The Forgotten Girls (24 page)

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Authors: Sara Blaedel

Tags: #Fiction, #Retail, #Suspense, #Thrillers

BOOK: The Forgotten Girls
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raced to the hospital as soon as they heard. Louise’s concerned parents were already there, sitting by their daughter’s side, reassuring her it was only broken ribs. She was tough. She’d weathered far worse, and would be fine. If they only knew, Louise thought. Her ribs and bruises, with their accompanying aches and pains, were the least of her wounds.

Before discharging her, Louise’s doctors urged her to consult a psychiatrist. She thanked them for taking care of her and going to the trouble, promised to make some calls sooner rather than later, and then balled up and tossed the paper they’d handed her with the list of referrals into the trash can in the hospital parking lot.

She was mentally and physically exhausted. She knew full well she needed to heal and regroup, but was going to do it her own way. Not by talking and telling her sob stories, puffy-eyed, nose red and running, with soggy tissues in hand, to a highly
trained stranger. No. She needed to get away. She needed a break. And time to sort it all through.

Louise headed up to her attic, in search of an old suitcase. Inside were so many scattered but profound items and keepsakes, all pieces of her history. She was terrified by what she might rediscover there, but fought the urge to run back downstairs, away from the mementos and records that she had carefully ignored and left untouched for so long. René Gamst’s final taunt lingered in her mind.
He didn’t have the guts to put the noose around his own neck.
Louise knew it was time. The past couldn’t wait any longer.

In all the years since Klaus had died, she’d struggled to forget—to bury her memories and grief along with his body and their love. She’d been going through the motions for years, but had ultimately outsmarted herself.
You don’t understand a thing
, René had said.
You never did, not now and not then.
Louise had to focus. She wouldn’t give in to despair. She owed at least that much to Jonas.

She didn’t have to haggle or get lost in red tape and doctor’s notes for time off; a medical leave of absence from the force was a given. And though she did not have to worry about job security, Louise stressed over the impact on the department. She’d only just started and had so much responsibility resting on her shoulders. Eik would have to carry the heavy load until she was ready to return. But she knew he could handle it. Besides, the one thing of which she was certain was that she was no good to her colleagues in her current state.

Her mind made up, Louise packed up the car, her treasured old suitcase safely at the bottom of the pile of randomly chosen
clothes. She would lay hands on the truth, no matter how shattering. If Klaus hadn’t tethered that rope around his own neck, she would find out who had.

With her son, their dog, and promises from Melvin to visit, Louise got behind the wheel of her car. She drove toward their modest, tiny, but welcoming weekend cottage, only steps from the ocean. Jonas seemed to understand that this getaway was crucial to his mother’s recovery, and chatted, at first, with great enthusiasm about working on his music at the beach, and getting Dina out to run on the sand and paddle through the water. When things got suddenly quiet between them, and then stayed that way for miles, Louise stole sideways glances at Jonas, who looked deep in thought. And newly serious.

“What’s up? Are you okay?” she asked, trying not to push.

“I know you love your job,” he started, a minute or two later. “What will you do if you get fired?”

“Oh no, Jonas. My work will be fine.” Louise tried to reassure him. “My boss wants me to be okay; he’s counting on it. Everyone there wants me to get better. They know I need this break and totally support it. And me. Please don’t worry about me. Spending time with you will be the best possible medicine.” She reached over and ruffled his hair, smiling and hoping to convince him she was going to be all right.

As the sun began its descent, Louise and Jonas talked about the changes to the little houses that dotted the road, with their small but well-tended gardens and Danish flags in front. They talked about dinner.

Pulling up to the cottage, she didn’t bother to properly park. Following Jonas’s excited lead, she jumped out of the car and
breathed in the salty air. An uphill battle awaited her. It would take time to heal what was broken. But looking at her smiling child, this lovely young man whom she needed and would do anything for, Louise exhaled. And then walked with her family to the shore.


The Forgotten Girls
is a work of fiction, and I have liberally changed and adapted reality to fit into my story.

Some parts are based on actual events that took place at the old mental institutions around the country. Most, though, are figments of my imagination—just as none of the characters in this novel are based on real people.

Likewise, I have taken a casual approach to the geography of the area around Hvalsø, which was the setting of my own youth. Most of the places are real but many have moved around a little in this book. Eliselund, however, exists only in my mind.

Finally, I would like to extend a big thank-you to everyone who so openly and kindly took the time to help me in my research for this book. My special thanks to Charlotte, Steen Holger, Tom, Lotte, and Christine.

—Sara Blaedel



interest in stories, writing, and especially crime fiction was nurtured from a young age, long before Scandinavian crime fiction took the world by storm. Today she is Denmark’s “Queen of Crime,” and her series featuring police detective Louise Rick is adored the world over.

The daughter of a renowned Danish journalist and an actress whose career included roles in theater, radio, TV, and movies, Sara grew up surrounded by a constant flow of professional writers and performers visiting the Blaedel home. Despite a struggle with dyslexia, Sara found in books a world in which to escape when her introverted nature demanded an exit from the hustle and bustle of life.

She tried a number of careers, from a restaurant apprenticeship to graphic design, before she started a publishing company called Sara B, where she published Danish translations of American crime fiction.

Publishing ultimately led Sara to journalism, and she covered a wide range of stories, from criminal trials to the premiere of
Star Wars
Episode I The Phantom Menace.
It was during this time—and while skiing in Norway—that Sara started brewing the ideas for her first novel. In 2004 Louise and Camilla were introduced in
Grønt Støv
Green Dust
), and Sara won the Danish Academy for Crime Fiction’s debut prize.

Today Sara lives north of Copenhagen with her family. She has always loved animals; she still enjoys horseback riding and shares her home with her cat and golden retriever. When she isn’t busy committing brutal murders on the page, she is an ambassador with Save the Children and serves on the jury of a documentary film competition.

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2015 by Sara Blaedel

Translated by Signe Rød Golly; translation copyright © 2015 by Sara Blaedel

Cover design by Catherine Casalino

Cover photo © Marcus Garrett / Arcangel

Cover copyright © 2014 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

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First ebook edition: February 2015

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ISBN 978-1-4555-8150-4


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