The Fall Girl (33 page)

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Authors: Denise Sewell

BOOK: The Fall Girl
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Special thanks to Patricia Deevy, Michael McLoughlin and everyone at Penguin Ireland. To my editor, Alison Walsh, for your expertise, your advice and your encouragement; I am very grateful.

Thanks to my parents, my sisters and my extended family – especially, my aunt, Vera McGrath – who are constantly supportive and interested – cheers: I hope I do you proud.

To the people who supported me locally, Joe McCabe, Michael McDonnell, Donagh McKeown, Michelle and Philip in Keegan's bookshop, Carrickmacross and Ann and John in Crannóg bookshop, Cavan.

For their comments and support, thanks to Sue Leonard, the members of, Mary Gallagher of the Irish World in London and Lucille Redmond.

For their help in my research, thanks to my brother-in-law, Sergeant Pasty Baldwin and Teresa Mansfield.

Part of this novel is about the highs and lows of teenage friendship. I couldn't help looking back on my own teenage years while writing this book and thinking how blessed I am to have shared this sensitive and exhilarating period with my lifelong friend, Deirdre O'Donoghue. So, to you, Deidre, thanks for your loyalty, your strength and, above all, the crack.

A huge thanks to my agent, Jonathan Williams. Along the way, your encouragement has inspired me to do better.

And, finally, to Eamonn, Kevin and Olivia: for making me feel like a success, every day of my life.


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First published by Penguin Ireland 2007
Published in Penguin Books 2008

Copyright © Denise Sewell, 2007

The moral right of the author has been asserted

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ISBN: 978-0-141-90204-3

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