Read The Godling Chronicles (Shadow of the Gods, Book #3) Online

Authors: Brian D. Anderson

Tags: #Fantasy, #series, #epic adventure, #epic, #epic adventure magical adventure mystical adventure, #epic adventure fiction, #epic adventure fantasy, #series adventures

The Godling Chronicles (Shadow of the Gods, Book #3) (10 page)

BOOK: The Godling Chronicles (Shadow of the Gods, Book #3)
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What do you intend to do?” asked

We intend to teach you,” she replied.
“All of you. Even those who have lost their way. Those who have
attacked this place have been warped and controlled by a force they
could not resist. The one you know as the Reborn King has unleashed
a power beyond your understanding. It is a power you cannot hope to
overcome. Even with Shivis Mol at your side, you will need

We have the Book of Souls,” said

I know,” she said. “But have you tried
to use it?”

Gewey has opened it,” said

We know of the Book of Souls,” said
Aaliyah. “And such a thing will be needed in the days ahead. But
you need weapons. Weapons that can match those brought to bear
against you.”

And where shall we acquire such
weapons?” asked Theopolou.

Aaliyah looked at Gewey's sword, hanging from
his belt. “There is a place. It is where the sword Shivis Mol now
wields was forged.”

Theopolou raised an eyebrow. “And you know
where it is?”

We know where to look,” she answered.
“In the desert of the east; we have sensed its power.”

It would take months to make the
journey,” said Bellisia. “We are already attacked. I fear we have
no time.”

My ship can take us there in less than
two weeks.” She stated this firmly.

Murmurs of doubt spread through the

Our fastest ships couldn't cross the
distance in twice that,” said Bellisia.

Aaliyah laughed softly. “Our shipbuilders are
quite skilled. And, as you will learn, the winds can be
controlled.” She surveyed the crowd for a moment. “Nehrutu and
Mohanisi shall remain here. I will find the location where the
weapons are held.” Nehrutu and Mohanisi stepped forward. “They will
help you as best they can to prepare.”

How many are you?” asked

Nehrutu stepped forward. “We set sail with
three ships, and are few in number. But we can help you prepare,
and teach you things your people have forgotten. We will show you
how the flow can be used in ways you have never imagined.”

Can you send for more of your people?”
asked Bellisia. “Will more not come?”

It would take many months to make the
crossing,” he replied. “More to gather and return. You will be
destroyed long before then. I will send one ship back to our land,
but do not expect help from my people. You are on your own...for

Now I would speak to your elders,”
said Aaliyah. “And Shivis Mol. We have much to discuss and little
time.” She addressed the gathering. “You still have many questions,
I know. Tonight, Nehrutu and Mohanisi will tell tales of our home,
and answer your questions.”

She stepped down from the platform. Nehrutu
and Mohanisi followed. The gathering of elves gave way as they
walked toward their bedrolls. She paused and looked back. “Shivis
Mol. I would have you and the elders join me. I intend to leave
with the dawn.” Linis and Kaylia stepped beside Gewey. Aaliyah held
out her hand. “Linis should stay with Nehrutu...but Kaylia should
join us.”

Gewey could see Linis tense and placed his
hand on the elf's shoulder. “It's fine. I'll tell you what they

Linis' eyes never left Aaliyah. “These elves
have plans for you, Gewey. Be careful.”

I am with him, Linis,” said Kaylia.
“They can plan all they wish. But they still must account for

This brought a smile to the elf. “I believe
they think us savage and ignorant. But I would wager they have not
given you full account.”

Kaylia flashed a fiendish grin and took
Gewey's hand. “And that would be a mistake they would not soon

This brought a round of laughter. Then Kaylia
and Gewey headed off to speak with the elves. As they neared they
could see Theopolou, Chiron, Bellisia and the other elders standing
in a circle with Aaliyah. Nehrutu and Mohanisi were nearby
gathering together the other elves in two groups. Gewey noticed
Theopolou held the Book of Souls.

Aaliyah beamed as they joined the circle. She
bowed. “Shivis Mol.” She turned to Theopolou. “I see you have
brought the Book of Souls. Good.”

Gewey has already opened it once,”
Theopolou reminded her again.

Could you read it?” she asked

I read the cover,” he replied. “But I
didn't try to read the rest. There was no time.”

Aaliyah looked at Gewey thoughtfully. “Try it

Gewey took the box and opened it. The book
glowed and shimmered in the fading light. Handing the empty box
back to Theopolou, he slowly opened the Book. The pages glittered
with intricate gold writing. As when he read the cover, at first
the words meant nothing. Then slowly they changed in his mind. But
this time, only a few. He stared intensely at the first page for
several minutes. “I only understand some of it,” he said finally.
“The rest means nothing to me.”

I am not surprised,” said Aaliyah.
“These pages were meant for a God. Although a God you are, you have
not realized your full power. You only use power from the earth.
There is so much more. And once you learn what I will teach you,
then you will be able to read from these pages.”

I don't understand,” said Gewey. “I
use what I can feel.”

You only feel what is easy to feel,”
said Aaliyah. “The powers of water, air and spirit are more

Gewey recalled Lee saying that because his
father was Saraf, God of the Seas, he could draw power from the
water. “How do I learn?”

Through me,” she replied. “I can teach
you what you need to know. But there is a price.”

Kaylia stepped forward. “What price?”

She leveled her gaze on Kaylia. “He is to
come with me to seek out the weapons in the desert.”

Is that all?” asked Gewey.

No,” she replied flatly. “You must
allow me to show you why I am the best choice for a

Kaylia's hand flew to her knife. But before
she could pull it free, Aaliyah waved her arm. Heat flashed through
the air and Kaylia was thrown back, nearly losing her footing.
Theopolou and Gewey jump in front of her.

Are you hurt?” asked Gewey.

Kaylia steadied herself, glaring at Aaliyah.
“No. She did not hurt me.”

Still your fury,” said Aaliyah.
“Fierce though you may be, you cannot do me harm.”

Gewey looked over his shoulder at Aaliyah. “I
am bonded to Kaylia...I love her. And if you do that again, you'll
find out just how powerful I really am.” He let the flow swell
inside him until the ground trembled.

Aaliyah lowered her eyes and stepped back.
“Please, Shivis Mol. I meant no offense.”

Gewey allow the power to ebb.

I do not doubt your love for Kaylia,”
said Aaliyah. “Nor hers for you. But I was chosen for a reason, and
I will not be deterred. You are a living God, bound to this world.
Destined to save it. Destined to save us. Should you not choose a
mate that can meet such a challenge?” Her eyes met Kaylia's. “Have
you not doubted that you are worthy? You are fierce and strong.
Perhaps, in time you could be even stronger. But should Shivis Mol
not have the deepest well to draw from? Are you that well? Or am

Kaylia moved Gewey and Theopolou aside. “You
speak of Gewey as if he were a tool...a mere object. You do not
love him.”

I speak of him as he is,” she replied.
This time her tone matched Kaylia's ferocity. “A God. You say that
I do not love him. And I do not. Not as you love him. But he is
Shivis Mol. And we are not children. For him to bond with me would
give him even greater strength. Strength he will need if we are to
survive. You must look beyond your own selfish desires.”

This is all irrelevant,” Theopolou
interjected. “Kaylia and Gewey are already bonded. This cannot be

Aaliyah shook her head. “How little you know.
Of course it can be undone. You may have lost the ability, but we
have not.”

I don't want it undone,” Gewey
objected. His voice was cold and menacing. “And if you

I will do nothing without your
consent,” said Aaliyah. She looked on Gewey and Kaylia for a long
moment. “I offer you this bargain. Allow Shivis Mol to go with
me...alone. I will present my case during our journey. If I am
rejected, so be it. In return, I will instruct him, and help him
reach his true potential. I am the most powerful among my people.
You will find no better teacher.”

I will not be parted from Kaylia,”
said Gewey. He pulled Kaylia close.

Aaliyah looked into Kaylia’s eyes. “If you
are meant to be with him then you have nothing to fear. Your bond
shall remain intact unless Shivis Mol decides otherwise.”

I refuse to—” started Gewey, but
Kaylia pulled away.

If it means saving our people, then
you must,” said Kaylia. Her voice was tender and sad. “I fear
losing you.” She gave Aaliyah a contemptuous glance. “But not to
her. Go, and learn what you must to save us from the darkness that
comes. I will be waiting.”

You have made a wise decision,” said

Theopolou placed his hands on Gewey and
Kaylia. “If this is to be, then you shall complete the bond. You
cannot know what perils lay ahead. I would see you as one before
you are parted.”

Kaylia smiled and took Theopolou's hands.
“Thank you.” She released him, and looked at Gewey. “Assuming you
are agreeable?”

Gewey nodded, smiling. “Of course, I am.” He
scanned the area for Linis. “Would someone tell Linis to come

Bellisia stepped forward. “I will find him.”
She left and returned with Linis a short time later.

Linis grinned, and squeezed Gewey's shoulder.
“I am happy for you.” He glanced at Kaylia. “Both of you.”

Kneel,” said Theopolou.

Without another word Kaylia and Gewey fell to
their knees. Theopolou placed his hands on their heads and began to
recite the ritual. Though Gewey couldn't understand the language,
the sound of Theopolou's voice caused images to erupt in his head.
Colors swirled and danced until he was dizzy, and he had to reach
out to Kaylia to steady himself. The moment he touched her he could
feel their bond grow stronger, taking root within his soul. Minutes
passed until he realized Theopolou was no longer speaking. He
looked across at Kaylia. Her face was aglow with joy. He could feel
every fiber of her being. In that moment, he knew how deeply she
cared. It was as if the bond they shared before was a shadow of
what it had become.

Normally, the ceremony is a bit more
involved,” said Theopolou. “But every minute you have left together
is precious.”

Gewey and Kaylia rose. Aaliyah was
expressionless. The rest of the elders bowed and took a step

When shall you depart?” Theopolou
asked Aaliyah.

At dawn,” she replied. “My ship is
less than two days journey.”

Theopolou turned to Gewey. “Prepare whatever
you intend to take with you, then return here.” He took Kaylia's
hand. “In the meantime, come with me.”

Linis smiled. “I envy you, my friend.”

One day, such joy will be yours,
Linis,” said Gewey. “I just know it.”

Linis let out a hearty laugh and slapped
Gewey on the back. “I hope so, but now...this is your time.”

Gewey and Linis went to his pack. He wanted
to travel as light as possible. As he sifted through his
belongings, he told Linis what Aaliyah had said, and the bargain he
had made with her.

I will go with you,” offered

No,” said Gewey. “You're needed here.
If the elves are going to gather for war, you must help.” He looked
across the field to where Nehrutu was speaking to the other elves.
“You must learn whatever they can teach you. It's why I'm going. To
learn what I must.”

Be careful, Gewey,” warned Linis. “She
is unlike any elf I have known. She may tempt you in ways you
cannot imagine.”

Gewey smiled. “She can try. But as long as my
heart belongs to Kaylia, she will fail.”

When Gewey finished packing he returned to
where the others were still gathered. Theopolou waited. His smile
made him seem youthful. Kaylia stood just behind him. She had
changed into a white silk dress, tied at the waist by a thin gold
sash. Her hair fell loosely about her bare shoulders. Gewey’s heart
raced at the sight of her familiar but breathtaking beauty.

Theopolou took them both by the hand and led
them across the field and past the pavilion. An area had been
hastily cleared just out of sight of the camp, and a small tent had
been erected. It was large enough for two, and no more.

Kaylia turned to her uncle and kissed him
lightly on the cheek. He smiled the loving smile of a father.
Theopolou took her hand and placed it in Gewey's, then turned and
walked away. Kaylia looked deeply into Gewey's eyes then led him

Chapter 8


Lee and Jacob had ridden at an easy pace for
the two weeks after taking a riverboat up the Goodbranch River.
They waited until they were three days north of Sharpstone before
returning to the road. They could not risk being seen. From the
sailors, Lee had heard news of the faithful occupying his beloved
town, and he had to fight the urge to do something. But Millet
would have to deal with them. It was now the duty of Lord
Nal'Thain, not Lee Starfinder, to save Sharpstone. His tasks lay

BOOK: The Godling Chronicles (Shadow of the Gods, Book #3)
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