Read The Glenmore's: Caught Online

Authors: Susan Horsnell

The Glenmore's: Caught (12 page)

BOOK: The Glenmore's: Caught
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Ben peeled her away from Dancer and into his arms. “Hey beautiful girl” he said gently as she sobbed into his chest.

“I’m sorry Ben” she cried.

Ben tilted her head back and looked into her tear filled eyes. “Can we try this again without the kick to the shin and the slap in the face?” Ben asked and he was rewarded with a weak
smile. “I love ya Justine; I’ve loved ya since I first saw ya in ma’s kitchen. It just took me a while to realise it ‘cause I ain’t never been in love before”

“You cain’t love someone like me Ben. It ain’t fair for ya to be stuck with someone so ugly” Ben scowled and Justine swallowed hard.

“Justine you’re a beautiful gal and ya always will be to me. I fell in love with all of ya and I want ya to be my wife”

Justine’s eyes widened in disbelief at what she’d heard. “Ya wife?”

“Yes my wife; I’m gonna keep houndin’ ya until ya agree”

Justine’s heart missed a beat; she couldn’t believe Ben could love her. She gave Ben a
nother watery smile as he rubbed her tears away with his thumbs. “Now, can we try that kiss again?” he asked.

“Yes” Justine answered and Ben held her away as he looked into her eyes.

“Yes, you’ll marry me; or yes, you’ll kiss me?”

Justine lowered her eyes before she said shyly. “Yes, to both Ben. I love ya”

Ben whooped and hollered as he lifted her off the ground and swung her around. Justine laughed and tears of happiness streamed down her face.

Ben finally placed her back on the ground and pulled her close. When he lowered his lips onto hers there was no shin kicking or
face slapping; just an innocent but willing mouth. Ben pushed her lips apart with his tongue and deepened their kiss as he held her tight. Justine responded to his every move and while Ben’s groin tightened; Justine felt the warmth that pooled between her legs. When they pulled apart; Justine was breathless. She ran her finger over her swollen lips and smiled up at Ben.

ain’t never been kissed before. It felt real good Ben” she said coyly.

Her admission jolted
Ben down to his socks. He’d known Justine was innocent but he hadn’t realised just how innocent. He finally recovered his voice. “get used to it darlin’ ‘cause I’m gonna be kissin’ ya beautiful face a lot! How about we go and tell the family the good news now?” Ben kissed her gently on the lips and placed his arm around her waist as he began to lead her back to the house.

As they reached the barn door; Justine broke away from him and turned back. “Wait please Ben”

She ran over to Dancer and hugged her before kissing her soft muzzle. “Thanks Dancer for listenin’ to me”

Dancer nickered and Ben threw his head back and laughed. “I swear that horse is half human” Ben said as Justine re-joined him.

When they entered the house they were greeted with deafening noise. Everyone had opened their gifts and they were busily talking and admiring what they’d received. Justine and Ben’s gifts were still under the tree but Justine knew she already had the best gift of all.

Josh and Millie came over as soon as they saw her. “Justine darlin’, are ya okay?” Millie asked.

“I’m just fine now Millie” Justine said as she smiled up at Ben.

Josh took her hand and whispered “It was perfect darlin’, thank you; Millie said yes! I’m sorry we didn’t wait but Alice insisted on gettin’ the desserts out”

Justine had organised for Jenny to ask Alice to slip the ring Josh had bought for Millie into a piece of Christmas cake. When Millie had found the silver ring with the sparkling single diamond she’d looked perplexed. Josh, to the delight of everyone present, had dropped to one knee and asked Millie to marry him. Millie had accepted immediately and their wedding was planned for the following Sunday.

“I’m so happy for ya both” Justine said as she hugged and kissed them both.

Ben moved off to have a quiet word with his parents and Justine drew Josh and Millie aside to tell them her news. “Josh, Millie” Justine said quietly and they leaned in so they could hear her above the rest of the noise. “Ben asked me to marry him and I said yes”

Josh started hollering and spun her around off her feet at the same time as Joseph started slapping Ben on the back and hollering.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the two men; they were wondering what was going on.

Ben walked back over to Justine and took her hand. “I’ve just asked Justine to marry me and she said yes!” Ben exclaimed and then bent down and kissed her lips.

Everyone began hugging and kissing the couple and Ben and Justine laughed.

“Well little brother, how does it feel to get caught?” George asked while James looked on.

“It feels darn good big brother and ya won’t have to hog tie me to get me to the altar; I promise ya” George and James both laughed and shook their brothers hand before kissing Justine’s cheek.

“There must be somethin’ real special about ya Justine. We didn’t think anyone was ever gonna get our little brother. He must really love ya” George told her and Justine smiled shyly.

There was so much laughing and cheering that Lucy and Linda just wouldn’t settle so Jenny and George were forced to leave the gathering and go home. Their departure was seen as a cue and others began leaving as well.

When only Ben and his parents, Nellie, Justine, Josh and Millie remained; Virginia invited them to stay for supper.

They all accepted; Justine wanted to spend more time with Ben, Millie wanted to discuss Justine and Ben’s wedding and Josh said he’d just tag along with Joseph, which made everyone laugh.


Ben and Justine went for a walk outside so they could spend some time alone.

As they walked they discussed their future. “Where will we live Ben?” Justine asked. They had decided they would marry in a month’s time. “Will ya keep helpin’ out ya pa or are ya gonna help me and Josh?”

Ben lifted his hat and ran his hand through his hair. I’m not sure darlin’. It’s a hard decision and I haven’t had much time to think it over. I just want what’s right for us”

“I know; I do too. We cain’t live at my place ‘cause I told Millie and Josh they can live there and I want our own place. Maybe we could build a place of our own on one of the properties

“We’ll discuss it tonight darlin’ at supper; I have some ideas and I’m sure we’ll work it out. I wanna discuss some things with Josh and pa. One thing I do know is I wanna work with you not just see ya at night”

Justine giggled. “You’ll get sick to death of me Ben”

“Never, I just want ya with me every minute of every day” Ben exclaimed as he bent down to kiss her.

They continued to chat as they walked. Justine was so happy she thought she would burst. She now had the future she’d wanted before the fire had temporarily snatched it away.
“Jenny was right”
she thought.
“There was a man who’d fall in love with me”

“Justine?” Ben stopped and pulled her into his arms.

“I was just thinkin’ about somethin’ Jenny told me yesterday and she was right”

“About what?” Ben questioned.

“She told me that one day a man would see past my scars and fall in love with me”

“Smart gal my sister-in-law”

Ben captured Justine’s lips with his and kissed her so passionately that her legs began to wobble. Ben tightened his grip on her to keep her upright. When their lips broke apart so they could catch their breaths; Justine sighed.

“What?” Ben asked.

“Do all men kiss so wonderfully?” she asked dreamily.

“I wouldn’t know and you’d better not find out”

Justine looked up into Ben’s face. “Why sir, I do believe you’re jealous” she giggled.

“Damn right I am. You’re mine now”

Justine began giggling again and Ben smothered it with another kiss.
“I cain’t believe I’ve gotta wait a month”
Ben thought to himself; Ben was aching to have all of Justine now!

“C’mon, let’s get ya out of this cold” Ben took her hand and led her back inside.


Supper was excellent and Millie, Virginia and Nellie chatted non- stop about plans for the wedding. Justine didn’t mind what they planned; she just wanted t
o be married and the sooner the better!

They sat in the parlour after supper and Justine sat on Ben’s lap while they watched Josh and Joseph play checkers. When they finished their game; Ben caught their attention. “Pa, Josh, can I discuss an idea I have for after Justine and me get married?”

“Of course ya can son” Joseph turned and looked at Ben and Justine.

“What’s on ya mind Ben” Josh asked.

“I been thinkin’ about what we’re gonna do and I was hopin’ I could build a place for me and Justine down by the stream in the west of Justine’s property. I thought if I could use the land around there I can help Josh with developin’ blood lines by usin’ some of our better cows and bulls pa, as well as the best of Josh and Justine’s cows. We could sorta combine a part of the two properties and both would benefit from the advanced breedin’ techniques. Justine and I could float between the two doin’ whatever needs doin’ while the ranch hands and you, George and Josh work ya properties as normal pa. Me and Justine could also help on round ups too. What do ya think?”

“First off, there is no problem with usin’ the land by the stream as far as I’m concerned
as long as Justine agrees. I’m sure it’ll be fine with Millie too” Josh told them.

“Fine by me; it’s a gorgeous spot down there and I can see us swimmin’ in the stream with our kids” Justine said cheekily.

“I think there’s some real promise with ya idea son. We’ll get together over the next few days and work out the details if you’re okay with it Josh” Joseph told them. “How does it feel to be a rancher Josh?”

“We gotta do the paperwork yet Joe but it feels real good; this is one special gal we got here. I’m real enthusiastic about Ben’s idea; what do ya think Justine?”

“If everyone’s happy I am too. You know so much more about ranchin’; I’ll just do as I’m told”

The men laughed. “Okay, we’ll talk about it some more then. Thanks pa, Josh” Ben told them. He kissed Justine and squeezed her tight.

The ladies were in the kitchen talking about Josh and Millie’s wedding. Joseph had offered the ranch for their wedding and Millie and Josh had gratefully accepted. Justine rested her head against Ben’s chest and when she began to drift off to sleep; Josh decided to call it a night.

“C’mon Justine; it’s time we got ya home darlin’.” Josh pulled her to her feet and held her while Ben stood up.

“Do we have to pa?” she asked sleepily. “I’m so tired and it’s so warm here”

She snuggled in close to Ben and he held her tight.

Josh was shocked by Justine calling him pa. “C’mon you’ll be fine when we get goin’. We’ll have ya in ya bed before ya know it”

The other ladies had walked in from the kitchen and Josh hugged Millie to him. “She’s welcome to stay in the guest room; we really don’t mind” Virginia offered.

“I can bring her back in the mornin’.” Ben promised.

Justine was asleep on her feet when she mumbled. “Please ma, pa?”

“Let her stay Josh” Millie asked.

“Alright darlin’; you can stay and don’t rush back. There’s not much to be done anyway”

Josh and Millie hugged Justine goodnight and went back to sitting on Ben’s lap while Joseph and Virginia saw them out. As Justine wriggled around to get comfortable, Ben groaned.

“Please stop wrigglin’ your cute little backside against me darlin’. You’re killin’ me”

Justine giggled and wriggled again.

Joseph and Virginia walked back in as Ben groaned again. Justine blushed and buried her head in Ben’s chest.

“We’re off to bed” Virginia told them. “Don’t stay up too much longer Ben, Justine is worn out”

“We won’t ma. Goodnight” Ben told his parents.

“Goodnight” Justine managed to get out.

After they left Ben lifted Justine’s chin and kissed her deeply. His manhood responded to her tongue playing with his and thickened. Justine felt it against her thigh. Her eyes widened and Ben laughed. “See what ya do to me?”

Justine didn’t understand and resolved to talk with Jenny at the first opportunity. Ben kissed her again and lifted her onto her feet.

“Bed, before I do somethin’ I shouldn’t” Ben exclaimed. He took her by the hand and walked her to the guest room. He gathered
her into his arms and kissed her passionately before he groaned, said goodnight and left the room.

Justine undressed and got into bed. As she
laid her head on the pillow and snuggled under the covers she smiled to herself and thought she’d had the best Christmas ever! So much had changed for her in such a short space of time.


Justine slept soundly after all the excitement and she was disoriented when she woke the next morning. Within a few minutes she realised where she was, smiled and bounced out of bed; she wanted to see Ben. After seeing to her morning ablutions she made her way to the kitchen.

BOOK: The Glenmore's: Caught
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