The Forgotten Fairytales (38 page)

Read The Forgotten Fairytales Online

Authors: Angela Parkhurst

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Fantasy & Magic, #Sci-Fi & Fantasy, #Young Adult

BOOK: The Forgotten Fairytales
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It wasn’t until I walked past the lunch room that I noticed the change. People sat at different tables, mingling with those outside their cliques. Sure there were some, like Finn, Pearl, Jen, Al, Claire, and other royals who stuck to their kind, but for the most part, the segregation had ended. Pirates and Heroes swapped stories. Fairies flirted with Sidekicks. People were happy and laughing.

“It’s amazing what happens when Danielle isn’t in charge,” Kate said.

“You think I did this?”

Kate shrugged. “You’re dating a villain, I’m dating a prince. The school doesn’t know why Danielle is missing, but you can believe they are digging the idea of change.”

There it was again,
caused by yours truly.

Finally we reached my room. The nurse instructed me to call her if I had any pains or problems.

“I never got a chance to thank you for what you did,” Kate said. “You really are the greatest friend a girl could ask for.”

“You too.” I smiled.

Kate didn’t stay long. After she disappeared, I sat in bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering what my next move should be. Warning flags went off in my mind remembering what Nyssah said. The council was interested in the girl who took down Cinderella and her wicked fairy godmother.

Life seemed like one big blurry mess. Pains shot down my shoulder when I sat forward and riffled through my box to find the letter from my mom. The words were like a broken record, one that matched the words of so many others.
The one who brings change
, and not when it came to light bulbs, though I still had hope for that.

Danielle was gone, people were mingling with other people and the council had noticed. And Nyssah said her reasons were personal. What could be personal between us? I’d never met the woman.

A knock jolted me. The door creaked open and Wolf entered, a wide, wolfish grin plastered over his face. I let out the breath I didn’t realize I held and smiled back. Warmth surged through me just at the sight of him.

“They said you were back. I had to see it to believe it.”

I pursed my lips and frowned. “What else did they say?”

Wolf sat beside me on the bed, gentle not to hurt me as he traced the bandage over my arm. The smallest touch made my heart surge.

“They didn’t say you were sexy.” He leaned over, closing the space between us. His lips hovered above mine. “Or irresistible.”

I giggled despite myself. “And you think I am?”

“Hell yes,” he laughed. “I still can’t believe you broke the curse on James and restored his memory.”

Yes. How had I forgotten to ask about that? “What happened exactly, you know with the curse, how’d it break?”

“All the magic Desiree cast died with her, thus ending the spell on James. He remembers it all too—the spell being cast, his time with Danielle, everything. It’s still hazy, but he’s working through it.”

I sat back, pleased that Kate was finally happy after years of exile and aching over a lost love. It seemed all I ever needed was Wolf and Kate. The two people I loved and cherished more than anyone. The two people who’d risked their lives for me.

Wolf reached forward and twisted a lock of my hair with his finger. “When she shot you, I almost killed her. I thought I lost you.”

“I know.” I nodded. “But you didn’t. I’m still here.”

He lifted his head and stared at me, seeing through me and into my soul as he always had. I ran my hand over his face, rubbing the tip of my fingers in his scruffy facial hair. His eyes shut and he moaned softly.

“I can’t lose you,” he murmured. “Now that I have you, I just…I can’t. But I also can’t ignore the nagging feeling in my chest that says something horrible is about to happen.”

My throat tightened, because despite being alive, despite everything that happened, the feeling was mutual. “I know,” I whispered. “But we can’t worry about the future. All we can do is be in the present. Together.”

“You’re right.” He brushed the hair from my eyes and smiled, his eyes crinkled in a way I adored. “I love you, little princess.”

“I love you too, Wolf boy.”

Our lips molded together, igniting a desire within me I hadn’t felt in days. Ignoring the pain, I rested my elbows on Wolf’s shoulder and deepened the kiss. The future didn’t matter, I told myself, as we lay back on the bed, kissing and memorizing every inch of each other. One day I’d run away from here or maybe, I had nothing to worry about. The council noticed me. No big deal. Nothing was impossible. Change happened every day.

Our bodies tangled together, binding us like the pages of a book, like our own story being written. Because real stories? They didn’t end. Real life continued forever, as we would.



First, I want to thank my husband, who never once lost faith in me. Who let me run off at random hours of the day/night to write and never complained—well, mostly never. When everyone called me crazy and doubted me, you stood proudly by my side. You are my real life Prince Charming and the love of my life. You make me sure that true love will always prevail.


To my mother, Joanne, who has supported me, even when it means marching to the beat of a different drum. Thank you for hugging me when I’m down and wiping tears when I cried. You are an angel in disguise and I am positive I don’t deserve you, but I am so glad I get to keep you anyway. Lastly, thank you taking time out of your busy and nonexistent days off to babysit while I write. I love you so very much.


To my son, Mason, for giving me more joy than I ever thought possible. You are my sunshine.


To Jill DiFrancesco, Amber Buss, Jessie Hettinger, and Sarah Findley for reading this book a million and one times and cheering me on along the way. For falling in love with these characters the way I had, and never letting me lose sight of my dream. Without your support, I don’t know where I’d be. You are one of the reasons this book is getting published. A special thanks to Jill, my brilliant cousin, who helped make this book really shine!


To Tamara Mataya for not only for your amazing, snarky comments, but for pushing me to be better, and for helping me to see flaws I couldn’t find myself. You’ve been a shoulder to lean on and I admire you so much, not only as a writer, but as a person and a great friend.


To my lovely “Mistresses” who helped me make Wolf the man he is today—Tristina Wright, Elizabeth Otto, Amber Tuscan-Clites, Carrie Bastyr, Tamara “Feaky” Mataya and H.e. Griffin. Thank you for being there with encouragement and support from beginning to end. I miss our group so much!


To WrAHMers– I’m not sure how I got so lucky to be a part of this elite group of fabulous women. You ladies have been there with words of encouragement, sexy memes and threats to take down whoever hurts us. Thank you, Gen, for creating such an extraordinary group with some of the best women I’ve ever “met”.


To Stephanie Bedwell for loving everything I write even when it sucks. For obsessing over this book enough to read it a thousand times. You even caught my hidden FRIENDS references and told me so we could giggle together. You’ll always be the Monica to my Rachel, or is it the other way around, because we never settled on who’s who. Thank you for loving this book as much as me and pushing me towards publishing.


To Ryann Jansen – We finally did it! Thank you for sticking by my side and being the best critique partner I’ve ever had. I wish we met sooner, but I am so glad the universe finally brought us together. You are my southern belle, fellow Disney freak and I’m pretty sure we are secretly long lost sisters.


To Alyssa Little, for being by my side since we were obnoxious fifth-graders. You are my go to for all things creative, and I am so blessed to have you in my life forever and always. No matter how many states separate us now. Oh, and I’m the Mary.


And of course, to my amazing aunts (there are WAY too many to name.), cousins and my mother-in-law, Lynne Parkhurst, for being there, answering weird questions and pimping me out online. I look forward to many more times of hearing, “Am I going to get in trouble for Googling this?” No one is banging down our doors, yet.


To the readers, even though I don’t know you all by name, you matter the most. Because this book belongs to you now. Norah’s fate is in your hands!


Most importantly, to my father, who is no longer with us. He supported me the day I decided I wanted to be a singer, an actress, and even the day I told him I was going to be on Broadway. He drove me to rehearsals, went to all my plays, listened to me sing at the top of my lungs daily and only complained on days he had to pay bills. When I decided to try my hand at writing, he listened to my ideas in the middle of the night when neither of us could sleep. He sent me encouraging text messages when my books were rejected by agents, and never once said my dreams were out of reach. Even though he isn’t here physically to celebrate, I know he is in spirit. And while some people questioned the way I chose to live my life, made fun of me even, he and my mother stood by my side. Their support unwavering. For that I am eternally grateful.


And lastly, to my Savior, because without you, I am nothing.

bout the


Angela Parkhurst lives and breathes the Florida sunshine. When she isn’t writing and destroying fairytales, Angela spends her time chasing her toddler, drinking too much coffee, reading, going to Disney World, watching HGTV, singing show tunes, and hanging out with her friends, family, ridiculously talented husband and their two energetic mini-doxins.


For up to date information and news on her other books, please visit

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

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