Read The Fairy Tales Collection Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

The Fairy Tales Collection (6 page)

BOOK: The Fairy Tales Collection
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He reached for her and she gasped in
surprise when he pushed her to the floor.  He rolled the condom onto his cock
and lowered his heavy body onto hers, his thighs pushing hers apart.

“Ben,” she said nervously.  “You – you’ll
be gentle, right?”

“Yes,” he said before kissing her lightly. 
“I won’t hurt you, Mirabelle.”

She doubted that was true, there was no way
he couldn’t not hurt her – not with a cock that size – but her anxiety disappeared
when his mouth dropped to her breasts and he sucked one nipple into his mouth.

“OH!”  She arched against him, his cock
rubbing against her pussy, and threaded her hands through his thick, dark hair
as he pulled lightly on her nipple with his teeth.  He nipped it lightly before
switching to the other breast.  When she was panting and wiggling beneath him,
he reached between them and guided his cock to her wet opening.

As the head breached her opening, she
tensed and gripped at his broad, smooth back.  “Ben, I – “

She cried out, her hands digging into his
hard flesh as he pushed completely into her in one smooth motion.  The flare of
pain brought tears to her eyes and his groan of pleasure trailed off as he
stiffened above her.

“Mirabelle?”  He said hoarsely.  “Have you
had sex before?”

Her face flushed bright red and she clung
tightly to him when he tried to withdraw.  “Don’t stop, Ben.”

He propped himself up on his hands and
stared down at her.  “Are you a virgin?”

She hesitated and then nodded, blinking
back the tears when a look of dismay crossed his face. 

“Fuck!”  He muttered.  “What have I done?”

“Don’t be angry,” she said.

“I’m not angry.”  He stroked her dark hair
lightly.  “But I’ve hurt you and I – “

“It doesn’t hurt anymore,” she interrupted. 

It was true.  The pain was starting to fade
and she moved experimentally beneath him.  His breath hissed out and she gasped
when he made a slow thrust in response.

“Mirabelle,” he muttered, “I think we
should stop.”

“No!”  She wrapped her legs around his
waist and gave him a pleading look.  “Please don’t stop, Ben.  I want this so

She pushed her pelvis up and felt a
thrilling sense of power when he thrust against her with a look of almost
helpless need.

“I – I don’t want to stop,” he groaned.

“I know,” she soothed.  “I don’t want you
to stop either.”

He groaned again before moving within her
in long, slow strokes.  She braced her feet on the floor and met each of his
strokes as she watched his face carefully. 

“You feel so good, my sweet Mirabelle,” he
whispered and she smiled at him as the pace of his thrusts increased.  The pain
was gone now, leaving just warmth and an odd feeling of fullness, and she
thought she could stay connected to him like this forever.  It didn’t matter if
she ever came again, it was enough to feel him inside of her, to watch his face
as he found pleasure in her body.  She touched his dark beard with her
fingertips as he closed his eyes and pushed harder and deeper.  A small frown
crossed her face – did he have a beard before?  She couldn’t remember.  He must
have.  He couldn’t grow a beard in a matter of minutes and –

Her internal musing was forgotten when Bennett
reached between them and rubbed one rough finger against her clit.  It brought
her nerve endings screaming to life and she bucked her hips against him as
tension coiled in her belly.

“Come for me again, Mirabelle.”  His deep
voice made her pleasure grow.  “I want to feel your pussy squeezing around my
cock when you come.”

“Ben,” she gasped as she dug her nails into
his back.  “Oh my God, Ben.”

“Can you do that for me, little Belle?”  He
whispered into her ear.  “Can you come all over my thick cock?”

The sound of her nickname being said in his
rough voice, the touch of his warm fingers against her clit and the dirty
things he was whispering brought a surge of wetness between her legs and a shot
of pleasure straight from her crotch to her toes.

“Yes,” she gasped.  “Yes, Ben.”

“Then do it,” he growled.  “Come all over
my cock, little Belle.”

She arched her back as his fingers tugged
at her clit and came with a screaming, roaring rush of pleasure that blotted
out everything but the feel of Bennett’s hard body, his hot breath blowing in
her ear and the exquisite feeling of fullness as he drove into her a final time
and climaxed. 

Her eyelids fluttered open as he roared his
pleasure and she stared mutely at the sharp fangs that were protruding from his
mouth.  She blinked and they were gone.  His big body trembled above hers
before he collapsed against her, his heavy body making her gasp for oxygen.

“Ben, I can’t breathe.”  She pounded on his
back and he rolled off of her with a harsh groan.  They lay panting on the hard
floor of the library and her tentative smile died on her face when he sat up
and looked at her.  The look of regret on his face chilled her to the bone and
she sat up, drawing her knees up against her chest.

“Mirabelle, we shouldn’t have – “

“Don’t, Ben.  Don’t say it,” she said as
she blinked back the hot tears.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin?”

“Why did it matter?”  She asked.

His eyes widened.  “You should have told

“It’s not that big of a deal,” she said

“Not that big of a deal?”  He gave her an
angry look.  “I was rough with you.  I – I hurt you.  If I had known you were a
virgin, I wouldn’t have,” he looked around the library in dismay, “taken you on
the floor of my goddamn library.  Hell, I wouldn’t have taken you at all.”

Hurt flooded through her and she reached
for her pants and underwear, yanking them over her legs and hips before
buttoning her jeans.  “You sure know how to ruin a moment, Bennett Saxby.”

“Mirabelle,” he protested as she struggled
into her bra, “there are – are other reasons for why this was a mistake.”

Her body stiffened and he groaned loudly. 
“Wait, that didn’t come out right.  I just mean that – “

“It’s fine, Bennett,” she said.  “What girl
doesn’t like to hear a guy tell her that sleeping with her was a mistake.”

She slid her tank top over her head and
grabbed her hoodie before stomping to the door of the library.  “I’m suddenly
not feeling very well.  If you’re okay with it, I’m going to leave early.  I’ll
make up the time another day.”

“Don’t leave.  We need to talk about – “

“Fuck it,” she suddenly snapped.  “If
you’re not fine with it, you can fire me.”

She stormed out into the hallway and
slammed the door behind her.


* * *


“Wait, let me get this straight.”  Rowan
crossed Ella’s small apartment and collapsed in one of the armchairs.  She
folded her legs under her and took the glass of wine from Ella with a nod of
thanks.  “You finally gave up your v-card to Bennett Saxby, of all people.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”  Belle said

“Belle, honey, I know you’ve spent the last
eighteen years romanticizing the boy who nearly got you killed by a cougar but
what do you really know about him?  You’ve seen him, what – half a dozen times
in the last week and had maybe three conversations with him?”

“Just this morning you wanted to know if I
was ‘knocking boots with him’ remember?  Now suddenly it’s the worst thing I
could have done?”

Rowan sighed.  “Yeah, I know I was teasing
you but I didn’t actually think you would sleep with him, Belle.”

“Why not?”

“Because – because that’s not you.  You
don’t sleep with men you barely know.  That’s my department.”

Belle rolled her eyes.  “Maybe I’m
changing.  I really don’t see what the big deal is.”

Rowan gave Ella a pointed look.  “Help me
out here, Ella.”

“Honey, what Ro’s trying to say is that
sleeping with Bennett might not have been the smartest idea.”

“It was a great idea,” Belle protested
weakly before rubbing at her forehead.  “Fine, I know.  It felt right at the
time but his whole ‘I made a mistake’ thing kind of killed that feeling.”

“He said it was a mistake?”  Rowan gave her
a look of indignation.  “Why that giant asshole.  The next time I see him, I’m
going to – “

“You’re not going to do anything,” Belle
said firmly.  “Besides, it was kind of my fault.  He was upset that I didn’t
tell him I was a virgin and – “

“You didn’t tell him!”  Rowan stared
wide-eyed at her.  “Belle, you should have told him.”

“Why?  Are you telling me that you told
Ricky Jarwin that you were a virgin?”

“Damn straight I did.  And Perry Mosen and
Bobby Taylor.  Oh and Jim – “

Ella burst out laughing as Belle stared
wide-eyed at the redhead.

“What?”  Rowan shrugged.  “Guys like
thinking they’re a girl’s first.”

“Bennett didn’t like it,” Belle said.  “He
said if he had known I was a virgin he wouldn’t have - have taken me at all.”

Ella squeezed her arm sympathetically. 
“I’m sorry, honey.”

They sat in silence for a moment before
Rowan drank the last of her wine in one large swallow.  “Okay, enough wallowing
in self-pity.  When you fall off a horse, you dust yourself off and climb back
on, right?”

“Are you suggesting that Belle climbs onto Bennett
Saxby again?”  Ella asked with a small grin.

“Nope.  Obviously that ship has sailed. 
Sorry, sweetie,” Rowan said when Belle winced, “but if the guy is showing
regret immediately after sleeping with you – it’s not exactly a lasting relationship. 
But, that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of guys in this backwater town to

Belle laughed and shook her head.  “Not
interested, thanks.”

“Of course you’re interested,” Rowan said. 
“You’ve finally had sex!  You can’t tell me you don’t want more.  Sex is better
than chocolate and wine and amusement rides put together.  Sex is a gift from
the Gods!”

Ella nodded solemnly.  “She has a point.”

Belle didn’t reply and Rowan leaned forward
and patted her knee.  “Sweetheart, don’t judge sex from the first time alone. 
It always hurts and it’s awkward and forget having an orgasm.  It’s just too –

“I had an orgasm,” Belle interrupted.  “I
had two.”

“Damn,” Rowan said softly, “nicely done, Bennett

Belle flushed and Rowan patted her knee
again. “Still, I think you need to forget about your boyhood crush and start
sampling what this town has to offer.  You don’t just eat one thing off the
menu, you know?”

Ella laughed and Rowan winked at her. 
“We’ll have her dating someone by the Centennial Ball.”

“It’s not a ‘ball’,” Ella said.  “It’s the
Centennial Celebration.”

“Whatever,” Rowan replied.  “The whole town
will be there, there will be music and dancing and we’ll be dressing up fancy. 
It’s a damn ball and I, for one, am looking forward to it.  Anyway, the three
of us are going out tonight and we’re going to get Belle laid again.”

“I don’t want to get laid again,” Belle
said.  “Honestly, Ro, I really don’t.  Besides, you know how people see me in
this town.  They all think I’m a lunatic.  If I haven’t found someone to date
me by now, I never will.”

“Not with that attitude,” Rowan said.  She
eyed Belle’s jeans and t-shirt.  “Or that outfit.  Listen, you don’t have to
actively try and get laid tonight but can we at least go out and do some
flirting?  I finally have a night off and I want to live a little.”

“I have to work in the morning,” Belle
said.  “I think.  I mean, there is the possibility that Bennett is going to
fire me, I did kind of storm out earlier this afternoon.”

“C’mon, Belle-boo,” Rowan wheedled.  “Ella
and I don’t want to go without you.”

“I’m not going,” Ella said.

“Like hell you’re not!”  Rowan said.

“I don’t want to go to Gaston’s.  Not after
what happened the last time I was there,” Ella said.

“We’re not going to Gaston’s.  You think I
want to hang out at my place of employment?” Rowan said.  “We’re going to The
Woodsmen Pub.”

“That place is practically out in the damn
forest and its full of loggers and cowboys,” Ella replied.

“Save a horse, ride a cowboy, sweetheart,”
Rowan said solemnly.


Chapter 5


“Remind me again why we’re here and not at
Gaston’s?”  Bennett asked irritably.

“I told you,” Duncan said, “I don’t want to
run into Ella again, not after what happened the last time.”

“So now I’m forced to drive an hour for a
beer because you’ve got a hard-on for a woman?”

“Oh please, you’ll fit right in with the
rest of the rednecks,” Duncan said cheerfully as he grinned at the waitress who
had approached their table.  “I’ll take a beer, whatever you have on tap.”

She nodded and gave him slow look of
appreciation which, Bennett was amused to see, Duncan took no notice of.  He
had only been back a few weeks but even he could see that Duncan wasn’t acting
normally.  The lion shifter loved women and if he was to be believed, the women
loved him. 

“I’ll have the same,” he said.  The
waitress nodded before giving Duncan a smile.  “You sure you don’t want
something to eat?  I can get the cook to make you something special.”

Duncan shook his head distractedly as he
glanced at his phone.  “No, thanks.”

A look of disappointment crossed her face
and she walked away as Bennett elbowed Duncan.  “What was that about?”

“What?”  Duncan asked.

“Our waitress, who is lovely by the way,
was practically offering herself on a platter to you.”

Duncan blinked at him before glancing at
the retreating waitress.  “I didn’t notice.”

“Yeah, that was obvious.  What’s up with

“Nothing,” Duncan insisted.  “What’s up
with you?”


“Bullshit.  You’ve been acting weird since
you got in my car.  Plus,” he sniffed at Bennett, “I can smell Belle all over
you.  You two finally had sex and you’re acting like your dog died.  Was she
terrible in the sack?”

“Keep your voice down, Duncan,” Bennett
growled at him.  “It’ll be a cold day in hell before I discuss Mirabelle’s
bedroom abilities with you.”

“Fair enough,” Duncan said.  “But her scent
is ridiculously strong – you must have gotten her really hot and bothered – so,
well done?”

Bennett rolled his eyes.  “Please be quiet,

Duncan laughed.  “Hey, I’m just saying that
– “

He stopped, his eyes widening as he sniffed
the air.  “Oh fuck, it can’t be.”

“What?  Oh shit,” Bennett muttered as the
scent of cinnamon drifted to him.  “Are you kidding me?”

They both turned and stared at the entrance
to the pub.  Belle, Ella and Rowan had just walked through the door and both he
and Duncan shrank into the shadows as the three women walked by.

“Time to leave,” Duncan said.  “Right
now.”  He was actually holding his hand over his nose and their waitress gave
them an odd look as she set the beer down in front of them.

“That’ll be eight fifty.”

Bennett gave her a ten and shook his head
when she held out the change to him.  She made it disappear into her apron and
gave Duncan another appreciative look before leaving.

“Let’s go, Bennett,” Duncan said.

“The wolves are here, Duncan.”

Duncan followed his gaze to the group of
men standing near the two pool tables at the back of the pub.  There was a pack
of wolf shifters who had lived for years in the woods outside of town.  Rafe
Taggert’s pack, actually, until he had done the unthinkable and left them.

“So what?”  Duncan said.  “Let’s go.”

“They like human females, you know they
do,” Bennett said.  “Unless this group is different from every other pack of
wolf shifters I’ve met?”

“They’re not,” Duncan said.  “But there are
dozens of women here, the odds of them going after Belle or Ella is…”

He trailed off as four of the wolf shifters
broke off from the others and headed toward Belle, Ella and Rowan.  The three
women had snagged a table near the dance floor and Duncan growled loudly when
the wolves took the table next to them.  The biggest of them, he had long dark
hair and a thick beard, smiled at Ella and she blushed and glanced at the

“Oh hell no,” Duncan growled again.  “That
fucking asshole touches her and he’ll find my claws in his intestines.”

“Keep it together,” Bennett snapped at
him.  “He hasn’t even said anything to her.”

Duncan glared at the wolf shifter, his
large hand squeezing compulsively around his beer as Bennett glanced around
uneasily.  He had no doubt that Duncan would lose his cool if the wolf shifter
went anywhere near Ella and he needed to do something to distract the lion
shifter.  He caught a glimpse of a familiar face and he half-stood before
waving.  The man, a small smile on his face, crossed the pub before holding out
his hand.

“Bennett Saxby.  I heard you were back in

“Hello, Rafe.  It’s good to see you.”  Bennett
shook his hand firmly.  “You remember Duncan Gillis?”

“I do.  Hello, Duncan,” Rafe said politely
before taking a swig from the bottle of beer he held in his left hand.

“Hey,” Duncan grunted.  He was still
staring at Ella and Rafe followed his gaze.  He jerked and took a step back as Bennett
gave him a curious glance.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Rafe said quickly.  “But I
should probably get going.  It was good to see you again Bennett.  We should –

“Don’t leave,” Bennett said.  “Let’s get
caught up.  It’s been a long time.”

He pulled the chair out and Rafe hesitated
before sinking into it.  His large body blocked Duncan’s view of Ella and
Duncan glared at him as Bennett placed his hand on his arm.

“Relax, Duncan.”

“Maybe you should tell your pack over there
to stay away from Ella Cinders,” Duncan snapped irritably at Rafe.

“They are no longer my pack and have not
been for many years,” Rafe said calmly.  “I would have about as much sway with
them as you do, lion shifter.”

Duncan scowled at him and Rafe folded his
arms across his chest.  “Perhaps it would be best if you and your friend left, Bennett.”

“I’m not leaving her here alone,” Duncan
said.  “No fucking way.”

“Then perhaps you should heed your friend’s
advice and relax,” Rafe said.  “You do not want to be on the wrong side of a
wolf pack.”

“I don’t give a shit about that,” Duncan said. 
“Besides, I can tear them apart easily.”

“One or two, perhaps,” Rafe said.  “But
there are at least eight here tonight and that isn’t even half of the pack. 
Injure a member of the pack and the rest will go after you.”

“You think I’m afraid, old man?”  Duncan
snarled.  “Is that what you think?”

“Duncan!  For God’s sake, just relax,” Bennett
said.  “Sorry, Rafe.  He’s got a, uh, thing for Ella Cinders.”

Rafe’s eyes, which had flared to the colour
of jade at Duncan’s insult, faded to his usual hazel.  “Then might I suggest
that, instead of threatening to kill the wolves, you claim Ella as yours before
one of my former pack mates does.”

“Easier said than done,” Bennett replied. 
“She kind of hates Duncan.”

“She doesn’t hate me,” Duncan said
heatedly.  “She’s just mad because I pulled her braids in school.”

“For an entire year,” Bennett said. 

A slight grin crossed Rafe’s face and
Duncan scowled again at him.  “You’re one to talk.  You think we can’t smell
your lust for Rowan?”

The smile dropped from Rafe’s face and his
hand clenched around the table.  “I feel nothing for Rowan Jameson.  I barely
know her.”

“Whatever,” Duncan snorted.  “Maybe you
should take your own advice instead of dishing it out to me.”

Rafe didn’t reply and Bennett sighed loudly
before taking a drink of beer.  “Can we all just admit that we’re attracted to
the humans and be done with it?”

Rafe’s nostrils flared slightly and he
stared pointedly at Bennett.  “It would seem Ms. Vale is receptive to your

Bennett, blushing lightly, looked away from
the wolf shifter’s steady glare.  The man was only thirteen years older than
him but he suddenly felt like he was being chastised by his father.  “She’s
working for me – cataloguing my mother’s library.  She’s been in my home all
week, that’s why you can smell her on me.”

Duncan snorted loudly and Bennett glared at
him as Rafe made a low chuckle.  “I am not a fool, Bennett.”

“I know,” Bennett said.  “It’s just kind of
complicated at the moment.”

“Love always is,” Rafe said solemnly.

“Oh my God,” Duncan suddenly groaned.  “Is
she trying to kill me?”

Bennett took a quick look at the three
women.  They were out on the small dance floor and he watched, desire flooding
through him, as Belle shimmied and shook her body to the fast beat of the music.

The smell of his own lust was being
overpowered by Duncan’s and he forced himself to look away as Duncan groaned
again.  “Jesus, I am going to lose my shit in a minute, I swear to God.”

His eyes were glued to Ella’s ass as she
swayed to the music, giggling and bumping her hips against Rowan’s.

Bennett glanced at Rafe before he stared
nervously at the people sitting at the table next to theirs.  He breathed a
sigh of relief when they weren’t paying any attention to them and nudged the
wolf shifter lightly.

“Maybe you should leave, Rafe.”

The wolf shifter’s eyes were glowing bright
green and a dark beard covered his jaw.  He was watching Rowan with a fierce
intensity and his hands were in tight fists on the table.  As Rowan raised her
arms and rocked her hips, the wolf shifter made a low growl and a nearly overwhelming
scent of lust radiated from his body.

“Rafe,” Bennett said again, “you should

Rafe blinked at him before shaking his body
and standing abruptly.  “Yes, I believe you’re right, Bennett.  Good night.”

He stalked away as the music ended and a
slow song began.  Bennett sat back in his chair as Duncan shoved his chair back
and stood.

“No fucking way,” he snarled under his
breath and yanked his arm out of Bennett’s grip before hurrying toward the
dance floor.

“Shit,” Bennett muttered.  Two of the wolf
shifters had joined the women on the dance floor.  The largest of the wolf
shifters was about to pull Ella into his arms to dance but Bennett’s concern
that Duncan would rip him apart ended the moment he saw Belle smile at a second
wolf shifter and nod.  The wolf grinned happily and put one thick arm around
her waist as she took his hand and he pulled her up against his body.  His hand
rested familiarly at the top of her ass and Bennett growled angrily before
standing and following Duncan to the dance floor.


* * *


“Good gravy, Ella,” Rowan muttered, “that
guy is so hot for you I can practically see the lust rising off of him.”

Ella blushed before grinning at her.  “You
know, Rowan, I’m starting to think your idea of coming here was brilliant.”

She smiled at the large bearded man who
gave her a small nod and a slow look of approval as Rowan laughed.

“Of course it was.  I know exactly how to
turn those frowns upside down.  Now, let’s show those handsome boys some of our

She took both Belle’s and Ella’s hands and
led them out to the dance floor.  Belle moved her body to the music.  She was a
terrible dancer but she loved it and she shook her hips with abandonment as
Ella bumped her hips against Rowan’s.  Rowan laughed and raised her arms before
rocking her hips and Belle grinned at her.

“I really need to take dance lessons,” she
shouted above the music.

Rowan shook her head.  “Nah, you got the
moves, honey.  Trust me.”

Belle winked at her as the music ended and
a slow song started.  She turned and squeaked in surprise when she bumped into
the broad chest of one of the men who had been sitting at the table beside

“May I have this dance, beautiful?”  He
held out his hand and she hesitated before nodding.


He grinned and she twitched when he wrapped
his arm around her waist and pulled her up against his large body.

Not as large as Bennett’
s, her mind whispered. 
Or as hard and warm.  And those blue eyes
of his are doing nothing for me.

Her smile faltered and the man squeezed her
hip.  “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she said.

She stared over his shoulder and her mouth
dropped open in surprise.  Duncan Gillis, his face grim, was stalking across
the dance floor.


* * *


“Care to dance?”

Ella smiled tentatively at the man standing
in front of her.  “I – I’m not a very good dancer.”

He grinned, showing even white teeth before
holding out his hand.  “Neither am I so perhaps you’ll forgive me when I step
on your foot?”

BOOK: The Fairy Tales Collection
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