The Fairy Tales Collection (17 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: The Fairy Tales Collection
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“You’re so wet for me, sweetheart,” he
moaned into her ear. 

“Please, Duncan,” she begged in a soft
voice and he rubbed her clit again.

She clutched at his thick neck and arched
her back when he slid his index finger deep inside of her.  Her pussy clenched
around his finger and he groaned harshly.  “I want to fuck you, Ella.”

“I want that too,” she panted into his
ear.  “So much.”

He rubbed her clit with the pad of his
thumb.  He would make her come first, watch her fall apart on his hand and then
he’d finally take what was his.  His lion roared happily and he realized that
he was purring loudly.  He couldn’t, didn’t want to, stop it.  He wanted his
mate to know how much she pleased him.

“I want you to come for me, Ella,” he

“Yes,” she whimpered.  “Oh God, yes.”

He rubbed harder before tugging lightly on
her clit.  His purring loudened at her cry of pleasure and he cupped one breast
and kneaded it roughly.  “That’s right, sweetheart.  Show me how good it
feels.  Show me – “

The elevator lights flickered and Ella
cried out in fear when the entire elevator shuddered.  There was another rough
jolt, the sound of a motor starting and the lights came on with a brightness
that made them both blink.

“Shit,” Duncan snapped.  He yanked his hand
out of Ella’s pants and helped her fasten her bra.  She climbed to her feet and
pulled on her shirt as he slipped into his own.  The elevator stopped and the
doors slid open.  A maintenance man was standing in the lobby and he grinned at

“Sorry about that, folks.  Everyone okay in

“Just fine,” Duncan muttered as Ella ran
out of the elevator.

He hurried after her.  “Ella wait!”

“I’m sorry,” she called over her shoulder. 
“I have to go.  My lunch break is over and I – I have to get back to work.”


* * *


“So let me get this straight,” Rowan
grabbed another handful of carrots and plopped into the armchair.  Gus, who was
sitting on the arm of it, hissed at her and jumped down before stalking toward
the bed.  He jumped onto the bed and glared at her as Rowan laughed.  “Oh,
Gus-Gus, why do you hate me?”

“He hates everyone,” Ella said absently as
she poured a glass of water for Belle.  “Except Duncan Gillis, apparently.”

Rowan crunched down a carrot.  “So, this
morning you got two more massage clients, were trapped in an elevator, didn’t
wet your pants, and made out with Duncan.  Is that what you’re saying?”

“Yes,” Ella said.

“Nice.”  Rowan held her fist up and Ella
bumped it before sitting in the second armchair.

Belle sat down in the chair next to the
computer desk and sipped at her water.  “So now what?”

Ella shrugged. “I – I don’t know.  I
shouldn’t have made out with him but I was really scared and it was a good

“Ouch,” Belle said.  “Maybe don’t say that
to Duncan.”

“I wouldn’t,” Ella said hastily. 

“You’re telling me that the only reason you
made out with Duncan was to distract you from your claustrophobia?”  Rowan

“Yes?”  Ella said hesitantly.

“I call bullshit,” Rowan said cheerily. 
“If they hadn’t gotten the elevator fixed with such horrible timing, would you
have fucked him?”

“Rowan!”  Ella said as she blushed

“Answer the question, honey,” Rowan said
before popping another baby carrot into her mouth.

“Yes,” Ella said.  “I was actually
disappointed when the elevator started working again.  I was feeling awful and
afraid and then Duncan and I started kissing and I could have stayed in that
stupid elevator forever.”

“Huh, kiss Duncan Gillis and cure your
claustrophobia.  We should try and market that, we’d make millions,” Rowan said
with a grin.

Ella scowled at her.  “I’m not letting
anyone else kiss Duncan Gillis.  He’s mine and…”

She trailed off and gave Belle a horrified
look as Belle snorted.  “Sounds like Duncan Gillis is rubbing off on you.”

“Oh, I’m sure he’d love to rub off on her,”
Rowan said.

Belle laughed so hard that water sloshed out
of her glass and spilled onto the floor.  She jumped up, and still giggling,
grabbed some paper towels from the kitchen and mopped up the spill.

“Oh my God, what is happening to me?”  Ella
moaned.  “I’m losing it.”

“Nope, not losing it, just really horny for
Duncan and I couldn’t be happier about it.  He’s perfect for you,” Belle said.

“He’s not perfect for me,” Ella said before
hesitating.  “Something kind of weird did happen when we were, uh, making out.”

“Ooh, I like weird,” Rowan said.  “What was
it?  Did he want to call you mommy and have you spank him?  Was his dick really

Belle’s mouth dropped open.  “They can be

“Hell, yes,” Rowan said solemnly.  “Perry’s
dick looked like a banana, I swear to God.  It took us a good ten minutes just
to figure out a position where it wouldn’t come poking out my bellybutton.”

“You’re lying!”  Belle said.  “There’s no
way that’s true.”

“Hand to God,” Rowan said.  “I’m guessing
that Bennett’s is as straight as an arrow then?”

Belle blushed.  “Yes.”

“And big, yeah?  Very, very big?”

“It’s the only one I’ve really seen but yes
I think it’s pretty big.”

Rowan winked at her before turning back to
Ella.  “So is his dick straight or curved?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t even seen it or –
or touched it,” Ella said.

“You really need to get on that,” Rowan
said solemnly.  “In more ways than one.”

Belle snickered.  “What was weird, Ella?”

“When we – and I know this sounds crazy –
were making out, Duncan was…purring.”

“Purring,” Rowan said.


Rowan glanced at Gus.  “Purring like a

Ella nodded.  “Again, I know it sounds
crazy but I swear it was actual purring.”

“Well, I can’t say that I’ve heard a guy
make a sound like purring when we’re having sex but they make a hell of a lot
of strange noises from time to time,” Rowan said.

“No,” Ella said.  “It didn’t
like purring.  It was purring.  He sounded exactly like Gus, just louder.”  She
glanced at Belle and frowned.  “Belle?  What’s wrong?”

“Uh, nothing,” Belle said quickly.

Ella studied her carefully but before she
could say anything her cell phone chimed.  “Sorry to kick you out, ladies, but
I need to get going.  My appointment with Henry Treating is in an hour and I
need to pack up my stuff and load it into the car.”

“Do you need help?”  Rowan asked.

She shook her head.  “No, go out and have
some fun, honey.  How often do you get a Wednesday night off?”

“Not very often,” Rowan replied.  “Of
course, it would have been better if it was Friday night but Kevin’s been a
real dick ever since I rejected his offer to have sex.  I’m supposed to get at
least one weekend off a month and if that dirtbag tries to change the schedule
so I don’t, I’m going to punch him in the nuts.  I hate that Gaston put him in
charge of scheduling.”

“You still have next Saturday off, right?” 
Ella said with a frown.

“Of course I do,” Rowan replied.  “Gaston’s
actually closing the bar that night.  The whole frackin’ town will be at the
celebration anyway so there’s no point in keeping it open.  Don’t worry,
Ella-Lou, I’m still your sexy date.  Unless,” she gave Ella a wicked grin,
“you’ve changed your mind and accepted Duncan’s invitation to go with him?”

“Of course I haven’t,” Ella said.  “I
wouldn’t abandon you like that and – “

“I don’t mind,” Rowan interrupted.  “I have
no problem going to the Celebration solo.”

“No,” Ella said firmly.  “We made plans and
I’m not changing them.”

“Fine,” Rowan said before standing and
planting a kiss on Ella’s smooth cheek, “but I’m telling you right now that if
you expect me to put out at the end of the night, you’ll have to buy me at
least one drink.”

Ella grinned as there was a knock on the
door.  She opened the door and stared at the courier holding the large
rectangular box.

“Can I help you?”

“Delivery for Ella Cinders,” he said.

She stepped back and he placed the box on
the floor before holding out a clipboard.  “Sign here, please.”

She signed and shut the door behind him as
Belle studied the box.  “What’s this?”

“I have no idea,” she said.  Belle handed
her a pair of scissors and she slit the tape on the box before opening it.  She
pulled away the bubble wrap as Rowan and Belle stood over her. 

“Oh my God,” she said as the painting was

“That’s cool looking,” Rowan said.

Her hands shaking, Ella carefully picked up
the painting from the box.

“Hey,” Belle said, “Isn’t that the painting
from the gallery?  One of Samuel’s?”

Ella nodded numbly.  “Yes, but it has to be
a replica.”

“It looks exactly like the one from the
gallery,” Belle said.  “It’s in the same frame and everything.”

Ella stared at the painting, her heart
beating fiercely in her chest as she realized Belle was correct.  “I – it is. 
It’s the original.”

“Holy shitballs,” Belle said.

“What?”  Rowan asked. “What’s the big

“This painting costs a hundred grand.  It
had a sold sign on it when we looked at it in the gallery,” Belle said.

Rowan’s mouth dropped open.  “A hundred

“Yup,” Belle said solemnly.  She bent and
picked up a small white envelope.  “There’s a card.”

“Open it,” Ella said faintly.  She leaned
the painting against the wall, her hands were still shaking badly and she was
afraid she was going to drop it, and stared at the little girl on the tire
swing as Belle pulled out a plain light-blue card.

“For the prettiest girl in the gallery.” 
She flipped the card over.  “That’s all it says.”

“Someone has a secret admirer,” Rowan said.

Ella shook her head.  “It’s impossible.  I
didn’t know anyone at the gallery except for Belle, Bennett and Duncan.”

She looked up at Belle.  “You – you and Bennett
didn’t buy this for me, did you?”

Belle shook her head.  “Where would I get a
hundred grand?”

“Bennett has lots of money.  That’s what
you said,” Ella replied.

“True but we didn’t buy it for you, honey. 
I swear.”

“Maybe it was Duncan,” Rowan suggested. 
“What does he do for a living?”

“He’s in investing like Bennett,” Ella said

“So he has lots of money then?”

“No, I don’t think so.  Besides, he
wouldn’t buy this for me.”

“Why not?  Maybe he’s thinking it’ll get
him into your pants,” Rowan said with a grin.

Belle laughed.  “Ella’s amazing and Duncan
is kind of obsessed with her but buying her a hundred-thousand-dollar painting
in the hopes that she might sleep with him?  That’s a little crazy.  Besides, I
don’t think he’s rich like Bennett.  His house is pretty small and he doesn’t
drive a flashy car or anything.”

Ella continued to stare at the painting as
Belle kissed her on the cheek before shrugging into her jacket.  “Are we still
on for breakfast at the diner before work, tomorrow?”

Ella nodded.  “I’ll be there.”

“Me too,” Rowan said. 

She and Belle left and Ella reached out and
traced the painting with the tips of her fingers as a soft smile crossed her
face.  She didn’t know who had sent her the painting but at this very moment,
she didn’t care.


Chapter 6


Ella slid into the booth at Snow’s Diner. 
She was early, neither Rowan nor Belle had arrived yet, but she had slept
terribly last night.  Her appointment with Henry Treating had gone really well.
 He had even made a comment about booking her again next week and she had gone
home happy and excited.  She had spent over half an hour just staring at her
new painting and grinning like an idiot.  But once she had crawled into bed,
she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Duncan and that moment in the

She had tossed and turned restlessly for
nearly three hours and when she had finally fallen asleep her dreams had been
filled with images of Duncan, his hard hands and warm body, his raspy voice
whispering naughty things that had set her body on fire.  Erotic images of them
in her bed with their naked bodies entwined so closely she could hardly
breathe, of his warm mouth kissing and caressing her skin as he purred loudly. 
She had woken around five.  Gus was sitting on her chest and she had realized
the purring in her dreams had actually been him.  Ella had pushed him off and
he had hissed angrily before flouncing into the living room.  She had stared at
the ceiling for a while as her entire body throbbed and pulsed for relief.  She
had masturbated and brought herself to an oddly unfulfilling orgasm before
taking a decidedly-cold shower.

Not that it had helped, she thought
grumpily as another wave of painful lust throbbed in her lower body.  She was
so hot for Duncan that she could masturbate herself into a coma and it wouldn’t
be good enough.  Why did he have to be so damn hot?  Why did he have to –

“Good morning, sweetheart.”

She jerked wildly when Duncan slid into the
booth beside her.  He crowded up against her and rested his hand on her thigh. 
He caressed it lightly and she shivered violently before trying to tug it away.

“What are you doing here?”  She asked.

“Thought I’d have some breakfast.  You can
imagine how happy I was when I saw you here too,” he said.

“Move your hand,” she said in a low mutter.

“Sure,” he replied and her eyes widened
when he easily pulled her thighs apart and cupped her pussy through her jeans. 
His fingers pressed against her rhythmically and she clamped her legs around
his hand.

“What are you doing?”  She licked her lips
and looked nervously around the diner.  It was fairly full and she froze when a
heavy-set man walked by their booth.

“Moving my hand,” he said innocently.

“Stop that,” she whispered when his hand
tightened and he put delicious pressure on her already swollen clit.

“Ohhh,” she moaned softly, her pelvis
thrusting against his fingers and he grinned wickedly at her.

“Doesn’t feel like you want me to stop,” he
said.  “How did the appointment go last night?”

He pressed again before rubbing firmly and
she gripped the table as she willed herself not to squirm against his fingers.

“I – what?”  She gasped.

“Your appointment?  How did it go.”

“Uh, fine, uh, good.  He might book me for

“That’s great,” he said cheerfully.

The server, a short woman named Jeannie,
stopped next to the booth.  “Hey guys, what can I get you to drink?”

“I’ll take an orange juice please, Jeannie,”
Duncan said as his fingers rubbed circles against her clit.

“And for you, hon?”  Jeannie glanced at

“Sweetheart, Jeannie asked you a question,”
Duncan prompted.

She looked up from the table, her cheeks
flushed and glowing, and croaked, “Coffee.”

“Coming right up,” Jeannie said with a
strange look at Ella.

She walked away and Duncan leaned in and
breathed into her ear, “I didn’t sleep at all last night.  All I could think
about was how wet your pussy was, how hard your little nipples turned when I
sucked on them and the way you moved when I touched you.”

“Duncan, please,” she whispered. 

“I almost came to your house last night,”
he continued.  His tongue darted out and probed her ear and her pelvis jerked
against his fingers.  “I want to see you come, Ella.  You have no idea how

“Oh my God,” she whispered.  “Duncan, you –
you have to stop.  I – I’m so close.”

“Really?”  His eyes were starting to change
colour but she was staring fixedly at the table and didn’t notice.  The dim
murmuring of the other diners was fading and she was only barely aware of
Duncan’s warm breath in her ear.  The only thing she could feel, the only thing
that seemed to matter, was Duncan’s fingers rubbing and circling against her
jeans in a delicious friction that made her want to scream with pleasure.  She
clamped her mouth shut, her nostrils flaring as she dragged in
desperately-needed oxygen.

Fuck, she couldn’t come in a goddamn diner
full of people.  She couldn’t, she absolutely, positively could not.

“I can smell how wet you are, sweetheart,”
Duncan suddenly whispered.  “It would be so easy to fuck you right now,
wouldn’t it?  So easy to just slide that wet little pussy over my dick and
watch you ride me to your climax.  Would you like that?  Would you like to – “

He stopped, a low growl erupting from his
throat, as Ella’s body stiffened and she made a low, hoarse cry.  Her nails dug
into his wrist and he eased up the pressure of his hand between her legs.

Ella, her heart beating like a drum and her
legs shaking from the force of her orgasm, stared fixedly at the table as
Duncan’s hand slowed to a stop.  Holy fucking shit, she had just climaxed in a
fucking diner.

“Here’s your juice and your coffee.”  Jeannie
was back and Ella closed her eyes as the woman placed her coffee in front of

“You like lots of sugar, right, hon?”  Jeannie

Ella nodded and there was the soft clunk of
a plate as Jeannie placed the cream and sugar next to the coffee.  The woman
walked away and Duncan leaned in again.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you
look right now, Ella?”

“Duncan, I – “

“I could watch you come again and again,”
he muttered.  “In fact, why don’t we go back to my place right now and – “

“Morning!”  Belle plunked down in the seat
across from them.  “Hey, Duncan, I didn’t know you were joining us.”

She cocked her head and stared at Ella. 
“Ella?  Honey, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Ella said.  “Move, Duncan.  I –
I have to use the ladies’ room.”

He slid out and, her legs trembling
violently, she hurried across the restaurant and down the hallway to the
ladies’ room.  She pushed the door open and stumbled to the counter, gripping
it tightly as she stared at herself in the mirror.  The two stalls behind her
were empty and she said a silent prayer of thanks.  She took a deep breath. 
Duncan Gillis had just made her climax in a fucking restaurant with nothing
more than his hand and some dirty talk.  Her pussy throbbed at the memory,
already it wanted more - it wanted Duncan’s cock - and she glared down at it.

“Stop it!”  She snarled and then rubbed her
hand across her forehead.  Jesus Christ, now she was talking to her own damn
crotch.  Duncan Gillis was driving her insane.

The door to the bathroom banged open and
she squealed in surprise when Duncan strode through.  He took her arm and
pushed her up against the wall next to the sinks.

“Duncan, this is the ladies’ – “

He kissed her roughly, pushing her arms
above her head and pinning them to the wall as he rubbed his crotch almost
desperately against hers.

“Spread your legs,” he muttered in a harsh
growl against her mouth.  When she hesitated, he nipped her bottom lip until it
stung.  “Spread them now, Ella.”

She moaned and did what he asked.  He
groaned and wrapped his arms around her waist.  He lifted her up and she
automatically hooked her legs around his waist.  He pushed her back against the
wall, his hips pumping furiously against her and she gasped with every brush of
his jean-clad erection against her pussy.

He kissed her again, swallowing her
protests.  At the feel of his warm tongue she gave up and returned his kiss
with feverish abandonment.  He rubbed harder as his loud purring echoed in the small
room and she met each of his thrusts with a short pump of her pelvis.

Holy shit, she was dry-humping Duncan
Gillis in the bathroom and, God help her, she was going to come again.

“Fuck,” he groaned.  “I’m about to come in
my goddamn jeans, Ella.”

“Do it,” she said breathlessly.  “Do it,
Duncan.  I want to see it.”

His purring rose another notch.  It was all
she could hear now and she watched as his pupils became dark slits and their
colour changed from pale blue to a blazing golden yellow.

“Duncan, what’s happening to you?”  She

She should have been afraid but she
wasn’t.  Duncan would never hurt her, she belonged to him, and he would never –

“Oh my God!”

The woman’s shrill voice made Duncan’s
purring cut out with an abrupt and jagged cough.  He glared over his shoulder
at the older woman – Ella groaned in dismay when she realized it was Marlene
Bison, the biggest gossip in town - and snarled, “Get out!”

“I’ll do no such thing, Duncan Gillis!” 
Marlene snapped.  “This is the ladies’ room and no place for your – your sexual
depravity!  The two of you should be ashamed!”

Her gaze narrowed in on Ella.  “Just wait
until your stepmother hears about this, Ella Cinders!”

Duncan growled at her and Marlene puffed
herself up to her full height.  “Did you just growl at me?”

“Duncan, put me down,” Ella said.  She
dropped her legs and he lowered her to the floor before grabbing her hand and
tugging her toward the door.

“You keep your mouth shut about what you
just saw,” he snarled at Marlene.  She glared at him in return and he stomped
past her, dragging Ella with him.

“Duncan, stop!”  She pulled at his hand as
he hurried her toward the door.

“Come home with me, Ella.  Right now,” he

“I can’t,” she hissed. “I’m having
breakfast with Belle and Rowan.”

He gave her a pleading look of
desperation.  “Ella – “

“No,” she said.  “I’m sorry, really I am,
but I have to work today.  I can’t just drop everything and - and go home with

Frustration crossed his face and he dropped
her hand.  “Fine.  I’ll see you around, Ella.”

He stormed out of the diner and Ella, her
face pale and hands shaking, walked slowly to the booth.  Rowan was sitting
next to Belle and they gave her twin looks of concern.

“Honey, what was that about?”  Belle asked
as Ella slid into the booth and dropped her head into her hands.

“Marlene Bison just caught Duncan and me
dry-humping in the ladies’ room,” she said.

Rowan’s mouth dropped open and she gave
Ella a look of pure delight.  “Oh my God, you are fucking kidding me.”

“I’m not,” Ella groaned.  “She flipped out
and yelled at us and…”

She trailed off as Marlene walked by their
booth.  She glared at Ella and muttered, “For shame, Ella Cinders.”

“Get lost, Marlene,” Rowan snapped

She sniffed loudly and walked away as Belle
reached out and took Ella’s hand.  “Don’t worry about it, Ella.”

“Don’t worry about it?  By this time
tomorrow everyone will know that we were…oh, fuck.”  She raised her head and
stared at her two best friends.  “Duncan’s really mad at me.”

“Why would he be mad at you?”

“Because he wanted me to go home with him
and I said no.  I – I have to work,” she said.

“He’ll get over it,” Rowan said.  “Don’t
worry, honey.”

“Yeah,” Ella whispered.  She stared blankly
at the menu in front of her as Belle and Rowan exchanged worried looks.


* * *


Ella parked her car in front of Duncan’s
home and looked around nervously.  She didn’t see his car parked in the
driveway and she scanned the street before climbing out.  She grabbed her
cleaning supplies from the backseat and headed slowly up the driveway.

She had spent last night hiding in her
apartment, waiting nervously for her stepmother or Ana to come barging in and
demand to know what happened at the diner.  To her surprise they didn’t and she
had gone to bed just after nine, another part of her wondering if Duncan would
show up.  That didn’t happen either and he hadn’t replied to her apology text.

She had left her tiny apartment early this
morning for her massage appointment with Marjorie Wilkins.  Duncan’s car had
been in the driveway when she arrived.  She had half-expected him to be waiting
in his front yard when she left Marjorie’s place at around quarter to eight but
his house was quiet and still, the curtains drawn against the sunlight.

She picked through the ring of keys that
Ana had given her earlier in the week and located the one with Duncan’s
initials on it.  She knocked and waited.  A pointless gesture since he was at
this very moment, playing basketball and being seduced by Ana in her red dress,
but she knocked anyway.  After a few moments, she entered the house and slipped
out of her shoes.  She had never been in Duncan’s home.  Ana had laid claim to
cleaning his place the very day he had hired Cinders Cleaning.  Ella was
intensely curious about what it looked like.  She was very tempted to go
directly to his bedroom and maybe lie on his bed or sniff his clothes.  She
berated herself internally before grabbing her cleaning supplies and looking
for the kitchen.  She would start there and finish up in his bedroom.  If
Duncan was like eighty percent of their clientele, the kitchen would be the

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