’t want to go up alone.”

Mrs. Bosworth brushed a stray strand of
gray hair from her face with the back of her hand. “Fiona, would you be a dear and take the little ‘un up to bed for me? I swear I’m asleep on my feet tonight.” She shook her head. “Don’ know what’s wrong with me.”

jumped up and dropped her stitching on a side table. She held out her hand to Clara. “Come along, you little monkey and save me from any more fancy work tonight. I’ve already poked my fingers too many times with that bloody needle.”

Why do you do it, anyway?” Toots asked from where he was stretched out on the floor playing checkers with Shamus.

All ladies know how to do fancy work.”

Toots laughed.
“Since when do you care about being a lady? You used to only care about picking the pockets of ladies.”

Fiona laughed shrilly and gave Toots a sharp kick in the leg.
“You’re so silly, Toots.”

Ow!” he cried, reaching to rub his leg when he gaze fell on Mrs. Bosworth’s back.  “Oh. Right.”

Clara stamped her foot.
“But I don’t

Fiona didn’
t wait to hear what the child was going to say. Instead, she leaned down and threw a shrieking Clara over her shoulder.  She twirled in a big circle.  “Maybe if I make you dizzy enough you’ll stop talking.”

Twirl me again, Fi,” Clara cried, giggling as they went.

Good thing you’re light as a feather, Clara, or I swear I’d have to dump you halfway up the stairs.”

Twirl me at the top, Fi,” Clara cried from where she hung upside down over the older girl’s shoulder. “We’ll have to teach Leo this game!”

Once they
were on the landing Fiona twirled Clara around and around, the hardwood floor squeaking in that spot as if laughing along.  Fiona walked through the bedroom door she shared with Clara and twirled one more time before she dumped the little girl on the bed, the feather duster letting out a small
as she landed. Fiona giggled and fell onto the bed next to her. “You’ve made me dizzy as well.”

It wasn’t my fault,” Clara laughed, kicking her feet in the air.

Hurry up and get your bedclothes on. I’ll tuck you in and kiss you good night.”

Clara sobered.
“What about my bedtime story? Tiki always told us one.”

Fiona tweaked the little girl’s nose.
“All right, I’ll tell you a short one. But be quick about it, I want to go downstairs and beat the boys in checkers.”


IT WAS SEVERAL hours later when a squeak on the landing woke Clara. Someone had just walked up the stairs.  She watched as the crack of light under the doorway grew to a long V shape before a shadow filled the entrance.

Fi? Did you beat the boys?” she asked in a sleepy voice.

When there wa
s no answer she sat up, rubbing her eyes with her fists. The shadow had moved from the doorway and now stood leaning over her bed.

screamed as a man with silver hair yanked her upright. He wound a cloth through her little mouth and tied it tight behind her neck, cutting off her screams.  With three quick movements he tied her hands and feet and scooped her from the bed. When he spoke his voice was low and rumbling, like a thundercloud.

Donegal’s been looking for you, little girl.”

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