The Gift of Shayla (5 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

BOOK: The Gift of Shayla
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Adam forced himself to relax but it wasn’t easy. Not with Shayla’s pussy rhythmically squeezing his shaft. Needing a distraction, Adam leaned forward and kissed her. She opened for him, kissing him back.

Leaning forward made it easier for Rob to press farther inward. The lube was slick and cool, but Rob’s cock was hard and hot as he forged his way deeper and deeper.

“Shit, your ass is tight.” Rob’s hands squeezed Adam’s flanks. “Feels so fucking good.”

Adam felt as though he was floating. Shayla was beneath him, kissing him, letting him love her. Rob was behind him. He felt surrounded by their caring. Their love.

This was more than simply fucking. He knew it and so did they.

“Together now.” Rob leaned slightly forward. “Let’s take it slow. I don’t want to hurt you.”

It was more like rocking than thrusting. Rob allowed Adam to set the pace. He pushed forward, than pulled back. Only a few inches of his cock moved in and out of Shayla. That small motion allowed Rob’s shaft to glide in and out of his ass.

The sounds of moans mixed with whimpers of pleasure. Minutes spun out. None of them wanted this to end. But it couldn’t last.

Adam reached between Shayla’s thighs and stroked her clit. She screamed, her pussy clamping around his dick. The spasms of her orgasm triggered his, and his semen filled the tip of the condom as he came.

The rhythmic clenching set Rob off. Grabbing Adam’s hips, he gave several short, hard pumps and then groaned. Rob jerked against his back. Adam could feel the pulses of Rob’s cock. It was all he could do to keep from collapsing on top of Shayla.

He was breathing so hard he was surprised his lungs didn’t burst. Sweat coated his body. He was exhausted—mind, body and spirit.

He groaned when Rob removed his softening erection. He didn’t want him to leave. Knowing there was nothing else he could do, he pulled away from Shayla, trying to be as gentle as possible. Rob had already removed his condom and was untying Shayla’s hands.

Adam grabbed a fistful of tissues from a box on the bedside table. He carefully removed his condom, rolled the entire mess in the tissues and set it aside to dispose of later.

Rob was rubbing Shayla’s wrists and arms. Her eyes were closed, but there was a tiny smile playing around the corners of her mouth. She was totally tousled. Strands of her dark hair had escaped her braid and were curling around her forehead and throat.

He knew he should leave. His time was up. It was time for him to go home. Alone.

Rob glanced over at that moment and motioned to him. “Why don’t you lie here with Shayla while I get cleaned up?”

Unable to refuse his friend, Adam stretched out next to Shayla. She shivered. The room was growing chilly and her skin was covered in perspiration. They all needed to get cleaned up. In the meantime, he reached down and yanked the covers over them, pulling her into his arms to warm her.

She snuggled against his chest. It was so nice to just lie here. Sex permeated the air but beneath it Adam could smell Rob’s cologne and Shayla’s lotion. The mixture of sandalwood and vanilla was one he was very familiar with. Underlying both those scents was cedar. His own soap. He inhaled and relaxed, soaking in the sense of belonging. Even if it wasn’t real and wasn’t for forever.

Water ran in the background and Adam dozed as he imagined Rob getting cleaned up. He was more than half asleep when he heard the light being clicked off. The mattress shifted seconds later.

He really needed to leave.

Before he could make a move, Rob threw his arm across Shayla and onto Adam’s chest. The warm weight rested there. “Sleep,” Rob ordered.

He told himself he’d stay for a few more minutes. Soak up a little more of the attention and caring. Before he could finish his thought, Adam was asleep.


Rob lay in bed long after his best friend and his wife were asleep. Shayla was curled up tight next to him with Adam on her other side. The king-sized bed managed to hold them all comfortably.

He’d never been one for sharing and had never imagined he’d share his wife, his Shayla, with another man. But Adam was different. A part of him.

He threw his arm over his eyes and sighed. So much to think about and not much time to sort it out. Dawn would soon be here, and the morning would shine a light on their actions from the night before. Would they still be friends? Could they be more?

It had felt strange to have sex with a guy. Adam was big and muscled, not soft and sleek like Shayla. Having that much power under his control was a heady experience. Adam’s ass had closed around his dick like a vise. His cock stirred and he shook his head. Damn thing shouldn’t be able to get up for at least a day.

He sighed again and turned, wrapping his arm around his wife. The back of his hand grazed Adam’s side. The moonlight coming through the window was more than enough to allow him to see his best friend. His shaggy blond hair rested on the pillow next to Shayla’s much darker locks. His ridiculously thick eyelashes rested against his cheekbones. His face appeared relaxed. His lips were parted and his breathing was deep and even. Adam looked content.

Rob hadn’t seen him look that way in a long time.

Closing his eyes, Rob willed himself to stop thinking and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Five

A dim light was shining in the window when Adam woke. He frowned. He didn’t get the morning light in his bedroom. He blinked and the room came into focus. Memories of the night before came flooding back. He’d really spent the night with Rob and Shayla.

The bed was empty beside him, the sheets cold to the touch. He’d planned to be up and gone while they still slept. Cowardly maybe. But he preferred to think of it as self-preservation. He didn’t want to face them this morning. How would they react to him now? Things had changed between all of them.

He must have been really out of it not to hear them get out of bed. Last night had been emotionally and physically draining. He shouldn’t be surprised he’d slept hard.

And lying here wasn’t going to make any of his problems go away. Shoving back the covers, Adam rolled out of bed. His feet hit the floor and he raked his hand through his hair. He needed a shower first. Desperately.

He headed to the bathroom, shutting the door firmly behind him. The face in the mirror mocked him. God, he was a wreck. His hair was matted and tangled. There were tiny scratches on his shoulders, probably from Shayla’s nails. He couldn’t quite remember when it had happened. His eyes were bloodshot. He had no idea what time it had been when he’d finally fallen asleep.

He turned away from his reflection and walked into the shower. The stall was large and the water hot. Adam pressed his hands against the stone-tiled walls and leaned forward, letting the water cascade over him.

Grabbing the soap from the built-in dish, he began to wash. He closed his eyes and inhaled as the scent of Rob’s soap surrounded him. His dick immediately responded.

Adam swore and quickly scrubbed himself from head to toe before rinsing off. Giving the taps a vicious twist, he halted the flow of water. Steam and silence engulfed him.

He stepped out of the stall and grabbed one of the fluffy beige towels from a stack on the shelf. He rubbed it over his head and body before securing it around his waist.

When he opened the door to the bedroom he was pleased to see it was still empty. They must be downstairs. It was then it hit him. This was Christmas morning. They were probably waiting for him to leave so they could start opening their presents and celebrating.

He found his clothing folded on the chair in the corner of the room, his boots on the floor beside it. It didn’t take him long to pull everything on. When he was dressed there was nothing left for him to do but leave.

The red velvet ribbon was lying across the nightstand. Adam fingered it lightly. Knowing he was being sentimental and foolish, he rolled up the ribbon and stuffed it in his pocket. He’d keep it as a memento of the best night of his life.

“You can do this, Lancaster.” The pep talk didn’t really help, but it was all he had.

Adam left the room behind without looking back and started down the stairs, keeping his footsteps light. He paused in front of the opening to the living room. Only hours before he’d sat there, having no idea what was in store for him. The lights of the tree still twinkled, and the pretty packages were still there. The candles, which had looked so festive glowing in their glass holders, were now gutted. He could relate more to the candles than the tree.

He could easily sneak out the front door. His keys were in his pants pocket. He didn’t need to get his coat. “Coward,” he muttered as he turned and headed toward the kitchen. He knew that’s where he’d find them.

He quietly crept to the doorway and stood to one side, watching them. Christmas music drifted out from the radio, covering any noise he might have made. It was a song he remembered from his childhood. One he normally loved. Now it left him feeling more alone than ever.

Rob was seated in the kitchen nook that overlooked the garden, a mug of coffee in his hand. He was wearing a pair of faded jeans and a black turtleneck. He looked totally relaxed and so handsome it made Adam’s heart ache.

Through the large picture window behind him, Adam could see the snow glistening on the trees. It was a winter wonderland. The howling wind from the night before had given way to a gentle breeze that swayed the branches of the trees, but wasn’t hard enough to make them lose the snow frosting from their tips.

Shayla was wearing her hair down this morning. It flowed like a soft, dark curtain over her shoulders as she stood in front of the stainless-steel stove cooking breakfast. A long silky robe covered her, making him wonder what she was wearing beneath it, if anything.

Adam felt like an interloper. Something kept him from stepping forward, from showing himself. They were talking and he didn’t want to interrupt. At least that’s the lie he told himself. In truth, he was afraid.

“How do you feel about last night?”

Adam tensed, waiting for Shayla to answer Rob’s question.

She flipped the bacon that was sizzling in the pan. “It was strange. I worried about making love to a man other than you. I wasn’t sure how I would feel. How you would feel.”

Rob set his mug down and went to his wife. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and rested his chin on the top of her head. “Nothing will ever change the way I feel about you. You know that, don’t you?”

Adam tried to swallow the lump in his throat. Rob loved Shayla. There was no doubt in Adam’s mind, never had been. And Shayla was utterly devoted to his best friend. He didn’t want to do anything that might damage that connection. He would take their gift for what it was—a one-time thing. There would be no awkward morning-after conversation. He couldn’t bear that. Not after last night.

Decision made, he turned and quietly made his way to the front door. He let himself out of the house, closing the door silently behind him. The cold air jammed his lungs. The wind whipped ice pellets and snow at his exposed skin. He was too numb to feel either.

He didn’t know what would happen to his friendship with Rob and Shayla but he couldn’t stick around to find out. Not now. He was too raw from last night, his emotions too exposed. He needed time alone. Time to regroup. Time to figure out what the hell he was going to do with the rest of his life.

He put one foot in front of the other and headed toward his cold, empty house.


Shayla settled into Rob’s arms, loving the sense of protection, of completeness she got whenever they stood like this. Because she was so secure in Rob’s love it was easy to turn his question back around. “How do you feel about last night? About Adam?”

Rob stepped away and leaned against the counter. He dragged his hand over his scalp, letting it settle on the back of his neck. “Confused.”

She turned off the burner and set the skillet aside. Breakfast could wait. This couldn’t. “In what way?” She wanted to go to her husband and wrap her arms around him but sensed he needed the space to think.

“Shit, Shayla. I never expected it to feel so good. Fucking another man.” His eyes were dark with worry.

“It wasn’t just another man,” she pointed out. “It was Adam.”

Rob released a deep breath. “Yeah, I know. I couldn’t have done that with anyone else.”

“Me either,” she assured him.

He reached for her and dragged her close to his chest. “I don’t know what to do.”

Shayla burrowed closer to her husband, inhaling the smell of his soap and cologne. Rob always smelled so good. “Do you love him?”

He rubbed his hand up and down her back. She wasn’t sure if he was trying to soothe himself or her. Either way, it didn’t matter. The contact was enough to settle them both. “Yeah, I do. Christ, I can’t imagine not having Adam in my life. But I don’t want to do anything to hurt you or drive you away. I love you both. How do I not end up hurting one of you?”

Shayla tilted her head back. “Why does anyone have to get hurt?” She’d lain awake in bed early this morning going over everything in her head. “Why can’t we try to make the situation work for all of us?”

Rob stared down at her a frown on his face. “What do you mean? Like a permanent threesome?”

She struggled to find the right words. “We could try something a little simpler than that. See how it goes. Adam is over here all the time anyway. The only difference would be he’d share our bed. We could try it on an occasional basis and see how it works. If we find the arrangement is something we can all live with, then we can worry about what comes next.”

Rob scrubbed his hand over his face. He hadn’t shaved yet and his fingers scratched against the stubble. “Could that even work?”

Shayla shrugged. “I don’t know. But what I do know is you won’t be happy if Adam isn’t in your life. And, after last night, I don’t think either of you will be content anymore to just be friends.”

“What about you?” Rob cupped her face in his large hands, leaned down and touched his forehead to hers. “I love you.”

“I know you do.” She also knew she needed to be totally honest. “I have feelings for Adam too. Obviously, I have to or I wouldn’t have been able to let him in our bed. Last night—” She shook her head. “Last night was an amazing experience. I’m not sure it’s one I’d want every night, but I wouldn’t mind trying it again. Nothing extreme. Just three people loving one another.” She leaned back and smiled up at her husband. “I have to say, watching the two of you together was hot.”

Rob smiled. “You’re one in a million, you know that?” He kissed her, sliding his tongue into her mouth. She tasted coffee and toothpaste. But most of all she tasted love.

When he pulled back they were both breathless. “I’ve got something for you.” He reached into his pocket and drew out the most spectacular necklace. It was a series of diamonds that twinkled in the morning light. It was short and would sit just on her collarbone.

“It’s gorgeous.”

“Turn around. I want to put it on you.” She turned and he looped it around her neck, closing the fastener. She was practically bouncing on her feet.

“Let me see.” She pulled away and hurried out of the kitchen and down the hall to the mirror in the foyer. The diamonds sparkled. “It’s beautiful.”

“You’re beautiful,” Rob whispered in her ear as he came up behind her. “Merry Christmas, baby.”

“You shouldn’t have, but I love it.”

He laughed and scooped her into his arms. “Let’s go wake Adam. I can’t believe he slept in this late.”

She twined her arms around her husband. “If it’s what you want, I want it too. I think we can all be happy together. I’m willing to try if you are.”

Rob pressed a quick, hard kiss to her lips and climbed the stairs with her in his arms. He kicked the bedroom door open. “Hey, wake up, sleepyhead.”

He came to an abrupt stop. The bed was empty. So was the bathroom. Adam was gone. Rob slowly lowered her legs until her feet were touching the ground. She rushed toward the bed and felt the sheets. “They’re cold.”


Shayla turned and crossed her arms. “What are we going to do about this?”

Rob looked at her with pure love shining in his eyes. “We’re going to go get him and drag him back here. No way is he spending Christmas alone.”

“Give me five minutes to get dressed.”


Adam ignored the pounding on his front door. He knew who it was and he wasn’t ready to face Rob just yet. He picked up his mug of coffee and drank half of it down in one swallow. It was too early in the morning to drink, but Adam figured it didn’t count if half the mug was filled with whisky and the other half was coffee. Hell, it was a festive drink. Seasonal.

Heavy boot steps sounded in the hallway. He didn’t bother to get up from his seat in front of the cold hearth. He continued to stare out the front window at the frozen wonderland it framed.

“What the hell were you thinking to leave without a word this morning?”

Adam closed his eyes and willed his temper to stay in check. He didn’t want to say anything that might do further damage to his relationship with Rob. A spurt of anger surged through him. He hadn’t asked for last night. Hadn’t wanted to change things.

Just as quickly his anger died. He was lying to himself. He might not have asked for last night. Not directly. But he’d been asking with his eyes and thoughts for years. There was no denying he loved Rob and more than just as a best friend.

The lump in his throat was threatening to choke him.

He took another belt of his coffee/whiskey drink and then carefully put the mug on the table beside him. “I don’t know. Maybe that you and your wife might like to spend Christmas morning alone?” It hurt to say the words aloud. “How did you get in?” Even as he said it he knew Rob’s answer.

Rob snorted. “Emergency key. You know I have the keys to your house just like you’ve got the keys to mine.”

“You can leave them on the table on your way out.” Christ, had he just said that to Rob? Why didn’t he just rip his own heart out and stomp on it. That’s what he was doing by asking his best friend to leave.

“Why?” Rob ambled over and crouched down beside him, his face wreathed in concern. “Why did you leave?”

The insensitivity was too much for Adam to take. Everything inside him came spewing out. “Why did I leave? I’m in love with you. In love.” He thumped his chest for emphasis. “And you’re married. Married to a woman who I care for deeply. Oh, fuck, what does it matter? I’ve come to love her, too, because she’s special and because you love her.”

Even as he spoke, the logical part of Adam’s brain was screaming at him to stop. To shut up before it was too late. Before he irreparably damaged what remained of his relationship with Rob.

He buried his face in his hands. His cheeks were wet. Shit. Now he was being a big baby. He couldn’t believe he was crying. He impatiently swiped the moisture from his cheeks and took a deep breath to steady himself. This had to end now.

Like any wounded animal, Adam had simply wanted to return home and shut the world out while he licked his hurts away. Or in his case, drowned his sorrows. He figured the scotch in his coffee was just a start. It would take a full bottle, probably more, to give him even momentary relief from the pain swamping him. Now Rob had invaded his home, taking even that hope of comfort from him.

Strong hands gripped Adam’s, pulling them away from his face. “I never meant to hurt you. Not like this.” Sorrow was etched on Rob’s face.

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