The First Man in Rome (5 page)

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Authors: Colleen McCullough

Tags: #Fiction, #Historical

BOOK: The First Man in Rome
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But the truth was that Lucius Cornelius Sulla, enrolled by the censors according to his means among the
capite censi,
the Head Count masses of Rome owning absolutely no property, was a patrician nobleman, the son of a patrician nobleman, the grandson of a patrician nobleman, and so on through every generation going back to the days before the founding of Rome. His birth made Sulla eminently eligible for the full glory of the political ladder, the
cursus honorum.
By birth, the consulship was his.

His tragedy lay in his penuriousness, the inability of his father to provide either the income or the property necessary to enroll his son among even the lowest of the five economic classes; all his father had bequeathed him was the raw and simple citizenship itself. Not for Lucius Cornelius Sulla the purple stripe on the right shoulder of his tunic, knight-narrow or senator-broad. There were those who knew him had heard him say his tribe was the Cornelia, and laughed him to scorn. Assuming he was of slave origins, they knew his tribe had to be either urban Esquilina or urban Suburana. For rural Cornelia was one of the four oldest of the thirty-five Roman tribes, and did not number members of the Head Count among it.

On this thirtieth birthday Sulla should have been entering the Senate—either as an elected quaestor approved by the censors, or else as his birthright, appointed by the censors without their requiring him to be elected quaestor.

Instead, he was the kept plaything of two vulgar women, and there was not a single hope in the world that he would ever command the sort of fortune which would enable him to exercise his birthright. Next year was a censors' year— oh, to be able to present himself at the censors' tribunal in the Forum Romanum and show the censors proof that he had property yielding him an income of a million sesterces a year! That was the senator's minimum. Or even property yielding an income of four hundred thousand sesterces a year! That was the knight's minimum. As things stood in reality, he owned no property at all, and his income had never exceeded ten thousand sesterces in a year, even now he was kept by women. The definition of abject poverty in Rome was the inability to own one slave, and that meant that there had been times in his life when Sulla was abjectly poor. He, a patrician Cornelius.

During those two years of brave defiance when he had lived in the insula up the Esquiline near the Agger, he had been forced to seek work on the wharves of the Port of Rome below the Wooden Bridge, had humped jars of wine and emptied urns of wheat in order to keep that one slave who indicated to the world that he was not abjectly poor. For as he grew older, so did his pride increase—or rather, his consciousness of its utter humiliation. He had never succumbed to the urge to get a steady job, learn a trade in some foundry or carpenter's shop, or become a scribe, act as a merchant's secretary, or copy manuscripts for a publishing house or lending library. When a man labored on the wharves or in the market gardens or on some construction project, no one asked questions; when a man went to the same place of work each day, everyone asked questions. Sulla could not even enlist in the army—a man had to be propertied for that too. Entitled by his birth to lead an army, Sulla had never handled a sword, straddled a horse, or cast a spear, even on the training fields and exercise yards around the Villa Publica on the Campus Martius. He, a patrician Cornelius.

Perhaps had he gone to some remote patrician Cornelian relation and begged, the situation might have been remedied by the tendering of a massive loan. But pride—which could stomach being kept by vulgar women—balked at begging. For there were no patrician Cornelians of the Sullan branch left, only distant Cornelians indifferent to his plight. Better to be a nobody and owe nobody than a somebody groaning under the cliental obligations of a massive loan. He, a patrician Cornelius.

Exactly where he intended to go when he flung out of the door of his stepmother's house, he had no idea. Only to snuff the damp air, walk off his anguish. Clitumna had chosen an odd place to live, given her background: in a street of successful advocates and backbencher senators and middle-income knights, too low down on the Palatine Germalus to afford a view, yet conveniently close to the political and business hub of the city, the Forum Romanum and its surrounding basilicae and marketplaces and colonnades. Of course Clitumna liked the safety of this location, far from the stews of the Subura with its concomitant crime, but her noisy parties and dubious friends had led to many an irate deputation from her neighbors, who preferred peace and quiet. On one side of her was the exceedingly prosperous merchant banker and company director Titus Pomponius, and. on the other side lived Gaius Julius Caesar, a senator.

Not that they saw much of each other. That was one of the benefits (or drawbacks, viewed conversely) of inward-looking houses, with their windowless outer walls and a central court—the peristyle-garden—shielded from the neighbors by the rooms entirely surrounding it. But there was no doubt that when Clitumna's parties spilled out of her dining room into the open court of the peristyle-garden, the cacophony penetrated far beyond the boundaries of her property, and made her the chief district nuisance.

Dawn had broken. Ahead of him Sulla could see Gaius Julius Caesar's women tittupping along on the high cork soles and higher cork heels of their winter shoes, sweet little feet elevated above the water in the middens. Going to watch the inauguration ceremony, he supposed, slowing his pace and regarding their closely wrapped forms with the unself-conscious appreciation of a man whose sexual urges were powerful and all-pervading. The wife was a Marcia, daughter of the builder of the Aqua Marcia, and not much above forty. Well, forty-five. Still slim and well cared for, tall, a brown lady with more than her share of good looks. Yet she couldn't rival her daughters. They were true Julias, blonde beauties both, though for Sulla's money it was the younger one took the laurels. For he had seen them from time to time going off to the market to shop with their eyes; their purses, as well he knew, were slender as their bodies. That was a family kept itself senatorial only by the skin of its teeth. The knight Titus Pomponius, Clitumna's neighbor on the other side, was more affluent by far.

Money. It ruled the world. Without it, a man was nothing. Little wonder then that when a man levered himself into any position where he could snatch at the chance to enrich himself, he always, always did. For a man to enrich himself through the medium of politics, he had to secure election as a praetor; his fortune was made in that moment, the years of outlay finally paid dividends. For the praetor went to govern a province, and there he was a god, he could help himself. If possible, he fought a little war against some barbarian tribe on the borders, took their gold and their sacred treasures, sold the captives of his sword into slavery, and pocketed the proceeds. But if the war prospects were dismal, there were other avenues: he could deal in grain and various staple commodities, he could lend money at exorbitant rates of interest (and use his army to collect the debt if necessary), he could doctor the account books when the taxes were gathered, he could dole out Roman citizenships for a price, he could accept illicit fees for everything from issuing government contracts to exempting some local city from its tribute to Rome.

Money. How to get it? How to get
of it to enter the Senate? Dreams, Lucius Cornelius Sulla! Dreams!

When Caesar's women turned right onto the Clivus Victoriae, Sulla knew where they were going. To the
area Flacciana,
the site of Flaccus's house. By the time he halted on the street above its steep slope of tired winter grass, the Julian ladies were settling themselves upon campstools, and a sturdy Thracian-looking fellow who had led their slave escort was busy erecting an open-fronted tent of hide to shelter his mistress from the rain, marginally heavier. The two Julias, Sulla noted, spent a very brief time sitting demurely alongside their mother; when she began to speak to Titus Pomponius's very pregnant wife, they picked up their folding stools and scampered down to where four Claudius Pulcher girls were sitting a considerable distance away from their mothers. Their mothers? Ah! Licinia and Domitia. Both women he knew quite well, since he had managed to sleep with each of them. Looking neither left nor right, he walked down the slope to where the two women sat.

"Ladies," he said, inclining his head. "Miserable day."

Every woman on the hill knew who he was—a painfully interesting aspect of Sulla's predicament. His friends among the canaille always assumed he was one of them, but the Roman nobility didn't make that mistake.
knew he was the genuine article!
knew his history and his ancestry. Some were moved to pity him; a few like Licinia and Domitia would amuse themselves with him sexually; but none would

The wind was blowing from the northeast, and it brought upon its breath a sour reek of dead fire, a smell compounded of wet charcoal, burned lime, buried rotted bodies in the high thousands. Last summer all of the Viminal and the upper Esquiline had gone up in flames, the worst fire anyone in Rome could remember. Perhaps a fifth of the city had burned before the united populace had managed to demolish a sufficiently wide swath of buildings to cut the conflagration off from the jam-packed tenement insulae of the Subura and the lower Esquiline; the wind and the width of the Vicus Longus had prevented its spreading to the sparsely settled outer Quirinal, the northernmost of the hills within the Servian Walls.

Even though half a year had elapsed since the fire, from where Sulla stood now on Flaccus's empty house site its terrible scar covered the heights beyond the Macellum market for a thousand paces, a full square mile of blackened ground, half-fallen buildings, desolation. How many people had died, no one knew. Sufficient anyway for there to have been no real housing shortage afterward. So the rebuilding was slow; only here and there did wooden scaffolds rear up a hundred and more feet, the sign of a new multistoreyed insula going up to fatten the purse of some city landlord.

Highly amused, Sulla sensed the tension in Licinia and Domitia the moment they realized who was greeting them; not for anything would he be merciful and leave them in peace. Let them suffer, silly sows! I wonder, does each of them know I've slept with both of them? he asked himself, and decided they did not. Which added a deliciously piquant tang to the encounter. Eyes dancing, he watched their covert glances toward each other and toward the few women like Marcia who shared the place with them. Oh, not
Pillar of rectitude! Monument of virtue!

"That was an awful week," said Licinia, voice pitched too high, her eyes fixed unswervingly upon the burned hills.

"Yes," said Domitia, clearing her throat.

"I was terrified!" babbled Licinia. "We lived on the Carinae then, Lucius Cornelius, and the fire kept rolling closer and closer. Naturally the moment it was out, I persuaded Appius Claudius to move over to this side of the city. Nowhere is safe from fire, but there can be no doubt it's better to have the Forum and the Swamp between oneself and the Subura!"

"It was beautiful," said Sulla, remembering how he had stood every night of that week at the top of the Vestal Steps to watch, pretending that what he saw in all its monstrous glory was an enemy city after a sack, and he the general of Rome who had ordered it. "Beautiful!" he repeated.

The gloating way in which he said the word made Licinia glance up at his face in spite of herself, and what she saw there made her glance away again very quickly, and bitterly regret ever placing herself in this man's power. Sulla was too dangerous, and not quite right in the head.

"Still, it's an ill wind blows nobody any good," she labored on brightly. "My cousins Publius and Lucius Licinius bought up a lot of the vacant land afterward. They say its value is bound to soar in years to come."

She was a Licinius Crassus, one of the millionaires many times over. Now why couldn't
find himself a rich bride, as her particular Appius Claudius Pulcher had done? Simple, Sulla! Because no father or brother or guardian of a rich noble girl would ever consent to such a match.

His delight in playing with the women vanished; without a word he turned on his heel and stalked up the slope toward the Clivus Victoriae. The two Julias, he noticed as he passed, had been called to order, and sat again beside their mother under the lee of the hide shelter. His strange eyes flicked over them, dismissing Julia Big Sister, but dwelling appreciatively on Julia Little Sister. Ye gods, she was lovely! A honey cake soaked in nectar, a dish fit for an Olympian. He had a pain in his chest, and rubbed himself under his toga to force it away. But he was aware nonetheless that Julia Little Sister had turned on her campstool to watch him until he disappeared.

He descended the Vestal Steps to the Forum Romanum and walked up the Clivus Capitolinus until he came to the back of the crowd in front of the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus. One of his peculiar talents was his ability to set up shivers of disquiet in people who surrounded him, so that they moved away from his vicinity; mostly he employed it to gain himself a good seat in the theater, but now he put his talent to opening up access to the front of the crowd of knights, where he stood with a perfect view of the place of sacrifice. Though he had no right to be there, he knew no one would ever evict him. Few of the knights knew who he was, and even among the senators were faces unfamiliar to him, but there were enough men present who did know him to ensure that his presence would be tolerated.

Some things no amount of isolation from the mainstream of noble public life could eradicate; perhaps they were, after so many generations—a thousand years of generations— actually inside the blood, little warning bells sounding knells of doom or disaster. Of choice he had never bothered to follow the political goings-on in the Forum Romanum, having concluded it was better to be ignorant than to chafe to participate in a life he could not have. And yet, standing at the front of the ranks of knights, he knew it was going to be a bad year. His blood told him this was to be another in what had proven to be a long line of bad years, ever since Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus had been murdered, and then, ten years later, his brother Gaius Gracchus forced to take his own life. Knives had flashed in the Forum, and Rome's luck was broken.

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