The Girl.

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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The Girl.


By Laura Lee Fall.

Kindle Edition©2015.
Cover by Roman M Banaszek. This book is dedicated to my children and precious

Special edition.
Book One & Two.
Warning, Strong Adult Content.


Lexington Kentucky, June 1963, hot summer day and a young girl with long flowing red hair was
skipping on rocks, appeared to be nine or ten-years-old, when suddenly she slipped falling into
the creek.
Got up quickly, walking out of the water saying, “Oh no my dress is ruined, granny will be
upset”, then went to walk away, instantly froze looking at a large snake and shivered saying, “Oh
my granny was right, I’m about to die!”

Slowly the girl moved, as the snake hissed she said, “I am in serious trouble”.
Meanwhile, fishing on the other side of the creek was a young boy with shoulder length palest
blonde hair and seem to be about thirteen or fourteen-years-old.
Heard screams and reached into a backpack pulling out a mask rushing away.
The young girl stood screaming and the snake was upon her, as she cried, “Help someone

Rapidly, by the neck snatched the large snake up and the girl shook watching a masked person
literally ring the snake’s neck and within seconds lay dead.
Feeling sick and weak, sat down onto the grass putting her hand against her head and the
person comes up to her, she looked up saying, “Thank you”, the disguised person never replied.

“I could have died if not for you I might have”.

The person stood there silently and then pointed, she asked, “What?”
Pointing still, she asked, “Oh you want me to go?”
The masked person nodded meaning yes.

Therefore, the young girl stood up saying, “Thanks, you are my hero”, running away fast going
home when the person took off the mask and the blonde haired boy stood looking down onto the
dead snake .
Fifteen minutes later, the young boy walked across the lawn to a big farm and heard “Saul?”
Turning around and walked by the fence looked over at a woman with long jet-black hair
kneeling in a garden, asked, “Have fun fishing boy?”
“Yeah was okay”.

Brushing her hands off, “Catch anything?” Smiling he replied, “Yeah a snake”, her brown eyes
become huge she said, “Oh Saul Wiley one of these days you’re going to get bitten”, waving his
hand replied, “Never maw, not me”, she smiled adding, “Go wash up for dinner”.
“Okay maw”, walking away.
Two years later, the young girl grown and was about thirteen-years-old and by the creek again
walking on the rocks hoping to find her hero, as she never saw him again since that day and
wanted to.

Slipped falling, could not get back up, “Oh my ankle”, she cried.
Saw a snake slithering through the grass and said, “I should not have come back”, noticing the
snake moving closer towards her, screams loudly, “HELP ME!”
This time fishing on the other side, was a tall teenage boy with long dark hair, he appear to be
around eighteen-years-old and heard screams,
“Someone please help me!”
Set his pole down, jumped up running away fast following the screaming when he saw a young
girl sitting in the river rushed down into the water fast.
The young girl with long red hair was crying out, “My leg, I cannot move, I slipped off the rocks”.
Swiftly, grabbed her up into his arms, as she cried, he carried her out of the lake and set her
down easily onto the grass.

Holding her leg in tears flowing, “Thank you boy”.
“Your welcome”.
“You saved my life!” Knelt down to her and asked, “Can you move?”
When she tried to stand up, crumbles, quickly he caught her and said, “Aw, I think your ankle
may be broke”.

Becoming hysterical she said, “How will I get back to my granny’s house?”
The teenage boy with long dark hair, brown eyes, held his arms out, as she wiped tears saying,
“Really, you’ll carry me all the way?” Standing there with his arms out, “I must, you’re a girl and
hurt”. Observing the boy she asked, “Hey, you don’t wear a mask, do you?”
Kneeling down on the grass before her, “Aw heck no, why?” He grins.

Looking at him, she said, “I was hoping you did”, frowning.
“Sorry to disappoint you”.
“Oh no, you helped me too”, then hung her head, and he said, “I have heard stories about the
masked person”, her eyes got huge, as he continued, “Many stories, how if someone is in danger
or hurt this person appears out of the blue saving the day.”
With her hand against her heart, he added, “Must be some superhero”.

Ecstatic, “Oh no my hero, I hope to meet again one day”, smiling brightly.
“I sure hope you do”, and bent down lifting her up into his arms tightly then walking away to her
grandmother’s house.
In his arms snug, she was talking up a storm, he smirked walking on and it was a few miles, as
he never stopped or paused until he took the young girl home safely.

The girls grandparents were so thankful telling the young boy, please come back let us make you
dinner for being a hero, as the girl said, “Oh yes, you must!”

Hands tucked into his baggy blue jean pockets said, “I just done what was right, hero nah”, as
her big brown eyes got huge saying, “Yes you are, I will never forget you either, the boy that
carried me for miles!”
The young man smiled telling her to take care and she said, “Oh please come back for dinner,
you just have too?”
A few weeks later, the girl was walking through the field with her beagle puppy that started
barking, she asked, “What’s wrong boy?”
Moving closer she said, “Uh oh”, looking onto a big snake, as she shivered saying, “Gee this place
is full of snakes”.
When suddenly she heard a voice say, “Yep, these hills are full of them”, as she looked around
then down at her dog saying, “Who said that?” You patches, no dogs cannot talk”.
“No it was me”, looking around she asked, “Who, where?”
“Up here in the tree”.
Glanced up at the tree noticing someone around eleven or twelve, as they waved saying, “Hello
“Hello, why you up in the tree?” Pointing replied, “Aw because of that snake it chased me up
Eyes large, “Oh my, it did”, said the girl.
“Yep, but I will strangle it”, as her eyes got huge she asked, “You can?”
“Sure I always do”, climbing down and stood before her.

Looking at each other, as the puppy wags his tail.
“My you’re a brave girl”, that was laughing.
“What’s so funny girl”, and laughing harder said, “Girl huh, I am a boy”, as she studied him up
and down, replied, “Sorry, you do look like a girl, a very pretty one”, he waved saying, “Well
wrong, I am totally a boy, want me to show you?”

Putting her hands over her eyes, huffs out, “Oh my stars, I do not want to see it”, and he was
cracking up laughing messing with his blue jean zipper.
“Stop that boy, I do not want to see your private parts”, and smirking he asked, “Hey can I see
“Oh, you are very naughty”.
“I just want to prove I am no girl”.
“Okay you did, but your hair is sure long fooled me”, touching his zipper again saying, “Aw guess
I must show you”.

Covering her eyes again said, “Oh no, please stop boy, I don’t want to see it.”
“Gosh girl calm down, I’m just messing with you”.
Letting her deep breath out, replied, “Thank goodness you scared me”.
“I wouldn’t mind messing with you though, sure would prove I’m a boy huh”, and waving her
hand said, “I better go”.
“Aw girl that snake is upon us we both need to go now”, and they run out of the field fast.

Making it out of the field, the girl said, “Hey boy, I thought you could strangle the snake?”
“I have strangled certain ones, but that there snake was deadly, one bite, it is curtains for you”.
“Guess there are many snakes around these parts, huh?” Eyes large shrugs.

Laughs out, “Yeah, there’s a big one in my pants”, and touched his zipper again, she walked
away quickly saying, “You’re a bad boy”.
The boy comes up to her hastily and she kept walking saying, “You are not a very nice boy”.
Suddenly, he stopped and she did too asking, “What?”
“You are wrong girl, I am probably one of the nicest boys that you’ll ever meet in your life”, she
started walking again saying, “Ah, I doubt it’’, waving her hand up in the air.

The boy hurried up next to her, as she kept walking he said, “I will prove myself to you in time,
you’ll see just how nice I am”.
Walking way up the hill going towards home, the boy saw flowers, as she was busy bending
down to the puppy a second.
He reached picking up a rose when she stood up, gave it to her and said, “For you, my new pal”.

Radiant, taking the rose, she smelled it looking at him saying, “Oh thank you, maybe you’re not
so bad after all”.
“Time will show you girl”, he winked, as they smiled walking down the dirt road.
From that day forward, a new friendship grew and they spent every day together having fun and
never told the other their name.

Furthermore, each day the boy brought a rose giving it to the girl, and after receiving a rose daily
for three months found out he was a nice boy with the kindest heart.
Time pass one year later, and the following summer the girl and boy spent many days together,
fishing, swimming, bike-riding, sat up in the tree, talking and hiding from another snake that
chased them up there.

The girl also receive the rose again each day from her kind friend.
After such a fun day with her new friend and best actually.
Was walking home and her grandparent’s farm was just down the trail, as the sunset.
She had no clue that eyes are watching her every move.

Suddenly, approached by a person wearing a ski mask that said, “Aw hey there little girl, don’t
you know that you should not be walking these dark roads alone”.
She became nervous and froze not saying a word, as the person moved closer upon her and said,
“A big bad wolf might strike”, startled the girl trembles and quickly runs down the road with the
person chasing her.
The masked person caught up, grabbing hold of her long hair pulling her back she screamed,
“Get away!” Frightened, “Leave me alone, please”, she cried.

The rose fell to the ground when the person covered her mouth, dragging her back up the dirt
road, as she was kicking her legs.
Pulled her behind trees, slamming her down to the ground roughly, as her eyes become huge
with tears rolling.

At that moment, was terrified and the person started taking her clothes off, as she fought giving
a struggle, it was no use, the person held her arms above her head firmly, she cried out, “Oh
please don’t do this!”
Suddenly, the person on the girl was snatched up off her when she sat up fast and said, “My

The girl saw that the good masked person was much taller and swung lightning fast punches at
the other bad person wearing a ski mask.
Watching the battle putting her shirt back on, bra was still on, she quietly said, “Oh thank god he
come to my rescue”, as she saw blood squirt taking a deep gulp covered her eyes.
This fight reached the ugly part and the masked hero was about to finish this fight and creep, he
gave a spear-hand strike to back-fist strike following very fast an elbow strike leading to a
straight punch.
Then gave a sharp powerful back knuckle rack across the bridge of the persons nose, and he
crumbles staying down.

Rushing over to the girl sitting on the ground trembling with her hands over her face, the
masked hero knelt down tapping her shoulder.

Removing her hands she said, “You come back”, and broke down crying, as he saw the cuts on
her legs, stood up slightly, and bending down lifting her up into his arms walking down the dirt
The girl was looking at him wishing she could see a face behind the mask.
Securely in his strong arms that held her tight, she said, “You really saved me tonight”, and he
remained silent walking on.

Upset she rave on, “I’ve never been so scared”, he was listening not saying a word, “If you didn’t
come, he would have, oh”, she cried feeling him squeeze her tighter.
Silently he kept walking, she asked, “You don’t talk huh?” Staring at him.
The person shook their head-meaning no.
“I sure wish you did or I could see your face?”

Walking with her in his arms, quietly he spoke asking, “Why?”
“Hey you can talk”, looking at him with eyes huge.
“Yes”, slants his head looking at her.
“Won’t show your face”.
“No”, walking through the wooded area.
“Oh it’s okay”, with her arms wrapped around his neck she giggled, he asked, “What?”
“I did notice you have blonde hair, because it’s long hanging out under the mask.

He nodded, as the wind blew fierce, she asked, “Not a big talker huh?”
“No”, wind gusting with her looking at him, she said, “I am”.
“Noticed”, she gave a smile feeling much better and safe now wrapped in her hero’s arms, she
asked, “Hey you’re going to carry me all the way home?”
“I must”, raindrops fell.
“You’re a girl”.
“Oh, but I can walk if you’re tired”.
“I’m not”, walking up the hill holding her tight.
“Okay, I prefer this anyway”, as she lay her head against his shoulder.

He chuckles and looking right at him said, “Hey”.
“You laughed”.
“Yes, I am human”, tilt his head toward her.
“Ah, you’re a superhero to me”, putting her hand against her chest and added,
“Can I ask you something”, he nodded, “How old are you?”
“I’m fourteen”.
“Good thing I showed up”, she felt him squeeze tight.
“Hey, you spoke a few words now”.
“I sure did”, smirking behind the mask and staring at him she asked,
“May I ask you a personal question?”
“What Girl?”
“You got a girlfriend?”
Laughs out, “Many”, and her eyes become huge saying, “Oh my, seriously?”
“Yes”, walking out of the woods, the girl pointed saying, “I live there”, and he walked her up to
the porch, setting her down gently on the step, she said, “I can’t thank you enough”.
“You just did”. She hung her head and standing in front of her, he asked, “What still scared?”

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