The Forbidden Promise (14 page)

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Authors: Helena Rose

BOOK: The Forbidden Promise
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Aurora finished sterilizing the medical equipment. She was
putting everything away in the dispensary, when Mother Agostina called her.
"Daughter, it's time for you to go."
" Yes, Mother Agostina, just one moment."
" You know I promised your mother not to let you stay here beyond the
agreed time. You have a wedding to plan!"
Aurora smiled.
"I know, mother. But tonight I have to wait for my fiancé. He’s coming to
take me home. Tomorrow he’s leaving for Zacatecas and I won’t see him for a
long time."
"That’s fair, my daughter, who knows how much you’ll miss him!"
Aurora did not answer. She now managed to play the part of Lucas’ loving fiancé
so naturally that she was almost enjoying it. After all, the emotion she felt
was real, even though it was the outcome of a perfectly planned pact, the
marriage would still tie her life to that of Lucas’ in an almost unbreakable
way, except to enforce the pact itself in front of an ecclesiastical authority.
Soon she would leave her parents, in truth it would not be for the first time
as she had lived several years in Mexico City, with her cousin Dolores. But
this time was different; she would be living with a man, her husband, in the
eyes of the whole world.
Lucas arrived shortly after.
Aurora said goodbye to Mother Agostina and Dr. Peron and left the convent with
Lucas "Sorry I was late." Apologized Lucas, "but I had to
finalize the preparations for my departure."
"Don’t worry," she said. "Do you have it all planned?"
" Yes, we’ll begin the work of restoring the house and ensure the safety
of the mine."
" Is the money that you have available enough? Otherwise, I could ask my
father ... "
Lucas interrupted her.
" No, Aurora please. It’s my duty to prepare as best I can the marital
" Lucas, remember that ours is a pact, not a normal marriage," she
replied, squeezing his arm. "You shouldn’t feel obliged to act like a real
" I swore to your parents that I would do everything possible to make you
happy, and I’ll not fail in this oath." Replied Lucas looking into her
eyes. "I'm not joking this time."
Aurora did not answer and just kept on walking arm in arm with Lucas.
"You'll see that when my father gives me the dowry, we’ll be able to pay
off the
and arrange for the payment of the rest, the furniture,
the equipment for the mine ... "
"Fine, fine," Lucas cut her short.
Aurora sighed.
The two arrived at the Vargas de Coronado’s house.
" I'll be back in time for the wedding, however," Lucas joked, trying
to ease the tension.
"Fine, I'll wait for you," replied Aurora with a smile.
"Have you prepared the document that we have to sign?" Lucas asked
becoming serious again.
"I’ll prepare it while you're away. On your return we’ll sign it."
Responded Aurora.
Lucas moved closer to her, remaining silent.
" Then I'll go."
" Have a good trip."
" See you soon. "
Lucas gave her a light kiss on the cheek. Without know why, Aurora hugged him.
"Thank you for accepting my proposal." She whispered emotionally.
"I know that it bothers you, you don’t feel comfortable, but you needn’t t
be afraid. I'm so happy and I’m happy to be helping you realize your dream,
like you are helping me to realize mine."
Lucas chose not to answer, but stood there, embracing her, savoring the
pleasure of her proximity.
After a while, Aurora broke away from him.
"Goodbye Lucas. "
" Goodbye.”
Lucas turned away along the road. Aurora felt suddenly alone. In fact he was
the only one with whom she could freely be herself and not be acting a part.
She felt that it was probably the same for him.
When he comes back, it’ll
only be a short time before he becomes my husband.
The thought disturbed her, but also made her tremble with emotion.
then, I’ll be free



on Aurora, Stay still." Rebuked her mother while the dressmaker that had
come especially from Veracruz, was putting in the last pins into the wedding
"My dear, you look really beautiful!" Commented
In fact, the white dress made Aurora look enchanting. She looked at herself in
the mirror in her room, even though she unfortunately could not be see her full
"So can I proceed to do the hem and apply the lace here?" asked the
" Yes, I'd say it's perfect," replied Viviana enthusiastically.
"The lace that you recommended the pale pink one, well there are going to
be some magnificent tea roses in the bouquet and I'd like them to match the
Aurora was glad to see her mother finally happy with the marriage. In truth,
her mother had not yet fully accepted that her husband would be Lucas Navarra y
Reyes, even though Aurora could not yet explain why. The fact that he had been
away from Tampico all this time, had caused Viviana to almost forget the
particular identity of the groom, and she had thrown herself enthusiastically
into the marriage preparations.
Lucas had written several letters, to which she had responded. It seemed that
the restructuring of the
was proceeding quite well, even though
he had been forced to buy various materials on credit, as well as some of the
furniture for the house.
Aurora sighed. Even with her dowry, the starting up of the
proving to be a real gamble in every way. She was however determined not to
become distressed, and tried to get back to focusing on her wedding dress.
"I've finished, you can take the dress off now." Said the dressmaker,
finishing writing down some notes.
Aurora nodded and began to undress, aided by her mother.
"My dear, we must also decide on the wedding cake. Have you thought about
what type you would like?"
" I don’t know mother. The coffee and chocolate cake with whipped cream
would be lovely."
" Good choice, dear, although a bit predictable."
Aurora finished dressing.
"I have to go to the church mother, to speak with Father Julian about
organizing the ceremony details."
"Fine my dear, go ahead."
Aurora left to go to the church, accompanied by Carmen.
This was, all things considered, one of the most difficult things to deal with.
Father Julian, who had helped Lucas so much during his adolescence, was
literally over the moon about the wedding. It broke Aurora’s heart the thought
that they were deceiving him so badly and ultimately they were falsifying the
sacrament of marriage. But there was no other solution.
Father Julian received her joyfully and together they chose the readings for
the ceremony and the songs that the choir would sing.
Aurora found it hard to look Father Julian in the face. With great effort, she
continued the conversation with him, then finally left the church.
I’ll have the strength to get through this.
She had felt so alone in the
last few days, as she hadn’t been able to really confide in anyone.
I’ve at least one thing in common with Lucas, deception.
Lost in thought, she decided to go to the beach to relax. The sea was
slightly rough and the white foam from the waves made extraordinary patterns on
the last stretch of the beach.
She did not realize at first that another woman was also watching the sea,
accompanied by her maid. When she saw her, she immediately recognized her
cousin Marisol.
Marisol had not yet noticed her presence and Aurora was tempted to leave
without being seen. They had not seen each other since the day of the argument,
when Marisol had heard about her marriage to Lucas.
"Look, Miss, there's your cousin!" Carmen exclaimed loudly and Aurora
had to give up any hope of escape. Marisol, had turned round when she heard
Carmen’s words and was looking at her. Aurora decided to go over and say hello.
"Good afternoon, Marisol."
"Good afternoon, Aurora." replied Marisol in a calm voice.
For a moment the two sat in silence staring at the waves.
"Won’t you miss the sea when you're in Zacatecas?" Marisol asked
" I don’t know, I haven’t thought about it yet." Hesitated Aurora.
"Probably yes, but there are the mountains so there will certainly be some
beautiful landscapes to admire. "
" You're right." Replied Marisol.
Marisol turned to face her.
"Look, Aurora, I’m very sorry about the argument that we had. I had no
intention of offending you, really."
Marisol voice seemed sincere and she looked so desolate that Aurora softened.
"It’s fine, don’t worry. You also have to excuse me, I was out of control
and I said things that I didn’t mean."
Marisol smiled.
" Probably what you really thought, but thank you for asking me to excuse
Aurora waited for Marisol to speak again. It was clear that she wanted to say
"You know, when I heard about you and Lucas, I ..." Marisol
hesitated." I didn’t feel anything but anger and jealousy. It's true, he
and I had argued and we had pretty much left each other, but to know that he
would be marrying my cousin, made me go crazy."
" I can imagine that it was painful for you," said Aurora
"It was then that I realized how much I cared about him. And above all,
what a fool I had been, I thought only of my good name, the noble title and
economic position of my future husband. And so maybe, I’ve let happiness slip
away from me."
" Are you telling me that you love him?" Aurora asked her.
" I don’t know how I feel about him. Maybe it's just a sense of
possessiveness and jealousy. But I miss him."
Aurora thought for a moment of Lucas and Marisol together, like when she had
surprised them that night in the shack here on the beach. She immediately felt
a pang in her heart, but decided not to pay attention to it.
"I'm sorry to say this to you Aurora, but enjoy this happiness while it
lasts. Lucas is not a man who is content with only one woman."
That said, Marisol said goodbye to Aurora and walked away along the beach.
Aurora was still staring at the sea, baffled by those last words. What if
Marisol is right? Would Lucas be able to at least maintain the facade of a
faithful husband without succumbing to the temptations that would be presented
to him, including probably Marisol? She felt sorry for her cousin’s suffering.
She had not anticipated this situation. Lucas and Marisol had already parted
when she had conceived the plan.
I’m sorry for her, but I can’t give up,
Lucas is the key to my freedom, I’ll never give him up!
With cold
determination, she felt that she could overcome any doubts.
Lucas will be my

Lucas returned to Tampico two days before the wedding date.
Santos and Yolanda were tremendously happy to see him. Santos had already
announced to the owner of the shipyard that he would be leaving the job and
would be moving to Zacatecas. Yolanda was torn between feelings of anger and
sadness about the wedding, and the excitement of seeing a new town and starting
a new life. When the sadness became unbearable, she went to her Aunt Penelope.
Penelope’s shop seemed to Yolanda a magical, mysterious cave, full of
extravagant and frightening things.
Santos did not approve of his sister becoming closer to their strange aunt and
every time Yolanda visited Penelope, he told Yolanda not to be enticed by
Penelope’s witchcraft.
Penelope in truth, had not offered Yolanda her witchcraft services, she had
merely let Yolanda talk and had asked her several questions. Yolanda had not
been suspicious of the strange interest that her aunt had for Lucas and
Aurora’s wedding. She simply confided in her for hours, feeling relieved for
the understanding that Penelope showed her.
Lucas’ first thought on his return was for Aurora whom he immediately went to
Carmen, the maid invited him in. In the living room he found
Viviana, intent on talking to the cook about the final arrangements for
"Good afternoon Doña Viviana." greeted Lucas, respectfully.
"Good afternoon," replied Viviana coldly. "Aurora is
unfortunately not here. Apparently there has been an emergency at the convent’s
infirmary." The grimace on her face was far more eloquent than a thousand
"Can I wait for her?" Lucas asked.
"Certainly, have a seat," invited Viviana.
The two sat down, and an embarrassed silence fell in the room. Finally Viviana,
after she had stared at him for a moment, ventured to ask him who he would be
inviting to the wedding.
" Very few," he replied, "some friends and that's it."
Viviana coughed.
" And your relatives?" She queried.

"None," Lucas
smiled "I have no relatives, or at least, no close relatives that I want
to have at my wedding."
" Haven’t you invited your brother ... and your stepmother?" inquired
Viviana in a strained voice.
" No," Replied Lucas.
Viviana could not help sighing with relief. Lucas saw it and frowned curiously.
"You know her, don’t you?" He asked.
"Of course not!" Replied
Viviana too quickly. She forced
herself to calm down. "I mean, we’re more or less the same age, therefore
when we were young we met at some dances, nothing more.”
Viviana had become very nervous and Lucas could clearly see it.
My dear
stepmother has played some trick on her, I’m convinced. Another reason why she
probably hates me
. He smiled to himself. Immediately he thought of the fact
that if Federico had been in his place, as Aurora had initially imagined,
things would have been even worse.
At that moment Aurora returned home breathless.
" Excuse me, mother! I did everything as soon as I could! It’s that Dr.
Peron ... "Aurora broke off as she saw Lucas in the living room.
"You're back!" She exclaimed happily. Lucas was struck by the
expression of true joy he saw on her face.
Lucas immediately stood up and went over to her. His first instinct was to hug
her, but due to the presence of
Viviana he managed to stop himself
in time
. What a fool! It seems like I'm really getting married!
Aurora was embarrassed too, smiling she held out her hand. Lucas took it
and bowed in order to brush the back of her hand with his lips.
" How did it go in Zacatecas?" Asked Aurora.
" All right."
The two turned to look at Viviana who was sitting impassively on the sofa and
gave no signs of wanting to leave them alone.
" And your preparations? Have you prepared everything?" Lucas asked,
staring at her intently.
The pact. He’s referring to pact
Aurora thought.
"Yes, everything is ready." Aurora answered giving him another
intense look.
The two returned to the sofa and sat down. For a while, they discussed the
preparations for the wedding. Lucas had no special requests, the only thing he
Viviana was permission to use the silver wedding rosary that
had belonged to his mother,
"It’s the only thing I have that will remind me of her on my wedding day,
I hope you understand. As I told you I’ve no other relatives that I remember
with particular affection."
Aurora felt suddenly very sad
. Poor Lucas, he has no one and with my pact
I’m also precluding him from the possibility of getting married to a woman who
he really loves ...
Viviana, albeit hesitantly accepted the request, sorry that her
daughter would not marry using the same
that she had used.
After a few more pleasantries, Lucas stood up to take his leave.
" Wait," said Aurora “I wrote you a letter, which I’ve not had time
to post. I want to give it to you anyway." It was obviously about the
pact. Aurora quickly went to her room to get the document that two nights
before she had put all her efforts into. She had already signed it, penning her
name in elegant calligraphy.
She returned to the living room and gave the letter to Lucas.
"You do me a great honor. Tomorrow I’ll present you my answer." Said
Aurora nodded, and accompanied Lucas to the gate.
" I tried to be as clear as possible," said Aurora. " If you
still want to change it in any way, or modify or rewrite it, it’s not a problem
to me."
"It's fine as it is, I'm sure." Replied Lucas.
"Good." Embarrassed the two said goodbye to each other.
Lucas returned to his home.
He opened the pact, and read what Aurora had written
. We declare, jointly
that we are on the point of getting married with mental reservations, in
accordance with an agreement
entered into between us. We will never, in
our daily life, be husband and wife ...
These words had a strange effect on him, making him more uncomfortable, but
he decided not to think about it. He signed the document and put it in the
envelope along with a note that he quickly wrote.

The next day all Tampico
seemed in turmoil. The usual hive of activity, the market, the people
struggling with their daily trials and tribulations all appeared in Aurora eyes
even more agitated and frenetic, mirroring the emotions that she was feeling.
She had left the house early that morning to go to the station with Carmen to
meet her cousin Dolores from Mexico City who would be her maid of honor.
She had had to overcome many objections from her parents in choosing Dolores.
Her parents, for convenience, would have preferred Marisol. But, despite the
reconciliation between them, Aurora did not want to have by her side during the
wedding Lucas’ former lover, despite the fact that the marriage rite would only
serve to permanently seal the pact signed between herself and Lucas.
Dolores embraced her cousin enthusiastically, and congratulated her on her
upcoming wedding.
"When I received your letter with the news, I nearly fell off my chair! So
quick! And with Federico’s brother ... “Dolores was simply bursting to know
"Ssshhh! My mother knows nothing of Federico and the fact that I knew him
when I was in Mexico City ... and also Federico is now courting my cousin
Marisol." Aurora said quietly.
"My God! It seems that this small coastal town is much more exciting than
Mexico City! You absolutely have to tell me everything! "
When they reached home, the two were involved in a whirlwind of final
preparations for the wedding.
Viviana was in full swing, overseeing
the cook who on this occasion was accompanied by two assistants, the workers
who were setting up the garden gazebo and tables for the guests and the florist
who was decorating the house.
" Oh, my God, I'm frightened that it’s going to rain tonight, it’s so hot
today." Said Viviana that although very worried, outwardly did not show
anything other than her usual calmness and distinction.
The dressmaker had already arrived with the dress and was ready to do last
minute changes, if needed. The next day she would return to help Aurora to get
dressed before going to church.
The day passed so quickly that Aurora did not realize the passage of time.
In the late afternoon Lucas’ friend Santos arrived at the Vargas de Coronado
" Good evening, I need to speak with
Aurora." He said to Carmen.
Aurora, that was trying to rest for a few minutes, to escape from the perfect
organizational machine of her mother, was forced to go down to the living room.
"Good evening, Santos, has something happened?" She asked worriedly.
everything’s fine. Lucas sent me to deliver
this." He handed her an envelope.
Aurora took it.
This is our pact, signed by Lucas, the forbidden promise
that binds us.
" Thank you, Santos. Couldn’t Lucas come himself? Is he ill? "
Santos smiled under his mustache.
"No, he's fine, he said that according to tradition it brings bad luck to
see the bride on the day before the wedding."
Aurora was surprised by the reply.
Lucas has just revealed then that he also
feels the same inexplicable emotion that I feel.
Aurora said good-bye to
Santos and thanked him.
Making sure that she was alone in the living room, Aurora immediately opened
the envelope. Inside were two sheets. One was the secret pact, also signed by
Lucas, without any modifications. The other was a short letter written by
Dearest Aurora,
she read,
I return the signed pact to you.
Keep it as a guarantee of my good will. This document could be your lifeline in
case our agreement proves to be too difficult to maintain. I just wanted to
write to you, since I cannot adequately express it in words that I am honored
to have been chosen by you as a "partner" in this particular deal. I
swear to you that, although we will never really be husband and wife, I will do
everything to make you happy and help you to achieve your dreams. You will not
be my wife, but you will still be my best friend. With affection and
admiration, Lucas.
Aurora folded the letter and pressed it to her chest, feeling confused and
lost. She could feel the excitement grow inside her.
I'm your best friend
... and he, what is he to me
She banished these dangerous thoughts quickly from her mind, they would do
nothing but complicate things even more. She heard her cousin call her, and at
the same moment, Dolores entered the room.
"I wondered where you were dear. But has something happened to you?"
She asked, seeing Aurora’s agitation.
"Indeed I'm a little tired," said Aurora. " Would you mind
keeping me company in my bedroom while I rest?"
"Certainly, I'd be delighted," She replied.
The two girls went upstairs and as soon as the door was closed Dolores asked,
"Now dear cousin, I want an explanation as to why the letter has upset you
so much?"
Aurora pondered for a moment if it would be better to tell her cousin or to
keep quiet. She could not however reveal the existence of the pact, but she
could nevertheless rely on Dolores and ask her help to safeguard it. She did
not doubt the affection and the confidence she felt for Dolores even for a
"I’d like to ask you a big favor Dolores." She finally said in a
serious tone.
"I'll do anything you ask me my dear," replied Dolores.
"I wish you to safeguard this letter, it is very important to me."
Said Aurora.
" Can I know what it’s about?" Dolores asked worriedly.
"I'm sorry but it's a secret. Dolores, I want you to understand the
importance of what I am confiding in you." She stopped, breathing deeply.
"Because of how much I trust you I am entrusting the letter to you. You
mustn’t tell anyone about it and let’s hope that soon we’ll be able to forget
its existence."
"You’re making me worried, cousin."
"Don’t worry, nothing bad will happen, I swear." Reassured Aurora,
smiling sadly, "but guard it carefully." She added.
"Trust me, you won’t regret," Dolores said caressing Aurora’s face.
" And now tell me about your future husband, He’s very handsome, isn’t
he?" She added, laughing.
Their laughter was disturbed by the rumble of distant thunder.
Shortly after dark, the storm clouds thickened over Tampico. Lucas had also had
a hard day and was looking forward to resting. Among other things, he had had
to supervise the renovations of the room that had been Amparo’s, the

old cook that had cared for him in the early years after he had been
disinherited. He had freshened up the room, changed the furniture,bought a
wardrobe ... everything on credit. It was to be a surprise for Aurora. They
would thus have a habitable house for their eventual visits to Tampico.
Outside, there was thunder. The sky, lit by occasional flashes of lightning,
was dark with rain. He heard a sudden knock on the door. Intrigued he went to
open it.
He found himself in front of Marisol, her face half-covered by the hood of a
heavy cloak. The rain had begun to fall.
"Marisol, what are you doing here?" He asked curiously.
"I need to talk to you." She said in a quavering voice.
Lucas let her in and Marisol took off her rain cloak. Her blond hair fell loose
over her shoulders.
"We couldn’t leave each other that way ... not after that silly
quarrel." Said Marisol, who seemed to be in a quandary.
"Don’t worry, I don’t bare you any grudges." Lucas replied. "I'm
truly sorry for how I insulted you that night."
Marisol smiled, though her face continued to show sadness and regret.
"Our relationship was never very peaceful, rather I would say it was
pretty confrontational."
"That’s true." Agreed Lucas.
Marisol ran to embrace him, crying. Then, clinging to him, on impulse she
offered him her rosy lips, convinced that she would be able to entice a
passionate kiss from him. But Lucas, gently drew back and pulled away from her.
" Oh, Lucas, please! Don’t do it, don’t marry Aurora," said Marisol
"Marisol, please, don’t act this way. You knew that our relationship had
no future. You yourself always said that you’d never be able to marry me.”
"Yes, I told you this, and you don’t know how many times I've regretted
" You say that now because you're jealous. You know that it’s not
Marisol continued to cry softly.
" Anybody, but not her, not Aurora."
" What does it change for you?" Lucas asked, "her or someone
else it’s the same!"
" No, it's not the same. She’s my cousin, we’ve always been in
competition, she was the most intelligent, I, the most beautiful. I can’t
accept that a man chooses to marry her after he was mine! "
"Marisol, I’ve never been yours as you've never been mine. We were only
two people who had fun together. Our relationship has never gone beyond that.
We were never in love, you know it."
"Are you in love with her then?" asked Marisol.
Lucas looked down and ran a hand through his shiny hair. " Your cousin is
not only very charming, sweet and kind, but also brave and determined. "
" You haven’t answered me, do you love her?" Asked Marisol again
Frustrated Lucas sighed, "And what do you care? Between you and me it's
all over."
Marisol broke away from him.
"Then there's nothing left to say. Goodbye, Lucas."
" Goodbye, Marisol, from now on when we meet, we’ll be two friendly
cousins. "
"I’ll miss you Lucas, remember, she’ll never be like me.”
Lucas did not answer. Marisol put on her cloak and left the house, disappearing
into the night, in the pouring rain.

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