The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch (5 page)

BOOK: The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch
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Chapter 12

7:30 AM EST Day one of 1260 New York - The Network Interview Studio

Mark leaned over to me and said, “You know the producer is right. If you have caused a panic, you can and will be, prosecuted. And it will not take them long to come get you.”

“First of all,” I said, “that is why we hired you to make sure that does not happen. Secondly, if what I said is going to happen does actually happen, then I did not cause a panic and I am sure you are aware that prosecuting me for foretelling an event is not against any law. Nevertheless, we will wait until the earthquake hits, and then we can go. They might in the meantime think, I believe, that I might get arrested if we stay here until then.”

Mark just looked at me.

I then suggested he call his office and start running interference. “Contact Homeland Security and the FBI and tell them I am your client and send the additional video out of this guy’s tirade. Anyway, I am sure they most likely will not really be interested in arresting me or taking me in for questioning as of yet anyway.”

I watched as Mark sauntered away and started making calls and uploading, I assumed, the video of the producer’s tirade between him and I moments ago. Then I thought to myself, I was probably rude to Mark, but decided not to say anything for now. I looked at my watch again. This time is was 7:32 a.m. I wished I had access to a computer. I was curious as to what blogs were saying in regards to the video and the reaction to the full interview. I hoped that by the time, the day was over, all the participants in this show and its anchor would be history, and looking for a job somewhere else. I doubted this would happen. However, even more so, that the American public has lost faith in their primary network and would quit believing the stuff they fabricate or lie about. That would be a victory. Disabling The Network was a primary target. It was now 7:33 a.m., twenty-six minutes to go, as I waited on the couch.

Chapter 13

7:44 AM EST Day one of 1260 New York - The Network, Anchor Brad William’s Dressing Room

The makeup people had been waiting for Brad to come back into his dressing room to do the customary touch up before he went back on the anchor desk. As he entered the room, Sherry said, “Brad do you want us to do some touch up?” She could see he was quite angry.

“I need all of you out of here now. And I mean now!” yelling at them.

“Sure Mr. Williams.” She motioned to her assistant and they scuttled out the door as quickly as they could go. She noticed he made no additional comments as they were leaving. That was good for them.

As I watched them leave, I sat down in my chair and realized that I should not have been so rude. However, I was quite upset, not only with Jack, but also with myself for losing my temper. How this idiot had gotten the best of me, I had no idea. I looked at my watch it said 7:46. Lucky thirteen minutes left to go before Jack South was, proven a liar. Then I would go on the air, and make a statement to that fact and start the process of destroying him. I do not like someone making me look like an idiot. I knew I should be on the news desk right now, but after the tirade with Mr. South, I really needed to calm down and get myself together. I had even tried walking around the Garden Roof to get my composure back, but I was still quite angry.

As I was sitting in my chair, I was thinking that, in spite of the fact that this person probably broke the law with Homeland Security and was a nut, I had failed to get what was, asked of me. In hindsight, I knew I should have kept probing this person and made a fool out of him. After all, I was Brad Williams, the best at this. Somehow, South got the best of me instead.

Who in the world would ever believe his story anyway? God gave him the numbers and God was going to destroy Southern California? What really bothered me was that Jack had said that if the network did not warn the people and the authorities, then the death and injury toll would be almost ten times more than what it would be if they did inform them. The other fact is, with the odds at zero, he did win the lotteries, and maybe he could tell the future. I stopped myself from thinking this way. No one could predict such an event with exact details. It was not possible. I still had a bad feeling about all of this and I was getting concerned.

I leaned back in my dressing room chair and closed my eyes trying to clear my head. I had to get back on in a few minutes and act as if nothing had happened. All of a sudden, I heard the door open abruptly and I came immediately awake. I glanced at the page standing there and then looked at my watch. It was 8:00 a.m. I must have dozed off.

The page, looking sheepish, said, “You need to come immediately to the Control Room, Mr. Williams. The interview you gave is all over the internet, every word of it. You walking out, everything you said, and also the producers comments afterwards to Jack.”

“What?” Brad said. “How in the hell did that happen?” I ran all the way to the newsroom.

By the time I made it to the Network Control Room at around 8:01 a.m., everyone was looking at the big sixty-seven inch high definition screen on the back wall. The sound was, turned up very high. On the screen was the news anchor for KTIB in Los Angeles, one of our affiliates, was stating a major quake had just hit the area. We could all see the shaking right on TV. I looked at my watch. It was 8:02. I went to a chair in the corner and just sank into it.

Jack South was right and I just blew the biggest story of my career. I began watching the clips on the internet with the computer monitor next to me, showing me walking out of the interview with Jack, and all the rest of it, including me cussing him out. I knew then it was all over the world, and all the other networks. This might just end my career. Jack set me up.

Chapter 14

8:03 AM EST Day one of 1260 days New York - The Network Control Room

As they were watching the news from California, the screen went blank. “Oh my God,” one of the pages said. The engineer in the room started scanning channels and picked up their affiliate in San Diego where the news flashes were just coming in from the Los Angeles area, in southern California. The time on the West Coast was now 5:04 a.m.

Brad knew he should have been on the desk immediately broadcasting, but all he could do was sit and stare at the screen. The other monitor in the room showed his co-anchors, Nancy Arms and Catherine Kwan now broadcasting live from the anchor desk as the information was coming in from various sources around the affected areas.

The door of the control room opened and Joe Biggman entered the room. He immediately looked over at me and said, “You royally screwed that one up didn’t you?” Joe then turned to the producer and said, “Your tirade is all over the internet now also, every word of it.” He then turned again back to me and said, “Where is the paper he gave you during the interview?” I reached inside my pocket and withdrew the wadded up ball, of paper and I was trying to smooth it out. Joe literally grabbed it out of my hand, smoothed it out on the counter, opened it, and scanned the information on the page. He then asked to no one in particular, “What was the exact time of the quake?”

One of the news support gurus said, “Exactly 7:59 EST, sir.”

Then he said, “Do we know the magnitude yet?”

“7.9 sir, and before you ask, it was centered in the exact spot that Mr. South said it would be, and as best we can ascertain, it shook a little over 7 minutes preliminary data shows exactly 422 seconds.”

He looked around the room then focused his attention to Jonathan Langer again. “So Mr. South tells Brad here, if he doesn’t air this interview then a certain amount of people will die and be injured, but if you do, then only around ten percent of that number. Therefore, instead of going with it, Brad cuts the show off. Then Mr. South’s attorney tapes you threatening him with going to jail.” Joe looks to the others in the room. “So we have 90% of the deaths on us because we would not air it, correct?” No one said a word. All that could be, heard were the computers and the monitors. Finally, he said, “Does anyone know where this Mr. Jack South is at the moment?”

Jonathan piped up and said, “I think he is sitting on the couch in the interview room where we left him.”

“Well that surprises me. Why is he there, may I ask?”

“Well, I told him I was sending a tape to Homeland Security and he would be placed under arrest. I told him not to leave.”

“What did he say?”

“He basically said that when this was all over, I would be lucky to get a job hauling garbage in Jersey.”

“He’s probably right, anything else?”

“Yeah, he gave everyone the pick three and picks four numbers for the New York drawing tonight.”

“Well, considering his track record and your unemployment as of now, I suggest you go by a ticket. You may need the money.”

He then turned his attention to Brad. “Okay, here is what we are going to do for damage control. See if you can get Mr. South on the air live and let him tell his story. Mess this up Brad and you will be like this idiot, referring to his producer, whom no longer works here, and will never work in TV again as long as I am around.”

Joe then stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him.

Chapter 15

8:15 AM
Day one of 1260 days New York - The Network Interview Studio

Mark said to me, “Jack, let’s get out of here before I can’t help you.”

“They will be here any minute and when they do, start taping again. I mean everything. Tape it all.”

“Okay,” he paused, “You’re footing the bill, and it’s your butt, not mine.” I was getting tired of Jack’s attitude.

Immediately to my right, I noticed Michelle came running across the studio aiming for me. She stopped and started stuttering and said, “Ja, Jack they want you upstairs in the newsroom. You were right about everything, and they, they want you in, in the newsroom please. Sorry I am a bit nervous.”

“I understand Michelle, but we are leaving now. I just called for my car,” I lied. “We are going over to Bear News, where we are not treated like garbage. Also, tell your superiors that members of your staff have threatened me and within the next twenty-four hours, The Network will be receiving a lawsuit in regards to my treatment from your producer, Jonathan Langer and your anchor, Brad Williams. It will also include breach of contract.”

I turned away from her and said, “Let’s go Mark. We are going over to the renegade network, Bear News,” loud enough that anyone within fifteen feet could hear. “We will be live in an hour or so.”

As we had just made it to the elevator, we saw Brad Williams running down the hall with a microphone in his hand and two camera operators in tow. As they got to within about three feet of us, the elevator door opened and Mark and I entered.

Brad put one of his hands in to stop the doors from closing and said, “Jack we need to talk. You can say anything you want, but I need you to come back to the studio.” He then hesitated and then said, “We will do it live and we won’t cut any of it out, not one word.”

Still in the elevator, I leaned out and said, “Are those cameras live right now?”

“Yes,” Brad answered.

“Then listen to this. Since you would not let me warn people of a natural disaster and instead of a few dying and being injured, now 90% more are suffering. That would not have happened if you had let me finish to begin with. It is your show. You explain it to the people of California.” With that said I stepped back and allowed the elevator doors to close with Brad staring and looking like he was in total shock.

As the elevator took us down and the doors opened, we walked from the elevator and out the side door that we had entered earlier this morning. I figured we would take a cab over to Bear News, but as we stepped out the door, a man handed me a folded slip of paper and said, “Over here sir.” I unfolded the paper and looked at it. It said that I was to follow this man and was, signed by Gabriel.

The man led us to a limousine and opened up the passenger door. I saw Ariel and Gabriel sitting inside. Ariel said, “Get in.”

Chapter 16

3:25 AM CEST Day one of 1260 Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, David Matthew’s Office

At my computer, I was watching both Bear News and The Network News on my thirty-six inch desktop monitor about the earthquake in California using split screens. On another monitor, I was replaying the internet video feed of the interrupted interview with Jack South. I had just finished speaking with my superior, Aafre Waldger, who told me to find out everything about Jack South and how he was able to predict this so accurately. I was also to monitor his movements, wherever he goes.

As instructed, I then called an associate we had used before in New York to start tracking Jack and whoever was with him. The man we would now use was not conventional, and to be honest, he was something of a shadowy figure that took chances. However, we needed answers, and he was the best. My instructions to Presley was to use whatever tracking means necessary to keep 24/7 tabs on Jack and to give updates via text to my cell phone. He was to include pictures if possible. No contact and no rough stuff were to be, used period. As of right now, we knew Jack had left the Morning Headlines Studios in New York and had refused any more interviews with them. We also knew that Jack had stated that he was going to Bear News. This concerned us.

Bear was a renegade network that had no ties to The Waldger Group. They helped other critics of them monitor their activities. They were good at broadcasting a lot of innuendo about The Waldger Group that was primarily about one world government and their ability to control the economy, the governments, and the officials of the entire world. Bear News implied they were a hidden government that governed the public ones. Therefore, according to Bear News, The Waldger Group was working in the shadows, pulling the strings worldwide.

I smiled to myself, the reality of it was, they were right. However, Jack South seemed to be a problem and somehow, I had this feeling, very soon, South would start attacking The Waldger Group also. When that happened, he would probably be, told by his handlers to get the CIA or Homeland Security involved. They would need far more in-depth interrogation, in order to find out what ‘South really knows. As of yet, that order had not been given. He was, told not to do anything other than track this person. Jack was under any circumstances was not to be, interrogated, or harassed by any agency, anywhere. Using our extensive resources, we had gotten the word out to several worldwide agencies, to let South do whatever he was doing for now and to not, make a move on him until they were, told to.

Amazing, I thought. We can actually tell the CIA, FBI, Interpol, and even Mossad what they can and cannot do.

I started thinking again about Jack going to Bear. Who knows what he will say or how things might go. The one thing we knew for sure is that this person has an uncanny power to see the future or has a direct link to something or someone not of this world. This makes Jack unique. That also makes Jack valuable. If he knows what was going to happen on a worldwide scale, then he needs to be, controlled, if that was at all possible.

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