The Fall (12 page)

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Authors: Sienna Lane,Amelia Rivers

BOOK: The Fall
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“I will be in my room,” she said in a suggestive voice then walked off, leaving all three Nephilim staring after her sensual sway.

Archer realised he wasn’t the only one watching her and growled. While he hadn’t missed Jake’s comment, he decided it could wait until later. He followed after her.



Chapter 13


Malachi had planned to befriend Addison O’Donnell. He’d wanted to gain her trust, figuring that would be the easiest route to getting what he wanted. Addison, however, wouldn’t allow herself to be seduced by him, and he seemed to keep missing her at her apartment. Now he was convinced she’d left it altogether. She was to play a vital role in Malachi’s plans, and he would accept nothing but success.

Malachi schemed to take Addison by force. For now, he waited. He needed to get the other Nephilim on his side before her services were necessary. It seemed that he should have acted sooner, seeing as she was now bunking with Jake and Archer. It was fortunate that Archer did not take bed mates, and that he was likely protecting her from Jake’s advances. She had to remain a virgin. He had to hurry. They were an obstacle, but nothing would stop Malachi from reaching his goal. His father and his brethren must be released.

It was time for the gloves to come off.


Addison was taking her boots off when Archer stormed into the room. His face was filled with sensual promises, and her breath caught in her throat. Her boots fell away before he moved in front of her. His hands slid over her rear. He squeezed it in his palms and lifted her so that she wrapped her legs around him. She noted the ease with which he lifted her. Addison was slim, but she was tall. Archer handled her as though she weighed no more than a feather.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, fusing their lips. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, not wasting time being gentle.

Addison rubbed her breasts against him, yearning to feel his skin. She drew away from his mouth and loosened her hold on him before she pulled his shirt off, not bothering with the buttons. She ran her hands over his exposed sculpted chest before returning her attention to his mouth. She teased and bit his lips and tongue, making him groan.

“The bed,” she murmured between kisses. As much as she loved this primitive position, a lot of the things she wanted to do to him involved being horizontal. Archer sat down so that Addison was draped over his lap. He lifted her dress over her head, leaving her in a strapless black bra and matching panties.

Archer sucked in a breath.

“Fuck, you are so damn beautiful,” he said before putting his hands around her back and pulling her close so that her bra-clad breasts rubbed again his chest. The friction drove Addison crazy, and she pushed Archer down onto the bed. She started thinking about the wild things to come before Archer said the most shocking thing she could imagine.

“No sex. I want this to be about you.”

“What?” Addison said, confused. “Why?”

“I don’t want to move too fast, love. And we don’t need to rush,” he responded, before pulling her down to him and drawing her tongue into his mouth.

Addison stopped thinking and rubbed herself against his groin. She could feel his erection through his jeans. Archer let out an agonised groan and flipped her over.

“You are going to make me lose control,” he said with a tortured smile. “Tell me if you want me to stop.” Addison was about to ask what the hell he was talking about when he flipped her onto her back.

“Just lie back and let me make you come.” He pulled her bra down, exposing her breasts, before sucking a nipple into his mouth.

Addison let out a high moan and felt Archer smile against her breast. His smile slid away when she wrapped her legs around his ass and grinded herself against him. He growled and sucked harder, massaging the other breast. Addison lifted her arms over her head and screamed in pleasure. She actually thought she was going to come, and he’d barely even touched her.


Archer looked up at Addison writhing in pleasure: her arms thrown over her head, her back arched, and emitting the sexiest sounds he’d ever heard from a woman. Archer thought he was going to finish in his pants. He let go of her swollen nipple and turned his attention to the other while he took off the remnants of her bra, throwing it God knows where. She had the most amazing breasts he had ever seen. Light brown and overflowing in his hand, he knew he could spend hours worshipping them.

He slid a finger into her, moaning at the tight feel.

“Oh, Archer! Do that some more,” Addison cried, her hips thrusting into his hand.

He lifted his head from her breast and hooked two fingers into her panties, pulling them down. Addison was breathing heavily, and the look on her face was pure sex. Maintaining eye contact, Archer slid a second finger inside her, shocked when he found a barrier.

“You’re really a virgin?” he asked, completely shocked. Although Crux had suggested as much, Archer had thought that Malachi had been mistaken.

“Yes,” Addison said, looking Archer in the eyes, a little confused. “Is that a problem?”

“No, of course not. I’m just surprised,” he replied. “Do you want me to keep going?”

“God, yes,” Addison moaned as Archer began moving his fingers in and out slowly. Her breathing increased further, and she let out a low moan.

Unable to wait, Archer introduced another finger into her slick heat before returning to her nipples.


Oh God
, Addison thought. Archer’s fingers worked like magic, skilfully moving in and out of her in a fast rhythm. Powerless to stop it, she came harder than she ever had before. Archer rubbed her clit with his thumb whilst still pumping two of his fingers, drawing her orgasm out. After it finished, he rested his cheek against her breast. She tried to regain a normal breathing pattern.

It could have been a second or an eternity, but Archer finally lifted himself and pulled her into his embrace.

“What are you doing?” she asked disbelievingly.

“Ready to go again?” he said with a brow raised.

Addison smiled a slow, sexy smile that made his eyes heat up.

“Yes, in a manner of speaking. It’s my turn.” She pushed him onto his back, kissing him hard. She rubbed her naked breasts against his chest and ran her hands down his stomach before undoing his pants. He went to stop her hands.

“Calm down,” Addy chided. “I want to go slow as well.”

Archer’s hands fell away from his fly, and he slid them along her waist before cupping her breasts. Addison let out a groan, freeing his erection. She kissed her way down to his nipples and began sucking them softly while she stared into his eyes, just as he had, before taking him into her hand.


Archer thought he was going to die. Nothing could feel this good. He clasped his hands in the sheet while Addison worked him. Her featherlight touch lasted moments before she gripped the base of his shaft, slowly gliding her fingers up over the head of him, tightening her grip. On her descent, she gently cupped his balls and massaged them softly.

“Fuck, baby,” he growled. “I’m not going to last long with you doing that.”

She moved one hand to the base of his shaft and began moving in a fast rhythm, her other hand rubbing the head and doing the same. All the while, she taunted his nipples with her mouth, staring at his reaction.

Archer was having a sensory overload. Never had he experienced so much pleasure. He tried to pull her away from him.

“I’m going to come,” he warned her with a growl. Instead of pulling away, the little vixen started pumping and moving harder and faster, releasing his nipple and moving so that she was lying between his legs. With a growl, he came, and Addison enclosed her lips over his head so that she swallowed every drop with a moan. When he was spent, she gave his soft head a chaste kiss before grinning up at him.

“That was fucking amazing,” Archer said, his voice breathy.

Addison slid her body up against him. Archer was shocked to feel his body stir with the sensation. She draped herself over his chest, and the smile she gave him made him feel ten-feet tall.

“Yep, it certainly was. Will you sleep here with me?”

He could feel her breath against his neck. “Yes, love. Although I don’t think I could move, anyway,” he added with a smile.

“Good night, Archius,” Addison said with a sleepy smile.

“Good night, Addison.”

Archer suddenly sat up, making Addison groan, and asked her, “Wait, who’s James?”



Chapter 14


Archer came awake to Addison cursing.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, opening his eyes sleepily. Addison was wearing nothing but his shirt, her toned legs exposed. It made him want to puff out his chest and beat on it. She was rummaging through her few belongings with a frustrated expression on her face. She turned around with her hands on her hips.

“I forgot my textbook on Constitutional Law,” she told him. “Do you mind if we stop at my apartment on the way to campus? I need to give Kitty rent money, anyway.”

“Sure, no problem,” Archer said before adding, “Now come here.”

Addison gave a wide grin and sat on top of him. Archer pulled her down and kissed her soft and slow. Damn, she tasted good.

“I could get used to this,” he told her.

“Me, too,” she agreed, breathily.


They were out the front of the apartment one hour and two orgasms later, and Addison’s heart began to beat in trepidation when she saw the door ajar. Kitty never left the door unlocked; she said it was like sticking your head in a lion’s mouth.

“Wait here,” Archer said, walking into the apartment.

“Like hell,” Addison returned, praying that Kitty was at a sex convention or something.

The house was in complete ruin. The bookshelves were knocked down, pillows in pieces, and the kitchen cupboard doors torn from the hinges. Addison heard a soft moan from her bedroom. She turned to Archer, eyes wide, and ran to the room, ignoring his protests.

Kitty lay across the floor, covered in blood. She was naked, and her face was so bruised that Addison only knew it was her because of her hair.

“Oh, God. Oh, God,” Addison cried, tears spilling from her eyes. “Call an ambulance!” she screamed at Archer. “Stay with me, honey,” Addison pleaded, kneeling next to Kitty’s battered body. Her breathing was shallow and laboured.


Archer’s heart was breaking at the sound of Addison’s desperate pleas and prayers. Kitty wasn’t going to last long in her condition. There was only one thing he knew that could fix this much damage. He took out his phone, and prayed this would work out.

“Hello,” a male voice said.

“Lazarus, I need your help.”


Archer had covered Kitty so her naked body wasn’t exposed after telling her help was on its way.  Addison stopped crooning to Kitty when a large male walked in. He was six foot five with waist-length hair of the lightest blond. Black eyebrows arched over stunning turquoise-green eyes. She was about to scream before Archer introduced her.

“Addison, this is Lazarus. He is going to help Kitty. Please, trust me,” he insisted. Addison took a deep breath and nodded.

Lazarus knelt on the other side of Kitty and raised his outstretched hands over her face, not quite touching her.

“Do not touch her, but continue talking to her,” he ordered. “This will hurt her, a lot.”

The air became thick with something Addison had no words for, and she gasped when Lazarus’s hands began to glow.

“What …” she began, confused and hysterical. “What’s happening? What’s he doing to her?”

“Talk to her,” Lazarus urged her, an edge to his words.

“Addison, you need to listen to him. I’ll explain later,” Archer told her, making her focus.

“Come on, Kitty,” she said, whispering into Kitty’s ear, stroking her hair back with shaky hands. “Hang in there. I need you, babe. Who else will give me food poisoning? Wake up.” She kept up the idle chat as Lazarus took a deep breath and started moving slowly down her body. Kitty began writhing in pain and the only thing that stopped Addison from knocking him away was Archer, who held her hand.

“Trust me, love,” he repeated. “Watch.”

Before Addison’s eyes, Kitty’s body began to heal. The bruises disappeared, and the broken skin sealed itself while her breathing began to steady.

Within a minute, Kitty had her eyes opened and was looking around the room in bewilderment, dazed but healthy. Addison let out a squeal in relief and pounced, wrapping her arms around Kitty’s healed body, squeezing her.

“Ouch. Shit, Addster, what’s wrong with you, woman?” she asked.

“Oh, God, Kitty,” Addison cried. “Don’t you ever fucking scare me like that again.”

“Huh?” she said in confusion before her eyes lit up. “Did you just say fuck?” She grinned suddenly, and the sight made Addison’s eyes water.

“Shut up, Kitty. Do you remember who hurt you?” Addison asked, still examining Kitty’s body for evidence of her injuries. How in the hell did Lazarus do that? She pushed that thought away for later consideration, and went back to fussing over Kitty.

“Yeah, I do, kind of,” she said before looking down at herself. “What the … why am I not hurt? In fact, why do I feel like I could do backflips and climb the walls Spidey-style?”

Addison looked up at Lazarus, who had been watching their exchange without expression. Before she could think better of it, she launched herself at him and wrapped her arms around his waist in a tight hug.

“Thank you so much,” she said, tears pouring down her cheeks again and her voice breaking. “I don’t know how you did it, but I am indebted to you.”

Lazarus hadn’t moved a muscle, and looked at Archer accusingly. Archer pulled her off him, and she wrapped her arms around him, overwhelmed by emotion. What would have happened if Archer hadn’t called Lazarus? She pulled him into a deep kiss that was hard and desperate. He let out a low groan and reluctantly pulled away, which was when Addison remembered they weren’t alone. She blushed and turned back to Kitty.

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