The Final Line (35 page)

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Authors: Kendall McKenna

Tags: #gay romance, military

BOOK: The Final Line
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When Sean stepped away, Corey released him reluctantly. Sean turned back toward him, holding a bar of fragrant soap. He lathered his hands generously and began to run them over Corey’s body. He was firm and thorough. Corey’s eyelids grew heavy, as his muscles released their tension under Sean’s ministrations.

He couldn’t help but chuckle at how ridiculous he felt when Sean dropped down to wash Corey’s legs and feet. He took a deep breath and pretended it was perfectly normal that his dick was still soft, despite Sean’s hands touching him everywhere.

Sean stood and grinned at Corey, nibbling on his own lower lip at the same time. He built up the lather once again and this time, began to wash Corey in much more intimate areas.

Unable to stop his embarrassed sound, Corey shifted uncomfortably under Sean’s hands.

“Relax and just let me be with you again,” Sean said against Corey’s ear, over the rush of the flowing water.

Corey closed his eyes and pretended his dick wasn’t hanging limply. Sean had to know Corey wanted him and wanted him badly, didn’t he? He gave himself over to Sean’s attentions, as he’d asked.

Sean’s hands, slick with soap, skimmed over Corey’s chest and teased at his nipples. It tickled slightly when the tips of Sean’s fingers traced the lines of his tattoos. Gooseflesh pebbled Corey’s skin. When Sean’s other hand slid down the small of his back, Corey slid his feet slightly wider apart. He moaned when Sean gripped each of his ass cheeks in turn, immediately soothing them with gentle caresses. Corey snaked one arm around Sean’s waist and pulled him closer. Sean obliged him by pressing their bodies together and rubbing his hard cock against Corey’s hip.

Corey sucked in a harsh breath when Sean’s fingers slid between his cheeks and teased his opening. One of Sean’s wicked fingertips circled Corey’s hole without seeking entrance. He added a second finger and still only teased around Corey’s rim, not trying to go further. Sean’s other hand roamed restlessly over Corey’s chest and stomach. Occasionally, he plucked at Corey’s nipples, thumbing them, rolling them between his fingers.

With excruciating slowness, two of Sean’s fingers nudged at Corey’s hole. Steadily, he pushed them up and in. Corey’s ass stretched pleasantly. He groaned and turned his head blindly, eyes still shut against the sensation. He sought Sean’s mouth and couldn’t find it. Frustration nearly burst in his gut when Corey couldn’t feel Sean’s lips on his own.

“Kiss me,” he demanded in a rough and frantic voice. “Please kiss me.”

Sean’s hot mouth was on Corey’s an instant later. Corey opened his mouth and pushed his tongue into Sean’s. It was too wet for their mouths to seal and they licked at each other, steam and spray splashing over them. Corey’s desperate moans echoed off the tile and drifted over the sound of the cascading water.

The fingers in his ass mimicked the motions of Sean’s tongue in Corey’s mouth. Corey gripped Sean’s ass with one hand and pressed their bodies tight together. They slid against each other, skin slick with water and soap.

Pulling out of the kiss, Sean gasped, “I need to get you into bed.”

Corey reluctantly allowed Sean to rinse the soap from his skin. He opened his eyes when Sean shut off the water and painful reality slammed into him. Sean was moving them to the bed and Corey’s cock was still limp and lifeless.

Pushing out of the shower stall, Corey quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his hips. Sean followed at a slower pace, eyes heavy with desire and mouth swollen from their hard kisses. He grabbed a second towel and languorously swiped at his own chest and stomach. Corey couldn’t miss the proof of Sean’s virile desire. His cock was fully hard, standing proudly. It was dark red, filled with ridges and veins. Corey felt mocked.

“I can’t do this,” he blurted, fleeing the bathroom.

“What? What can’t you do?” Sean asked, following Corey.

“This. I can’t do this. I’m so fucked up, how can you want to be with me?” Corey demanded, dragging clothes out of his ruck, intending to dress and get the hell out of there.

Sean stood in the middle of the room, between Corey and doorway. He had a towel around his hips but it did nothing to hide his proud erection. “It’s all right, I understand,” Sean declared, palms out in supplication. “There’s a reason this happens. It doesn’t matter. We’ll work around it. It’s all right.”

“It’s not all right!” Corey shouted, turning on Sean, fists clenched at his sides. “Why do you keep saying that? It’s not all right! I came here for sex. You’re expecting to fuck. My dick is limp. I want you so bad my chest hurts, but my dick won’t get hard. How the fuck is that all right?” Corey’s heart thundered. He could barely hear over the sound of his blood rushing in his ears. Corey sucked desperate breaths through clenched teeth, each desperate inhalation loud in the quiet of Sean’s bedroom.

Sean starred at Corey with wide, surprised eyes. His mouth hung open slightly, his palms still raised as if entreating Corey to calm down. “Okay, you’re right, it’s not all right,” Sean said. His voice was quiet but held a slight tremor. Corey thought he saw Sean’s hands tremble. “You lived through some shit that’s left you fucked up and that’s not fair, but it’s understandable. It can also be fixed. Do I wish that big dick of yours was rock hard and able to fuck me into the mattress? Hell yeah! So from that aspect, it’s not all right. Am I disappointed? Fuck yes. But none of it is your fault. It’s frustrating but it doesn’t mean I care about you any less.”

Sean looked surprised at his own words. His eyes were round and wide open. He closed his mouth with an audible click. Corey watched him swallow hard several times. Still, Sean stood his ground, blocking Corey’s path to the door, meeting Corey’s eyes, and not trying to take back anything he’d just said.

Corey unclenched his fists and took a step back. Sean’s outburst had been honest. He’d stopped trying to placate Corey. He looked like his emotional confession had been accidental, but Sean wasn’t trying to take it back.

Taking a deep breath, Corey gave Sean a confession of equal emotion. “I had a flashback tonight.”

Sean’s expression shifted to concern and Corey’s chest loosened when he didn’t see the pity he despised. Taking a careful step forward Sean asked, “Where? When? What happened?”

Corey rested his hands on his hips, shifting his weight awkwardly. He was suddenly very aware he wore nothing more than a towel. “Tonight’s training was simulated combat. My brain decided it was real and I thought I was going to die making sure my men made it out alive.”

“Jesus Christ, Corey! Why didn’t you say something when you called me?” Sean demanded angrily. His posture changed dramatically as his shoulders tensed and he planted his feet firmly.

“Because I’m afraid you think I only want you when I’ve had a bad day,” Corey blurted heatedly. “You shouldn’t have to always take care of me.”

Sean gave Corey a look that was both irate and incredulous. “Where are your fucking medications?” he asked sharply. “Did you at least remember to pack them?” Sean didn’t let Corey answer. He stepped to the bed and reached for the ruck.

“Yeah, I brought them,” Corey answered lamely, feeling like a chastised child and thinking he might deserve it.

Sean dug in the outer pocket and pulled out the amber bottles. “Did you take a Xanax?” At Corey’s mute nod he asked, “When?”

“When I was packing to come here,” Corey answered, subdued.

“Then you’re fine for now.” Sean handed Corey the prescriptions. “Did you take a Viagra at the same time?”

“I didn’t take one at all,” Corey confessed, bracing for the expected storm.

Sean looked at him in disbelief. “Why the hell not?”

Corey sighed explosively. “Because I shouldn’t need a fucking pill to be with you! You deserve to be enough,” Corey snapped in a raised voice. Christ that made no fucking sense to him and he knew what he was trying to say.

Sean’s expression was furious. “I know the fucking pills don’t affect your desire. They just make it possible to do something about what you feel.” He took Corey’s hand and placed the bottles in it. “Go put these on the nightstand. I’ll be right back. Get out a Viagra so you can take it, you stubborn asshole.”

Corey didn’t dare defy Sean. He regretted upsetting him. Now that he’d said some of that shit out loud, he realized how stupid he was being. Corey took a blue tablet from the bottle and set all three on the nightstand as Sean had ordered him to do.

Sean appeared at Corey’s side, bottle of water in hand. He removed the lid and took the Viagra from Corey’s fingers. When Sean slid the pill between his lips, Corey took it onto his tongue. He licked at the pad of Sean’s thumb when it too, pushed into his mouth. Sean lifted the water and Corey drank deeply, swallowing down the cool liquid and the medication.

Setting the water next to the prescriptions, Sean slid Corey’s dog tags over Corey’s head, letting them rest against his breastbone. Sean removed the towel from his own hips and dropped it to the floor. Corey tried to hold his towel in place when Sean reached for it.

“Just let it go. Stop thinking about it. Just relax and feel,” Sean urged. “If you let yourself enjoy it, everything else will work itself out.”

The last of Corey’s resistance fell away. Sean removed Corey’s towel and dropped it to the floor with his own. He smiled seductively at Corey, gripping Corey’s dog tags and twisting the chain around his fist. Sean used the chain to pull Corey in for a searing kiss.

When Sean knelt on the bed, Corey followed him without resistance. Releasing Corey’s tags, Sean twisted at the waist and reached behind himself to pull some items from the other bedside table. He set the lubricant bottle and condom strip on top of the nightstand.

Corey knelt admiring Sean’s muscular body. His shoulders were broad and his waist and hips were narrow. He obviously spent a fair amount of time working out, which made sense given his profession. Muscles in his arms, shoulders, chest and legs flexed attractively. His erection was already returning, beginning to rise from the neatly trimmed nest of curls at Sean’s groin. Corey realized there were things he could do to pleasure Sean despite his own lack of a hard-on.

As Sean turned back to face him, Corey wrapped his arms around Sean’s body and picked him up. Sean made a loud sound of surprise which quickly became laughter. Corey tilted Sean and laid him down on the bed, quickly sliding between his legs.

“Corey, you don’t have to…” Sean started to protest, coming up on his elbows.

“I want to,” replied Corey, stroking Sean’s lengthening cock.

“But I want to take care of you tonight,” Sean said plaintively.

Corey ignored him and lowered his head. He took the tip of Sean’s cock into his mouth and pushed his lips down around the shaft.

“Fuck,” Sean hissed, his head tipping backward and the muscles of his stomach clenching. His fists curled into the sheet beneath him.

That was the kind of reaction Corey was looking for. He gripped one of Sean’s lean hips and held him steady. He wrapped his other hand around Sean’s cock and stroked in time with his mouth. He sucked hard, flicking and swirling his tongue around the head. Sean flexed his hips against Corey’s grip, his legs moving restlessly on either side of Corey.

“Christ, that feels good,” Sean murmured. “Feels so fucking good. I love your mouth on me. God, you’re fucking gorgeous.”

Corey worked Sean’s cock, trying to pull more of that needy, filthy talk from him. Sean’s last mindless, senseless declaration managed to take him by surprise. Corey pulled off and licked at Sean’s prick. He dragged his tongue along the shaft, pressed his closed lips to the thick underside vein. Corey licked at Sean’s balls, nuzzling and mouthing them, before moving back up to take all of Sean’s dick into his mouth.

“Fuck, you’re killing me,” Sean groaned. “I love it when you suck me. Christ, look at me, Corey. Fucking look at me. Let me see your beautiful eyes.”

Startled, Corey looked up, met Sean’s hazel eyes and held them. Sean’s red, wet mouth hung open as he stared intently at Corey.

“That’s it, that’s it,” Sean chanted in a whisper, never looking away from Corey’s eyes. “You have such beautiful eyes. Your mouth feels so good on me.”

Corey sucked hard and slowly dragged his mouth up the length of Sean’s dick, feeling a fresh rush of blood under his lips. Sean’s words touched something deep in Corey’s chest. He redoubled his efforts to bring Sean pleasure.

“Oh, fuck,” Sean groaned, eyes falling shut and head tipping back. His hand was suddenly grasping Corey’s head. “Stop. Please stop. I don’t wanna come like this.”

Corey pulled off of Sean’s cock with a wet pop. He smiled in triumph. Corey surged upward, capturing Sean’s mouth in a sloppy kiss.

Sean lifted one hand to Corey’s cheek, still propping himself on the other elbow. “I wanna take care of you. Will you let me take care of you?”

It seemed important to Sean and Corey wanted him to please him. “Yes. Whatever you want,” he whispered against Sean’s mouth.

“Turn around, okay?” Sean asked between teasing licks at Corey’s lips. “Trust me?”

Corey didn’t hesitate. He knelt up and when Sean extended his own legs, Corey straddled them, facing away. He settled down to rest back on his heels.

Sean laughed nervously. “No, that’s…wait, hang on. I can work with this.”

Corey didn’t have time to question Sean’s meaning. He moaned when Sean’s hands gripped his ass firmly, massaging slowly. He arched his back at the feel of Sean’s warm palms sliding up his spine.

Sean’s hands left Corey’s skin. He glanced over his shoulder to see Sean stacking pillows against the headboard. Next, he retrieved the lube and condoms from the nightstand and set them on the bed beside them.

“Lean forward,” Sean urged, hands on Corey’s ass.

Corey bent over, resting on his elbows on either side of Sean’s legs. Sean’s strong hands parted his ass cheeks, stretching him slightly and baring his hole to Sean’s gaze. Small tendrils of pleasure wove their way up Corey’s spine and he forgot to be embarrassed that he was so vulnerable and exposed.

When Sean’s thumbs lightly circled Corey’s opening, he moaned and pushed backward. Sean’s touch was slight and teasing, leaving Corey aching for more contact. Heat was coursing through his groin now. There was finally a tingling at the very base of his cock.

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