The Final Temptation (7 page)

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Authors: K.C. Lynn

Tags: #Erotic, #Erotica, #Romance

BOOK: The Final Temptation
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I grab his drink from him and take a hefty sip of some nasty shit then hand it back. Blowing out a heavy breath, I drop my head back on the tree, look up at the starlit sky and think about tonight’s events. “Have you ever done something you aren’t proud of, no matter how good it felt at the time?” I think about my question then laugh. “Never mind, what am I saying—of course you have.”

He grunts, clearly not finding my remark as funny as me. “Nope, I don’t waste my time regretting shit, Goldilocks, and you shouldn’t either. Life is too short. Besides, whatever you did, I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

I keep silent, because I disagree. What I did probably ruined any chance of my father getting that contract, something he deserves to have, and it was all done out of pain and anger.

“Is this about that pig you have a thing for?”

I tense at his remark about Cooper. “Don’t talk about him like that. Not ever, and especially not to me.”

He grunts again. “I figured. You need to get over him, Goldilocks, that prick is so full of himself, you will never be good enough for him.”

I try not to let his words cut me but they do, deeply. I glare back at him. “You’re a real asshole, you know that?”

I begin to get up but he grabs my arm and pulls me back down. “Whoa, hold up now. I didn’t mean it because you aren’t good enough. I just meant that, to him, you never will be. That asshole thinks his shit don’t stink, and it’s because he’s been labeled the town golden boy ever since he moved here, all because of who his daddy is.”

I think about his statement and realize it’s partly true. Cooper’s dad grew up here and was the town’s legend when it came to football. He even went on to play pro for a few years. When the star quarterback returned to coach the high school football team, Cooper was immediately lumped into the same category as his father. Especially after proving his talents on the field by bringing home state championships two years in a row. I guess Cooper is partly labeled the town golden boy because of his father, but he also deserves that title. Even though I am pissed at him, there is no denying that he is a good guy. One day he will become Sunset Bay’s Sheriff and I have no doubt he will be a good one. Besides my father, he’s the best man I know… Ugh! Now I feel like crying all over again.

I’m suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when I feel Mark’s hand grasp the inside of my thigh. I immediately slap it away and glare at him. “What the hell are you doing?”

An irritating smirk tilts his lips. “I’m trying to get your mind off your troubles. Come on, Goldilocks, fuck him out of your system, I’m a willing participant.”

I gape at him when I realize he’s completely serious. Shaking my head, I expel a bitter laugh. “God, and here I thought just maybe you actually had a decent bone in your body, but I guess not.” I try to get up again but he grabs my arm, a little rougher than before and pulls me back down. “Get your fucking hand off me before I break it.”

“Come on, don’t be like that.” He leans in to kiss me and I smack him across the face, hard enough that it stings my hand.

“I told you to back off!”

I attempt to stand again but this time he grabs me by my hair. “I don’t think so, bitch.” He yanks me back down, drawing a startled cry from me. All of a sudden I’m on my stomach with his weight over top of me and panic immediately floods my system.

“Get off of me!” I kick and fight with everything I have to get free but I’m not strong enough and I quickly realize I’m in real trouble here. I start to scream but he shoves my face into the ground, the rough earth biting painfully into my cheek.

“Just stay still, and I promise I will make it better.”

My teeth clench in rage. I quickly spot a big rock only an arm’s length away. As he fumbles with my pants I’m able to slip my arm out from under me and grab it. Somehow I manage to wiggle and turn myself over just enough so that I can swing the rock and connect it with his face. A painful howl leaves him and I take quick action of his shock to slide myself out from underneath him. He grabs my ankle to drag me back but I’m able to kick free. As soon as I get on my feet I haul ass.

“You fucking bitch!” I glance back and see him getting up to chase after me.

Panic has me pushing myself faster. I begin screaming as I get closer to the party, hoping someone will hear me. I turn back to find out how close Mark is but I don’t see him, then, suddenly, I slam into a brick wall. Arms quickly grab me to steady me, and my fear has me fighting to get free, thinking somehow he ended up in front of me.

“Kayla! Stop, it’s me!” I look up through my blurry vision and realize it’s Cooper.

“Oh thank god,” I sob in relief.

He grasps my chin and his eyes widen in alarm when he sees my face. “What the fuck happened to you?”

Before I can explain Jaxson and Julia come running up. “Oh my god, Kayla, are you okay?” Julia asks.

I nod through my tears, my chest still heaving for breath. Cooper’s gaze trains on something behind me, his eyes turning wild with rage.

I spin around to see Mark come to an abrupt stop, not looking much better than me. “You have got to be shitting me,” he says in disbelief.

Cooper quickly puts the pieces together and starts toward him. “You’re fucking dead!” He grabs Mark by the shirt and throws him up against the closest tree.

Jaxson moves fast and pulls him back before he can do any real damage. “Easy, man, find your control, there is a lot at stake here.” Cooper pushes away from him but Jaxson makes sure to stay close.

“What are you going to do?” Mark asks with a cocky smirk, spreading his arms out at his sides. “You gonna hit me, pig? Do it. I fucking dare you.”

Even from here I can see Cooper’s body vibrating with fury. I start over as he takes another step toward Mark and put my hand on his chest. “Don’t, he’s only trying to bait you. Let’s just get out of here. Please.”

Mark chuckles. “Listen to the bitch and leave, because we both know you can’t do shit.”

In one heart-stopping second I see Cooper wind back and I know he’s going to hit him. Panic has my protest lodging in my throat, but thankfully, Jaxson is quicker than Cooper. “He can’t, but I can.” A split second later you hear fist connecting with flesh and Mark falls to the ground from Jaxson’s blow, blood pouring from his nose.

“Fuck! You broke my nose, you asshole! I’m pressing charges.”

Cooper drops down to look him in the face. “You’re not going to do anything because there are no witnesses to back up your story, but I wonder what your daddy will say when he has to try and dismiss an attempted rape charge from your record.” He grabs Mark’s jaw now, and by the whimper that escapes him I can tell it’s hard. “Listen up, you little fuck. If you ever come near her again I will make sure you regret it for the rest of your life. There is only so far I will be pushed, and believe me when I say this is not over.” Cooper shoves his head down in the ground as he stands then looks over at me, his eyes flat and void of any emotion. “Let’s go.”

“Cooper…” I start with a whisper, but he doesn’t give me a chance to speak.

“No! We aren’t talking about this right now. Go!”

I swallow past the urge to argue, but know now is not the time. Julia links arms with me as we start to walk off with Cooper and Jaxson following close behind. I hear them talking in hushed tones, and although I can’t hear what they’re saying, there is no denying the quiet fury in Cooper’s voice.

As soon as we make it to the party I ignore everyone and beeline for my car, making Julia jog to have to keep up.

“Jules! You come with me.” I glance over at Jaxson to see him wave her over to Cooper’s truck that is parked in front of mine.

“Do you want me to stay with you? I will and I’ll tell Jax no. He’s pissed at me anyway.”

I look over at Cooper to see him on his phone, and vaguely hear him reporting the party. He shakes his head at me, as if he knows what I’m thinking, then makes his way over to us. “Yeah, and find Stevens as soon as you get here and search him. I’ll meet up with you in a bit.”

I tune him out then look back at Julia. “No, it’s okay, go ahead. I’m sorry I got you into shit for the second time this week,” I whisper, feeling guilty.

She pulls me into a hug. “You didn’t. We did nothing wrong coming here, Kayla. Call me when you get home and we will talk about what happened with Mark, okay?”

I nod and hug her tighter, not wanting to let her go because I’m not ready to deal with Cooper quite yet. She kisses my cheek before stepping back, but hesitates to walk away when she sees my face. “Kayla, are you sure? I’ll drive you home and we can talk. The guys will get over it.”

I attempt to give her a reassuring smile. “I’m sure. Really, it’s fine. I need to talk to him anyway.”

“Okay, make sure you call me as soon as you get home.”

“I will.”

She starts off toward Jaxson and I get in the passenger side of my car since Cooper is in the driver’s seat. I hand him my keys and he takes them in silence, then pulls away and stares straight ahead. The confined space is thick with tension but it’s a different tension than what it was a few days ago, after Brittany’s car incident. I glance at him and my stomach twists at his stoic expression. I’ve seen him mad before, but nothing like this. I swipe at my subsiding tears, flinching as I pass over my sore cheek.

When we are over halfway home, and he still hasn’t said anything, I decide to break the silence. “So what, Cooper, you came all this way and you’re not even going to say anything to me?”

“It’s best if we don’t talk right now.” His response has my irritation reaching a whole new level.

“For who? You?”

“No! For you!” I flinch at his angry bellow. There is a moment of silence before he slams his fist down on the steering wheel. “FUCK!” He runs his hand through his hair in frustration, his breathing fast and heavy. “You fucking promised me you wouldn’t go!”

I grind my teeth and try to keep my temper in check. “Yeah, well you promised me things too, and you lied.”

“I never fucking lied to you!”

“Yes, you did! You said you had nothing to do with her since you broke up. Oh, but I guess going to her house for supper and her lake house with her doesn’t count, huh?”

His jaw flexes. “She’s full of shit! I was at her house for supper because of the fucking vandalism on her car and her parents asked me to stay. Any time before that was business, since her dad is on the fucking town council. And I wasn’t there alone, I was there with Sheriff Lancaster. It was her parents who invited me to their fucking lake house at supper last night and I declined! This is all fucking shit you would have known if you stuck around to hear me out!”

“What do you expect, Cooper? Not even two nights ago you had your fucking fingers inside of me, and then I was subjected to watching her put her hands all over you, without you even attempting to stop it.”

“You think that shit wasn’t uncomfortable for me, too?”

“Oh yeah, you looked really uncomfortable.”

“What the fuck was I supposed to do? I didn’t want to ruin supper for your parents. If I had known they were going to be there then I wouldn’t have come!”

“You should have pushed her away, regardless. Try being in my position. Do you really think I was going to stay a second longer to witness any more of that shit?”

“If you would have stuck around then you would have heard me lay into her, right in front of everyone for what she did. And you would have also seen your dad go to bat for you, too. But no, you had to be fucking impulsive again, like always, and let your emotions get the better of you.”

My anger deflates fast and I sit in stunned silence as we pull up into my driveway. I’m shocked to know that not only did Cooper stand up for me in front of everyone, but so did my dad. Guilt plagues me and I’m just about to thank him, but he doesn’t give me the chance.

“Do you have any idea the positions you put me in because you can’t ever think shit through? I lied about not knowing who did that shit to her car, which is the first time I have ever done that, and I fucking hate it. Now I almost just beat the shit out of a kid because you took off on a tantrum, and got yourself into trouble that I warned you from to begin with. I mean jesus, it’s like fucking poison wherever you go!”

The last of his words strike me like a painful blow. It’s so intense I swear my heart just stopped beating and I have a hard time pulling in a breath. Mark’s remark earlier about not being good enough for him rings loudly in my ears, and I’m not sure what hurts more—that he was right, or that Cooper really does think this.

I do everything in my power to hold my tears back, and swallow past the excruciating burn in my throat. “You’re right,” I whisper, staring straight ahead. “I am impulsive, especially when I’m hurt. I have a temper that spikes from zero to ten in one second and sometimes that makes it really hard to think things through. But what you’re most right about is I am not good for you. Or maybe I should say not good
for you.” I laugh bitterly. “Who the fuck knew that Mark would be right about something tonight after all.”

I open the car door and hear him expel a heavy breath. “Kayla.”

“I will fix the mess I made, and I promise to stay the hell away from you and not subject you to my
ever again.”

I slam the door and rush into my house, refraining from looking back, the heartache that’s crawling up my throat is threatening to choke me. I enter the kitchen on the way to my room and see my parents waiting for me at the table.

I stop to face them but have a hard time looking at them, especially my dad. My mom gasps when she sees my face, but I’m not sure if it’s because of my bruised cheek or if the pain I’m feeling is apparent.

“Honey, what happened to you? Where did you go?” she asks.

I open my mouth to try and explain but then snap it shut as I feel my heartbreak erupting to the surface. I swallow and try again, but look at my dad this time. “I’m sorry, dad. I’m so sorry.” He moves to stand, but I shake my head at him. “No, please. I-I can’t talk right now. I will explain everything later, I promise, but I just can’t right now.”

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