Authors: Matthew White
Page numbers in
refer to illustrations
Abadan, 512
Abd el-Kader, 282–84
“Abdul Abulbul Amir” (French), 317
Abdullahi, Khalifah, 322–23, 324
Aboukir Bay, Battle of, 263
Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 398
Abu Ghraib Prison, 542
Abyssinia, 323–24, 395
Achaeus, 27
Acre, 103, 105–6
Actaeon, 24
Acte Peninsula, 4
Adams, Richard E. W., 97
Addis Ababa, 64, 395–96, 486–87, 488, 489, 604
Addis Ababa Agreement (1972), 462
Adoni, 144
Adrianople, Battle of, 60–61
Adriatic Sea, 352
Aegates Islands, 14
Aetius, Flavius, 65, 67
Afar Liberation Front, 486
Afghanistan, 88, 123, 311, 313, 344, 400, 427, 455, 475, 505–8, 512, 530, 533, 537, 545
Africa, 14, 19, 65–66, 72, 74, 77, 80–87, 151–66, 168, 173, 183–84, 229, 235–36, 277–81, 282, 320–33, 357, 376, 395–96, 397, 400, 406,
458–60, 478,
497, 503–4, 552, 557, 559, 560, 582
Age of Warring States (China), 8–12, 530, 544, 546, 550
Agincourt, Battle of, 135–36, 137, 138
Agra, 235
Aguascalientes Convention (1914), 341
Aguateca, 96
Ahmed, Muhammad (Mahdi), 321–22, 323
Ai, Emperor of China, 44, 44
Ai (biblical city), 109
Aidid, Mohamed Farrah, 517
Alabama, 182
Alamut, 130
Alaric, 62
Albania, 239, 352, 402, 456
Albigensian Crusade, 109, 127–29, 530, 544, 551
Aleppo, 131, 151
Alesia, 39
Alexander, King of the Hellenes, 370
Alexander the Great, 6–7, 50, 263–64, 271, 531, 533, 536, 539, 546
Alexandria, 7, 61
Alexis (son of Peter I), 246
Algeria, 110, 282-84, 336, 338, 458–60, 530, 531, 545, 546
Algerian War of Independence, 458–60, 531, 546
Algiers, 85, 349, 459
Algiers, Battle of, 459
Ali, 148
Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire (AFDL), 523, 524–25
Allied Control Council, 423–24
Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), 523, 525–26
Allied Powers (Allies), 400, 409–10,
421, 423–24
Alma, Battle of, 295
Alps, 18, 67, 105, 221, 264, 352, 376
Alsace-Lorraine, 345, 541
Alva, Duke of, 111
Amalfitan Hospital, 102
Amazon River, 180–81, 183
Ambiorix, King of the Eubrones, 39
American Holocaust
(Stannard), 185, 186
American Mission, 379
American Revolution, 274
Americas, 108, 109, 156–66, 172–87, 221, 275–76, 529, 538, 545, 550, 552, 585
see also North America; South America
Amin, Hafizullah, 506
Amin, Idi, xvii, 393, 484–85, 501, 531, 542, 548, 556
Amnesty International, 525
Amursana, 254, 255
Anabaptists, 215
Anastasius I, Byzantine Emperor, 111
Anatolia, 152, 370–71
Ancient Regime, 259
Andenne, 347
Andes, 181
Andom, Aman, 486–87
Angka, 494
Anglo-Belgian India-Rubber Co., 328
Anglo-Boer War, xv, 119
Anglo-Sudanese Wars, 320–22
Angola, 455, 475, 497, 523
Angola Civil War, 499–500, 503, 525, 531, 545, 549
Ankara, 151, 370
An Lushan Rebellion, 88–93, 529, 537, 548, 550
Annam, 154
An Qingxu, 91
Anti-Charitable Contributions Act (1877), 312
Antietam, Battle of, 299
Antioch, 100–101, 102, 105, 131
Antiochus (Eunus), 27–28
Anti-Rightist campaign (1957), 431
Antonina, 75, 76
Antonines, 71
Apollo, 34
Appalachian Mountains, 258, 300
Appian, 570
Appian Way, 30
Aqua Prieta, Battle of, 342
Aquileia, 67
Aquillius, Manius, 29
Aquirre, Elvira de, 180
Aquirre, Lope de, 180–81
Aquitaine, 134
Arab-Israeli conflict, xv
Arafat, Yasser, 542
Arcadius, Byzantine Emperor, 62,
Archangel, 244, 362
Archimedes, 19, 351
Ardennes Offensive, 410
Argentina, 189, 304, 305, 326, 475
Arianism, 61–62
Ariovistus, 38
Armageddon, 352
Armenia, 35, 147, 191, 353, 359, 371, 545, 558, 561, 571
Armenian Genocide, 371, 558, 545, 561
Army, U.S., 182, 342, 467, 606
Arsuf, Battle of, 103–4
Artemis, 34
Artemisia, 4
Arthur, King of the Britons, 64
Asia, 34, 101, 115, 130–31, 146, 153, 173, 183–84, 195–97, 229, 254–55, 298, 327, 363, 364, 375, 408–9,
416, 425, 533, 557
Asia Minor, 3, 6, 34–36
Aspern, Battle of, 264
Assassins, Order of, 130
Association Internationale Africaine, 327
Assyrians, 5, 191, 353
Astrakhan, 150, 212
Astyanax, 193
Asuncion, 305
Atahualpa, 179, 181
Atbara, 324
Athaulf, 65
Athenion, 29
Athens, 3, 64, 193–94, 239, 371
Atlanta, march on, 300
Atlantic slave trade, 81, 83
161–71, 407
529, 545, 547, 549, 550
Atlas of World Population History, The
(McEvedy and Jones), 123, 578
Attila the Hun, 59, 66–67, 68, 136–37, 593
Auden, W. H., 399
Auerstadt, Battle of, 264
Augsburg, Peace of (1555), 215–16
Augustine, Saint, 61, 66, 98
Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 25, 40, 59, 71
Augustus, King of Saxony, 247
Aurangzeb, 145, 153, 229, 233–36, 529, 538, 545, 546, 552
Auschwitz concentration camp, 408, 419
Austerlitz, Battle of, 264, 265
Australia, 191, 352, 362, 439, 458, 465, 491, 558
Austria, 390
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 215, 216–17, 221, 237–39, 249, 251, 252–53, 256, 259, 261, 262, 264, 268, 295, 316, 338, 344, 345, 346, 356, 357, 358, 363, 401, 531, 551, 553, 563–64, 591
Avaricum, Siege of, 39
Axis Powers, 400, 401–2, 406, 408, 416,
419, 421
Ayn Jalut, 131
Ayutthaya, 195–96
Azerbaijan, 123, 370
Azores, 161
Azov, 244
Aztec Empire, xv, 109, 156–60, 172, 174, 177, 186, 530, 538, 548, 552, 585
Ba’ath Party, 509
Babi Yar massacre (1941), 403, 560
Babylonians, 5
Bacharach, 219
Badajoz, 398
Badger’s Mouth, 119
Baghdad, 64, 130–31, 151
Bahmani sultanate, 144–45, 531, 546, 552
Bahmani-Vijayanagara War, 144–45, 531, 546, 552
Bai Juyi, 93
Bakr, Ahmad Hassan al-, 509
Balaklava, Battle of, 295
Balboa, Vasco de, 176, 178
Balkans, 62, 66, 77, 86, 316, 345, 346, 352, 356, 358,
Balkars, 191
Balkh, 121
Baltic Sea, 102, 217, 244, 265, 360, 361, 369, 411, 422
Baltimore, Battle of, 270
Baltimore, Ireland, 85
Banda, Hastings, 394
Bangladesh, 481, 483, 488
Banister, Judith, 437
Banu Qurayza, 193
Banyamulenge, 524
Barbados, 231
Barbary pirates, 85–86, 87, 282
Bardarson, Ivar, 193
Bar Kokhba Revolt, 51–52, 365
Barrie, J. M., 351
Bashir, Omar al-, 463
Basra, Battle of, 513
Basra-Baghdad waterway, 513
Bataan Peninsula, 405
“Battle Hymn of the Republic, The,” 107
Bavaria, 215, 217, 249, 251, 252, 253, 259, 307, 369
Bayezid the Thunderbolt, 151–52
Bayinnaung, 195–96
Bayonne, 201
BBC, 526–27
Bear River, 182
Becker, Jasper, 437
Beijing, 64, 119–20, 140, 141, 224–25, 226, 227, 298, 373, 374, 376, 379, 380, 430, 435, 533
Beijing University, 373
Beiping, 374, 379, 380
Beirut Marine barracks bombing (1983), 337–38
Belarus, 210, 403, 410
Belgian Congo, 320, 325–33, 355, 393, 519, 597
Belgium, 82, 111, 220, 221, 269, 326–33, 347, 357, 393, 402, 439, 519–21, 597
Belgrade, 110, 346, 415
Belisarius, 75–77
Belzec concentration camp, 408
Benes, Edvard, 423
Bengal, 110, 190, 310, 315, 400, 409, 427–28, 481–83, 530, 545, 552, 577
Bengali Genocide, 481–83, 530, 545, 552
Bengal Presidency, 577
Benghazi, 83
Benin, 161
ben Kosiba, Simon, 51–52
Bentham, Jeremy, 168
Benti, Teferi, 487
Berar, 314–15
Berbers, 458
Beria, Lavrenty, 386, 387
Berlin, 64, 256, 258, 317, 390, 401–2, 410–11
Berlin, Battle of, 410–11
Berlin agreements (1884), 327, 330
Berlin airlift (1948–49), 390
Beziers, 128–29
Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 482
Biafran War, 478–80, 530, 547
Bible, 109–10, 127, 167–68, 192, 290
Bibracte, Battle of, 37–38
Bihar, 310
Bijapur, 235
Bill of Rights, 300
Binasco, 262
bin Laden, Osama, 357
Bismarck, Otto von, 307, 345