The Field (43 page)

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Authors: Lynne McTaggart

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Heisenberg, Werner xv-xvi, 12, 19-20, 21, 84, 102

Hilgard, Jack 81

Holographic Neural

Technology (Hnet) 222

holography 82-6, 89, 95

homeopathy 54, 61-3, 70-71

Honorton, Charles 126, 135, 166

hope 185-6, 195

Huaorani Indians 125, 226

Hyman, Dr. Ray 160

hypnosis 126, 127, 134

immune system 129

imprinting 35-6

inertia 31-2, 34, 35, 218, 219

influence 128

measuring 128-39

information 36

Insinna, Ezio 93

intention 128-39, 181, 201

healing through 189, 193-5

interconnectedness xvii-xviii, 36, 96, 144, 145, 146

interference 26, 35-6, 84-8, 95-6

intuition 95-6

Jahn, Robert xix, 109-16, 118-22, 134, 155-6, 157, 159, 163-5, 172, 174, 202, 223, 224, 226

James, William 126, 200

Jibu, Mari 93

Kepler, Johannes 88

Krippner, Stanley 127

Lamb shift 26

Lamb, Willis 26

Lashley, Karl 77

Laszlo, Ervin 95, 137, 173-4

Lee, Tsung-Dao 220

Leith, Emmet 82

levitation 35, 134

lie detector (EDA) tests 130-31, 144-5

limbs, phantom 51-2

Lincoln, Abraham 166

Lorentz force 32

Lovelock, James 212

Lund, Elmer 48

machines, malfunction 122

Maddox, John 63-5

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 89-91

SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device)

Maimonides dream laboratory 167-8

Marcer, Peter 91

Marsh, G. 48

mass 19, 28, 32-3, 34

matter 24-5, 32-4, 69, 121

Maxwell, James Clerk 22

May, Ed 160, 170


collective 206
in Zero Point Field 90

memory of water 61, 63-6, 69, 70-72

meridian system 54-5

metaphysics 35

Michelson, Albert 22

microtubules 92-4

Milonni, Peter 224

Mitchell, Edgar 5-10, 12-14, 91, 94, 101, 104, 127, 128, 144, 152, 223, 227

mitogenetic radiation 47, 49-50

Morley, Prof. Edward 23

morphic fields 47

morphic resonance 47

morphogenesis 44-6, 47

multiple sclerosis 51

Nagl, Prof. Walter 53

Nash, Carroll 185

need (calm/attention)

experiments 131-3

negentropy 106, 139

Nelson, Roger 116, 201-7, 212-14, 223

Newton, Isaac xiv, xvi, xix, 12, 13, 31, 32

Nobili, Renato 49

nonlocality 11, 29, 49, 68, 104, 144

Obousy, Richard 217

observer effect xxiv, xxvi-xxvii, 10-12, 102-3, 104, 120

fixing effect 171-4
retrospective 170-72

order 122, 137, 139, 181, 194, 201, 202

over-unity 36

pair effects 118-19

paranormal abilities 225-6

parapsychology 111, 147

Parker, Adrian 135

past lives 138

Pauli, Wolfgang xxv-xxvi

PEAR 112-22, 126, 156, 164-5, 194

Penfield, Wilder 77

Peoc’h, René 117-18

perception 79-80, 82-8, 104

animal studies 80-81
and interconnectedness
and Zero Point Field 91, 95

photo-repair system 40

photon sucking 53-4

photons, in body
biophoton emissions

Pietsch, Paul 86

poltergeist activity 210

Popp, Fritz-Albert 39-55, 59-60, 67, 68, 92, 94, 121, 144, 181, 196, 223, 224

prayer 183-4, 186-7, 192-3, 195

precognition 105, 107, 173

precognitive remote perception (PRP) 164-6

premonition 166-7, 169-70

Preparata, Giuliano 69, 94

Pribram, Karl 79-88, 91, 92, 93, 95, 104, 121, 137, 175, 222, 223, 224

Price, Pat 149-55, 157, 159-60, 163-4

prions 222

pseudo random event

generators 170

psychic healing 184-5

psychokinesis 35, 105, 107-9, 110, 128, 134

Puthoff, Hal 17-36, 143-50, 152, 153-5, 157-8, 160, 163, 172-3, 174, 181, 183, 217, 219, 220, 223, 224, 227

Quantitative Structure-Activity

Relationship (QSAR) 66

quantum coherence 43, 49, 50, 93

quantum field theory 23

quantum holography 90

quantum mechanics 25

quantum memory 95

quantum particles 10-11

quantum physics xxv-xxvii, 10-12, 43, 102-3, 118, 224

Radin, Dean 116, 167-70, 173, 199-201, 207-8, 223

Randi, James 64

Random Event Generators

random number generator

randomness 102-3

reality, observer effects 104, 118, 122, 138

REG studies 112-19, 128, 201-2

Field-REG experiments 202-12
and O.J. Simpson trial 200, 208, 213
remote viewing studies 165
retrospective effects 170-72
television 207-9
Wagner 209

regeneration 48, 51-2

regression therapy 138

Reilly, Dr David 71

relaxation 132, 134, 138, 155, 193

remote viewing program 146-60, 163-6


in observer effect
experiments 118-19, 120
in REG studies 115, 206-7

retrocognition 165

Rhine, Dr. Joseph B. 8, 101-6, 109, 111, 113, 127

RNG experiments 105-10, 168

Roberfroid, Prof. M. 70

Röntgen, Wilhelm 39, 40

Roosa, Stu 7, 8

Rueda, Alfonso 30-32, 33, 34

Ruth, Bernhard 42

sacred sites 205-7

Sakharov, Andrei 27-8, 33

scalar waves 173-4

Schempp, Walter 88-91, 95, 222

Schlitz, Marilyn 132-3, 183

Schmeidler, Gertrude 145

Schmidt, Helmut 101-9, 111, 116, 122, 128, 168, 170-71, 172

Schnitta, Deb 193, 195

Schrödinger, Erwin xxv-xxvi

Schwarz, Prof. Gary 195

frequencies, scrambling

sea of energy

sea of energy

seed moments 175

SHARP team 33-4

Sheldrake, Rupert 46-7

Shepard, Alan 5, 6, 7

shielding 136

Shoulders, Ken 29-30

Sicher, Fred 183-4, 189, 190, 192

signature effects 116, 157-8

signature frequencies 66-9, 70

Smith, Cyril 67

Solfvin, Gerald 185-6

sonoluminescence 219-20

space travel 24, 34-5, 217-21

Spiegel, David 182

spontaneous emission 27, 219

SQUID (superconducting

quantum interference
device) 143-6

Stanford, Rex 186

staring experiments 130-3

Stewart, Walter 64

stress 51

subconscious mind 121

succussion 62, 69-70

superradiance 70, 93-4, 121, 139, 211

Swann, Ingo 144, 145-6, 147, 148-50, 152-3, 160

synchronicities 135, 137, 214

Szent-Györgyi, Albert 49

Targ, Elizabeth 181-95, 223

Targ, Russell 148, 150-55, 157-8, 160, 163, 183-4

Tart, Charles 127, 131, 134

telepathy 126-7, 133, 134, 135

therapeutic touch 186

thought, nature of 126, 175, 201

time 164-75

Transcendental Meditation 135, 211-12

transparency, self-induced 93

Turner, Hank 149-50

Ullman, Montague 127

uncertainty principle 19, 20, 21

unconscious mind 121, 127, 159, 160

and EDA tests 130-31

unified theory 28, 36, 224

Unruh, William 31

Utts, Jessica 160

the vacuum 19-20, 21, 26, 31-3, 34

see also
Zero Point Field

Vaitl, Dieter 209

van der Waals, Johannes

Diderik 27

van der Waals effect 27

‘virtual particles’ 19-20, 21-2, 23

WARP drives 220-21


coherent domains 69
memory of 61, 63-6, 69, 70-72
superradiance 70

wave theory 25-6, 27, 28-9, 103

coherence 43
interference 35-6, 82-3, 84-8, 95-6

weather 210-11

Wheeler-Feynman absorber

theory 173

wishing 122, 138

wormholes 218, 221

Yasue, Kunio 70, 92-3

Zero Point Field xxvii, 19-36

access, and achievement 139
fluctuations 21, 35, 219, 220
information in 159-60
and memory 90
MRI use 90-91
space propulsion use 217-21

zero-point particle motion

) 21-2, 27-9

Zohar, Danah xiv


eight years ago, when in the course of my work I kept bumping up against miracles. Not miracles in the ordinary sense of the term, where the seas part or loaves of bread exponentially multiply, but miracles, nonetheless, in their utter violation of the way we think the world works. The miracles that I came across had to do with hard scientific evidence concerning methods of healing that flout every notion we have about our own biology.

I discovered, for instance, some good studies about homeopathy. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies – the gold standard of modern scientific medicine – showed that you could take a substance, dilute it so much that not a single molecule of the substance remained, give this dilution – now nothing more than water – to a patient and the patient would get better.
I discovered similar studies for acupuncture; poking the skin with fine needles at certain points of the body along so-called energy meridians was shown, in good solid studies, to work for certain conditions.

As for spiritual healing, although some studies were of poor quality, a number were good enough to indicate that something interesting was going on here, and there might be something more to distant healing than just a placebo or feel-good effect. In many of the studies, patients didn’t even know anybody was attempting to heal them. Nonetheless, here was evidence that certain people could concentrate on a patient at a distance, and somehow that person would get better.

These discoveries left me with wonder but also profoundly unsettled. All these practices were based on an entirely different paradigm of the human body from that of modern science. These were medical systems which purported to work on ‘energetic levels’, but I kept wondering precisely which energy it might be that they were talking about.

In the alternative community, words like ‘subtle energy’ were often bandied about, but the debunker in me was left dissatisfied. Where was this energy coming from? Where did it reside? What was so subtle about it? Were there such things as human energy fields? And did they account not only for these alternative forms of healing but also for many of life’s mysteries that couldn’t be explained? Was there an energy source that we didn’t really understand?

If something like homeopathy worked, it upended everything we believe about our physical and biological reality. One of the two – homeopathy or standard medical science – had to be wrong. Nothing less than a new biology, a new physics, seemed necessary to embrace what appeared to be true about so-called energy medicine.

I began a personal quest to find out whether any scientists were doing work that suggested an alternative view of the world. I traveled to many areas around the globe, meeting with physicists and other top frontier scientists in Russia, Germany, France, England, South America, Central America and the US. I corresponded with and phoned many other scientists in other countries. I attended conferences at which radically new findings were presented. In the main, I decided to stick to scientists with solid credentials operating according to rigorous scientific criteria. Enough speculation had already been made in the alternative community about energy and healing, and I wanted any new theories to be firmly rooted in what was provable, mathematically or experimentally – precise equations, a real physics to grapple with and understand. As I’d looked to science to prove conventional or alternative medicine, so I wanted the scientific community to provide me with – in a sense – a new science.

Once I began digging, I discovered a small but cohesive community of top-grade scientists with impressive credentials, all doing some small aspect of the same thing. Their discoveries were incredible. What they were working on seemed to overthrow the current laws of biochemistry and physics. Their work not only offered an explanation of why homeopathy and spiritual healing might work. Their theories and experiments also compounded into a new science, a new view of the world.

The Field has largely resulted from interviews with all the major scientists mentioned in the book, plus a reading of their major published work. These include chiefly: Jacques Benveniste, William Braud, Brenda Dunne, Bernhard Haisch, Basil Hiley, Robert Jahn, Ed May, Peter Marcer, Edgar Mitchell, Roger Nelson, Fritz-Albert Popp, Karl Pribram, Hal Puthoff, Dean Radin, Alfonso Rueda, Walter Schempp, Marilyn Schlitz, Helmut Schmidt, Elisabeth Targ, Russell Targ, Charles Tart and Mae Wan-Ho. I received a herculean amount of help and support from each one of them in person, by telephone and through the post. Most of the individual scientists were involved in multiple interviews – many ten interviews or more. I am indebted to them for consenting to so many consultations and for allowing me to check facts laboriously. They put up with my constant intrusion and also my ignorance, and their assistance has been incalculable.

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