The Governess of Highland Hall (23 page)

Read The Governess of Highland Hall Online

Authors: Carrie Turansky

Tags: #Christian Books & Bibles, #Literature & Fiction, #Historical, #Romance, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Literary, #United States, #Sagas, #Literary Fiction, #Religious & Inspirational Fiction, #Religion & Spirituality, #Christian Fiction, #Historical Romance, #Inspirational

BOOK: The Governess of Highland Hall
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“Whoa.” His hand flew up to keep his cap on his head. “I’m sorry, miss. I didn’t see you coming.”

“It’s all right, Harry.” She straightened her jacket. “Have you seen Mr. Dalton?”

“Yes, miss. He’s down by the fountain, cleanin’ up branches that came down in the storm last night. The wind must have really been howling up at the house.”

“Yes, it was.” She looked past him. “If you’ll excuse me.”

“Of course, miss.” He tipped his cap and sent her a smile.

She nodded to him, then forced herself to walk at a slower pace. An icy breeze whipped past and stole her breath for a moment. She squinted against the wind and searched the gardens. Finally, she spotted Clark pushing a wheelbarrow full of branches. Lifting her hand, she waved.

He smiled, set the wheelbarrow aside, and hurried to meet her. “Sarah, this is a fine surprise. I didn’t expect you until this afternoon.” He searched her face, and his expression sobered. “Is something wrong?”

She bit her lip, wishing she had found the courage to speak to William about her feelings for Clark. But she hadn’t, and now she must make Clark understand why they had to wait. “William is in a very dark mood today.”

“I’m sorry to hear it.” He motioned toward his office. “Let’s go inside. I don’t want you to catch your death of cold.”

“Thank you.” She crossed her arms tightly and followed him through the door, glad for the warmth of the small wood stove that burned in the corner.

He offered her a chair, and she sat down. “Now tell me what happened.”

“It’s not just one thing. It seems a whole load of trouble has landed in William’s lap, and he’s just not himself.”

Clark nodded, encouraging her to continue.

“He has decided to bring an art dealer from London to see about selling some of our paintings, but he doesn’t know if that will be enough to solve our financial problems. I can tell they weigh heavily on him. And then today he received a letter from our brother David, saying he’s coming for a visit over the Christmas holiday.”

“You’d think that would cheer him up.”

“I’m afraid not. William and David don’t always see eye to eye. And since our father’s death, issues about the inheritance and family business have pulled them even farther apart.” She sighed. If only there was some way she could help her brothers mend their differences.

“I’m sorry to hear it. That’s hard when family members are at odds with each other.”

Sarah nodded. “He’s also upset that Miss Foster has stayed away so long.”

“She’s still with her parents?”

“Yes. Her father seems to be on the mend, but she hasn’t set a time for her return, and William has come to depend on her for more than just caring for the children.”

Clark cocked his head. “Do you think he has feelings for her?”

“I suppose it’s a possibility. He often invites her to sit with us in the evening, and they both seem to enjoy those conversations.” She thought a moment more. “His face did light up when he saw her dressed so beautifully the night of Katherine’s birthday dinner.” Then she sighed and shook her head. “But I’m afraid William is very conventional. I can’t see him pursuing Miss Foster, no matter how lovely and worthy she might be.”

“It’s a shame he would let her lack of money and position keep them apart.”

Sarah bit her lip, then lifted her gaze to meet Clark’s. “It’s not just that. William hasn’t been the same since his wife died three years ago in a riding accident.”

“How terrible.”

“It was a shock for us all.” A painful lump rose in her throat as the memories came rushing back. “He seemed to accept her death at first, but a few weeks later he sank into a dark depression that lasted well over a year. It changed him in so many ways.”

“It would be very difficult to lose someone you love.”

Sarah hesitated and then leaned toward Clark. “But that’s just it. Love did not bring them together. Their marriage was arranged by our father and hers—joining the two families with the goal of expanding the business.”

“But surely they grew to love each other, didn’t they?”

Sarah slowly shook her head. “William tried. I know he did, but Amelia became more distant and unhappy with each passing year. Eventually she only stayed in London for the season. The rest of the year she visited friends in the country and rarely saw William and the children. She was in Yorkshire at the time of the accident, staying with Sir Charles Hollingsford … and there were rumors about him and Amelia.”

Clark’s brows rose, a question in his eyes.

Sarah nodded and looked away, her cheeks warming. “It’s all terribly sad.” She shouldn’t have revealed such intimate details about her brother’s unhappy marriage, but she wanted Clark to understand William’s situation and how it might affect them.

“I’m afraid William has hardened his heart toward love and marriage, and I doubt even Miss Foster can soften it.” She clasped her hands and focused on him once more. “And that’s why you must not speak to William today.”


“You mustn’t tell him about us. Not yet. Surely it would be better to wait until after the Christmas holiday—when David has returned to London and William has had more time to resolve these financial issues.”

One side of Clark’s mouth rose slightly. “I don’t like keeping a secret from your brother, but I hadn’t planned to tell him about us today.”

Sarah’s eyes widened. “Oh, but William said you wanted to discuss your future plans, and I thought—”

“I meant expanding the greenhouse and gardens and planting more crops next spring. I need his permission to order the building materials and supplies. That’s all.”

“Oh, thank goodness.” She rose from her chair and wrapped her arms around him in a fierce hug. The rough weave of his wool jacket brushed against her cheek. She closed her eyes and pulled in a deep breath, savoring the manly scent of earth and sandalwood and pines. The warmth of his embrace and the strong, steady beat of his heart were so comforting.

“I’m longing to tell your brother and the whole world how much you mean to me, but I gave you my promise to wait, and I intend to keep it.”

The door swung opened, and William stepped inside.

Sarah gasped, and Clark stiffened.

William’s eyes flashed. “Dalton! Take your hands off my sister!”

Sarah gripped Clark’s coat sleeve.

William’s face flushed. “What’s the meaning of this?”

Clark turned to William. “I can explain, sir.”

William glared at Clark, then shot a dark look at Sarah. “Go back to the house!”

Fire pulsed through her. “No, William. I’m not a child. You can’t order me about.”

“I am head of this family. You will do as I say!”

A fierce trembling shook her from head to toe. How could he treat her like this? Didn’t she have a right to love and be loved?

“It’s all right, Sarah.” Clark’s voice was calm but firm. “Do as he says and leave us.”

“But I—”

“Please, let me handle this.” Clark’s tone brooked no argument.

“Very well. But there’s one thing I must say before I go.” She clenched her hands and faced William. “I love Clark with all my heart. If you dismiss him and send him away, I will go with him.”

William stared at her, his eyes a stormy gray. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“Yes, I do.” Sarah swung away and marched out the door. But her strength only carried her a few more steps before she stifled a sob and ran back to the house.


Clark watched Sarah go, his pulse thudding at his temple. Her courageous declaration sent a new wave of strength through him. He straightened his shoulders and looked Sir William in the eye. “I’m sorry, sir. I know we should’ve come to you first, but now that you know how much we care for each other, I’d like to ask your permission to court your sister.”

William’s nostril’s flared. “That is out of the question.”

“But my intentions are honorable, sir. I want to marry her.”

“Oh, I’m sure you do.” William glared at him. “You think marrying my sister will provide you with an income for life. Admit it. That’s why you wooed her in secret.”

“No sir! That’s not true. It makes no difference to me if Sarah has money or not. I’ve worked for my wages since I was twelve. I’ve no need of another income.”

“Well, you won’t be working here long if you continue to pursue my sister.”

“We’ve no wish to leave Highland, sir.”

“Stop! There is no

Clark shot off a prayer for strength to control his temper. “I know this has taken you by surprise, but please don’t make a decision right now.”

“And why not? The possibility of you marrying my sister will look no better to me tomorrow than it does today.”

“But I love her, sir, very much.”

Sir William huffed out a disbelieving laugh. “You could marry anyone you wish, but you choose my sister. The fact that she’s crippled and not likely to receive any other offers has nothing to do with it, I suppose.”

Clark struggled to pull in a calming breath. “Her hand doesn’t matter to me. It only makes me more determined to give her the comfort and love she deserves and make up for the losses she’s experienced.”

“What losses? My sister has been well cared for since birth. I have always seen that she has everything she needs.”

“Everything except love and a chance to marry and have a family of her own.”

you!” William jabbed his finger toward Clark. “You are forbidden to see Sarah or speak to her anymore! Do you understand?”

A heavy blanket of dread draped around Clark’s shoulders. “I understand what you’ve said, but I cannot fathom why you would hurt Sarah like this.”

“I have no intention of hurting her. I am protecting her from making a terrible mistake.”

Clark fisted his hands as the fire built within.
Help me, Lord
. Everything in him wanted to strike Sir William for those foul words, but it would only hurt Sarah if he did. He swallowed and reined in his burning anger. “I will pray you have a change of heart, for your sister’s sake and your own.”

William glared at Clark, then stormed out the door.

Clark sank into the chair and lowered his head into his hands.
Dear Lord in heaven, what am I to do?

Julia wiped the back of her hand across her damp forehead and pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Bending over the wooden tub, she scrubbed the sheet once more and dunked it in the soapy water. Her shoulders ached from doing another load of laundry, but at least she had spared her mother the wearisome task.

A cold wind whistled under the back door and sent a shiver down her arms. She plunged her hands in the warm water once more. Her feet might be freezing on this cold stone floor, but at least the rest of her was warmed by the steamy water.

Her thoughts drifted back to Highland as they had so often these last
few days. What were the children doing this afternoon? Was Ann able to keep them happy and occupied? And how were Katherine and Penelope faring? Had they maintained the good habits she had tried to instill, or had they returned to their old routine of sleeping late, skipping Scripture reading and prayer, and ignoring their studies?

What had happened between Sarah and Mr. Dalton? Did he now call on her openly, or was their courtship still a secret?

And what of William? Was he spending more time with the children, or did he stay hidden in his gloomy library every day, poring over the estate’s financial matters? Was he taking care of himself and finding strength to oversee Highland, his staff, and family?

Oh, how she missed him! How she missed them all.

Her mother stepped through the low doorway that led from the kitchen to the washroom at the back of the cottage. “Julia, we have a caller.” She smiled and looked over her shoulder.

William ducked his head and followed her mother through the doorway.

A soft gasp escaped her lips. “Sir William.” She nodded to him and quickly wiped her wet hands on her apron.

“Good afternoon, Miss Foster.” With his hat in his hand, he frowned slightly as he looked around the dimly lit room.

“We weren’t expecting you.” Julia glanced at her mother.

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