The Gladiator (44 page)

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Authors: Simon Scarrow

Tags: #Adventure, #Historical, #Military

BOOK: The Gladiator
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Balbus still seemed unconvinced. ‘If the attack fails to take them by surprise and they set fire to the ships, then the emperor is not going to be persuaded that the rebels were planning on doing it anyway. Claudius will want the heads of those responsible for the destruction of the grain ships, sir.’

Fulvius rounded on the navarch. ‘Then we’ll bloody well have to make sure the attack is a success, right?You and the navy do your bit, and we’ll do ours.’

Cato briefly felt his heart warm to his subordinate, before he responded, ‘Balbus, if it puts your mind at rest, I will assume full responsibility for ordering the attack. I’ll have that in writing for any officer here that requests it.’

The navarch nodded and replied flatly, ‘Thank you, sir. I would appreciate it. On the off chance that the attack goes tits up and the ships are burned.’

Cato sighed wearily. ‘Well, there’s no point in having more of us paying the price of failure than necessary, is there?’

‘No, sir,’ Balbus agreed easily. Then he tilted his head slightly to one side with a questioning expression. ‘There is one thing though.’

‘Oh?’ ‘Why is there a need to attack tonight? It seems a bit rushed to me.’ Cato stood still and stared back at the navarch. This was the point of the meeting that he had feared. The question was fair, and although the answer he had prepared was well reasoned from a tactical point of view, he knew that his personal feelings had played the most important part in reaching his decision. If these men were to risk their lives in an attack, it was only right that Cato took them into his confidence and told them the full truth. He cleared his throat to address them in a voice unclouded by emotion.

‘Most ofyou know that the rebels took the governor’s daughter and Prefect Macro prisoner some time ago. Ajax let me know that they are still alive, and being held in his camp.’

‘Then they will surely be killed the moment we attack,’ said Balbus.’All the more reason to delay any action.At least until you can try to negotiate their release.’

Cato shook his head. ‘We can’t wait. Ajax has promised to put one of them to death at dawn tomorrow. He said that I must choose which one. If I refuse, then he will have both of them killed. That is why the attack has to go in tonight.’

‘Shit,’ Fulvius muttered, looking at Cato in horror as the full implication of the threat struck him. ‘I’m so sorry, sir.’

Cato rubbed his jaw. ‘Ajax is playing games with us. All part of his plan to torment me as far as he can. In fact, this is an opportunity for us. If Ajax thinks that I am so paralysed with concern and indecision for my friends, then he will not be expecting me to act decisively. He will also assume that I dare not attack for fear ofputting their lives at risk. That is why we must go in tonight, while there is still a chance of achieving an element of surprise.’

‘What if this is a ploy to provoke you into an attack?’ asked Balbus. ‘To get you to act tonight?’

‘Why would he do that? If I attack and the ships are set on fire, then the rebels have nothing to negotiate with.’

‘Assuming that he has given orders to set fire to the ships.’

‘Then why tell me that he has given such orders if he wants to provoke me into an attack?’ Cato sighed wearily. ‘Look, Balbus, you can’t have it both ways.’

Cato was tired ofdiscussion. He had known that there was bound to be some dissent over his orders. Balbus was clearly one of those officers for whom caution was a religion and indecision was dignified by claiming to consider every possible contingency, while acting upon none of them. It was a classic case of paralysis through prevarication. He could understand why Macro became so frustrated on such occasions and opted for the most direct solution to a problem. He had made his decision, Cato resolved to himself. He glanced round at his officers.

‘The attack will go ahead tonight, gentlemen. Now, we must turn our attention to the plan.’

He picked up a roll of parchment on which he had sketched out a plan ofthe bay earlier in the morning. He laid it out across the table and called for his officers to gather round the other three sides of the table while he briefed them.

‘The rebel camp is spread round the end of the bay, with the shore-based side protected by the palisade.There is a small redoubt at the end of the palisade to guard that flank since it is the most vulnerable. On the other side of the bay, on this peninsula, is where Ajax is camped. I believe that is the most likely place for him to be keeping his hostages. He is protected from any landward attack by the bulk of his army, and from the sea by the cliffs and rocks on the far side. There is a small bay with a sandy beach towards the end of the peninsula, but it’s well guarded and too small to attempt any landing in force.’ Cato paused as the officers examined the map. ‘Our objective is simple. We must find some way ofpreventing the rebels, from setting fire to the ships before we capture them.’

‘Nigh on impossible, sir,’ Fulvius said at length. ‘We have three choices. We either attack by land, or by sea, or both. T h e trouble is the rebels will see us coming. Any attack from the land is going to have to fight its way over the palisade first. If we come in from the sea, then the rebel sentries will be able to see the ships before they enter the bay, even though it will be moonless tonight. Either way they will be alerted and have plenty of time to set fire to the ships.’

Cato nodded. ‘You’re right. Any conventional attack, from the land or the sea, is doomed to failure. Which leaves us only one alternative.’

He leaned forward and tapped his finger on the map, indicating the end of the bay, close to where it approached the open sea.

Balbus frowned. ‘There? What good is that to us? It must be well over a mile from the end of the palisade.’

Centurion Fulvius pursed his lips. What exactly did you have in mind, sir?’

‘If we can’t start our attack from the land, or from the open sea, then we have to launch it from within the bay itself. It’s the one direction that the rebels won’t be expecting any trouble from.’

Cato had thought his idea through earlier. It was very risky, and relied on good timing. If things went badly for the men leading this attack, then few of them would escape alive. Worst of all, Cato knew he would have to lead them, and face one of the few things he feared in life: swimming. He stood erect and looked at Fulvius as he replied. ‘I will lead two parties of men down the bay. We will take light weapons and swim towards the heart of the rebel camp, until we are opposite the beached ships. Then we will divide into two parties, one making for the ships on the beach, the other, under my command, for those rafted together at the end of the bay. It’ll be about the same distance, so we should be able to attack at the same time. We’ll take the ships, get rid of the incendiary materials and then I’ll give the signal for the main attack to begin. The legionary detachment will take the redoubt and roll up the flank. The auxiliary units will defend the camp and block any attempt to escape. Meanwhile,’ Cato turned to Balbus, ‘your squadron will round the point outside the bay and enter as swiftly as possible, making for the end of the bay, where you will land your marines and support the legionaries.’

‘Sir, this is madness,’ Balbus protested. ‘You’re proposing that your men swim nearly two miles, while carrying arms, and then board these ships and overwhelm the crews. What if the rebels have numbers aboard each vessel? IfAjax is depending on the grain fleet to make a deal with Rome, then he’s sure to have them well defended.’

‘I’ve been watching the ships this morning,’ said Cato. ‘I only saw a handful of men on each one. If Ajax has prepared them with incendiary materials, then he’ll only need a small party aboard each one to light the fire and wait until it takes hold before abandoning ship. If we can get ten good men aboard each ship at anchor and twice as many aboard those on the beach, then we can take them. There’re twenty vessels at anchor and twelve on the beach. So, one cohort should suffice for what I have in mind. They’ll have to be good swimmers, and we’ll use inflated waterskins as floats to help with the weight of the weapons. If we take our time and approach cautiously, we should be able to get close to the ships without being spotted, as there is no moon tonight. There will be two men with buccinas in each party. Once the anchored ships are taken, they will give the signal for the main attack to begin.’ Cato looked round. ‘Centurion Fulvius, you will command the land element of the attack.You will have to crush that redoubt and get down the beach before the rebels can get enough men out of the main camp to attempt to retake and destroy the grain ships.’

Fulvius nodded, and Cato glanced at the other officers. ‘Any more questions?’

There were none, and he took a deep breath. ‘Well then, gentlemen, I will have your orders sent to you this afternoon. Make sure your men are ready, and give them an early supper. It’s going to be a long night. Centurion Fulvius, stay behind. The rest of you can leave. Balbus, you remain as well. That’s it, dismissed.’

Once the officers had filed out of the tent, Cato rounded on Balbus. ‘You have an important part to play tonight, Balbus. If the navy screws up, then we may well lose the battle. Ifthat happens, then you can be sure that the emperor will show you as little mercy as he shows me when he receives the news. Do you understand?’

‘Yes, sir. I will do my duty.’

‘Good.’ Cato reached for a waxed tablet and handed it to the navarch. ‘Your orders. Including the signal to be given for your attack.Just make sure your ships are in position in good time. Now, you have a tough ride to get back to your ships, and I suggest you get going. That is, as soon as I have my clerk prepare a document noting your objection to my plan and confirming that I ordered you to take your part in the attack.You can wait outside.’

Balbus frowned, and thought a moment, his face eloquent testimony to the struggle that was going on in his mind. Then he sighed and shook his head. ‘That won’t be necessary, sir. As you pointed out, it’s a long ride and I’d better waste no time in returning to my ships.’

‘Then you should go. Good luck.’

The navarch smiled. ‘It is you will need the luck tonight, sir. The gods protect you.’

He bowed his head, then turned stiffly and marched out of the tent.

‘Sailors.’ Centurion Fulvius nodded. ‘Who needs ‘em?’

‘You won’t be saying that when he comes to your support tonight.’

Fulvius looked offended. ‘I aim to be through the rebel camp and nailing Ajax up by his balls before the first marine sets foot ashore.’

‘Would that it were so easy’ Cato laughed for a moment. ‘There is one last element of the plan still to arrange. Once I have secured the ships at anchor, I am going to need three ofyour best men.They must be volunteers, mark you. I’ll not order any man to come with me.’

Fulvius stared at him. ‘You’re going after the hostages, aren’t you, sir?’

‘Yes. I have no choice. I will not leave my friends to the mercy of that gladiator.’

‘I understand, but you must know that you have very little chance of rescuing them.’

‘Long odds,’ Cato agreed. ‘But I’ve faced long odds before and seen the dawn of another day’

‘No man’s luck lasts for ever, sir.’

‘Really? I shall have to put that proposition to the test, Centurion. Or die in the attempt. Come now, we have plenty of work to do before night comes.’

‘Good news, Centurion!’ Ajax smiled as he squatted down at the end of the cage nearest Macro. It was late in the afternoon and the heat had finally gone from the sun. It had been some hours since Macro and Julia had been given their midday ration of food and water and their lips were parched. The gladiator had brought a water bottle with him and took a long swig before lowering it and smacking his hps with exaggerated satisfaction. ‘Ah, I needed that! It’s been a long, hot day, but I think we’re ready for your friends if they try to spring an attack on our camp.’

‘You mentioned news,’ said Macro. ‘Just tell us and go.’

‘All right then. You’ll never guess who I ran into when I went to discuss my demands up at the Roman camp?’

Macro turned his head to see Ajax. He knew it must be Cato, yet he would not give the gladiator the satisfaction of responding to his question. ‘What do I care?’

‘Oh!’ Ajax feigned disappointment. ‘No need to be such a grump, Macro. After all, I bring you news of your friend, Centurion Cato. Or Tribune Cato as he is now. Quite the coming man, it would seem.’

‘Cato?’Julia raised her head.

‘That’s right,’ said Ajax. ‘I’ve set him something of a difficult problem to resolve before tomorrow morning.’

Julia frowned. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘It’s simple.’ Ajax looked at them both before he continued. ‘I’ve decided to have one of you killed at dawn, and I’ve tasked your friend Cato with choosing which of you it will be.’

Macro lashed out with one of his feet, kicking the bar in front of the gladiator’s face. The cage rattled under the impact but Ajax did not flinch for an instant.

‘You bastard!’ Macro shouted in a cracked voice.

‘Come now, Centurion, you knew that I would have you killed in the end. This way there is a chance you might live a little longer. If Cato chooses you. If not, then you’ll know where his affections truly lie before you finally beg me to put an end to your life. Either way, I get to increase his suffering. I imagine that neither the good tribune, nor you or the lady here is going to have much sleep tonight, eh?’

Macro shut his eyes, fighting back the black rage that burned in every muscle of his body. He clenched his fists tightly. The urge to bellow at Ajax was almost irresistible, and yet he knew that it would only provoke laughter and fresh torment, so he kept his lips clamped together and tried to clear his mind of all thought.

‘It will be a shame to lose one of you. Particularly you, Julia Sempronia. You were quite a beauty before I had you put in here.’ He leered at her, and Julia clutched her covering more tightly about her body. ‘Such beauty should not be wasted. I think I shall give you one last chance to enjoy the comfort of being clean, to have fresh clothes and to share the company of a man, before we find out what Cato has in store for you tomorrow morning.’

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