The Free Trader of Warren Deep (Free Trader Series Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: The Free Trader of Warren Deep (Free Trader Series Book 1)
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6 – Cameron


Braden rolled slowly into Cameron, a smile on his face as he thought of Ava. She was a friendly school teacher. He had not yet been successful in sharing more than a meal and drink. Maybe this trip, he would see more of her. He smiled broadly at that.

G-War departed the wagon in a flash. Braden could never shut out the sexual antics of the ‘cat. G-War took it as his personal mission to never let a female domestic cat in heat go unserviced. He shared of himself as far and wide as possible. It was a bit disturbing for Braden. The ‘cat was so sedate, until females were around, then he became a one-‘cat dynamo. It could be an immense and intense distraction.

This also left Braden most vulnerable. The ‘cat provided a distinct edge when negotiating. G-War could feel when someone was rejoicing in the terms of the trade and this helped Braden to get a little more. He wanted people satisfied with their trades, not ecstatic at how they had out-bargained the Free Trader.

Braden continued driving his team to the market square. Every town had one where the traders could set up their wagons, where local vendors plied local products, and where buyers came to buy. Stables were located near the markets so the beasts pulling the carts could be readily tended to. For a fee, of course.

It was the law of the trade.

As Braden unhooked the water buffalo, a couple of local vendors asked what he brought. He politely declined, waiting until he had more people around. Not having competing offers often led to getting a lower price, a less lucrative trade. Although Braden was young, he was no fool.

As he was delivering his two stalwart buffalo to the stable, he was inundated with flashing images of a long-haired calico, the target of G-War’s affections. Then a small gray cat entered the picture. Another suitor, judging by how quickly G-War drove it away.

The stable master took Braden’s delay as a counter to his offer. The prices were standard, so it wasn’t a tactic although the man lowered his fee to a single silver piece for both animals. Braden realized what the man was saying as the ‘cat reached his post-affections purr.

“That’s a great deal and thank you. I’ll throw in five arrowheads for your kindness.” Free Traders needed to maintain good relations. No trade this turn was worth losing next turn’s deal. Traders who ripped people off went out of business very quickly. By out of business, he meant they were killed, like the man had mistakenly perished in Binghamton. The stable master seemed nervous, but pleased with Braden’s addition to the agreed trade.

Braden returned to his wagon, thinking that he would talk with the stable master later. He wanted to figure out what was amiss. He loved answers. Not so much the questions.


7 – Upset the Trade


Once his wagon was prepared for the trade, he stood on the buckboard and howled in his trader voice, “Come ye, come ye! See treasures from distant lands available for trade at prices so low you’ll be amazed! Cloth and arrowheads, breastplates and more! Are you safe? You will find peace of mind here! Come ye, come ye!” It didn’t take long before a small crowd surrounded his wagon, asking to see the wares.

He pulled his items out, one by one – the cloth, each tortoise shell, a few arrowheads, and finally, when the haggling over these items tapered off, he stood back on his buckboard.

“Saffrimander! Who has tasted this magical spice? You will never go back to average fare! Do I have an offer for one vial of the best saffrimander available?” He had been in town long enough to know that this was the only saffrimander available, so his statement wasn’t untrue. He didn’t know how it tasted so couldn’t personally attest to its quality. Never sample the wares, his father taught him.

There was a bit of jostling as people tried to get closer. Excitement always generated better deals. Scarcity also drove up prices. He would not reveal that he had four more vials unless the price went nice and high. He could trade vials and two water buffalo for two horses. The horses would get him closer to his goal, but that would be a lofty price indeed.

There was more jostling and then the people parted, allowing the town’s security officer through. Everything got quiet.

“G-War! I need you,” Braden whispered.

‘Right here,’
the ‘cat responded directly into Braden’s mind. He looked to his left where the ‘cat was sitting calmly at the back of the wagon, watching everything.

“How are you in this fine daylight, good sir?” Braden asked with a flourish and bow.

“Hey, you! Come on down here. I want to talk to you.” He turned to the crowd. “Go on, all of you. That’s it. Trading is done for this turn.” He stepped back, looking at Braden, hand on the pommel of the sword at his side. He was slightly overweight with a ten-turn growth of a straggly black beard. Beady eyes glared at Braden.

The security officer ushered people away, waving them off with one meaty hand. He waited until they had gone, before getting to the heart of it. “Give me the saffrimander,” he said without preamble, holding his hand out for the vial.

“I don’t understand. This is for trade.”

“Not anymore. I suspect it’s fake and as such, we can’t have it in the market. Now, give it to me.”

Braden was torn. He had run into people before who tried to take his goods, but that was in less civilized places. Cameron was the last town within the Caravan Guild’s territory. As such, trades were always protected.

“How can we sort this out, good sir? I guarantee that the saffrimander is real. I acquired it far to the west, near Lightning Creek.”

The security officer seemed uninterested in Braden’s claims. He grabbed Braden’s arm and steered him toward the city government building.

“There’s no need for that!” No answer from the gruff man. “G. Watch our rig. I’ll be in touch.” The security officer looked around to see who Braden was talking to. He couldn’t see anyone so he shook his head and continued on.

Two men had been lurking in the shadows. After Braden and the security officer passed, they casually strolled toward the wagon.


8 - Jail


Once Braden and the security officer made it to the jail, any pretense of civility dropped. The man shove Braden roughly to the floor. He took also his gold coins and a few silver shekels. Braden kept these in his belt pouch to make change. Thankfully he dropped most coins through a slot in the buckboard to a heavily secured chest hidden within.

The man put Braden in manacles against a wall. In an imperious voice the security officer proclaimed, “For violation of the rules regarding Fair Trade, you are sentenced to one turn in the manacles, no food, no water. Property on your person is confiscated. Your wagon will be searched for other contraband, which will also be confiscated once it is discovered.”

Braden was furious. He was being robbed. “For any violations of Free Trade, a Guild representative is required to be present at the hearing! But this isn’t about that, is it?” The security officer laughed as he waddled away, holding the vial of saffrimander up to the light.

Braden had no idea what the man thought he’d see in the spice. Braden was also happy that he only advertised one vial. He wasn’t sure that anyone would be successful in searching the wagon. G-War would hurt people, but they could overwhelm him with numbers. Braden needed to get himself out of this jail and out of town.


9 – Run!


The first man, lean with wicked eyes put his hands on the wagon’s back gate in order to haul himself in. He screamed in pain as two claws lashed out, raking his arms, slicing tendons on the back of his hands. He doubled over in pain.

The ‘cat leapt from the wagon onto the man’s back, immediately springing into the face of the second man. Before he could stop the ‘cat, it was claws-deep into his face and neck. He managed to grab hold of the cat’s tail, trying to fling him away, but that only ensured that the ‘cat could dig his claws deeper into the man’s throat. Blood spurted as his jugular was severed.

G-War dropped to the ground and jumped back up, landing on the first man’s back. This time, he stood up, trying to shake the ‘cat off. G-War wrapped one paw around the man’s throat from behind and with his long claws, ripped through the man’s windpipe. The dying man reached for his neck as he went to his knees.

‘Be there in a few bounds.’
G-War sent to Braden. The ‘cat measured time in heartbeats or turns of the sun, but also in distance he could cover.

The orange tabby extended his body fully during his run to the jail. People barely noticed as he flashed by. He never hesitated as he leapt onto a ledge and squeezed his body through an open window. He saw the security officer, seated at a table, looking greedily at the gold, silver, and saffrimander. The man didn’t notice the ‘cat until he landed on the table, upsetting the small treasure before him.

The ‘cat made one powerful leap into the man’s face, knocking him backward off his chair. The ‘cat pushed off hard as they approached the stone floor. The security officer’s head smacked loudly when it hit. The ‘cat deftly rolled away, turned, and went into a crouch, ready to leap again. The man lay still.

“The keys are in the pouch on his belt,” Braden offered. Although the ‘cat could work magic with his claws, he didn’t have hands. He ended up using his teeth to pull the pouch off, and brought the whole thing to Braden. “Nicely done,” he said with a nod of thanks. “Is he dead?” The ‘cat didn’t answer. Braden quickly removed the key, then the shackles. He dropped it all on the filthy floor.

He checked the man while G-War leapt into the open window, and looked out. He was still alive. Braden took his money and vial of saffrimander, and without a further look, opened the door and strolled into the street as a free man.

A free man who would be wanted shortly. They walked quickly back to the market square. A number of people had gathered and were looking at the two corpses behind the wagon. “What did you do?” Braden asked in a whisper.

‘I kept the thieves away. I knew that I had to leave to save it, as usual, so I couldn’t leave them maimed and angry. Of course.’

Braden angled away from the wagon and into the stable. The stable master was surprised to see him.

“Just a little misunderstanding. Everything is cleared up now.” Braden nodded reassuringly and smiled at the man. “What kind of deal can we work where I get two horses? The wagon and water buffalo are a given, but what else will it take?” Braden rolled the vial between his fingers. The stable master looked at it hungrily, licking his lips. He stroked his short beard.

“If you had another one of those,” he said nodding suggestively at the vial. “I think we can seal the deal.”

“Consider it the trade done. Saddle them up. I’ll be right back with the second vial.” Braden forced the man to shake his hand. Braden started walking away, stopped, then looked at G-War. The ‘cat took a few steps toward the stable master, then sat down and stared at him with his unblinking ‘cat gaze. Braden hurried outside and shooed the people away from the wagon, telling them that security was on its way and they’d want to talk with everyone there. That hastened their departure. That also told Braden that he wasn’t the only one who suffered from security’s power grab. He wondered if there had been a coup.

He systematically, yet quickly took everything of value, rolling it all up into a blanket, then rolled that into a second blanket. With his Rico Bow and quiver of arrows across his back, he tried to throw his worldly possessions over his shoulder. It was too heavy. The life of a trader with a wagon wasn’t lived lightly.

He ended up dragging his blanket rolls to the stable. His time had to be getting short. He figured that he wasn’t the only target of Cameron’s new security office, so the average person probably wouldn’t turn him in, but there were two dead men on the ground in the square.

He also figured the stable master was in cahoots with security, judging by the surprise on his face when Braden showed up. And fear. He didn’t expect Braden to have another vial of saffrimander. The trade was always sacrosanct. When he agreed, they shook hands and sealed the deal.

The stable master prepared two horses as per their agreement. The ‘cat was stalking along an overhead beam, staying above the stable master. He glance furtively over his shoulder, confirming that he was always only a second away from getting slashed.

“Call your Hellcat off. I’ve done as you wished.” The stable master demanded in an angry voice, laced with bits of fear.

“Two points, my good man. First, he’s not mine. It doesn’t work that way. And second, we made a deal. It isn’t as I wished, but as we agreed. You are only fulfilling your part of our bargain. I will not be maligned – this was a Fair Trade and as such, is protected.” Braden handed the stable master a second vial of saffrimander. The trade was concluded.

“Now, if you’ll help me put my blanket on my pack horse, I would greatly appreciate it.” G-War dropped into a crouch where the stable master could see him. It was clearly a threat, but not one that Braden had overtly made. They each took an end of the blanket roll, then walked it over the horse’s back. Braden quickly tied it down and climbed onto his mount. G-War jumped onto the blanket roll and dug in. With the reins in one hand and the second horse’s lead in the other, Braden looked down on the stable master. He flipped two shekels on the ground in front of the man. “A tip, for your assistance. Be well.” Inclining his head slightly to the stable master, he prodded his horse to a walk. Once out of the stable, he turned sharply away from the market square and headed toward the school.

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