The Gift of My Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Book 9) (8 page)

BOOK: The Gift of My Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Book 9)
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“Hey, everything okay in here?” Mathis asked from the door.

“Could you see if the twins have something Elisapie can borrow to sleep in?” Margot asked as the little girl began to quiet. How could parents send their child away with nothing except the clothes on her back?

“Of course, I’ll be back in a jiffy,” Mathis said winking at Elisapie.

Margot used the corner of her shirt to wipe the girls face. Then she lifted off the little shirt the girl wore. “Me do it,” the child complained.

“Okay, you finish getting undressed and I’ll help Cybille.” Margot crossed to the crib and finished getting the toddler ready for bed.

Mathis walked in with a purple shirt. “It’s not much, but we can go shopping tomorrow.” He put it over Elisapie’s head. “Hey, where’d she go?” The little girl giggled and Mathis pulled the shirt down. “Oh, there she is.” He picked her up. “Now that everyone is in their sleeping attire, let’s have a story before bed.”

Margot picked up Cybille and followed Mathis from the room. He gathered all the children in the twins’ room before sitting on one of the beds. Margot sat on the other bed with Cybille in her lap. Ila and Nuvuk joined her, while Tikaani and Ukiuk joined Mathis and Elisapie.

“Once upon a time, a huge amarok crossed the ice and came to a frozen island. On the island he found a young woman. She was very cold. So the amarok built her a snow den and then wrapped himself around the girl to keep her warm…” Mathis began.

Margot listened almost as mesmerized as the children while her mate wove a story of survival and self-sacrifice turning to love. Susan and Ujarak joined them leaning against the door frame. Cybille began to rub at her eyes and snuggled a little closer. Margot patted her gently encouraging the toddler to relax. Nuvuk moved to lay on his stomach, while Ila leaned against her. Ukiuk laid her head in her brother’s lap, while Tikaani petted her hair. Elisapie yawned, fighting the need to sleep.

“When the amarok realized that Arnaq was his mate, he was filled with joy. Never again would he be alone in the world…” Mathis continued.

Nuvuk sighed deeply, slipping into sleep. Ila laid her head on Margot’s knee and blinked, her eyes heavy. Tikaani leaned against Mathis, while Ukiuk breathed deeply.

“The children were strong and their pack was successful at the hunt. The amarok counted his many blessings and thanked the goddess he had found Arnaq.” Mathis finished the story, smiling at Margot.

Susan slipped into the room taking Cybille, while Ujarak lifted Nuvuk in his arms. Margot slipped from the bed and maneuvered Ila under the covers. Susan hurried back for Elisapie and Mathis stood. Ujarak helped a sleepy Tikaani from the bed.

“Mathis,” the boy said in a sleepy whisper. “Will you tell us a story again tomorrow?”

“Sure, now go to bed, sleepy head.” Mathis ruffled the boy’s hair and then put Ukiuk under the covers.

Margot stood by the door as Mathis turned off the light. Ujarak and Susan met them in the hall and they quickly tiptoed down the stairs.

“I don’t know if there is anything in the kitchen. I could use a cup of tea,” Margot said. “Does anyone else need anything?”

“I’ll take Susan home and be back to help guard the property,” Ujarak said.

“Guard the property? Do you really think that’s necessary?” Susan asked.

“Probably not tonight, I’d still feel better with someone on watch. It’s been a very long day and Margot and I need some rest,” Mathis said. “Ujarak can you pick up something for breakfast for the children? We’ll have to go shopping tomorrow.”

“I’ll see what I can find. Come on, Suzy Q, let’s get you home,” Ujarak said with a saucy grin.

“Stop calling me that. If you need any help with the children, Margot, let me know.” Susan followed Ujarak to the front door.

“Thank you for all the care you’ve given them. I really appreciate it, Susan.”

“Hey, I like kids. Yours are pretty special. I had fun being with them. All right, smarty pants, let’s get going.”

The door closed. Margot looked at Mathis. His gaze focused solely on her. A shiver ran down her spine.

“Finally, we are alone.”


Chapter Eight


Margot backed up a step. Mathis stalked her, his dark eyes gleaming and completely focused, as if she were prey.

“We’re hardly alone with six children sleeping upstairs,” Margot said, her heartbeat speeding. That’s all it took with this man.

“I guess we’ll have to be very quiet,” Mathis said finally reaching her.

He put his hands on the wall she didn’t realize she’d backed against. Margot’s breath caught. His eyes stared into hers, marking her, seeing into her soul. She put her hands over his heart. Then he kissed her, a slow sipping and exchange of breath. Her eyes drifted closed as he seduced her with gentle touches.

“Come to bed with me,
whispered into her mind.

Margot melted against him. He kissed her harder, pressing his tongue to the seam of her lips. She opened for him and he swept in, tasting and licking. Margot felt him tremble and he moaned softly while still exploring her mouth.

“I want you. I’m not sure I can wait to get you into bed.”

A giggle came from the stairs. Margot stiffened. Mathis groaned and pulled back to glance over his shoulder.

“I’m thirsty.” Ukiuk said, smiling at them.

Margot patted Mathis’s chest before stepping under his arm and walking to the stairs. “Only a small glass of water, or you’ll have to go to the bathroom. Come on, let’s see what’s in the kitchen.” Margot took the little girl’s hand and headed for the back of the house. Mathis followed them, but not before she noticed him adjust the impressive bulge tenting his pants. Margot coughed, smothering a laugh.

The kitchen was full of shiny steel appliances. Margot glanced around until she saw a small cabinet next to the stainless steel sink. She opened the door and found a glass inside, and filled it at the sink. “Here you go,” she said, handing the water to Ukiuk.

The child sipped her drink while staring at the kitchen around her. She looked everywhere except at the adults. When she was finished she timidly handed the glass back to Margot.

Margot smiled and patted the girl’s shoulder. “Bed now, no more excuses.”

“I’ll take her up,” Mathis offered coming forward. He picked up the little girl, giving her a peck on the nose. “It’s been a very long day and you need to rest, sweet pea.” Ukiuk giggled as Mathis carried her out of the room.

Margot smiled. Mathis was such a contradiction, one minute hard and cold, the next soft and scorching. She liked him this way too, gentle and caring. Thank goodness he had decided to claim her. For a minute she was angry, again. Two years wasted, when they could have been together starting a family.

“I already explained and asked you to forgive me. You aren’t still angry?”
Mathis stayed linked to her since they cemented the mating bond.

“Maybe a little. We could have a child of our own.”

“We will, and now we have six other children as well.”

What he said was true. If he hadn’t waited to mate her, they never would have gone to the nanuk village and wouldn’t have the children in their lives. “You have to take the good with the bad,” Margot told herself under her breath.

She opened cabinets, looking for supplies and found a jar of instant coffee and sugar packages. Not a coffee drinker, she still took note in case Ujarak or Mathis wanted some later. The refrigerator was huge, and entirely empty. There were pots and pans as well as dishes, still you couldn’t feed six children breakfast without some food. Rifling through a drawer, Margot found a pen and pad of paper.

Moving into the dining room, she sat at the large oblong table and began to make a list. The sudden ringing of the landline phone made her jump. She rushed to the wall-mounted unit and answered tentatively.

“Margot, I’m so sorry your father is being such an idiot. Jared told me you were staying at the old Hanson House. What can I do, sweetheart? Surely you need food for six children, poor dears.”

Margot felt her eyes burn. Her mom wouldn’t let her down. “Oh, Mom. We need everything. The cupboards are empty. The children need clothes. Little Elisapie was sent with only the clothes on her back.”

“Now, don’t you worry. I’ll be there in the morning and we’ll fix this. I always wanted to be a grandmother. This is going to be so much fun. Have you started the legal proceedings? We want the little ones to be legally protected.”

“Jared contacted the pack lawyers as soon as the children arrived. The parents are doing what they think is right to keep their children safe, Mom. Papers should be filed as soon as the parents sign over guardianship.”

“I should have known Jared would be on top of things. Now tell me, are you happy with your mate?”

Margot paused. Was she happy? At first she had been so angry and hurt. But Mathis showed her over and over again that he wanted her. A few minutes ago, he kissed her socks off.

“I think Mathis is an incredible mate. He is protective and caring, and he’s wonderful with the children. He makes me feel like the only woman in the world.”

“Well, that’s all that matters. I’ll see you in the morning. Love you.”

“I love you too, Mom.” Margot hung up the phone. A huge weight seemed to lift from her shoulders. Her mom had always been there for her. Her dad? She knew he loved her, he’d come around eventually, Mom would see to it.

“Who was that on the phone?” Mathis asked coming down the stairs.

“It was Mom. She’s coming over tomorrow. She said she always wanted to be a grandmother.” Margot smiled, thinking of her mother with the children.

“I’m glad. I know how close you are to her.” Mathis cupped her cheek. She leaned into his hand before turning and kissing his palm.

“For the longest time the only person I could trust was my mom. Everyone else wanted something from me.”

“I want something from you,” Mathis said wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling behind her ear. Margot chuckled. Something inside seemed to fall away. Her heart felt lighter.

“I want something from you, too.” Margot squeezed the bulge in his pants.

“You, woman, are playing with fire,” Mathis said pushing into her hand.

“Then make me burn…”




Mathis felt everything wild rise inside him to claim this woman, his woman, his mate. He swooped down, taking her mouth, trying to share her very breath. He lifted her, never releasing her lips. She circled his neck with her arms. He moaned in pleasure when she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. Mathis turned to the stairs, needing to get her to the bedroom. The rocking of her body, tightly pressed to his, as he walked, tortured them both.

Margot unbuttoned his shirt, then she pressed her hands to his naked chest. Pleasure swamped him. He loved the feel of her hands on his body. More, he needed more. They reached the bedroom. Mathis kicked the door closed behind him. He dumped Margot on the bed, ripping her boots and jeans from her body. She lifted her shirt off over her head. Mathis shrugged off his shirt and reached for his belt.

A sudden wailing filled the air, first one voice, then another. Mathis closed his eyes. Margot started to move. His eyes snapped open. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

Turning he hurried from the room. Cybille stood in her crib crying, while Elisapie lay in her bed, calling for her mother. Mathis went first to Elisapie, using his telepathy, as well as his voice, he eased her pain. When her crying finally subsided, he gave her a gentle mental push to sleep, until he awakened her. Then he went to Cybille.

“Come on, little one. You’re all right.”
I’ll have to do this for all the kids
. He soothed her and then gave her the same mental push.

He did a quick check on the other children. All of them needed some distance from their raw emotions to cope with the changes in their lives. He deepened their sleep and then worked to blunt their fears and ease their grief. He wanted the transition into their new environment to be a positive one. Finally, he could return to his mate.

He closed the door, quietly this time. Margot lay waiting for him. Her hair spread out like rays of gold around her head. She opened her arms, beckoning him closer.

“What have you been doing? What took so long?”

He smelled her arousal. He felt his body tighten. He undid his belt and removed his pants. Mathis sighed. Given her own experience, he knew she might not agree with his actions. “I gave the children a mental push to help them forget.”

“What? Mathis you can’t lock away their memories like that. It’s wrong.” She frowned and bit at her bottom lip.

“I didn’t. They’ll still remember their families. I only lessened the pain and feelings of abandonment. I made it easier for them to accept the separation.” He knelt on the bed. Reaching for her legs, he opened her wider, before settling between her thighs

“I guess that would help them adjust. They’re all exhausted, maybe they’ll sleep better.” She wrapped him close in her arms.

“I left them sound asleep.” He nuzzled her neck, and breathed deeply, taking her scent into his lungs. “I don’t think we’ll be interrupted a third time.”

She sighed and licked his ear. She was beautiful. Perfect. Everything he’d ever wanted.

“Are you ready for me,
?” Mathis pushed a finger into her core and found her hot and wet. He removed his finger and sucked the moisture off. She trembled. He pulled the mating bond tightly. Thrusting his mind into hers at the same time he filled her body. Margot cried out. Reaching for him, she yanked him closer.

He pushed deep, drew back, and pushed again. Over and over. Margot wrapped her legs around him, meeting him thrust for thrust. Desire flowed through the mating bond. Their minds filled with it, until every touch ignited their passion, every caress took them higher and higher. Their wolves rose to the surface. Sparks of light flashed around them.

Mathis licked at his mark on Margot’s shoulder. He shuddered when Margot licked his chest. She bit down, breaking the skin, licking at the wound. Her wolf claimed him, marked him as her mate.

Wild with needing her, Mathis bit her, holding his mate in place. His wolf took over. He pounded into her. Margot cried out, her orgasm sweeping through their linked minds. Her trembling body gripped his, pulled him deep. He followed her into the ether, filled her with his essence. They were linked, one soul, one body, one mind.

When Mathis could think again, he rolled to his side, taking his mate with him. He held her close to his still racing heart. He kissed her hair. “I love you, Margot. I am so glad you are mine.”

She looked up at him, her eyes shining. “I love you, too.”




Mathis awoke, his senses flaring out. His mind touched the children, finding them still asleep. He cocked his head, listening. The sound of the front door opening made him slip from the bed. He called his wolf and shifted. Using his mouth he opened the door, and padded out of the bedroom, to creep down the stairs.

A man stood next to the table. Mathis sprang, taking the man to the floor. He growled, his hot breath fanning the man’s face.

“Jeeze, Mathis, you scared me to death. Shift and help me unload the SUV. Jared sent over a ton of food. I also picked up Margot’s and your bags. I thought you might need some clothes.”

The huge wolf backed off Ujarak, smiling a wolfy grin. His brother should know better than to sneak around his house. Mathis called the change. In moments he stood, a man.

“Next time, let me know you’re here. I wouldn’t want to accidently rip out your throat.”

“There wouldn’t be anything accidental about it and you know it.” Ujarak grinned back as he led the way to the vehicle.

The night was cold. The stars spread like a blanket across the sky and winked down at them. Mathis was glad he was amarok, or he’d freeze in his naked state.

“True. I wondered what took you so long to get back.” Mathis grabbed a couple of bags filled with food.

“I thought you might want some quiet time with your mate. It’s been crazy the last couple days. Was I wrong?” Ujarak grabbed a couple as well.

“No, you’re right.” They both headed back to the house and into the kitchen. Mathis flipped on the light and sat the bags on the counter.

“Wow, I don’t think you’ve ever said that to me before. Who are you and what have you done with my brother?” Ujarak began taking items from the bag and putting them in the refrigerator.

“Very funny. I’ll get another load.” Mathis headed back outside.

It only took four more trips before all the food was inside. Mathis went out and got his duffle, and the bag he packed for Margot from before. He locked the car and carried the items upstairs into the bedroom.

Margot slept soundly, her hand under her cheek. The sheet had slid down to her waist. Her breasts rose and fell with each breath she took. His body immediately stirred just looking at her. That’s all it took, one look, one whiff of her delectable scent. He hoped it would always be this way. Tearing himself away, he went downstairs to help Ujarak finish.

Ujarak stood in the living room, a pillow and blanket in his arms, looking at the small loveseat. He turned as Mathis came down the stairs.

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