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Authors: John Daulton

The Galactic Mage (46 page)

BOOK: The Galactic Mage
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Altin was euphoric too. Orli’s slender body was pressed against him with her arms clutched tightly about his waist and her breasts pressed firmly into his back. She felt so real to him finally. So alive. Not just a person in his dreams. He could feel her breath upon his neck, warm as she snuggled into him, wriggling close to him for protection from the chill that came with the dragon’s speed. He felt her sigh with contentment against his skin. “I love you,” she whispered.

His smile nearly touched his ears. “I love you too.”

With the slightest pressure of his knee, he urged Taot into a graceful, gliding arc that turned them directly into the light of the luminous crimson moon. Luria in her quarter phase, the red phase known as the Lovers’ Kiss.

The End

BOOK: The Galactic Mage
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