The Girl Most Likely To... (22 page)

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Authors: Susan Donovan

Tags: #love_contemporary

BOOK: The Girl Most Likely To...
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Riley noticed how she had instinctively begun to spread her thighs farther as his mouth worked its way toward the juncture of her legs. He could smell herthe same damp and rich abundance he'd nearly drowned in at Cherry Hill. Riley started to nip at her labia, press his nose into her clitoris.
Seriously, didn't you date anyone after Carrie? Kat asked.
Mmmmm… I don't remember any dates with anyone, he said, dragging his tongue around his target, teasing, testing, then suddenly licking up and down through the wet seam of her sex. But I can't remember much of anything right now, he mumbled.
Kat giggled, and Riley wasn't sure if she did that because she thought he was funny or from the vibration of his voice, but either way, her laughter indicated Riley wasn't exactly driving her out of her head.
Why no women after Carrie? she asked.
Riley stopped. He sat back on his heels so he could answer her properly.
Her eyes were bright with interest.
All I could think of was you, he answered. You'd come back from the dead. I couldn't even /see/ other womenit was like I had blinders on. I felt like my world was in limbo until I found you and my son.
Oh, Riley… Kat leaned down and kissed his forehead, then along the side of his face, and finally his lips. He closed his eyes with the decadence of it, all these gentle and loving kisses from the woman of his dreams, all for him.
His mind flashed with images from so long ago, how he and Kat had begun dabbling in sex when they were far too young to dabble. Riley remembered how she'd been so giving, right out of the gate, like she'd only been waiting for him to allow her to express her love. It was intense. Those nights on the blanket out on the quarry road were always heavy with emotion. It soon became apparent to Riley that he was Kat's lifeline as well as her boyfriend.
It must have killed her when he told her to get lost.
Riley's eyes flew open and he looked up at Kat. She smiled at him.
Suddenly, the idea that any other man had ever been on the receiving end of Kat Cavanaugh's affections really bothered him. Suddenly, he hated himself for sending her out into the world thinking she wasn't wanted.
Yes, they'd wounded each other, but Riley knew without a doubt that he'd drawn the first blood.
And you, sweet Scout? How come you never got married?
Kat put her arms around herself, and Riley realized she was probably cold sitting there naked like that. He pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms tight around her, gathering her close as he looked down into her eyes.
No reason, really, she said with a shake of her head.
Come on. Why aren't you in a relationship right this second? I would imagine you spend most of your time sorting through offers from men.
Kat tried to avoid eye contact, but Riley used a finger to tilt up her chin. She had no choice but to look at him. Tell me, Kat.
She shrugged. It's not a big mystery. I just had a hard time finding anyone I wanted to share my life with.
I guess because I kept looking for… well, /you/, Riley. I kept looking for someone like Riley Bohland, and I never found him.
He let out a gentle laugh. But you knew exactly where to find the real thing.
Kat laughed, too. I mean I never found him in /Baltimore/, and there was no way in hell I was going back to Persuasion until I could show everyone I had made it without them.
Suddenly, the timing of Kat's return made sense to Riley. He pulled back a few inches so he could study her. You mean you didn't want to come back until you had a ton of money? Aidan told me all about Phyllis' estate.
It wasn't about money, Kat snapped, pulling away a bit more. I wanted to be strong when I went back to Persuasion. Strong and beautiful and totally together. I dreamed of the day I'd get to rub all your faces in my sheer /awesomeness/.
But then Phyllis died and left me millions, and I figured, hey, I'll just get a makeover and fake the rest.
Riley laughed. You're not faking a damn thing.
Ha! Kat gave him a shy smile, then stepped out of his arms. She reached behind her to grab the down comforter and wrapped it tight around herself before she sat cross-legged on the bed.
Riley joined her. Once he got comfortable, he fished around inside the comforter until he found her small hand, which he kissed, then cradled in his own. You really are all those things, you know.
I will admit that there are times when I've been strong, together, or beautiful, but just not all at the same time, and that's what I wanted the day I went back to Persuasion.
Give me this. Riley grabbed the comforter and pulled it away from her body, then swung her around so she was situated with her back against his chest, skin on skin. He wrapped the down blanket around them both and her small, warm body felt solid against him.
Let me tell you a story about a girl I used to know, he said, talking softly in her ear. She was always strong and together. She survived a childhood where her father would beat her mother, yet she had the presence of mind to nurse her mother back to health every time. She volunteered to read a poem at my mother's funeral, and she got up there in front of hundreds of people with steady hands and a calm voice.
She gasped. I'd forgotten all about that.
This girl was very smart, too. I always loved her take on things, whether it was music or school subjects or just normal everyday stuff.
Her observations about people were funny and insightful. And sweetmy God, was she ever sweet.
Do I know this person?
Riley kissed the top of her head. She was you. She /is/ you, Kat.
She said nothing.
After you disappeared, I used to imagine what it would be like if you were still at Underwood High. I'd picture you playing second base on the girls' softball team and getting on the honor roll every semester.
Kat whipped her head around in disbelief. You remember what position I played?
Sure I do. I also used to imagine the dress you'd wear to homecoming with me, and how you'd be named?Girl Most Likely to Succeed' in the /Overview/ our senior year.
Kat snorted and leaned back into his chest.?Girl Most Likely to Get Pregnant Before She Earns Her Learner's Permit' is more like it.
I don't think that was an actual category.
Or how about?Girl Most Likely to Live with Parakeets'?
Also not an option, he said, burying his smile in her silky hair. ?Girl Most Likely to Fuck Up Her Son's Life by Lying to Him from the Day He Was Born'?
Sssshhh, Riley said.
They sat quietly for many minutes. Their breath eventually fell into the same rhythm. Riley held her, rocked her, and kissed the side of her neck.
The phone rang.
Don't get it, Riley said. Please. Stay here with me.
What if it's Aidan?
Then you can call him back.
They listened as the answering machine clicked on and a woman immediately launched into a squeaky tirade.
Kat! Kat! You're not going to freakin' believe this!
It's Nola, Kat reassured Riley.
The younger Bohunk brother is in town and he just asked me out! Should I go? Should I? Would you mind? I mean, I know Riley is an engaged asshole, but Matt seems decent.
Riley laughed to himself in surprise. /Did she just say Bohunk?/ Nola continued. What am I saying? Of course I'm going to goI already said yes. He's picking me up in fifteen minutes. What should I wear? And where are you? I thought you were just going to stay home and sulk today. Well, gotta go. I'll tell you everyth /Beep/.
Wow, Riley said.
Kat began to squirm in his arms and he loosened the comforter so she could turn around. Once she threw her legs over his and got comfortable, Riley wrapped her tight again and smiled down at her.
Yes, Kat answered before he could ask. That's what Nola calls you.
I like it.
Kat slowly shook her head. She's gonna eat Matt alive.
Oh, I think Matt can handle her.
One of Kat's eyebrows shot up. You don't understand. Matt's just a small-town boy, and Nola'swell, Nola's been around the block so many times she's worn a groove in the sidewalk.
Like I said, he can handle it.
That remains to be seen.
A deep wave of comfort and ease flooded Riley. It was the combination of Kat's husky voice, her warm skin against his, the way their minds clicked. He kissed her softly on the lips.
Have you noticed what we're doing, Riley?
Uhm… He paused. Is this a trick question?
Kat laughed. I just thought I'd point out that we raced in here to the bedroom, ripped each other's clothes off like wild animals in heat, and what did we end up doing?
Riley smiled. Talking.
She nodded. Talking and snuggling.
Kat was right. So what do you think that means?
She bit her lip and gave it some thought. I believe it means we've done things backward. It means we have a lot to hash out between us, a lot to understand about each other, and a lot to forgive before another night like Cherry Hill.
Riley studied her face, beautiful, strong, and together all at the same time. He laughed softly. I have to say, as much as I'd like to have a Cherry Hill moment right here, right now, you're absolutely right.
Kat's eyes sparkled with pleasure. I'm glad you agree, because I don't ever want to be left alone in the morning like that again, not knowing where things stand with us or what you're thinking or feeling, just sitting there holding one of your socks, not sure if I'm a complete moron or the luckiest girl on earth.
Riley let go with a raucous laugh and began to wrestle with her. So you stole my sock! he shouted. Admit it, woman! Admit it, I say!
They rolled around on the bed, laughing and kissing, until they rolled right off the edge and landed with a loud thud on the wood floor. They laughed even harder.
Riley suddenly cocked his head in alarm. He heard a loud banging sound that sounded like it was coming from the ceiling above them.
What the hell is that? he asked. Riley rolled Kat to the side to protect her. Do you hear it? The thumping started again.
That's Mrs. Brownstein, Kat said, sputtering out a laugh. She's just jealous.
Riley nodded. Looks like now would be a good time to get a place with a little more privacy.
Did I tell you I'm fixing up Phyllis' old row house? Kat pushed herself up from the floor and offered her hand to Riley, the blanket draped over her shoulders like a queen's floor-length cape. It will be a few more months until it's ready, she said, pulling him to a stand.
Then come back to Persuasion.
The words had burst out of Riley's mouth before he even knew they'd formed in his brain, and the idea filled him with excited energy. Come home, Kat. Aidan can visit whenever he likes. Come back and stay for a while; see how it feels to have me in your life, rub my face in your awesomeness, get to know me all over again. Would you do it?
Kat stared at him wide-eyed.
I promise to give you all the time and space you need. But I'd be right there in town. We could see each other every once in a while. Have dinner. Hang out. No more Cherry Hills until we're both sure it's right.
She shook her head and took a step back. I don't know.
Why not? Is it Virgil?
Kat hissed. That old fart doesn't scare me anymore. In fact, one day I have every intention of marching right up to him and telling him everything I remember about my childhood, what he did to my mom and me, how we didn't deserve any of it. It might be therapeutic.
Riley dared to take this further. You could register for classes at Mountain Laurel if you felt like it.
Kat's eyes flashed.
We could get to know each other like real adult people in a real adult relationship.
A smile slowly spread over Kat's lips. I'd want my own little place.
There's always houses to rent near campus.
Kat walked back toward Riley with a regal gait, swinging her cape along the side of her nude flesh, all glorious, round, and firm /femaleness/.
It was a vision he'd never forget.
She popped up on her tiptoes and locked her gaze on his.
I am willing to try if you are, she said. But you have to promise me a couple things.
You name it.
I want honesty.
You got it.
I want you to swear that if and when you want to break up with me, you'll find a better way to do it than the last time.
The knife went right into Riley's heart. I swear. And will you promise me something?
Don't run away again, like you did twenty years ago and then again two weeks ago, because I'm man enough to admit that it scares the hell out of me to love a woman who has a habit of disappearing on me.
Kat plopped down on the balls of her feet, suddenly serious. I thought you were engaged.
I realize that. But humor me.
Sure. I promise I won't run away again.
And promise me you'll tell me should you ever again be pregnant with my child.
A sly little smile played on Kat's lips. She snaked her arm around the back of Riley's head and slid her fingers through his hair, pulling him down until his mouth was on hers. Kat kissed him hard and long.
It was a seal. It was a start.
Virgil rubbed his chin and frowned. You sure look familiar for some reason.
You recognize me from television, no doubt. Carrie smoothed her hair, waiting for it to dawn on him.
Virgil busted out with a hoot of laughter. That's it! You're that self-righteous she-devil who gets on TV and tells people to eat right, exercise, and avoid smoking.
Carrie beamed. That would be me.
All right then, Virgil said, apparently satisfied. Now what the hell did you want?

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