The Forsaken: An American Tragedy in Stalin's Russia (80 page)

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Kravchenko’s defection and
Lend-Lease and
Litvinov’s correspondence with
Molotov’s meeting with
movies and
protection of U.S. citizens and
show trials and
sixty-second birthday of
Stalin as viewed by
Stalin compared with
Stalin’s meetings with
at Tehran Conference
U.S. prisoners of war and
Wallace’s relationship with
Welles’ resignation and
at Yalta Conference
Rosbiki, Fred
Rosenberg, Julius
Rosengoltz, Arkady
Rubens, Adolph (Donald Robinson)
Rubens, Ruth (Ruth Robinson)
Rubens, Ruth Delight
Ruderman, Eddie
Rugg, Charles B.
Rusinek, Mieczyslaw
bureaucracy in
ongoing shifts in political landscape of
security services of
Russia at War
(Bourke-White and Caldwell)
Russian Journal, A
Russian Liberation Movement
Russian Revolution ()
anniversaries of
civil war and
murderous capacity of
ninety-first day of
Stalin’s role in
Ruth, Babe
Rybak Gulag
St. Peter and Paul, fortress of
St. Petersburg Medical and Military Archive
Sakharov, Andrei
Sakurai, Keihachi
Salov (NKVD agent)
San Francisco, Calif.
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Saturday Evening Post
Satz, Natalya
Schactman, Max
Schindler, Oskar
Schulenburg (German ambassador)
Schulz, J. S.
“Scythians, The” (Blok)
Sea Cloud
Sea of Japan
Sea of Okhotsk
Seattle, Wash.
secret police, Soviet
baseball and
fear of
J. Davies’ views on
labor supply provided by
nighttime arrests by
see also
Secret Service, U.S.
Seeger, Pete
Senate, U.S.
Internal Security Committee of
Judiciary Committee of
Serebrovsky, Alexander
serfs, Russian
Seventeenth Party Congress (Congress of Victors )
Sgovio, Grace
Sgovio, Joseph
Sgovio, Mrs. Joseph
Sgovio, Thomas
in Anglo-American Chorus
arrest of
as butt of jokes
Flaxman’s romance with
imprisonment of
in labor camps
nude series drawn by
as “overtimer,”
praying of
in prison train
releases of
Sgovio, Thomas (
return to United States of
Russian of
second arrest of
as sign painter
men and
tattoo of
U.S. equipment and
in Vladivostok holding camp
Wallace’s visit and
Shalamov, Varlam
as survivor
on Yanovsky
Shaporina, Lyobov
Shatunovskaya, Olga
Shaw, George Bernard
Shelepin, Alexander
Shenandoah, Va., miners from
Shevilyov, Lieutenant
ship passage
Shopik, Alex
Shostakovich, Dmitry
Shoumatoff, Elizabeth
show trials,
Moscow show trials
Shturmovoy mines
Wallace’s interest in
see also
Gulag; Kolyma; Magadan
“silence camps,”
Sinatra, Frank
Sinyavsky, Andrei
Sixth Army
Skala, Adalbert
skilled workers
Slattery, James
slavery, slaves
Smirnov, Yuri
Smith, Homer
Smith, Walter Bedell
Smith, William
Sobolev (Krasnoyarsk NKVD chief)
Sochart, Marga
Solomon, Michael
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander
Sorensen, Charles
South Africa
South Korea
Soviet and Central Asia, America’s New Gateway to Asia
Soviet Art Export Trust
Soviet Gold Trust
Soviet Ninth Trade Union Congress
“Soviet Refusal to Grant Exit Permits to American Citizens in USSR” (State Department press release)
Soviet Russia Today
Sovietskaya Sibir
Soviet Supreme Council of National Economy
Soviet Supreme Council of Physical Culture
Soviet Union:
Alice in Wonderland quality of news from
American difficulties in leaving
in Cold War
collapse expected for
defectors from
deteriorating relationship with United States
fall of
as hope
Korean War and
lack of U.S. diplomatic presence in
Lend-Lease aid to
Nazi invasion of
Nazi pact with
at New York World’s Fair
census in
sealing of borders of
U.S. arm sales to
U.S. containment of
U.S. friendship with
U.S. immigration to
U.S. prisoners in
U.S. recognition of
U.S. wartime alliance with
Victory Day in
in World War
see also specific places and topics
Soviet Worker
statue (Big Joe)
Spain, Spanish
Spaso House
embassy ball at
FDR birthday party of
Fourth of July party at
M. Davies’ sleep problems at
redecorating of
Soviet bugging attempts at
Special Hospital No. Five
Speier, Edward
Speier, Henrietta
prisoners of war, Soviet
“SSSR” (
Smert Stalina Spaset Rossiiu
; “Stalin’s death will save Russia”)
Stalin, Joseph
anti-cosmopolitanism campaign and
anti-Semitism campaign of
appearance of
arrest lists and
art sales and
beatings suffered by
Berghoff’s views on
Bukharin’s letter to
Bullitt’s relationship with
Bullitt’s views on
conspiracies against
copper statue of
countervailing society destroyed by
death of
drinking of
on equality
FDR compared with
FDR’s meetings with
FDR’s views on
fear vs. fervor for
Ford and
gold and
Hitler’s pact with
J. Davies’ meetings with
J. Davies’ views on
Johnston’s meeting with
Katyn Massacre and
Khrushchev’s overthrow and
Kirov’s murder and
Korean War and
lack of exposure for crimes of
Lenin compared with
“Life has become more joyful” and
at May Day parade
Moscow show trials and
movie watching of
Nazi invasion and
census and
ovations for
personal archive of
personality cult of
photographs and portraits of
at Potsdam Conference
revolutionary role of
Robeson’s views on
as Russian nationalist
Secret Speech and
Shaw’s views on
speculation about mental health of
speeches of
Steinbeck’s views on
at Tehran Conference
Terror and
torture and
as “UJ” or “Uncle Joe,”
on United States
U.S. naturalization and citizenship process and
U.S. overtures to
U.S. prisoners of war and
Wallace’s letter of thanks to
at Yalta Conference
Stalin Auto Plant
siege of
tractor factory in
Standley, William
Staraya Sysoyovka
“Star-Spangled Banner,”
starvation in labor camps
State Archives of the Russian Federation
State Bank, Soviet
State Committee for Defense
State Department, U.S.
anti-Semitism in
Bullitt’s appeal to
Bullitt’s final dispatch to
Durbrow’s telegram to
forced labor and
inspector of posts of
J. Davies’ bizarre cables to
Kennan’s correspondence with
Kravchenko’s defection and
missing Americans and
protection of U.S. citizens and
religion in USSR and
Soviet agents in
Sviridoff imprisonment and
would-be emigrants and
Steiger, Baron Boris
Steinbeck, John
Stevens, Edmund
Stolar, Abe
Stone, Harlan
“Story of Two Passports Which Developed into No Passport at All, The” (satirical article)
“Strajinski, Mr.,”
Strekh, Reverend
Strong, Anna Louise
Stypulkowski, Z.
Subcamp Five
submarines, U.S.
Sudoplatov, Pavel
in Kolyma
of Krivitsky
of Soviet prisoners of war
Sunday Worker
Supreme Court, U.S.
Sutherland, Peter
Suvorov, Alexander
Sviridoff, George
Swiss Red Cross
Szymanski, Henry
Taganka Prison
Talent, Arthur
“Talk of Ford Favor Thrills Moscow” (Duranty)
Tallinn City Museum
Talmy, Sophie
Task Force Russia
Tayshet camp
Tehran Conference (Nov.)
(Soviet play)
Ten Days That Shook the World
Tepliakov (NKVD operative)
Terentyev, Lieutenant
Terror, the
arrest lists and
Bullitt and
conciliators and
Dalstroi and
denunciation boxes and
“enemies of the people” and
executions and,
foreigners and
in Georgia
historical continuity of
J. Davies and
Mission to Moscow
Moscow show trials and,
Moscow show trials
new wave of (“the twin brother of”)
numbers killed during
obscurity as protection against
“One night” monologue and
order No.and
registration and
Russian intellectuals and
scaling back of
Secret Speech and
self-perpetuating measure of
(special work) and
see also
executions; Gulag
Thamm, Anneliese
Thamm, Mrs.
Thayer, Charlie
Theater of People’s Art
thermite bombs
Thomas, Ben
Thompson, Wirt Elizabeth
Thorez, Maurice
Timofeev, Nikolai
Tito, Comrade
“To Death” (Akhmatova)
Toma, Andras
Tomsky Stadium
anger after
conveyor and
of Dolgun
mental breakdown and
psychological effect of
show trials and
tractor factories
trade, U.S.-Soviet
trade unions, U.S.
transit camps
Trial of the Century
of Beria
education and
of Lewis
of Sinyavsky
see also
Moscow show trials
Trotsenko, Vladimir
Trotsky, Leon
in Mexico
revolutionary role of
Troyer, Albert
Troyer, Eva
Truman, Harry S.
Civil Defense Conference speech of
oath of office of
at Potsdam Conference
Wallace fired by
Truman Committee
Tukhachevsky, Marshal
Tukhachevsky, Mrs.
Tushino air fête
Tverkov (sugar king)
Twain, Mark
h Century Fox
Twenty Famous Americans

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