The Gentile Witness Book II, Elijah (2 page)

BOOK: The Gentile Witness Book II, Elijah
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Books by Samuel David

The Gentile Witness Book I Enoch

The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

You Paid What, by Darrell Jordan

The Gentile Witness Book III Cain released in 2015






















Enoch as

Gods Last Two Witnesses



By Samuel David

Chapter 1

8:45 PM Thursday Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

John Roddenburg and his co-anchors were still staring with eyes locked on Jack, now Enoch, as he was leaving the stage. In the past hour, they had not said a word. Like the rest of the world, watched and listened as Jack and Elijah displayed God’s power with no commercials and no breaks.

Jack South now called Enoch self-proclaimed Witness of God. Shraya, now known as Elijah, the second Witness. In the past hour in a worldwide broadcast from Kansas City, they mesmerized the entire world. This was an astonishing display of Gods power using his two final witnesses as never seen before.

Mary Ann turned her focus from the stage exit and then looked back at the cameras and realized they were still live. She turned her head back towards John and said, “We are live again.” As her co-anchors turned toward her she said, “I have to say, I am sure the viewers, like us, are in awe. This was an incredulous display of Gods power we witnessed tonight.”

John looked over at Mary Ann and said, “Yes I agree, that was an incredible display of power.” 

Geraldo added, “John I agree. Between the attempted assassination, the biblical reenactment of the staffs turning into snakes, the thunder, lightning…Elijah walking in thin air, it’s…it’s how can I say it, amazing!” 

John and Mary nodded their heads agreeing. 

Then John said, “We also have for our viewers, thanks to our technicians installing a high-speed camera for tonight’s broadcast a slow motion replay of the attempt on Jack’s life.” 

He turned to the High Definition Monitor behind the anchor desk and the replay of the attempt on Jacks life. As the screen came to life, the high-speed camera captured in detail the bullet traveling towards Jack’s head. With slow motion, it was clear to the viewer how Enoch had spun his entire body around at incredible speed pointing his staff towards the tower. Then the blue aura had surrounded Jack instantaneously. Immediately you could see the bullet flattening as it hit the aura surrounding Jack. Jack did not even stagger as the bullet fell to the stage floor.” 

After the monitor went blank Geraldo turning towards John said, “This has to be the most incredible amount of footage ever seen. Personally, there are no other words to describe what we saw other than amazing. In an instant, after Jack spins around and points his staff his entire body miraculously is enveloped in a blue aura, which in turns saves his life.”

“I agree Geraldo.” John said. “We have even more for our viewers. Here is a look of the replay showing Elijah walking off the stage into mid-air.” 

They then turned towards the big screen monitor. The replay began and they once again saw Elijah throw the staff off the stage overlooking Union Station. It stopped in midair in a vertical position. They then witnessed him calmly walking off the stage into thin air over the cliff of Memorial Park overlooking Union Station and not falling.

After the replay was finished, Mary Ann commented, “When Elijah invited Jack, to walk out to meet him in thin air I could not even breathe as he took his first step in mid-air.” 

Geraldo commented, “What we saw was something difficult to believe or comprehend.” 

Mary Ann said, “Then the drama of Elijah threatening the enemies of Israel and non-Jews. He ordered them to get out of their land, including Jerusalem. That was the moment it was understood he was also telling them to vacate the Temple area. What do you think John?”

“I agree Mary Ann. It seemed Enoch was saying that they are going to rebuild the Temple in preparation of God’s return.” 

Geraldo said, “I think the emphasis of walking in thin air was to remind us of the New Testament description of Christ walking on water.” 

“I Agree” John said. In addition, I am sure after seeing this many realize that these men have the power of God in their hands. If that is the case then no one can stop Elijah or…Enoch for that matter.”

Geraldo nodding his head in agreement as he chimed in; “Enoch’s statement was definitely a demand and I am definitely sure his words will cause concern not only in the Middle East but also in Israel. For unlike in biblical days Elijah does not make policy for the Israelis. What I am saying is how he can tell the Government of Israel what to do and what to enforce. Now he may have caused a war over the Temple Mount area.”

“We don’t know the answer to those questions Geraldo.” John said. “I do agree with you Elijah’s statements were definitely a threat and most likely from his demeanor a promise. We might after what we have seen here tonight assume Elijah, even though he is not a government leader, has the power to get others to at least listen to him especially their religious leaders. Israel unlike many Governments has as a part of their governmental system what they call ‘The Rabbinate’s’. It is a two person religious post in Israel. Israel elects one from the Ashkenazi side and the other from the Sephardi. They serve a term of ten years. They are, recognized by law, as the Supreme
. Halakhic for our viewers means the entire body of Jewish law and tradition comprising the laws of the Bible. They also have spiritual authority for the Jewish people in
. You may have noticed in the seating area representing Israel tonight was the Rabbinate Benjamin Hagen of the Sephardi side.”

“Well John, I would assume maybe Rabbinate Hagen and his counterpart will be working with the Israeli government to decide what to do about Elijah’s threats and or Elijah himself.” 

“Only time will tell us Geraldo.” 

“I think it will be interesting,” said Mary Ann, “to see what kind of statements will be made not only by the Israelis, once they conference with the Rabbinates, but their neighbors, Iran, Syria, and Egypt. Of course, especially what the Palestinians will have to say.”

“If my gut feeling is correct” John added “the Jordanians and the Muslim Wauqf will not take this lying down. They have an exclusive right to maintain the Dome of the Rock from the Israeli government since the capture of Jerusalem in the six-day war in 67. I am not sure how Elijah will cause their agreement to be reneged on by the Israeli Government.”

“Correct me if I am wrong Mary Ann” Geraldo said “if I have my history right based on my limited knowledge of the Qur’an, the Dome is one of Islam’s most holy places and it has something to do with Mohammed’s night journey described in the Qur’an?”

“Yes you are correct Geraldo; it’s revered as the Noble Sanctuary ‘Bait-ul-Muqaddas. The Temple Mount is the location of
journey to Jerusalem and ascent to heaven
. Also the Al Aqsa Mosque rests on the site along with the Dome of the Rock.” 

John added, “Keep in mind; the Temple Mount is for the Jews where the binding of Isaac took place, the gathering of the dust to create Adam and the two Jewish Temples.”

Geraldo then commented. One of the reasons the Jews have not built the Temple after capturing it in 67 is due to a technical issue. 

“What is that Geraldo?” Mary Ann asked.

“By law, Jews cannot walk on the holy Mount for they do not know where the Holy of Holies stood in the Temple. I am thinking now with Elijah, he would definitely know the location of the Holy of Holies. Maybe he can shed some light on that also.” 

“All I can say is the coming days will be interesting,” said John. “We will have to wait and see what will happen and what will be said by everyone about these pronouncements from Elijah. I mean for Elijah to tell all Arabs to leave Israeli lands, especially Jerusalem will most certainly be a major issue.” 

“Yes and the Middle East have been in turmoil now for several years with the regime changes in Egypt, the civil war in Syria. Add recent events,  the constant in fighting between the Palestinians and the Israelis, the ISIS movement in Iraq. Elijah’s statements tonight will definitely stir up the area.” Geraldo said. 

John added, “Not counting Iran’s acquiring a Nuclear Bomb. This issue is still in limbo and has never been resolved even with the sanctions still in place. We do not know if they have a bomb yet or not. I can promise though their President will not take these threats from Elijah or Israel sitting down.”

“Tonight’s statements by Elijah for that matter could well be the catalyst for an all-out Mideast War.” Mary Ann said. “Also he said all Jews from the lost tribes need to migrate to Israel immediately and to especially leave the United States. Elijah said America would be rendered useless.”

“This is a lot to think about, and to be honest, I am quite concerned for the status not only of the U.S. but the world.” John added.

“I think we all have concerns about those statements John.” Mary Ann said. “With the destruction caused so far in California and the hurricanes coming as Enoch predicted, we are all concerned.”

Geraldo then said, “Like everyone else I am looking forward to the interview coming up with Jack, or Enoch as Elijah now refers to him. Maybe he can shed some light on these concerns we have brought up.” 

John said, “It would be even better if Elijah were to come with him. At the moment he seems to be the leader of the two.”

“Yes, hopefully we will find out some answers in this interview. Moreover, as you said, it would be nice if Elijah came also.” Mary Ann said. 

Getting a cue from his producer John then turned to the camera and said, “We need to break for some news updates around the world, and station identification. When we return we will also have on the spot reporters doing interviews in the crowds at the stadiums and on the streets here in Kansas City. After that, we will have more coverage of the self-proclaimed witnesses. That will be followed with a one on one interview with Jack South or Enoch as he is now called by Elijah.”

Chapter 2

8:55 PM Thursday Kansas City, Missouri - Center City, Enoch’s Hotel Suite

After having left the stage and returned to the hotel, I laid the staff down carefully on the bed and removed the vestments. I immediately kneeled down by the bed to pray and thanked God for saving my life and allowing me to be able to complete tonight’s sermon as his servant. 

After my prayers, I retrieved a Gatorade from the refrigerator, and drank it almost completely down in one gulp. Preaching made me thirsty. As I was finishing off the drink, I thought about the interview I had agreed to do here in less than half an hour. I wished I had not agreed to do it for I was exhausted. However, I knew there would be many questions they would ask that needed to be answered or, clarified. My only fear was certain questions they may ask I just did not know the answers to. Elijah it appears has his own agenda and I had no knowledge regarding the statements he had made during the sermon tonight, especially about Israel. Well as I have learned so far in this ministry, I would just have to trust God to guide me and give me the answers I needed. 

While still in my thoughts, I looked out the window and could see that the stage area was still lit up and there was still a sea of people in the area. It appeared no one had moved at all. They were all still there. I assumed as I was looking at them they were waiting for my interview with John before they left. They also may still be in shock or awe or even fear after the display of God’s power as called upon by Elijah and me.

I realized that while on the stage I had no fear at all, it was as if it was not me but someone else. I thought about Elijah and walking in midair over the cliff; it was just mind boggling to me. Suspended in mid air with no support under my feet but air was amazing! What powers God had over the universe I thought. I did not really know these answers but the experience was incredible. 

I also thought of when Elijah told me I was Enoch. I mean how this could be possibly be correct. I distinctly remember growing up as a child to parent’s right here in Kansas City. I was Jack Enoch South, not the biblical Enoch. 

As I held this thought, my mind wandered to some of the dreams lately I had been having. They were always similar and I was somewhere else from a long time ago. I let my mind wonder for a few moments on this. As I was thinking about my questions, I glanced at the clock on the table and then my thoughts came back to the commitments I had agreed to. I had to leave soon for the interview with John Roddenburg. I just hoped that I could answer their questions correctly, I thought to myself. 

The telephone in my suite ringing interrupted my thoughts as I walked over to the desk and answered it. 


“Jack uh, sorry Enoch, this is Don, John Roddenburg’s Producer. I think we met the other day.”

“Yes I remember.”

“Well we just want to confirm if we are still on for the interview with John?"

“Yes, I was just getting ready to leave here in a few minutes. I assume I was to go to the anchor desk at the stage area. Is that correct?”

“Yes, that would be great. We are going to do some on the street interviews and some news updates, so would about 30 to 45 minutes work for you?”

“That will be fine Don, I will be there.”

“Thanks Enoch I will see you soon.”

I hung up the phone. I was trying to decide if I should wear the vestment again or my more common polo shirt and slacks. I heard a knock at the door. My security guard opened the door and stuck his head in thru the crack and said “Enoch you have some visitors” then Veronica, Mark, and Elijah walked into the suite. 

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