The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex (91 page)

Read The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex Online

Authors: Cathy Winks,Anne Semans

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Sexuality, #Psychology, #Human Sexuality, #Self-Help, #Sexual Instruction

BOOK: The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex
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PO Box 145
Louisville, KY 40201
(502) 894-9492

Sexual Health
Extensive information and resources for people with
physical disabilities, illnesses, or other health-related

Transgender and Intersex Resources

CDS Bookstand
Online catalog of books, videos, and magazines about
transgender issues

PO Box 491
Lionville, PA 19353
(610) 321-0858

Information and peer support for female-to-male
transsexuals. Publishes quarterly newsletter.

1360 Mission Street, #200
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 553-5987

Gender Education and Advocacy (formerly AEGIS)
National nonprofit organization advocating for
gender-variant people; publishes quarterly journal
and newsletter

PO Box 33724
Decatur, GA 30033

Gender Issues
A directory site with extensive links to transgender

GenderPAC (Public Advocacy Coalition)
National organization working to end discrimination
and violence caused by gender stereotypes

1743 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20009
(202) 462-6610

International Foundation for Gender Education
Publishes quarterly
Transgender Tapestry

PO Box 540229
Waltham, MA 02454
781) 899-2212

Intersex Society of North America
National educational and advocacy organization

PO Box 301
Petaluma CA 94953
707) 636-0420

S/M Resources

Dr. Gloria Brame
Informational site on BDSM “for literate adults”

Eulenspiegel Society
Publishes quarterly magazine

PO Box 2783
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
(212) 388-7022

National Leather Association, International
Provides referrals to local chapters; organizes annual
“Living in Leather” event

4031 Wycliff Avenue, #958
Dallas, TX 75219

Classes on S/M for all orientations; catalog of S/M
books, magazines, and videos

PO Box 880154
San Francisco, CA 94188
(415) 550-7776

Society of Janus
Nonprofit, San Francisco-based education and
support group

PO Box 411523
San Francisco, CA 94141
(415) 292-3222



Female Sexuality

The Black Women’s Health Book
edited by Evelyn White (Seal Press, 1994). A comprehensive health book with a good discussion of sexuality.

The Clitoral Truth
by Rebecca Chalker (Seven Stories Press, 2000). Everything you ever wanted to know about the clitoris.

Cunt Coloring Book
by Tee Corinne (Naiad Press, 1989). A coloring book of forty-two drawings of women’s genitals (previously titled

edited by Joani Blank (Down There Press, 1993). Thirty-two full-color photographs of women’s genitals.

For Yourself: The Fulfillment of Female Sexuality
by Lonnie Garfield Barbach (Penguin Group/Signet, 2001). A classic guide for women who have never had orgasms or who wish to enhance their sexual responsiveness. Revised.

The Good Vibrations Guide to the G-Spot
by Cathy Winks (Down There Press, 1997). Encouraging and no-nonsense debunking of G-spot and female ejaculation myths, along with how-to advice.

The G-Spot and Other Recent Discoveries about Human Sexuality
by Alice Kahn Ladas, Beverly Whipple, and John D. Perry (Bantam Doubleday Dell/Dell, 1982). A discussion of the G-spot, including first-person accounts of G-spot stimulation and female ejaculation.

The Mother’s Guide to Sex
by Anne Semans and Cathy Winks (Random House, 2001). Examines changes to a mother’s sexuality, from pregnancy through postpartum and beyond. Includes a section on talking to kids about sex.

My Secret Garden
by Nancy Friday (Simon & Schuster/ Pocket Books, 1973). A groundbreaking collection of women’s sexual fantasies.

New View of a Woman’s Body
by the Federation of Feminist Women’s Health Centers (Feminist Health Press, 1991). A self-help classic, including an expanded definition of the clitoris and color photographs of women’s genitals.

Our Bodies, Ourselves for the New Century
by the Boston Women’s Health Collective (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone, 1998). A wide-ranging sourcebook on all aspects of female sexuality and sexual health.

The Playbook for Women about Sex
by Joani Blank (Down There Press, 1982). An interactive playbook/workbook designed to enhance sexual self-awareness.

The Survivor’s Guide to Sex: How to Have an Empowered Sex Life After Child Sexual Abuse
by Staci Haines (Cleis Press, 1999). How women survivors can rebuild a fulfilling sex life, identify dissociation, handle triggers, and cultivate sexual pleasure.

The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women
by Tristan Taormino (Cleis Press, 1997). A thorough resource on anal sex for women of all orientations.

When the Earth Moves
by Mikaya Heart (Celestial Arts, 1998). Exploration of female sexuality includes information about different types of orgasm, when and why women fake orgasm, multiple orgasms, and more.

The Whole Lesbian Sex Book
by Felice Newman (Cleis Press, 1999). An all-questions-answered, savvy guide to lesbian, butch, bisexual, femme, androgynous, and transgendered sex.

Woman: An Intimate Geography
by Natalie Angier (Anchor, 2000). Informative and wide-ranging tour of the biology of the female body.

Male Sexuality

Circumcision: What It Does
by Billy Ray Boyd (Tatterhill Press, 1990). Facts about circumcision.

How to Make Love All Night: The Male Multiple Orgasm and Other Secrets of Prolonged Love
by Barbara Keesling, Ph.D. (HarperCollins Publishers/Harper Perennial, 1994). Exercise regime teaching techniques to achieve and control the timing of orgasm without ejaculation.

Men Like Us
by Daniel Wolfe and Gay Men’s Health Crisis (Ballantine Books, 1999). The first comprehensive health resource book by and especially for gay men.

The Multi-Orgasmic Man
by Mantak Chia and Douglas Abrams Arana (HarperCollins Publishers/ HarperSan Francisco, 1996). An illustrated guide to achieving multiple orgasms based on Taoist teachings.

New Male Sexuality: The Truth about Men, Sex and Pleasure
by Bernie Zilbergeld (Bantam Doubleday Dell/Bantam Books, 1992). Encouragement and advice on concerns including performance anxieties, erection difficulties, and desire discrepancies (previously published as
Male Sexuality,

The Playbook for Men about Sex
by Joani Blank (Down There Press, 1981). An interactive playbook/workbook designed to enhance sexual self-awareness.

Sex: A Man’s Guide
by Stefan Bechtel and Laurence Roy Stains (Rodale Press, 1996). Engagingly written advice on 130 different sexual topics.

Sexual Male: Problems and Solutions
by Richard Milsten, M.D., and Julian Slowinski (W. W. Norton & Co., 2001). Dedicated to erectile difficulties and other male sexual performance concerns.

Sexual Solutions: A Guide for Men and the Women Who Love Them
by Michael Castleman (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone, 1983). An informative, down-to-earth guide aimed at men in heterosexual relationships.

The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Men
by Bill Brent (Cleis Press, 2001). Debunks myths and offers instruction.


First Person Sexual
edited by Joani Blank (Down There Press, 1996). A collection of masturbation stories by men and women of all orientations.

I Am My Lover
edited by Joani Blank (Down There Press, 1997). Photo-essay of twelve women masturbating before the camera.

Men Loving Themselves: Images of Male Self-Sexuality
by Jack Morin (Down There Press, 1988). A photo-study of twelve diverse men expressing their feelings about masturbation.

Sex for One: The Joy of Selfloving
by Betty Dodson (Crown Publishers/Harmony Press, 1987). A reassuring, entertaining guide to the techniques and pleasures of masturbation with erotic line drawings by the author (expanded from the previously self-published works
Liberating Masturbation
SelfLove and Orgasm

Solo Sex: Advanced Techniques
by Dr. Harold Litten (Factor Press, 1992). A friendly, creative guide to the varieties of male masturbation.

Tickle Your Fancy
by Sadie Allison (Tickle Kitty Press, 2001). A basic introduction to female masturbation.

Sex Manuals and Guides

Anal Pleasure and Health
by Jack Morin (Down There Press, 1998). The classic guide to eliminating anal tension and enjoying anal stimulation, revised and updated.

Big, Big Love
by Hanne Blank (Greenery Press, 1999). Tackles mainstream attitudes that render fat folks sexless, offering information on fat sex, love and romance, self-image, finding partners, adapting sexual positions, and sexual health.

The Big O
by Lou Paget (Broadway Books, 2001). A concise guide to both male and female orgasm.

The Complete Guide to Safer Sex
by staff of the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality (Barricade Books, 1999). A valuable guide to learning healthy sexual behavior, with current information about the transmission and prevention of AIDS.

Enabling Romance: A Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships for the Disabled
by Ken Kroll and Erica Levy Klein (No Limits Communications, 2001). A one-of-a-kind guide covering sexual concerns and techniques for people with a variety of disabilities. Features interviews and a thorough resource list.

Erotic Massage: The Touch of Love
by Kenneth Ray Stubbs (Secret Garden, 1989). General techniques for massaging the entire body, presented in clear language and with excellent illustrations.

The Erotic Mind: Unlocking the Inner Sources of Sexual Passion and Fulfillment
by Jack Morin, Ph.D. (HarperCollins Publishers/Harper Perennial, 1995). Explores the nature of arousal, the four cornerstones of eroticism, and how to develop a more fulfilling sex life. Also available in audiocassette.

The Ethical Slut
by Dossie Easton and Catherine Liszt (Greenery Press, 1997). A frank and practical look at the logistics of open relationships.

Exhibitionism for the Shy
by Carol Queen (Down There Press, 1995). Tips for dressing up, showing off, talking sexy, and communicating your desires with a partner.

For Each Other
by Lonnie Barbach (Signet, 2001). An updated version of the classic guide to increasing intimacy and improving communication in long-term relationships.

The Good Vibrations Guide to Adult Videos
by Cathy Winks (Down There Press, 1998). Reviews of selected videos, interviews with notable stars and directors, tips on watching with a lover, and a concise history of modern porn.

Good Vibrations: The New Complete Guide to Vibrators
by Joani Blank and Ann Whidden (Down There Press, 2000). The ultimate guide to selecting, enjoying, and maintaining a vibrator and introducing your partner to one.

Guide to Getting It On: A New and Mostly Wonderful Book About Sex
by Goofy Foot Press (Goofy Foot Press, 2000). An honest and humorous discussion of a variety of sexual interests and activities.

Hand in the Bush
by Deborah Addington (Greenery Press, 1998). Thorough guide to vaginal fisting.

Health Care Without Shame
by Charles Moser Ph.D., M.D. (Greenery Press, 1999). Geared primarily toward those with alternative sexual lifestyles, this book offers invaluable advice on talking to health care providers about sexuality.

Hot Monogamy: Essential Steps to More Passionate, Intimate Lovemaking
by Dr. Patricia Love and Jo Robinson (Penguin/Plume, 1994). An exercise book for monogamous couples who want to improve sexual intimacy, communication, and technique.

Lesbian Sex Secrets for Men
by Jamie Goddard and Kurt Brungardt (Plume, 2001). Tips for straight men on pleasing women.

101 Nights of Great Sex
by Laura Corn (Park Avenue Press, 1995). A creative couple’s book with different suggestions for exploring sexual intimacy on each sealed page.

by Dr. Deborah M. Anapol (Intinet Resource Center, 1997). Information on negotiating relationships that include more than one lover.

Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man
by Dan Anderson and Maggie Berman. (HarperCollins, 1997). The authors (a gay man and his straight female best friend) provide insight on hand jobs, blow-jobs, and a wealth of sexual techniques designed to please men.

by Eric Copage (Plume, 2001). A beautifully illustrated and comprehensive sex guide for African-Americans.

Talk Sexy to the One You Love
by Barbara Keesling, Ph.D. (HarperCollins, 1996). Learn to create and enjoy an erotic vocabulary.

Other books

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The Greatcoat by Helen Dunmore