The Gift of Love (11 page)

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Authors: Peggy Bird

BOOK: The Gift of Love
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Well, sexy, too. The table was small. He could see her slender legs crossed under it. With the foot not on the ground, she was bouncing her completely inappropriate red shoe on the tips of her toes. It was mesmerizing to watch. Twist the curl. Bounce the shoe. Twist the curl. Bounce the shoe.

This time his feet wouldn’t stop moving but took him straight to the table where she was sitting. When she looked up and saw him, a smile lit up her face and warmed him all over.

“You came. I wasn’t sure you would.” She indicated the chair opposite her. “Can I get you a glass of wine? A drink?”

He dropped to the chair and shrugged off his raincoat. “Ah, sure. That would be great.”


“Which what?”

“Which do you want—a glass of wine or a drink?”

“Whatever you’re having is fine.”

She looked around for the server, caught his eye, and indicated they needed another glass of wine. “So, did you get your problem sorted out with Nate after I left?”

“Yes, of course. But before we get to the small talk, can I explain something?”

“What do you need to explain?”

“I imagine you think I’m some sort of nut case, the way I chased you the last time you were in the office then ignored you today.”

“I’m not sure I’d describe it that way, but it did seem a bit… ... well, maybe odd is the best word.”

He could feel his face flushing slightly. It made him uncomfortable. He never blushed. How the hell did this woman put him so far off track? “I’m not sure how to explain. Where to begin.”

“The beginning is usually the best place.”

“I guess the beginning is, I’m a very organized person. I plan everything carefully. It’s how I get things done. How I feel comfortable.”

The server interrupted with his glass of red wine.

“Anyway, I’ve always been careful about my social life. The relationships I’ve had with women are usually based on friendship or a business connection. Never an across-a-crowded-room meeting. I’ve never in my life chased a woman the way I chased you after seeing you in a crowd.”

“I’d hardly say you chased me.”

“It feels like I did. I saw you. I wanted to meet you. I tracked you down. It’s as close to stalking as I’m likely to get.” He took a large gulp of liquid courage.

Although she smiled as she said it, when she commented, “I’ve never much liked the idea of being stalked,” he frowned. Had she objected to his attention? His expression must have registered with her because she quickly added, “But I didn’t feel stalked. Really.”

“Seriously? I think that’s close to what I did. Calling Marius? That’s not me. Showing up at an art gallery to meet someone I don’t know? I’ve never even had a blind date because I don’t like the uncertainty of it.” The stem of his wine glass suddenly seemed of infinite interest requiring him to study it carefully.

“Well, technically, you’re still safe there because you didn’t show up on time for the fix-up.” She was making fun of him, he was pretty sure.

“Yes, well, that’s another thing out of character. I’m never late for anything.”

He paused before looking up from his glass. “Then, I’ve always had a policy not to date my clients. It’s too complicated. Too likely to interfere with doing good work.” He drank about half of the wine left in his glass. The alcohol was making it easier to be honest with her. “And my job… ... my career… ... has always been the most important thing in my life.”

“And it shows. According to Nate, you made partner sooner than anyone in the history of the firm.”

“Yes, it’s true.” He couldn’t figure out why Nate would have told her that. “How did the topic of my partnership come up in conversation?”

“I asked about you.” She raised an eyebrow at him and laughed. “Don’t look so surprised. Surely you noticed what happened when we shook hands. I’m not immune to chemistry. I hoped you weren’t either. So I asked about you.”

“What else did he say?”

“Not much. He said told me you work with tech firms and small start-ups. Said you were hellishly smart. He didn’t warn me off you by telling me about some company policy about dating clients, although he did tell me you were unattached at the moment.”

“Well, it’s not official company policy. It’s unofficial, I guess you can say.”

She leaned across the table and touched his hand.

“Taylor, I’m not your client. My boss is your boss’s client.”

“Technically, Nate and I are equals because we’re both partners.”

“But you still think of him as your boss, don’t you?”

“Yes. How did you know?”

“The way you relate to him. Let’s get back to the unofficial official policy of not dating clients. Do you really mean it?”

“I don’t know right now. I guess I think it’s the right approach most of the time, but maybe there should be some exceptions.” He wasn’t sure which was muddling his mind more, the alcohol or the warmth of her touch.

When he didn’t continue with an explanation of what those exceptions might be, she shook her head. “Okay, let me see if I have it right so far. In a nutshell, what you’ve told me is, you’ve never been attracted to someone without a plan in mind for the relationship, so when you felt this chemistry ... and please tell me you feel the same chemistry I do ...”

She waited for him to nod before continuing. “So, you were wrong-footed by feeling this chemistry without a plan, then undone when you found out I was a sort-of client, which is, I am to assume, the reason you didn’t call. And today, in spite of all that, you debated for approximately ...” She looked at her phone. “Approximately fifty-nine minutes about whether you should come down to the bar to meet me.”

She smiled at him, a bit wistfully, he thought. “I’d even go so far as to say you probably hesitated when you got to the bar door, trying to decide if you should come in. And now you’re trying to rationalize sitting here with me by thinking up some exception to a rule that really doesn’t exist even though you obey it.” She shrugged. “Have I about covered it?”

“It didn’t sound quite as absurd when I was thinking about it, but, yes, I guess you have.” He finished his glass of wine. “You’re not at all like anyone I’ve ever met.”

“That makes me happy.” This smile crinkled her eyes in a most appealing way. “I like being different from other people in your life.” She waved to the server for their bill.

“Let me.” He reached for the check as soon as the waiter put it on the table.

She moved it away from his hand. “Nope. I asked you here. I pick up the tab. Besides, one glass of wine is hardly worth arm-wrestling over, is it? You can pay for dinner.”

He wasn’t sure he heard her correctly. “Dinner?”

“Yes, you know the meal you eat in the evening. Sometimes even with someone you think might be good company.”

“Ah, yes. Dinner.” It took a moment for it to sink in. “Right. Dinner. You mean tonight? You and me?”


“Okay, I’ll get dinner. There’s a French bistro I like a couple blocks from here. Sound good to you?”

He wasn’t sure if she was having second thoughts or was stunned when she didn’t answer right away. “Wow,” she eventually said. “That was easier than I thought it would be. I was thinking I’d have to put up a fuss to get you to ask a client to dinner, it being against your rules and all.”

“I thought you said you weren’t a client. But even if you are, you were the one who did the asking, weren’t you? So, technically, I didn’t make the request. I was invited.”

“Let’s not get hung up on details.” She signed the credit card receipt the server put in front of her. “I’m hungry. I have no plans for dinner, and I’d like to continue this conversation.” She rose from her chair and handed him her raincoat so he could help her put it on. “You interest me, Taylor Jordan. I want to find out what makes you tick. So, however you parse the words, we’re having dinner together and you’re paying for it.”

As they walked out of the building, the same stupid second thoughts wormed their way into his mind. He was going to have to work hard to keep her from doing what she said she wanted to do. If she ever found out
about him, he was doomed. Yet he couldn’t seem to keep himself from wanting to spend time with her. He didn’t know what the hell was going on—all he knew was he both wanted to be with her and thought he shouldn’t. So far, tonight, the wanting was winning.

• • •

Bella didn’t know what had come over her. She’d never flirted so obviously with any man. Had never had to. She’d spent most of her life since adolescence being the flirt-ee, not the flirt-er. The interchange with Taylor showed she liked turning the tables.

Six months ago, she’d have never thought to declare her interest in getting to know a man or asking him to take her to dinner. Without a doubt, her time with Summer and BU/MU had built her confidence, made her a stronger and more self-reliant woman. She’d assumed the sense of purpose she was developing would be reflected primarily in her professional life. But she was wrong. It seeped into her personal life, too. Like tonight. When she took a chance and got what she wanted—dinner with Taylor Jordan and a chance to see if he was as interesting up close and personal as he was at first meeting.

As a bonus, she was in a restaurant she’d never have found on her own. As soon as they walked in, she knew it would be good. The smell of something delicious made her realize how hungry she really was. She decided to let him order and wasn’t disappointed with his choices. He asked for a bottle of a Northwest pinot noir and a charcuterie platter, laden with interesting cuts of sausages and pâtés. Then their server brought a large plate of melted raclette cheese with potatoes and pickles on the side. She not only liked the food, she loved he had ordered only things to share.

Conversation over dinner came more easily than she expected, given the rather awkward circumstances of their being together. They talked a little about where they grew up and went to college. He waved off any talk of work, which she assumed was because of his “no client dating” rule. It was when he asked if Nate’s comment was correct about her having done or seen nothing other than work since she moved to Seattle, that things got interesting.

“I’m afraid he wasn’t exaggerating. If it’s not in my apartment, my cubicle, or the MBA office, I haven’t seen it,” she confessed. “I’ve been so busy trying to sort out what’s going on with the expansion, I haven’t had much time to find out what’s going on in the city.”

“You haven’t been to the Pike Place Market?”

She shook her head.

“The outdoor sculpture garden?”

Another head shake.

“Ridden a ferry? Gone to the symphony? Visited The Museum of Flight?”

“No, no, and no.”

“As a native of the city, I’m appalled. You’re missing out on the real reasons to live in Seattle. If you don’t enjoy things like that, all you’re left with is rain and traffic congestion.”

She laughed. “I certainly didn’t mean to let down the locals. I promise I’ll ride the monorail and get myself to the Space Needle soon.”

“It’s touristy and there are other places more interesting, although the view of the city from there is pretty spectacular.” He scooped up the last bit of cheese from the platter. “I think Nate’s right. You need a tour guide to show you around.”

“Do you know anyone who’s qualified?” She was hopeful she knew where this conversation was going, but she fought hard not to have her face show it.

“Yeah. Me. What are you doing tomorrow?”

“You don’t have to give up your Saturday because Nate made a silly comment. And what about that rule of yours?”

“First of all, I’m not volunteering because of Nate. I’ve enjoyed tonight. I think it would be fun to show you around tomorrow. Second, I’m not dating you. I’m acting as your tour guide to introduce you to the city I love.”

“Of course. Sorry. How could I have possibly misunderstood?” She could feel her heart rate kick up a notch or two. He
interested. “I’m absolutely free tomorrow. And I’d love to have a native show me around the city. Where shall I meet you and what time?”

“Let’s start with Pike Place Market. About two. Wear warm clothes. We might do something near the water. And if you’re up for it, we can have dinner in an Italian place I know nearby.”

“Are you sure you want to spend all day playing guide?”

He grinned. “Oh, I’m willing to throw myself on this particular grenade. For the good of the city, of course.”

“Right. The good of the city.” She grinned back. “Okay, then, the Market, dinner, and whatever else you have in mind sounds great.”

“I’ll make reservations at the restaurant, assuming they have a table available. They’re busy on Saturdays because they have interesting entertainment as well as good food.”

By the time they had firmed up their plans for the next day, they were on the way out of the bistro. “Thank you for dinner. It was fun,” she said.

“You’re welcome. I enjoyed it, too. Do you have a car around someplace?” he asked.

“In the garage near your building.”

“I’ll walk you there.”

From the look in his eyes when they reached her little Kia, she thought he might be about to kiss her. Instead, he merely touched her face with the tips of his fingers and said, “See you tomorrow, then.”

Every cell in her cheek woke up and told its neighbor to pay attention to what was going on. The awareness of his touch went down her face to her neck and chest and would have traveled even further if he hadn’t moved his hand.

It took a deep gulp of oxygen to unscramble her brain so she could pay attention to what was going on. His mouth was doing something. Not kissing her, sadly, but maybe saying something. At least she thought he was talking about something. It was difficult to tell when she was this discombobulated.

“Do you know where it is?” he was asking when she tuned back in to him.

Unfortunately, she had no idea what he was talking about. “Where

“The place in the Market where the guys throw the fish around.”

She hoped it was too dark for him to see how fast she was turning red from embarrassment but managed to get out, “I think I do. It’s at the main entrance, isn’t it?”

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