The Girls of Murder City (53 page)

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Authors: Douglas Perry

Tags: #Biography, #History, #Non-Fiction

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This Was My World
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Stewart on Trial Strategy
. Chicago: Flood, 1940.

Sullivan, Edward Dean.
Chicago Surrenders
. New York: Vanguard, 1930.

Rattling the Cup on Chicago Crime
. New York: Vanguard, 1929.

Terkel, Studs.
New York: Pantheon, 1986.

Touch and Go
. New York: New Press, 2007.

Ward, Geoffrey C., and Ken Burns.
Jazz: A History of America’s Music
. New York: Knopf, 2000.

Watts, Jill.
Mae West: An Icon in Black and White
. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Watkins, Maurine.
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“Chicago”: With the
Chicago Tribune
Articles That Inspired It,
ed. Thomas H. Pauly. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1997.

Wendt, Lloyd. Chicago Tribune:
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Wetzsteon, Ross.
Republic of Dreams: The American Bohemia, 1910-1960
. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003.

The WGN: A Handbook of Newspaper Administration.
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Zorbaugh, Harvey, and Howard P. Chudacoff.
The Gold Coast and the Slum: A Sociological Study of Chicago’s Near North Side
. University of Chicago Press, 1983.



Adler, Jeffrey S. “ ‘I Loved Joe, but I Had to Shoot Him’: Homicide by Women in Turn-of-the-Century Chicago.”
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Abbott, George

Abend, Sheldon

Adams, Samuel Hopkins

Ahern, Michael

Allen, Albert

American Mercury

American Play Company

Annan, Albert

Beulah’s divorce from

and Beulah’s shooting of Kalstedt

at Beulah’s trial

manslaughter conviction of

Annan, Beulah

acquittal of

Al’s divorce from

beauty of

“Butterfly Goes Home” based on

based on

confessions of

at courthouse

death of

entertainment career desired by

first marriage of

Gaertner and

Harlib’s marriage to

at inquest

in jail

Kalstedt shot by

Nitti and

photograph of

police and

pregnancy of

press and

son of

testimony of

trial of

tuberculosis of

Unkafer case and

Watkins and

Archer, John

Asbury, Herbert

Atkinson, Brooks

Atlanta Constitution

Baker, George Pierce

Baluk, Max

Beck, Edward “Teddy”

Beith, Hay

Bell, Nelson B.

Bergman, Betty

birth control

Book About Myself


Brown, Bert “Curley”

Browning, Edward W.

Browning, Frances

Bulliet. J.

Burton, Ernest DeWitt

Butcher, Fanny

“Butterfly Goes Home” (Watkins)

Cain, James M.

Canby, Vincent

Capone, Al

Capone, Frank

Capone family

Capron, Victor


Cause and Cure of Crime

Caverly, John R.


(1926 play)

Annan as inspiration for

in Chicago

Gaertner and

Malm and

Nitti and

reviews of

Watkins’s interviews and

(1927 film)

(2002 film)


bohemians in

bootlegging in


corruption in

entertainment districts in

female criminals in

gangsters in

Grand Boulevard

Hyde Park

map of

philosophy of life in

race riots in

smoke in

Watkins’s move to

Chicago American

Annan and


Franks (Leopold and Loeb) case and

Gaertner and

Malm and

Nitti and

Stopa and

Chicago Crime Commission

Chicago Daily Journal

Annan and

Gaertner and

Chicago Daily News

Annan and


Gaertner and

Malm and

Chicago Evening Post

Annan and


folding of

Gaertner and

Malm and

Nitti and

Stopa and

Chicago Herald and Examiner


Franks case and

Gaertner and

race riots and

Chicago Record-Herald

Chicago Tribune

Abend and

Annan and

Butcher as reporter at


Franks (Leopold and Loeb) case and

Gaertner and

Linotype machines at

Malm and

Nitti and

Stewart and

Watkins hired at

Watkins’s resignation from

women jurors and

Chloupak, Eugene

Cirese, Helen

Foster and

Nitti and

City News Bureau


Cohan, George M.

Coogan, Jackie

Cook County Jail

Annan in

bootlegging at

bribery at

Criminal Courts Building and

Gaertner in

“jail school” and

Malm in

Nitti in

Coolidge, Calvin

Corcoran, William

Cornell, Paul


Courier and Reporter

Criminal Courts Building

Cronson, Bert

Crowe, Robert

Crudelle, Peter

Currey, Margery

Dannenberg, W. C.

Darrow, Clarence

David, Joseph B.

Davies, Marion

Davis, Jefferson

Decatur Review

DeMille, Cecil B.

Dempsey, Jack

Detroit, Mich.

Dever, William

Dolly, Louise

Double Indemnity

Dougherty, Patricia

Dreiser, Theodore

Dunne, Finley Peter

Durant, Will

Durante, Jimmy

Durkin, Jimmie


Erbstein, Charles


Field, Marshall

Fisher, Amy

Fitzgerald, David

Fitzgerald, James M.


Forbes, Genevieve

on bohemians


Gaertner and

“jail school” and

Malm and

Nitti and

Stopa and

Fosse, Bob

Foster, Lela

Franks, Bobby

Franks, Flora

Franks, Jacob

Franks, Josephine

Frydryk, John

Gable, Clark

Gabriel, Gilbert W.

Gaertner, Belva

acquittal of

Annan and

as cabaret performer


childhood of

at courthouse

detectives and

horseback riding of

inquest into Law’s death

in jail

jury selection in trial of

Law shot by

Malm and

Nitti and

photograph of

physical appearance of

police and

press and

as taxi driver

trial of

Unkafer case and

Watkins and

William’s divorces from

William’s marriage to

William’s meeting of

William’s remarriage to

Gaertner, William

Belva’s arrest and

Belva’s divorces from

Belva’s marriage to

Belva’s meeting of

Belva’s remarriage to

death of

detectives hired by

Galluzzo, Dominick


Gibbons, Floyd

Gilbert, Paul T.

Gilman, Mildred

Glaskoff, Vladimir “Ted”

Goldstein, Alvin

Goodwin, Paul E.

Gray, Henry Judd

Greenwich Village

Griffin, Otilla

Griggs, Bruce

Haeckel, Ernst

Hamilton, Samuel


Harding, Warren

Harlib, Edward

Harlow, Jean

Harper, Walter H.

Harris, Sam H.

Harrison, Carter, Jr.

“Hatrack” (Asbury)

Haver, Phyllis

Hays Code

Hearst, William Randolph

Hecht, Ben

Hemingway, Ernest

Herrick, John

Hopkins, Peggy Joyce

Howey, Walter

Hughes, Langston

Hughes, Rupert

Hungerford, Edward

Hunt, Sam

Hurst, Fannie

I Love You Again

Jacobs, Aletta

Janning, Emil

Jennings, Al

Johnson, Nunnally

juries, women on

Kalstedt, Harry

criminal record of

murder of

Kelliher, Patrick

Keneally, Patrick

King, Blanche

Kitt, Eddie

Klarkowski, Stanley

Konpke, Anna

Lardner, “Lucky Chubby”

Lardner, Ring

Larrimore, Francine

Law, Freda

Law, Harry J.

Law, Walter

murder of

Leathers, William F.

Lee, Edward T.

Lee, Robert M.

Lee, Sonia

Leese, Mary

Lehman, Edward

Leopold, Nathan

Leopold, Nathan, Sr.

Libeled Lady

Lincoln, Abraham

Lindsay, William

Linotype machines

Loeb, Richard

Lombard, Carole

Loohauis-Bennett, Jackie

Los Angeles Times

Lovering, Fred

Love, R. M.

Lowden, Frank

Loy, Myrna

Lusk, Edward

McCarthy, Jay J.

McClintock, Billy

McCormick, Anne

McCormick, Robert

McGearald, Robert

McGinnis, Anna


McLaughlin, William

Annan and

McMillan, Robert

McNally, William D.

McPherson, Aimee Semple

Malm, Katherine “Kitty”


Chicago Tribune
stories on

childhood of

conviction of

daughter of

death of

Gaertner and

in jail

King and

Nitti and

Quinby and

in state penitentiary

suicide attempt of

trial and conviction of

Watkins and

Malm, Otto

Manning, Henry

Mantle, Burns

Marshall, Rob

Mayer, Howard

Medill, Joseph

Meehan, Margaret

Meredith, George

Millay, Edna St. Vincent

Milwaukee Journal

Montana family

Moran, Eugene

Moskowitz, Belle

Mulroy, Jim

Murder for Love

Murname, Edward

Murphy, Malachi

Nash, Thomas

photograph of

Nathan, George Jean

Neel, Mary

Negri, Pola

Nesbit, Evelyn

New Haven Register

New Republic

New York, N.Y.

Watkins in

New York Daily News

New Yorker

New York Herald Tribune

New York Society for the Suppression of Vice

New York Telegram

New York Times

New York World

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Nitti, Charlie

Nitti, Frank

Nitti, Sabella

Annan and


Cirese and

at courthouse

Forbes and

Gaertner and

in jail

Malm and

press and

retrial of

suicide attempts of

transformation of

trial and conviction of

No Man of Her Own

O’Banion, Dean “Dion”

O’Brien, W. W.

Annan and


Shepherd and

O’Donnell, Myles

O’Grady, John

Oliver, Clifford

Olmsted, Frederick Law

O’Neill, Eugene

Orthwein, Cora

Patrick, Zoe

Patterson, Joseph Medill

Pauly, Thomas H.

Piculine, Anna

Pioch, Myna

Poe, Edgar Allan

Pope, Alexander

Powell, William

Pritzker, Harry


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