The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch (33 page)

BOOK: The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch
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Chapter 131

5:45 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, Jack South’s Suite

I heard the door knock and opened it. Veronica, Mark, Thomas, and Luke were all there. I invited them in and the first thing Veronica said, as her eyes glanced towards the bed was, “He gave it to you huh?”

“Gave me what Veronica?”

“The staff there on the bed and don’t worry I know not to touch it.”

“Have you ever seen it before?” I asked.

“No, but I knew that you would eventually have it. Shraya said you would and that God would give it to you in good time.”

Mark said, “Is that really Moses’ staff?”

Thomas said, “Yes, that is exactly what it is and Jack got specific instructions with it from Gabriel.”

“Mind if I pick it up?” Luke said.

“No Lucas. You cannot. I cannot let any man touch it except myself. It is a command.” I did not want to tell him that only a man of God could touch it. His feelings would probably get hurt.

“Okay, just asking.”

Veronica then said, “Alright gentlemen, we don’t have much time and we need to chat a moment. We will be, seated in about a half an hour and we need to get going soon. Jack, Thomas brought you some vestments. Do you want to try one on?’

“I guess, but if it were not for this staff, I would not even consider it.”

“It’s not that bad, just try it. All preachers and priests wear them,” Veronica said.

“Do you have something simple?” I asked, looking at Thomas.

Thomas laid out the four vestments on the couch that he had brought and I looked them over. “What do I wear with them?” I said to no one in particular.

“You just put them over your clothes you have on,” Thomas said.

I saw a light tan one with a dark brown rope belt and said, “Maybe that one. Red, blue or white will not work for me.”

“Well, try it on,” Veronica said, seemingly inpatient with me. Sometimes she makes me feel like I was her child, but then I probably acted like one sometimes.

Thomas picked it up and handed it toward me. I took it from Thomas then slipped it over my head as I looked in the mirror by the dresser. “I look almost like a monk,” I said.

“It looks great Jack,” Veronica said. “You will be fine. You need to play the part, so quit whining. Here, let me straighten your belt.” She adjusted and retied the rope belt then stepped back from me to admire her work. “Looks good Jack, grab your staff and let’s see how it will be.”

I took my right hand and picked up the staff from the bed, turned and looked at my flock. “That will work and now you do look like a witness. As well you should,” she said.

Each of them agreed, so I reluctantly said, “Okay. Before you go, can we all pray together? I really think I need your prayers and Thomas would you lead us?”

The others and I kneeled down, I held the staff with my right hand, and Thomas began to speak, “Oh Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ, please pass among us your wisdom and help us O lord to pass the same upon the people. We know your desire and will comply with your wishes within our human abilities and proclaim your word and that of your son, Jesus Christ, unto the nations. Lord, as you send your witness into the world tonight, fill him with the Holy Spirit that he may proclaim and show your power to the world. In addition, one final request dear Lord, in this time of Tribulation, those whom you take, may they be sealed by the love and blood of Christ. Amen.”

We all got up and I walked over to my desk, and took a folded piece of paper off the top and handed it to Thomas. “When I come out onto the stage and I ask you to lead us in prayer, say this prayer. It was on one of the pages I read.”

“I will,” Thomas, said, “I will.”

As they were walking out the door, Veronica came over and said, “Shraya said to do this at the beginning, then they will listen,” as she handed me a small scroll. “And Jack, regarding the staff, you know you can hand it over to a man of God. Read the chapters in Exodus about Moses in front of the Pharaoh and Aaron. It is important to know when you can and when you cannot use the staff and pass on the power to another.” She also then handed me a Bible.

Chapter 132

5:50 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

We had just finished the interviews in Houston and Mississippi and were going to the weather updates in Africa and onto the status of the hurricanes, then the final news commentary. I was waiting for the go ahead from commercials. As I turned once again to face the camera, I watched the seconds click by, three, two, and one.

“Welcome back to the summary part of the day’s newscast, tonight. We have with us again, Chester Nichols, our meteorologist with the latest on the rains in Northern Africa and the now two hurricanes in the Atlantic. Chester?”

The satellite pictures of Northern Africa were on the screen as Chester began speaking, “Thanks John, as you can see with the satellite picture here of Northern Africa and parts of the Mideast, the rains are still coming down. Today is the third day and flooding is becoming widespread, especially near the rivers where most of the major cities are. We show on our graphic the total rainfall since it started, by using different colors. The darker areas represent heavy amounts of rain and the lighter areas, less. In some places it has exceeded twenty-four inches, most of that in the Sahara Desert. However, it is a steady rainfall of about a quarter inch of rain an hour over most of the affected areas. However, that equates to six inches of rain a day. At this rate, in thirty days it would equate to one-hundred inches of rain. This would cause incredible damage to the areas where it is raining that we cannot even begin to calculate.”

The graphic changed again showing the enhanced satellite photo. It covered an area that looked as if it was all the way from the Virgin Islands to Puerto Rico, but still mostly in the Atlantic. Chester stated, “In the Atlantic, Hurricane Alex has now reached category two status and is still on track, as best as we can tell, to the Galveston, Houston area. A new tropical storm, Baxter has reached winds of up to, fifty-five miles per hour. Like Alex it is, considered a hurricane. At the moment, Baxter is tracking the exact same paths as Alex has been, and almost right behind it.”

“Chester, how long does it take a hurricane to get to our coast from Africa on average?”

“That depends. It could track fast or it could track slowly, so anywhere from six to seven days, up to two weeks.”

“Thanks Chester. It looks like, as we were expecting, they are on the same path as Jack said they would be. Moving on, we have one of our correspondents in Cairo, the capital of Egypt, with a live report.” Turning to the monitor John says, “Eric?”

“Yes John, this is Eric Kuhl. As you can see, all around me the rain is still coming down and has not stopped since Tuesday morning. The Nile is spilling out of its banks. President Mohamed Basarick declared martial law this afternoon and they have started evacuating as much of the city as they can. If you will remember, we were concerned about the Aswan Dam, but for the moment, it seems to be holding.”

“Any property damage or deaths reported Eric?”

“No John, not at this time, but they usually don’t report things quickly here. It is usually days before we get word.”

“Thanks Eric, please be safe and we will get back to you soon.”

“Thanks John, this is Eric Kuhl reporting from Cairo, Egypt.”

“We will be back with our final comment after these words,” John said to the camera. He leaned back in his chair and said to himself, the next three hours will change history forever. He got up to get a drink.

Chapter 133

6:15 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, staging area, Reverend Thomas

I had the choirs and singers in place on the stage and was doing a last minute check with the sound technicians and the cameras. He had a featured renowned international singing star that was going to sing with the award winning acclaimed Black Choir from Center Church in Chicago. The choir had made the pilgrimage, at their own expense. They had paid their own expenses through donations from their church. Sarah would be singing the lead to “Amazing Grace” as the last song before Jack came onto the stage. He also had three other choirs from the Kansas City area that would be performing before her.

They were all in the display building at the south side of the Memorial, where the directors from Bear News were giving last minute instructions to the performers. He noticed also that some very high profile local talent was there, Clyde West, a local country singer was going to sing an Elvis spiritual song, ‘Mama Liked the Roses.’ He would be first on and backed up by the local Methodist Church choir. His band and the Kansas City Philharmonic, as all the singers were singing with them. With the philharmonic volunteering, this was turning into quite a production. The Philharmonic was also performing one of the scores from the “Messiah” from Handel.

I felt he had done as well as I could and he hoped Jack approved of the songs. Jack had been lenient in letting him do the choosing of songs for the pre-sermon entertainment. Thomas knew that people expected this prior to hearing God’s word, and it put them in the mood. Song and prayer always did.

I walked up to Clyde and said, “You have about ten minutes. I will start with a prayer, and then you will come to center stage. You and the choir need to get into position now please.”

“No problem Reverend,” Clyde said. “I am ready. I just need to plug in my guitar and the band is already out there. We practiced with the orchestra. Its’ gonna sound pretty.”

Chapter 134

6:26 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

I looked around the stage. He noticed Reverend Mark’s, or Thomas’ as Jack called him, crew was getting everything ready. The camera people had been getting film of the dignitaries and guests who were, being, seated on the stage behind the bulletproof glass, which included many of the world’s power brokers, commonly known as The Waldger Group. My co-anchors had been doing commentary since 6:00. My thoughts were on the fact that my entire career had been, based on attacking this group and for the first time ever, I had many of them just a few feet away from me. I had really wanted to walk among them and ask for interviews, but that would not be appropriate today.

I was sure that in lieu of God’s Witness coming forward, The Waldger Group was the one that would battle them. This was, described in Revelations that I read up on just a couple of nights ago. Would the Group be the ones to produce the Antichrist and the False Prophet? I had a feeling on what the truth was. In the past few days, I had brushed up on Daniel and Revelations, and it was all beginning to make sense to me.

I noticed sitting with the dignitaries the young previous Jewish, now Catholic Bishop from Africa, Praterus was here. Some called him Peter and he was here with Cardinal Luke Richital, who was from the Vatican. I wondered if there was a connection. It was very unusual for an event like this to have them both attend, even though the rumor was they were representing the Pope.

Praterus was, rumored to be, when the current Pope dies, the possible successor to the Papacy. His background was that he was born a Jew, then became Catholic at a very young age when his mother remarried after the death of her first husband, and became Catholic herself. He then became almost an overnight success as a young man in the church, taking the oath of celibacy when he was 18. He climbed through the maze of Catholic politics very quickly and now at the young age of thirty-four, was the youngest ever Bishop in the history of the church. He is quite powerful and known by many.

I also noticed Aafre Waldger was already seated, the somewhat self-proclaimed leader, the Chairman of the Board. At least that is what I had been reporting all these years. It seemed that no matter what was occurring in the world of politics, finance or even sometimes, I thought, criminal acts, somehow the road always led to him. Nothing, could ever be, proven, for they controlled the media, at least until Jack showed up. His holding companies, I knew, controlled a string of news media outlets and movie studios around the world that usually kept public opinion in his and his members favor.

I noticed the Baroness Sherry Billings from England was here also, but then she had attended every meeting of The Waldger Group since I could remember. She was also accompanied by the Prime Minister of England, Sir Richard Weingart, who we all knew was a lifetime member of the Waldger Group. There has to be a connection with Revelations. There was no doubt, I thought. It was maybe time to find out what. I noticed that well over one-hundred of their members were here on the stage and in public for the very first time together. This included every leader of the Common Market countries and most western ones also. That made it even more interesting. Why would they now come out in public and not behind closed doors? Moreover, why would the, President of the United States openly be seen talking to Aafre in public?

I guess Jack was right. The time had come for the new world order to take shape and it was time for God to take back the earth, and that will be a battle.

Chapter 135

6:30 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial Stage

Ann Said to me, John we are starting, as Thomas walked out onto the stage. Most of the microphones were remote; therefore, he did not walk up to the mic stands. He then stood in the middle of the stage and said, “Welcome,” to the multitudes that are, assembled. He then turned to his left and welcomed those on stage.

“To all of you that have taken time from you busy schedules to come witness the first sermon from God’s Witness. It is a pleasure to have you. I am sure God is pleased that so many leaders of the world are here tonight.”

He then walked to the edge of the stage, which overlooked Union Station and started addressing the massive crowd, “Tonight, as we all know, God’s Witness, Jack South, will talk to you within the next hour. However, before that, we have for you some spiritual songs performed by many your local talent in Kansas City. We also have worldwide acclaimed talent who will praise God and his son Jesus Christ.”

“Before we start the evening’s program, I would like to make a very important announcement. Jack South has requested that there be no offering collected at this event. What that means is, if you see people coming around saying donate to God, donate to Jack, or the word offering, they are professional cons and thieves. This program has not, and will not ask you for money. If you hear of someone requesting funds, then please report it to the nearest official. Jack does ask though, that if you wish to give an offering, you hold onto that wish till you return to your communities and give back to them or your church.” He paused, and asked everyone to bow his or her heads and said an opening prayer. After his amen, he said, “Now with that said, here is Kansas City’s singing star, Clyde West, singing ‘Mama Liked the Roses.’”

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