The Four Horsemen 2 - War (12 page)

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War didn’t look like he entirely believed what Russell was saying, yet there was lightness in the man’s eyes. Maybe he was getting there. Maybe hearing it over and over again would help War figure out he’d paid his debt. He didn’t need to be a Horseman and keep paying it.
Russell saw War lick his lips and dived in, no thought in his head except to taste War again. War pulled him close and Russell gasped at the rough fabric rasping against his skin. War bent and picked him up, tossing him over a shoulder before carrying him outside.
“Where are we going?”
“Don’t wiggle too much. I don’t want to drop you.”
Russell wasn’t interested in bugging War about things. It was time to find something else to talk about now. The serious stuff had been discussed. Easing the mood or even just having sex might be the best thing to do for both of them.
War set him down on a small hill beyond the horse pen. “Stay there. I’ll be right back.”
Dropping to sit on his ass, Russell stared up into the dark sky, counting the stars above him. He’d never seen them as bright as they looked then. Not even in the backyard of his family’s house. He leant back on his elbows and simply allowed himself to be swallowed up in the thoughts of infinity and how truly small he was in the universe.
The crunch of grass under bare feet drew his gaze to War walking back up to him, carrying several blankets. He stood and helped War spread them out before lying down again. War joined him on the ground, wrapping his arms around Russell.
He trailed kisses over Russell’s jaw, taking nips along the way. Russell ran his fingers down War’s spine, discovering which caress drew moans and shivers from War. He tipped his head back, giving War more access to his skin and he sighed as War flicked his nipple with the tip of his tongue.
Holding the back of War’s head, he kept the man focused on his chest. Teeth scraped over the nub of flesh and he arched, wanting more. He brushed his fingertips down to the base of War’s spine, lightly rubbing until War whimpered and wiggled.
“Do you want me to fuck you?” He slipped one of his fingers along the crease of War’s butt, stopping to press against War’s hole.
War paused and looked up at him. “I didn’t bring anything out with me.”
“We can use spit and just take it slowly. I don’t want to hurt you.” Russell kissed his cheek.
“What about protection?”
Russell hesitated for a second, and then continued, “I’m negative. Been tested almost every month while I was in the hospital. I’m not sure what they were worried about. I didn’t get any blood transfusions or anything like that.”
“I’m negative as well, considering HIV wasn’t around when I was mortal.” He frowned. “Well, it’s possible it was around, but I got tested once when the epidemic started, just to be sure. Death thought I was an idiot because Horsemen can’t get sick. I only wanted to be sure. Also, I’ve used protection ever since it became available. Not just with the men I’ve fucked.”
Russell grinned. “I’ve used protection for most of the time I’ve fucked anyone. Once or twice I got carried away, but it’s been a while since that happened.”
They stared at each other. Both realised how important this moment was for their relationship. Going bareback meant they trusted each other more than they’d ever trusted anyone before. Russell lifted his hand to touch War’s face with gentle fingers. War turned his head and kissed Russell’s fingertips.
Together, they nodded. Their relationship had started with the possibility of Russell’s death and a rescue from War. They hadn’t really got to know each other, but living together for however long Russell chose to stay in Mongolia would help them take care of that. Every instinct in Russell screamed to hold on to War as tightly as possible and never walk away.
War had seen him freak out a couple of times and hadn’t run away at the first sight of Russell’s mental issues. Russell drew War closer, bringing their bodies together and setting about showing War how he felt about him.

Chapter Ten

Neighing woke War the next morning. He stretched and his hand hit the empty blanket next to him. Sitting up, he looked around to see if he could spot Russell somewhere. There, standing next to the fence, Russell was stroking one of the horses and it looked like he was talking to it.

War smiled and stood. He ignored the fact that he was naked and strolled over to Russell. During the dry season, when the temperatures grew ungodly hot, he often wandered around his yard naked. Since there weren’t any trees, he had a clear three hundred and sixty degree view of the steppes around him. No one could sneak up on him, which eased the warrior inside him.

He encircled Russell’s waist, and drew the man back against him. Russell relaxed, covering War’s hands with his own.
“Good morning, Russell. How do you feel today?” He brushed his lips over the soft skin behind Russell’s ear.
“I’m doing well. A little sore from sleeping outside on the ground.” Russell turned his head to give War a kiss. “How about you?”
“Yeah. I’m sore, but not from sleeping on the ground. I usually spend most nights outside while I’m moving around with the horses.” He rested his chin on Russell’s shoulder, studying his horses as they milled around the pen. “I have to go clean up. We have to get the horses moving out to better grazing. Would you be up to camping out for a day or two?”
Russell laughed. “I used to camp out in the sand and mountains while I was stationed in Afghanistan. I think I can handle sleeping out under the stars with you. It would probably be more interesting.”
“Great.” War kissed the side of Russell’s neck once more before he stepped back. “Let’s get dressed and head out.”
“Sounds good to me.”
After washing, they packed two sets of saddlebags. War saddled two horses while Russell cleaned the hut. He whistled and held up his arm. Singqor screamed, warning him right before he landed. War bent his knees and absorbed the bird’s weight. The gyrfalcon flapped his wings once before settling down.
“Are you bringing him with us?” Russell asked as he joined him down by the pen.
“Yes. He’ll help us catch food for dinner. Besides it’s getting close to the time when I need to let him go back into the wild. He needs to get used to being outside and not sheltered in the shed.” War stroked the back of one finger over Singqor’s breast feathers.
Russell set the saddlebags over the rumps of both horses and swung up onto his mount’s back. He smiled at War. His bright green eyes were filled with happiness. Happiness looked good on him and War vowed to keep his lover looking like that for as long as they were together.
War launched Singqor into the air. They watched the gyrfalcon pump his wings and lift his body up to the thermals where he flew in lazy circles, and War mounted. The horse shifted slightly, getting used to his weight. He never rode the same horse. He swapped them out at lunchtimes. He wanted them to get used to humans, so it would be easier to sell them to others.
He whistled for the dogs to start moving the herd out of the pen and on to the steppes. The horses tossed their heads and whinnied as they moved past him. War understood how they felt. Excitement flared in him at the thought of being on the move again.
No matter how long he lived, the nomadic lifestyle never left him. He didn’t like staying in one place for long. Home for him wasn’t an actual building, but any place where he could see the sun in the wide-open blue sky. Or the moon and stars without the pollution of man-made lights. The sound of the horses moving reminded him of his original life, spending his days hunting with his fellow warriors.
Many nights he’d spent lying on the ground, staring up at the black velvet sky. He remembered the names of the constellations, or what his people had called them. His memories were different from the modern scientific versions. War allowed himself to relive happier moments of time spent with family and friends.
The only memories he didn’t revisit or think about were ones involving Asad. His best friend had been part of most of his memories since he’d been a child. They’d been inseparable from their fifth season, becoming warriors the same year. When War became chief, Asad had become his most trusted friend.
Asad had managed to keep his jealousy and his arrogance hidden from War long enough for War’s world to fall apart. Asad’s shocked expression had been burned in his brain from the instant when War had sliced Asad’s throat. His friend had never thought War would kill him.
Had Asad believed he would get away with it? Had he really thought no one would have told War the truth? Had he seen War’s dislike of fighting as weakness and not been worried about any kind of punishment?
War kept his gaze on the herd, making sure none of them straggled or got left behind. Russell rode alongside him, quietly absorbing the sights, sounds, and smells of the world around them. War could ride the trail with his eyes closed and had done so more than once.
He let his mind wander back to the moment the knife had cut into Asad’s flesh. The horrified knowledge that he’d killed his best friend struck him and his hands trembled. War should have taken Asad captive and allowed the other tribe to deal with him, but there hadn’t been any tribesmen left. His warriors had killed them all, and he didn’t have a choice. He was the one who had to pass judgment and execute the punishment.
War knew Asad’s punishment would have been death. There was no way anyone would have allowed Asad to live after what he’d done to those girls and also for causing unnecessary war between two tribes. War had had no choice but to exterminate the cancer before Asad infected anyone else.
“Are you okay?”
He started when Russell reached and touched his hand. War blinked and realised his cheeks were wet. He swiped his sleeve over his face to dry it off.
“Yes. I’m fine.”
Russell tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. War laughed softly.
“Really, I’m fine. Just remembering some stuff. Memories I don’t usually allow myself to think about.” War eased his horse closer to Russell’s and laid his hand on Russell’s arm.
“Well, at least you don’t go catatonic or hallucinate when you remember things.”
“Maybe not, but I’ll admit I haven’t allowed myself to think about the last day of my life. Too much sorrow and pain for my mind. It’s easier to push the memories to the back of my brain and go on.”
Russell pursed his lips. “I wish I could do that. Instead of letting my mind take over and drag me some place I never want to be again.”
War shrugged. “I’m not sure which would be better.”
They rode in silence for several minutes, letting their minds wander. War went back to the day he’d become chief. How proud he’d been and how it had seemed like he’d achieved all his life goals in that moment. There was nothing else to strive towards except maybe finding a woman and having children.
As odd as it seemed at that moment, riding beside a man he was falling in love with, War had looked forward to falling in love with one of the women in his tribe and fathering children. When he’d been alive, he’d never thought about another man in sexual terms. Yet through the centuries he’d lived as a Horseman, War had learnt that love came in every size and gender. After so many decades, it didn’t matter whether he slept with a man or a woman. Pleasure was pleasure, and how he achieved climax had no longer been important.
The tribe had cheered when the medicine man had placed the crown of date palm leaves on his head, proclaiming him chief. He’d won the primary challenge and taken his place at the head of the tribe. The former chief had died and every able-bodied warrior had been given a chance to take over the role of headman.
War had survived the fights and taken his place as the leader of the tribe. He’d been a good leader, knowledgeable of where the tribe could find the best water and hunting. They rarely fought with other tribes except for the last time and look what happened the one time he led them into battle.
“Were you a good chief?” Russell broke the silence and War glanced over at him.
“I think so. I became chief when I had seen twenty-five seasons. In all that time, my tribe never went hungry. The only time we went to war was with the tribe Asad set up for us to destroy.”
He didn’t want to sound like he was bragging. God knew he wasn’t proud of what he’d done to the other tribe. Russell met his gaze and lifted a shoulder.
“Sounds like you weren’t too bad as a leader.”
Snorting, War grimaced. “Look what my last day as chief ended up doing. I massacred an entire tribe because my best friend lied to me.”
“Ah well, that’s not your fault. It’s Asad’s because he couldn’t deal with being rejected. If it’s not my fault Jimmy and the medic died, then it’s not your fault Asad chose to use you as the instrument of his revenge.” Russell wrinkled his nose. “I’ll admit I’m not a therapist, so take what I said for what it’s worth.”
“Are you saying I should take my own advice? I say you shouldn’t feel guilty for them dying during war, and you tell me it’s not my fault I believed a man I’d considered more than just a friend. Asad was my brother in every way except blood.” War heard the amusement in his voice. “I never could do what I say.”
Russell didn’t say anything, just nodded.
They were going in the opposite direction from the day before. The dogs kept the horses moving in a slow steady stream. Once they reached the small river about four hours from the house, they would stop for lunch and to allow the horses to drink. The grazing acreage he used was another hour on the other side of the river. They would end up camping out for several days while the horses ate their fill.
Singqor screeched loudly and dove. They watched the gyrfalcon pluck a mouse from the underbrush.
“Is that what he’ll be catching for our dinner?”
War looked at Russell and chuckled. “You don’t like mouse?”
“Can’t say I’ve ever had it. We’d have to collect an ungodly amount of them to fill just one of us.” Russell rolled his eyes. “I know they have like a million babies at one time, but I still think Singqor would get tired before we had enough to eat.”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. When it’s time for dinner, Singqor will catch us something bigger than a mouse. He’s catching himself a snack.”
Russell wiggled his eyebrows and War laughed. He paused, trying to remember when the last time he’d had such fun with anyone had been. More years than he hated to think about came to mind. For centuries, he’d let himself become more isolated, rarely coming into contact with any human, only the native nomads who herded their horses around the steppes and Death, who would come to get him for a mission.
War hated to see his pale comrade because he knew it meant he would have to go somewhere in the world and start a war. Mortals would kill and die, all to keep balance between good and evil. Yet War didn’t know how mortals fighting each other balanced the world. Death told him not to worry about it. Do what he was told and accept people would die.
Russell started humming as they continued their ride. War whistled occasionally to the dogs, making sure they kept the herd moving in the right direction. The horses ignored him and Russell for the most part, grazing slowly along the remembered trail.
Finally they reached the river and he brought his horse to a halt.
“It’s time for lunch. We’ll rest here for an hour, then move on to the night grazing land.”
Russell groaned as he clambered off his horse. He watched as War unsaddled the mare Russell had ridden, and rubbed her down before letting her return to the herd. War did the same thing to his own gelding and then took the saddlebags over to the riverbank. He spread out some blankets and sat on them. Russell joined him as War glanced around, checking to make sure there weren’t any snakes around. The dogs would keep an eye out as well.
“Do you want to eat first? Or would you rather take a dip in the river before we have lunch?”
“I would love to take a quick swim.”
“So would I.”
War stood, and stripped, managing not to fall over when his gaze landed on Russell’s naked ass as Russell kicked off his pants before sliding into the water. War entered the water and shuddered at the chill shattering over his flesh. He dropped under the surface, letting the clean water wash over him and holding his breath until his lungs burned.
He broke into the air, gasping as his head hit the surface. He filled his body with oxygen and coughed when he swallowed some water. A splash caught his attention and he spied Russell swimming happily around in the river. With a smile, War slipped under the water again and swam along to where Russell stood on the sand.
He reached out and wrapped his hand around Russell’s ankle. He yanked and Russell flailed into the water. They played in the water like children, splashing and shouting. War scooped water into his hands and tossed it at Russell, who ducked and dived to tackle War into the river.
They pressed their bodies together and War gasped as he felt his erection rubbing against Russell’s. He threaded his fingers in Russell’s hair, and brought Russell’s mouth to his. Their chilly lips met and they kissed, finding joy in the day and their time together.
War eased back slowly, reluctant to break the kiss, but not wanting to make love in the river. He took Russell’s hand and led his lover from the water to the blankets. They dropped to their knees, kissing for a few minutes before lying down. War braced himself on his elbow to stare at Russell.
He ran his finger down Russell’s nose and over his mouth, pinching Russell’s bottom lip between his thumb and finger and giving it a tug. Russell swiped his tongue over the tip of War’s finger. He pressed it into Russell’s mouth and gasped as Russell sucked on it.
“Shit,” he swore in a soft voice, grinding his cock against Russell’s hip.
Russell laughed and arched, flipping them so he was on top. War didn’t mind. He closed his eyes and lifted his chin, giving Russell all the skin he wanted. Russell nibbled his way down War’s throat to flick the man’s nipple with his tongue.
War groaned and arched his back. He cupped the back of Russell’s head, keeping Russell focused on War’s nipples. Of course, Russell refused and moved down to dip his tongue into War’s belly button. War huffed, and then groaned when Russell took War’s cock into his mouth.
Russell teased and sucked while War wiggled, absorbing the sensations of Russell working his shaft like a pro. War let his thighs fall open, allowing Russell to settle between them. The wet touch of fingers warned him a second before Russell breached his hole with them.
Pleasure coursed through him as Russell stretched the ring of muscles protecting his inner passage. He closed his eyes and gave himself over to the feelings of Russell surrounding him in every way. It wasn’t long before his climax threatened to overwhelm him, but he didn’t want to come unless Russell was inside him.
War froze, and tapped Russell’s shoulder. “Honey, I’m gonna come any second now. I need you inside me.”
Russell pulled away from him with a happy grin. “I’ll be glad to take you.”
They both winced as Russell pushed into War. Burning pain turned into desire as War grew used to being filled with Russell. Reaching out, War fisted the blankets on each side and nodded. Russell began moving, slow and steady at first until he found the right rhythm to make War cry out with each stroke.

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