The Family (92 page)

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Authors: Kitty Kelley

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David J. Garrow,
Liberty and Sexuality
(New York: Macmillan, 1994); George Bush letter to FitzGerald Bemiss, Jan. 1, 1951, in George Bush,
All the Best, George Bush
(New York: Touchstone, 1999); Alden Hatch,
Extraordinary Clare Boothe Luce
(New York: Henry Holt, 1956); Fitzhugh Green,
George Bush: An Intimate Portrait
(New York: Hippocrene Books, 1989).

“Nancy Bush Bride Saturday of Alexander Ellis, Jr.,”
Greenwich Time
, Oct. 28, 1946; “Alexander Ellis Jr. Marries Miss Bush,”
New York Sun
, Oct. 26, 1946; Christopher Keating, “Josephine Evaristo Dies at 84,”
Greenwich Time
, June 3, 1989; “S. P. Bush, Retired Business, Civic Leader, Succumbs at 84,”
Ohio State Journal
, Feb. 9, 1948; Marquis Childs, “A Nasty Political Rumor,”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
, Aug. 25, 1950; Walt Harrington, “Born to Run,”
Washington Post Magazine
, Sept. 28, 1986; “Benton Is Winner, Senate Edge Held,”
New York Times
, Nov. 17, 1950; Alexander Cockburn and James Ridgeway, “George Bush,”
Rolling Stone
, March 20, 1980; “Bush Believes Gen. Ike Available for ’52; Call ‘Must Be Compelling,’”
Greenwich Time,
Dec. 3, 1951; “Women Politicos,”
Middletown Press
, June 19, 1956; Robert D. Byrnes, “State’s Senators Divide on Proposed Equal Rights Constitution Change,”
Hartford Courant
, July 7, 1953; “GOPs Boo Bush’s Anti-smear Stand,”
Hartford Courant
, Oct. 5, 1952; A.H.O., “Connecticut Yankee,”
Manchester Herald
, Oct. 7, 1952; “State Political Drive Shows Signs of Warmup,”
New Haven Register
, Oct. 14, 1952; “Eisenhower Attacks Rival’s ‘Fear Campaign,’ Scores Democratic ‘Drivel’ in Speech Here,”
Yale Daily News
, Oct. 21, 1952; “Angry Bush Denies ‘Smear’ Campaign Against Him in Breakfast Address Here,”
Greenwich Time
, Oct. 28, 1952; Michael J. Halberstam, “The Campaign,”
Harvard Crimson
, Nov. 1, 1952; “McMahon’s Death Plays Fateful Role,”
Bridgeport Herald
, Nov. 16, 1952; Leonard Schlup, “Prescott Bush and the Foundations of Modern Republicanism,”
Research Journal of Philosophy & Social Sciences
, nos. 1 and 2 (1992); “Town Meeting Members Cheer Moderator Bush at Farewell Appearance,”
Greenwich Time
, Nov. 7, 1952.

Courtney Callahan, Aug. 29, 2003; Robert DeVecchi, July 21, 2003; Mrs. Lawrence J. Evaristo, April 1, 2002; Connie Collins Cain, June 26, 2001; Lowell Weicker, Dec. 5, 2001; Bernie Yudain, Dec. 5, 2001; Joyce Burland, Jan. 9, 2003; Richard Kimball Jr., Jan. 11, 2003; Raymond Price, May 29, 2003, and June 1, 2003; correspondence with David Haight, archivist, Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Aug. 16 and 27, 2001.


George Bush to Paul Dorsey, April 8, 1967, George Bush Presidential Library; Mary (Carter) Walker Oral History Interview transcript, Greenwich Library Oral History Project, Greenwich Library, Greenwich, Conn.; James Smith Bush FBI file obtained through Freedom of Information Act.

Gail Sheehy,
(New York: William Morrow, 1988); Donnie Radcliffe,
Simply Barbara Bush
(New York: Warner Books, 1989); Barbara Bush,
Barbara Bush: A Memoir
(New York: St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 1995); George Bush with Victor Gold,
Looking Forward
(Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1987); Bill Minutaglio,
First Son
(New York: Times Books, 1999).

Harry Hurt III, “George Bush, Plucky Lad,”
Texas Monthly
, June 1983; cover story,
, Jan. 1970; “J. Hugh Liedtke, 81; Pennzoil Chief Won Suit Against Texaco,”
Los Angeles Times
, April 5, 2003; Sidney Blumenthal, “The Sensitive Son,”
New Republic
, Oct. 8, 1990; Monica Perin, “Adios, Zapata!”
Houston Business Journal
, April 23, 1999; Amy Cunningham, “Good-Bye to Robin,”
Texas Monthly
, Feb. 1988; “Robin Bush Dies; Granddaughter of Sen., Mrs. P. S. Bush,”
Greenwich Time
, Oct. 13, 1953; “George Bush’s Wife Says He’s Terrific,”
San Francisco Chronicle
, Aug. 19, 1988; David Maraniss, “The Bush Bunch,”
Washington Post Magazine
, Jan. 22, 1989; transcript,
interview with Randall Roden, 2000, from
(Aug. 6, 2001); George Lardner Jr. and Lois Romano, “A Texas Childhood; A Sister Dies, a Family Moves On; Loss Creates Strong Bond Between Mother, Son,”
Washington Post
, July 26, 1999.

Byron Dobell, March 12, 2003; Stephen Thayer, May 2003; Ray Walker, May 28, 2003; Elizabeth W. Holden, May 28, 2003; Serena Stewart, June 4 and 24, 2002, and July 10, 2002; John Jansing, Oct. 12, 2001; Stuart Symington Jr., July 3, 2002; James Symington, July 3, 2002; Fred Purdy, July 30, 2002; Charles Stephan, July 16, 2002; correspondence with Lois Herbert, July 7 and 25, 2002.


Newspaper clippings scrapbooks, including Dorothy Bush columns, and Prescott Bush Senate office press releases, Prescott S. Bush Papers, Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut; documents concerning Eisenhower and Burning Tree Club, Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library; Prescott S. Bush Jr. Oral History Interview transcript, Greenwich Library Oral History Project, Greenwich Library, Greenwich, Conn.; Prescott Bush statement in the Senate concerning censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy,
Congressional Record
, Dec. 1, 1954; William Fulbright to Prescott Bush, Dec. 2, 1954, J. William Fulbright Papers, Special Collections, University of Arkansas; Sam Bemiss to Prescott Bush, June 22, 1954, Samuel M. Bemiss Papers, Virginia Historical Society.

Emmet John Hughes,
The Ordeal of Power: A Political Memoir of the Eisenhower Years
(New York: Atheneum, 1963); Randall Bennett Woods,
(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995); Richard M. Fried,
Men Against McCarthy
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1976); Haynes Johnson and Bernard M. Gwertzman,
Fulbright, the Dissenter
(Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1968).

Laura Sessions Stepp, “Nominees’ Upbringing and Their Faith,”
Washington Post,
Nov. 4, 1988; David Margolick, “Brother Dearest,”
Vanity Fair
, July 2001; Michael J. Birkner, “Eisenhower and the Red Menace,”
33, no. 3 (Fall 2001); “June 1, 1950: A Declaration of Conscience,”
(March 22, 2002); Herblock, “Have a Care, Sir,”
Washington Post
, March 4, 1954; “Watered-Down Substitute for M’Carthy Censure Move Offered in Senate,”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
, July 31, 1954; George H. Hall, “Platform Set, Near Unanimous Accord Reached on Civil Rights,”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
, Aug. 20, 1956.

Pat Shakow, Aug. 19, 2001; Ellen Proxmire, Oct. 4, 2002; Marian Javits, May 23, 2003; Michael Lynch, Jan. 30, 2002; Harry McPherson, June 7, 2002; Don Ritchie, March 19, 2002; Hamilton Richardson, March 23, 2004; Bobby Wood, Nov. 23, 2002; Frank Valeo, March 14, 2002; William Hildenbrand, March 14, 2002; Pat Holt, March 14, 2002; Betsy Trippe DeVecchi, July 20, 2003; Bernie Yudain, Dec. 5, 2001; Sid Yudain, Dec. 5, 2001; Ray Walker, May 28, 2003; Peter Ribicoff, Feb. 27, 2002; correspondence with Dwight Strandberg, archivist, Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, July 25, 2003.


Newspaper clippings scrapbooks, 1956 Senate campaign material, and Prescott Bush Senate office press releases, Prescott S. Bush Papers, Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut; Prescott Bush file, Drew Pearson Papers, Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library; Prescott S. Bush Oral History, 1966, Columbia University Oral History Research Project, Eisenhower Administration Project; documents concerning President Eisenhower’s schedule, correspondence, including Prescott Bush letter to Sherman Adams, and minutes of cabinet meeting, Feb. 13, 1956, Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library; Paxton Howard testimony from “Hearings Before the Special Committee to Investigate Political Activities, Lobbying, and Campaign Contributions, United States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, Second Session, Pursuant to S. Res. 219, May 1, 24, June 14, 15, 21, 28, September 10, 11, 12, October 9, 1956”; Thomas Ashley to George H.W. Bush, July 25, 1956, Thomas L. Ashley Papers, Center for Archival Collections, Bowling Green State University; Prescott S. Bush FBI file obtained through Freedom of Information Act; George H.W. Bush to Paul Dorsey, April 8, 1967, George Bush Presidential Library.

George Bush with Victor Gold,
Looking Forward
(Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1987); Robert H. Ferrell, ed.,
The Eisenhower Diaries
(New York: Norton, 1981); Herbert Brownell and John P. Burke,
Advising Ike
(Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1993).

“Bush Asks Ike to Keep Nixon on Party Ticket,”
Hartford Courant
, Sept. 25, 1952; Eric Sandahl, “Wall St. Pals Push $20,000 Bush Fund,”
Bridgeport Herald
, Jan. 16, 1955; Drew Pearson, “Another Secret Fund, Nixon Style,”
Washington Post
, June 13, 1955; Drew Pearson, “Voter’s Stake in Campaign Funds,”
Washington Post
, June 15, 1955; “These Senatorial Funds,”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
, June 22, 1955; “Regulation Needed,”
Waterbury Republican
, June 23, 1955; Edward F. Woods, “Lawyer Says He Pushed Gas Bill and Got a Bonus,”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
, Oct. 9, 1956.

Sydney Soderberg, June 12, 2001; Herman Wolf, May 14, 2002; Sid Yudain, Dec. 5, 2001; Howard Shuman, March 19, 2002; correspondence with Marie Deitch, librarian,
Greenwich Time
, June 14, 2001.


Prescott S. Bush Jr., Albert Morano, Mary (Carter) Walker Oral History transcripts, Greenwich Library Oral History Project, Greenwich Library, Greenwich, Conn.; newspaper clippings scrapbooks, including Dorothy Bush columns, Prescott S. Bush Papers, Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut; Prescott Bush to Mrs. Allen Dulles, Jan. 29, 1969, posted online at
(Sept. 5, 2001); memorandum for Barefoot Sanders from George Christian, March 6, 1968, Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library; Zapata Offshore Company annual reports, 1955–67; Prescott Bush telegrams to Richard Nixon, Oct. 13, 1960, Oct. 24, 1960, and Nov. 7, 1960, and Prescott Bush letter to Richard Nixon, Nov. 13, 1960, Richard M. Nixon materials, National Archives, Pacific Region (Laguna Niguel); Prescott Bush to John F. Kennedy, Dec. 6, 1960, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library; Prescott Bush telegram to Dwight Eisenhower, Feb. 12, 1962, and Eisenhower reply, Feb. 20, 1962, Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library; Prescott S. Bush Oral History, 1966, Columbia University Oral History Research Project, Eisenhower Administration Project.

George Bush with Victor Gold,
Looking Forward
(Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1987); Barbara Bush,
Barbara Bush: A Memoir
(New York: St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 1995); George Bush letter to Mr. and Mrs. Geza Kapus, Aug. 24, 1959, in George Bush,
All the Best, George Bush
(New York: Touchstone, 1999); Donnie Radcliffe,
Simply Barbara Bush
(New York: Warner Books, 1989); Fay Vincent,
The Last Commissioner
(New York: Simon and Schuster, 2002); Bill Minutaglio,
First Son
(New York: Times Books, 1999); Nicholas King,
George Bush: A Biography
(New York: Dodd, Mead, 1980); Fitzhugh Green,
George Bush: An Intimate Portrait
(New York: Hippocrene Books, 1989); Richard Ben Cramer,
What It Takes
(New York: Vintage Books, 1993); Bill Adler, ed.,
The Kennedy Wit
(New York: Bantam Books, 1965).

Neil Vigdor, “Honoring the Family Patriarch; Bush Family’s Political Roots Grow out of Greenwich,”
Greenwich Time
, June 15, 2003; “Charity,”
, Sept. 1974; “A ‘Joke’ About Illegal Aliens Stirs Critics of Prescott Bush,”
New York Times
, March 27, 1982; John Robinson, “For Nancy Ellis, a New Role as the President’s Sister,”
Boston Globe
, Jan. 18, 1989; “Jonathan Bush Would Revive Minstrel Era,”
, July 11, 1962; Louis Funke, “The Theatre: ‘Oklahoma!’”
New York Times
, March 8, 1958; Walter Pincus and Bob Woodward, “Doing Well with Help from Family, Friends; They Pointed Bush to Jobs, Investments,”
Washington Post
, Aug. 11, 1988; Kenny Kemp, “The Scots Financier, the Bush Oil Dynasty . . . and the Man Who Would Be President,”
Glasgow Sunday Herald
, Dec. 10, 2000; David Robb, “Bush’s Covenants,”
, Nov. 28, 1987; Margaret Warner, “Bush Battles the ‘Wimp’ Factor,”
, Oct. 19, 1987; Gail Sheehy, “Is George Bush Too Nice to Be President?”
Vanity Fair,
Feb. 1987.

Confidential source, Oct. 12, 2002; Isolde Chapin, Dec. 19, 2001; Bernie Yudain, Dec. 5, 2001; Lowell Weicker, Dec. 5, 2001; Kim Elliott, Dec. 10, 2001; Lucie McKinney, Dec. 7, 2001; Ymelda Dixon, Aug. 15, 2003; confidential interview with “Yale roommate,” Oct. 2, 2002; Frank Rich, July 2, 2003; correspondence with Edward Albee, April 7, 2003; Ray Walker, May 28, 2003; Stephanie Lilley, Nov. 2001; Herman Wolf, May 14, 2002; Gail Sheehy, April 29, 2002, and correspondence, June 24, 2002. Interview by David Robb: Hoyt Taylor, Jan. 24, 1988.


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