The Firm: The Troubled Life of the House of Windsor (45 page)

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Authors: Penny Junor

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Royalty

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Aberfan 22–3, 181

Adeane, Edward 244, 245, 246, 344

Airey, Sir Christopher 249–50, 344

Airlie, David Lord 25–9, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36–7, 40, 41, 42–3, 44, 194, 195, 419

al Fayed, Dodi 106, 107, 117

al Fayed, Mohamed 106

Albert, Prince xiv, 13, 27, 152

Alexandra, Princess xvii, 26

Anderson, Ailsa 47, 375

Andrew, Prince 47, 204, 261, 354, 364

   golf, love of 400

It’s A Royal Knockout

   Koo Stark, relationship with 284

   marries 40, 284–5

   9/11, reaction to 285–6

   parentage, doubts over 409

   personality 282–4, 344, 345

   Queen, closeness to 76

   supports Britain’s commercial interests overseas 281

Anne, Princess 145, 167, 168, 179, 204, 317, 323

   children 418

   divorce 371

   Dunblane, visits families 182

   father, similarities to 315–16

   hard working 310

It’s A Royal Knockout

   marriage 371–2

   personality 372–5

   press, loathing of 328

   Princess Royal Trust for Carers 370–1

   public train travel 142

   Queen, closeness to 76

   rudeness 345

   Save the Children 199–200, 201–2, 373

   supports Britain’s commercial interests overseas 281

Annual Reports 146

Anson, Charles 44, 269, 346

Ardent 134, 135, 217, 333, 364

Arengo-Jones, Paul 210–11, 212, 214–15, 217, 220, 365, 367, 368

Ascot Board 170

Ascot Racecourse xix, 35, 171–2

Asian tsunami xiv-xv, 254

Atlee, Clement 408–9

Aylard, Richard 82, 100–1, 111, 119, 120–2, 123, 125, 249

Bagshot Park 219, 365

Balmoral Castle 15–16, 22, 40, 56, 75, 77, 185, 188, 212, 325, 326, 334

Banks, Tony 183

Barschak, Aaron 356

Bartholomew, Carolyn 92, 93

Bashir, Martin 102

Baxter, Alan 230

BBC 325, 416

Beaverbrook, Lord 329, 330

Beckett, Margaret 236

Benn, Tony 398

Birt, John 102

Black, Guy 123, 132, 326, 328, 330–1, 336–7, 343, 347, 388, 390

Blackburn, Vice Admiral Sir Tom 298

Blair, Tony xx, 16, 136, 301, 302, 312, 363, 399, 416–17

Bogdanor, Vernon 289, 405, 408

Bolland, Mark 39, 46, 111, 119, 122, 123, 124, 125–6, 127–9, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 334, 339–40, 343, 347, 357, 358, 377, 378

Bond, Jenny 206–7

Brabourne, Lord 322

Brainwave 362

Britannia (Royal Yacht) 56, 291

British Airways 147–8, 385

Browne-Wilkinson, Hilary 119

Browne-Wilkinson, Nico 119

Buckingham Palace xiii, xvi, xvii, xviii–xix, 1, 2, 3, 11–15, 16, 18, 96, 118, 127, 133, 135, 141, 143, 218, 242, 246, 274, 285, 312, 362, 419, 420

   Blue Drawing Room 318

   Changing of the Guard 56–7

   focal point after Diana’s death xiv, 23, 187, 191

   gallery 150, 294

   gardens 278

   history of 12–13

   informal lunches 59

   modernization of 30–2

   open to public 14, 31–2, 43, 157

   Party at the Palace 318, 320, 321

   Press Office 47, 102, 103

   Second World War, target during 173, 174–5, 177

   security 14, 57

   themed receptions 316–17

Burrell, Paul 39, 46, 49, 196, 338–43, 349, 351, 352, 410

Bush, President George W. 3, 185, 274, 281, 286, 289

Business in the Community (BITC) 87, 94, 232–8, 251–2

Campbell, Eugene 346–7

Chalker, Baroness 374, 385

Changing of the Guard 56–7

Charity Commission, The 203–4

Charles and Diana: Portrait of a Marriage
(Junor) 91

Charles I, King 16, 151, 197, 260

Charles II, King 16, 151, 260, 264

Charles, Prince 5, 15, 20, 39, 50, 61, 62

   appearance 247

   architecture, interest in 150, 222–31, 232

   Aylard, relationship with 120–2

   ‘black spider’ memos 46–7, 251, 254

   Bolland, relationship with 124, 125, 126, 129

   break down of marriage, reaction to 79–80, 82

   Buckingham Palace, moves out of 12

   Burrell trial, involvement in 341

Camilla, announces intention to marry xviii, 415–17

Camilla, early days with 74, 91

Camilla, first seen with 318

Camilla, importance of 82–6

Camilla, introduces to his sons 129–30

Camilla, marriage to 427–30

Camilla, refusal to end relationship 108–11, 115, 118, 128, 396

Camilla, reunited with as marriage breaks down 84–5, 117

Camilla, sleeps with during marriage 80, 95–6, 116

Camillagate tapes 99–100

chaotic nature of household 349–60

Charitable Foundation 254–5, 360

Charles Clarke, row with 46

closed circle of friends 402

Colborne, relationship with 62–4, 66

Commonwealth, lack of enthusiasm for within 411, 413

   day-to-day life 251

   Defender of the Faith, expresses desire to become 404

   Diana names as person trying to kill her 342

   Diana, arguments with 77–8

Diana, marriage to 63–4, 66–70, 71–2

   Diana, marries 1

   Diana, reaction to popularity of 6

   Diana’s death, informed of 22

   Dimbleby book, agrees to 87–8

   divorce 104

   father, relationship with 4, 86–7, 88, 343

   Fawcett, relationship with 350–2, 353, 355–8, 360, 438–9

   Fellowes, relationship with 18–19

   50th birthday 133

   girlfriends 72–4

   Hamburg visit 291

   high style of living 383, 384–5

   homosexuality, allegations of 353–5

   honesty 81–2, 89

   hunting 401

   insecurity 249

   investitures, role in 299

   leaked memos 46

   loyalty 346–8, 357

   marriage, views on 68

   mother, relationship with 76, 86, 88

   mysticism and alternative lifestyles, interest in 244–6, 248

   office, size of 314

   Omagh 189–90

   Party at the Palace 320–1

   popularity 81, 428–9

   pressure to marry 71–2

   Private secretaries, number of 375

   self pity, capacity for 116

   selfishness 86

   social conscience 244

   spirituality 189

   tax 42

   temper 63, 439

   tortured 248, 439

   train travel 140–1, 143

   weak 76

see also
Business in the Community (BITC); Duchy Originals; International Business

   Leaders’ Forum (IBLF)
Prince’s Trust

Charlotte of Mecklenburg, Princess 151

Charteris, Lord 322–3

Chase Children’s Hospice 362

Checketts, David 238, 244

Chelsea Flower Show 311, 318

Cheltenham Festival 167

Chirac, President 179, 270, 290

Churchill, Winston xx, 15, 47, 168, 176, 187, 286, 408–9

Civil List 33–8, 41, 42, 156, 204, 384, 400

Clarence House 15, 56, 173, 205, 334, 335, 343, 355, 356, 358, 378, 381, 385, 395, 401, 415, 416, 442

Clarke, Charles 46

Cleverdon, Julia 46, 94, 233–4, 235–6, 237, 238

Colborne, Michael 27, 62–3, 64, 65, 66, 77–8, 85, 86, 95, 245

Colthurst, James 91–2

Colville, Commander Richard 2, 26, 323

Common Sense
(Benn) 398–9

Commonwealth 147, 178, 288–9, 391, 392, 411–13

Commonwealth Office 147, 391, 392

Commonwealth War Graves Commission 178

Conibear, Simon 226, 228–9, 230

Coordination and Research Unit, The (CRU) 48, 50–1, 53, 58–9, 145–6

Crown Equerry 145, 160

Crown Estate Act, 1961 35

Crown Estates 34–5, 400

Crown Jewels 156, 196, 274

Cullinan diamond 153

Dacre, Paul 131

Daily Express
329, 335

Daily Mail
46, 106, 107, 131, 134, 135, 329, 330, 343, 347, 358, 364

Daily Mirror
2, 3, 49, 229, 301, 342, 344, 347, 350

Daily Telegraph
131, 329, 330, 346, 347, 357

Davies, Robert 252, 253–4, 279, 408

Davis, Brigadier Miles Hunt 208, 214

Davis, Sir Peter 234, 236

Davy, Chelsy 414

de Brunner, Maxine 340

de Gaulle, President 168

Dench, Dame Judi 315

Denmark, Queen of 394–5

Department for Culture, Media and Sport 38

Department of the Environment 37

Department of Transport 147

Design Museum 311, 312

Devonshire, Duke of 170, 171

Diana, Princess of Wales 101, 108, 111, 357, 385, 395, 396

   Burrell and 349–50

   Camilla, jealousy of 94–7, 106

Daily Mail
, relationship with 131

   death xiv, 22–3, 54, 107, 117, 129, 186–8, 190–2, 193, 332, 334, 369

   divorce 104

   Dodi Fayed, affair with 106–7

   eating disorder 80, 93

   funeral 33

   Kensington Palace residence 15

   lack of preparation for role 9–10

   marriage viii, 61–2, 63–70, 71–2, 77, 78, 79–80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 91–3

   Morton, cooperation with 91–4

interview 51, 81, 98, 102, 111–12

   popularity 7, 52–3

   ‘Squidgygate’ 94

   staff contracts 50

   star quality 5–7

   stuffiness, complains of royal atmosphere of 18, 50

   temper 65

   wedding xvii, 1

Diana: Her True Story
(Morton) 91–8, 117, 269

Dimbleby, Jonathan 75, 82, 91, 97, 100, 119, 120, 343–4

Duchy of Cornwall 224, 225, 227, 231, 353, 384, 427

Duchy Originals 255–6, 359–60

Duckworth-Chad, Major James 298

Dunblane 182–4

Dyson Appliances 311, 363

Dyson, James 58, 311

Edinburgh, Duke of
Philip, Prince

Edward III, King 265, 300

Edward VII, King xvii, 40, 153, 166, 169, 270, 272, 273, 300

Edward VIII, King 109

Edward, Prince 204, 261, 283, 390

   corporate donors, entertains 219, 220

   Duke of Edinburgh Award Association, takes over running of 211

   Duke of Edinburgh, closeness to 216–17

   films William at St Andrews 134–5

   gay rumours 354, 363

It’s A Royal Knockout
, effect on reputation of 24, 218, 368

   mixes business with royal work 364–5, 367–8

   personality 369

   Queen, closeness to 76

   Sophie, effect upon 362

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