The Gay Metropolis (25 page)

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Authors: Charles Kaiser

BOOK: The Gay Metropolis
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Jack Nichols headed the first gay picket line in front of the White House in 1965. Frank Kameny was right behind him. These two men did more than anyone else to infuse the gay movement with the spirit of the isixties. Courtesy of UPI/Corbis-Bettmann.

The Beatles and their gay manager, Brian Epstein, in London, July 1966. When Epstein first saw them perform, it was literally love at first sight. Courtesy of UPI/Corbis-Bettmann.

Stormé DeLarverie, a cross-dressing lesbian who witnessed the Stonewall riot — and may have helped to precipitate it. “The cop hit me and I hit him back,” She remembered.
Courtesy of Stormé DeLarverie
. Below: Jack Nicholas (right) and his lover Lige Clarke were the first gay authors to write about Stonewall. Their article appeared in Screw magazine.
Courtesy of Eric Stephen Jacobs

Howard Rosenman had an affair with Leonard Bernstein in Israel after the Six Day War in 1967.
Courtesy of Kitty Hawks
. Right: Walter Clemons was denied the Job of daily book critic at the New York Times after the managing editor learned that clemons was gay.
Courtesy of Frank Distefano

Michael York and Liza Minnelli in Cabaret in 1972. “Screw Maximillian
!” York shouted at her. “I do,” Minnelli replied. “So do I!”
Courtesy of Springer/Corbis-Bettmann

Thousands gathered outside San Fransico's City hall for a candlelight vigil after the assassinations of Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk in November 1978.
Courtesy of Springer/Corbis-Bettmann

Jack Fitzsmmons at Fire Island Pines in 1981. That year the Reagan administration asked him to become an assistant White House counsel, but the offer was rescinded after Fitzsmmons told his boss that he was gay.
Courtesy of Philip Gefter

Philip Gefter was Fitzsmmons's lover. Gefter was one of the earliest a ti-AIDS activists in Manhattan.
Courtesy of Jonathan Tamarkin

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