The Fourth Ceremony: The Sacrifice Trilogy (22 page)

BOOK: The Fourth Ceremony: The Sacrifice Trilogy
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              "I wish I could, but I have some things to take care of today. I'll be back tomorrow, though, and I want to hear all about the Feast."

              "You aren't going to the Feast?" Alessa was certain that he would be there.

              "No, feasts and celebrations aren't really my scene. I like my time private," he punctuated his sentence by reaching down and lifting her from the bed, kissing her before he deposited her gently on the floor. She smiled brightly. She felt lighter than she had in weeks.

              "I'll see you tomorrow, then?" She asked, again hoping she didn't sound desperate.

              "You couldn't keep me away," Camden answered, "just try to stay out of trouble while I'm not around." Alessa slapped his arm playfully.

              "I can take care of myself, sir."

              "I'm sure you can, I just like the thought of being there if the need may arise," his face smiled, but his voice sounded serious.

              "I'll be fine, have a good day, Cam."

              "I'll be better when I'm back with you," he said playfully. He kissed her softly, lingering with her a moment longer, and then he turned to leave.

              After he left and Alessa had dressed for the day, she opened the door. She found Alec standing by the door like a sentry.

              "Alec, will you tell the staff I'd like breakfast in my room and my stylists that I need to see them. It's going to be a long day," Alessa said dreamily. She closed the door to the room and went to stand on the balcony. The air had grown colder during the weeks that she was avoiding Camden and she mourned the fact that she wouldn't have another warm afternoon atop the cliffs with him. She forced the thoughts from her mind. She had told Camden that she would live one day at a time and she was determined to do just that.



              The stylists arrived with her breakfast and they began working on her as soon as the meal was over. She loved to be pampered and dressed for events, it always made her feel special, but as they worked she found her mind wandering and dreaming of the next time she would be with Camden. She wondered what he was doing right then. Alessa shook her head. She really had it bad.

              Alessa admired her reflection. Her day outfit was wonderful. A burnt orange knit sweater hugged her perfectly and was paired with a dark blue pair of pants. Dark brown boots, similar in style to riding boots, finished off her outfit. Her hair was pulled back halfway and curls fell gently down her back.

              "Perfect, as usual, Lai," Alessa gushed. She knew that he never tired of compliments, "I can't wait to see what you have in store for tonight."

              Lai hugged her quickly and shooed the stylists out of the room. Alessa readied herself for the Feast. The Feast Celebration was a glorious day when the main street of the district was lined with different vendors of food and drinks. You could spend all day walking up and down the strip, filling yourself on different treats. Then, after the sun set, a true Feast was laid out at the Manor for only the most distinguished of guests. Alessa remembered in the years past when she had literally eaten all day and smiled in anticipation of the delicious event.

              Alessa decided it was time to go and opened the door for Alec only to find Khi looking back at her.

              "Khi! What are you doing here?"

              "You didn't think I was going to let you eat everything now did you?" Khi teased her. Alessa was infinitely more excited for the Feast with Khi there and they walked through the Manor halls arm in arm.




              Hours later, Alessa sat at her place of honor at the table in the Manor banquet room. Lai had designed a genius dress with an empire waist that hid all she had eaten throughout the day. She thought that she may need to wear the dress for a week until she could work out with Evan a few times. Evan was always extra hard on her during the Season of Celebrations. She smiled to herself, knowing she needed it.

              Khi sat at her side and her parents were across from her. She felt content and complete. And, even though Camden wasn't there, she felt happy knowing that she would see him in the morning. Khi kept looking her over and she just returned his look with a smile.

              Course after course of food came towards Alessa. She took no more than a small spoonful of what she wanted, knowing that she wouldn't be able to eat much more but enjoying the divine foods. Once the feast was finally over, she spent over an hour bidding farewell to guests at the side of the Minister and dreaming of her stretchy pants. Even the Minister's address about the impending Sacrifice Ceremony and his insistence on calling her "dear Sacrifice" didn't dampen her spirits.

              When Alessa could finally leave, she bid her parents goodnight and walked with Khi to her room. Once inside, Khi turned and eyed her suspiciously.

              "What happened?" Khi asked pointedly. Alessa sighed, there was no point in lying to him.

              "Well, Camden and I sort of made up."

              "Oh," he paused for a moment, "good." He looked at her for a long minute. "I mean that, it's good, you haven't been this happy in a long time. Whatever it takes is fine by me."

              Alessa smiled at him and grabbed him for a hug.

              "And now, I have got to go to bed, I am so incredibly exhausted. Eating takes a lot of energy," she exclaimed. Khi laughed at her as he settled himself on the couch. Alessa went into her closet to change into pajamas and hit Khi lightly on the leg as she walked by him, already halfway to sleep, on the way to her bed. Alessa sunk into the softness of the bed. Full, happy, and sleepy, she drifted off peacefully. 





              Camden had never enjoyed spending time with someone as much as he enjoyed the weeks with Alessa. He had worried desperately that she was permanently disconnecting from him when she had pulled back, but was glad that he was able to convince her otherwise. He tried to tell himself that he was only glad for it because it put the mission back on track, but it was becoming harder and harder to pretend that he was only flirting with her in order to convince her to agree to the plan.

              They spent time together almost every day. He left Kh
s shifts uninterrupted, but took any day shifts from Alec that he could. Alec did
t seem to mind. His mind was wrapped up in becoming the next lead guard once Alessa was gone, a fact that grated on Camde
s nerves every time he saw Alec. The air was getting cooler and winter was approaching. Camden and Alessa did
t visit the Ocean again, but they spent many afternoons in her pool room. Camden tried to push her to swim more often without being obvious that it was for more than just fun.

So wha
s the longest you have ever swam
Camden asked Alessa one day as they played and floated in the pool.

I went almost two miles in the Ocean once. My dad and I wanted to see how far we could get. In the pool,
ve done 3000 meters several times
Alessa responded, clearly proud of herself.

And how fast can you go for that long
Camden tried to make it sound like a challenge.

As fast as I want to go
she took the bait.

Can you do it without stopping
Camden was getting more serious. He knew that Mars encouraged her to learn to swim, but this was great news.

Why are you asking me so many questions? Are you trying to enter me in a race or something
Alessa quipped. Camden stopped, he did
t want to go there yet, they had only reconciled for a few weeks.

The race of your life, baby
he answered and he dove under the water to initiate a competition.

              Alessa quickly caught up with him and they raced along the pool. Once they reached the wall on the other side, they pushed off of it and continued their race, neither interested in being the first to stop swimming. Camden was swimming as hard as he could and Alessa was staying just in front of him. She was incredible. She had a rhythm and grace about her swimming that he could have watched all day. After turning at the wall three times, Camden began to tire. Alessa seemed to still be going strong and he was falling farther and farther behind. At the fourth wall turn, Camden stopped. Alessa continued to swim. Camden lifted himself out of the water and sat with his feet dangling in the pool as he watched her go. She was fast. She could do it. His heart raced faster, and not from exertion.

He sat hypnotized as he watched her bounce off of the far wall and swim back towards him. She stayed under the water for what seemed like a full minute at a time and he was certain she looked like she had just started swimming. She was
t tired at all. She slowed as she approached him and stopped about three feet away. He watched her standing there and smiling at him for a moment, her chest rising and falling quickly from the effort of her swim. Camden could see that she was more exhilarated than tired.

d you stop
Alessa laughed as she asked.

I ca
t keep up, Sweetheart, yo
re amazing
Camden noticed her flush from the compliment. He dropped himself into the water and approached her. As naturally as breathing, he wrapped his arms around her waist and she snaked her arms around his neck. No, he definitely could not pretend that it was all about the mission anymore. It was more than the mission, and the mission now meant more than ever.



The Season of Celebration proved to be every bit as busy as Alessa professed. She was wound up in appearances and preparation meetings on a regular basis. He stole all the time with her that he could, but he felt like he blinked and the Winter Solstice was upon them.

You know the celebration thing is
t really my scene
Camden said to Alessa the day before the event.

Yes, I know, do
t worry, Khi is going with me
Alessa rolled her eyes at him. 

And I will be forever jealous
he said playfully as he possessively wrapped his arms around her. They were sitting in her room on the plush couch enjoying the sunset through the glass on the balcony doors
What exactly is up with you two anyway
Camden tried to sound nonchalant.

Are you really jealous, Cam
Alessa had mirth in her eyes.

Nah, never
he replied and proved his case with a kiss.

Khi and I are as close as brother and sister, and no different. H
s always been like family to me.
ve never seen him any other way
Alessa stared off outside as she spoke.

And how does he see you
Camden prodded.

The same,
m sure. H
s never acted otherwise
she answered simply.

I do
t know, Alessa,
m not sure how anyone can spend that much time with you and not be sucked in
Camden replied honestly. He had wondered about Kh
s feelings for months.

You make it sound like
m some sort of cosmic vacuum
Alessa tried to look indignant, but ruined it by laughing.

re the worst kind of space hole
Camden joked back and pulled Alessa in for a kiss.



Hey man, I need you to work at the Solstice Dinner tonight
Khi said to Camden.

Oh, come on, I hate participating in events, ca
t Alec do it
Camden despised all things Government run and loathed the thought of participating in that.

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