The Forgotten Trinity

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Authors: James R. White

Tags: #Non-Fiction

BOOK: The Forgotten Trinity
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The Forgotten Trinity

Grieving: Our Path Bach to Peace

Is the Mormon My Brother?

The King James Only Controversy

Letters to a Mormon Elder

Mary-Another Redeemer?

The Roman Catholic Controversy

What's With the Dudes at the Door?*

What's With the Mutant in the Microscope?*


Christian fellowship comprises a little taste of heaven here on
earth. Close brothers in the Lord are a treasure not to be taken
lightly. One such brother in Christ who has come to mean so much
to me and my family is Chris Arnzen. It is with joy that I dedicate
this work to a man of God, a brother in the Lord, a true "son of
encouragement," a friend who is precious to me. Thank you, Chris,
for being a Christian man who loves the Lord and has allowed
that love to flow into my life.

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JAMES R. WHITE is director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona, and is an
elder in the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church. He is also an adjunct
professor with the Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a
critical consultant for the Lockman Foundation on the New American
Standard Bible Update. He is married to Kelli and has two children,
Joshua and Summer Marie.

And yet I will exert special effort to the end that they who lend
ready and open ears to God's Word may have a firm standing ground.
Here, indeed, if anywhere in the secret mysteries of Scripture, we ought
to play the philosopher soberly and with great moderation; let us use
great caution that neither our thoughts nor our speech go beyond the
limits to which the Word of God itself extends. For how can the human
mind measure off the measureless essence of God according to its own
little measure, a mind as yet unable to establish for certain the nature
of the sun's body, though men's eyes daily gaze upon it? Indeed, how
can the mind by its own leading come to search out God's essence
when it cannot even get to its own? Let us then willingly leave to God
the knowledge of himself. For, as Hilary (of Poitiers) says, he is the one
fit witness to himself, and is not known except through himself. But
we shall be "leaving it to him" if we conceive him to be as he reveals
himself to us, without inquiring about him elsewhere than from his

John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, I:XIII:21.


1. Why the "Forgotten" Trinity?
........................... 13

2. What Is the Trinity?
................................... 23

3. God: A Brief Introduction
.............................. 33

4. A Masterpiece: The Prologue of John
.................... 47

5. Jesus Christ: God in Human Flesh
....................... 65

6. I Am He
............................................. 95

7. Creator of All Things
................................. 105

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